Designing XAI JNDI Servers

The XAI tool, including receivers and senders, uses a Java Name Directory Interface (JNDI) server to locate resources on the network. JDBC connections, JMS connections, JMS queues and JMS topics should be defined on the JNDI server. In addition, adapters that need to access your product information reference the JNDI server to determine where your product is running.

Design your JNDI server values as follows:

The product is shipped with a JNDI server running under the same Weblogic server used for the system.

When defining the URL, you may use substitution parameters such as those shown in the example below. XAI uses the parameter variables section of your start up parameters to build the appropriate URL. Refer to Installation for more information

JNDI Server Description Provider URL
WLJNDI Weblogic JNDI Server t3://@WLHOST@:@WLPORT@
ACTDIR Active Directory Server ldap://@LDAPHOST@:@LDAPPORT@