Report Definition - Parameters

Navigate to this page using Admin Menu > Report Definition and go to the Parameters tab .

Description of Page

The Parameters scroll contains one entry for every parameter defined for the report. To modify a parameter, simply move to a field and change its value. To add another parameter, click + to insert a row and then fill in the information for each field. The following fields display:

Parameter Code The identifier of the parameter. This must correspond to the parameter definition in the reporting tool.

Required Turn on this switch if the user must supply a value for the parameter when submitting the report.

Sort Sequence Indicate the sort sequence for this parameter. This sequence must match the parameter order defined in the reporting tool's report. It is also used when displaying the list of parameters on the report submission page.

Characteristic Type Indicate the characteristic type used to define this parameter.

Default Value Use this field to define a default value for this parameter. Default values are displayed to the user when the report is chosen on the report submission page.

Description Define a brief description of the parameter. This description is used when displaying the parameter on the report submission page.

Long Description Define a detailed description of the parameter. This description is used on the report submission page when the user requests more information for a given parameter.