UI Map - Schema

Use this page to maintain a UI Map's HTML and schema and to see where the UI Map is used in the system. Open this page using Admin Menu > UI Map and then navigate to the Schema tab.

Description of Page

The contents of this section describe the zones that are available on this portal page.

The General Information zone displays main attributes of the UI Map.

The HTML Editor zone allows you to edit the HTML document of the map.

Note: HTML Definition Tips. A context sensitive "UI Map Tips" zone is associated with this page to assist you with the HTML document definition syntax. The "tips" describe good ways to produce simple HTML, however, they are not an HTML reference. Note that you can use a variety of HTML editors to compose your HTML, which you can then cut and paste into your UI map.
Note: Providing Help. A tool tip can be used to display additional help information to the user. This applies to section elements as well as individual elements on a map. Refer to the tips context sensitive zone for more information on how to enable and provide UI map help.

The Schema Editor zone allows you to edit the data schema part of the map. The purpose of the schema is to describe the data elements being displayed by the map.

Note: Schema Definition Tips. The same "UI Map Tips" zone above also provides a complete list of the XML nodes and attributes available to you when you construct the map's data schema.

The Schema Usage Tree zone summarizes all cross-references to this schema. These may be other schemas, scripts, and XAI Inbound Services. For each type of referencing entity, the tree displays a summary node showing a total count of referencing items. The summary node appears if at least one referencing item exists. Expand the node to list the referencing items and use their description to navigate to their corresponding pages.