Business Object - Summary

This page summarizes business object information in a high level. Open this page using Admin Menu > Business Object and then navigate to the Summary tab.

Description of Page

The contents of this section describe the zones that are available on this portal page.

The General Information zone displays main attributes of the business object.

Click on the View Schema hyperlink to view the business object's expanded schema definition. Doing this opens the schema viewer window.

The Options zone summarizes business object and state specific options throughout the inheritance chain.

The Rules zone summarizes business object and state specific rules throughout the inheritance chain.

The Schema Usage Tree zone summarizes all cross-references to this schema. These may be other schemas, scripts, and XAI Inbound Services. For each type of referencing entity, the tree displays a summary node showing a total count of referencing items. The summary node appears if at least one referencing item exists. Expand the node to list the referencing items and use their description to navigate to their corresponding pages.

The Business Object Hierarchy zone displays in a tree view format the hierarchy of child business object associated with the current business object. It also shows the current business object's immediate parent business object.