Next/Previous Item Buttons

These buttons (Previous Item on the left in the image above, Next Item is on the right) appear in the actions/navigation area only if you use a search page to display an item, and at least one other item in the search results list exists below the selected item (for the Next Item button), or above the selected item (for the Previous Item button)

If, for example, you enter search criteria of "Smith" on the User Search page, you might see the following results:

If you select Smith, Peter, Peter's user information is displayed on the User page. If you then click the Next Item button, Smith, Zane will be displayed. In addition, because Smith, Zane is the last entry in the search results, the Next Item button is no longer needed and will no longer appear in the actions/navigation area.

If you then click the Previous Item button, Smith, Peter will be displayed; click again and the Smith, Albert record will appear, and, because Smith, Albert is the first entry in the search results, the Next Item button is no longer needed and will no longer appear in the actions/navigation area.

Keyboard shortcuts: Alt+P, Alt+N.