To Do List

This page lists To Do entries of a given type that are either Open (i.e., not assigned to a specific user) or are assigned to you.

Note: Restricted by role. Only those entries assigned to a role to which you belong may be seen on this page. Refer to To Do Entries Reference A Role for more information.
Fastpath: We recommend familiarizing yourself with the topics described in The Big Picture of To Do Lists to fully appreciate how To Do entries are managed by the system.

Use To Do > To Do List to open this page.

Description of Page

This page contains a grid that summarizes the To Do entries of a given type on which you can work.

The Info section contains a concatenation of the To Do Type's description and the user's name.

The area beneath Info provides you with options that control which To Do entries appear and the order in which they are displayed. The following points describe the various options:

Note: Extra Info. Each To Do list's default Extra Info is defined on the list's To Do Type. Also note that each To Do list's available Extra Info differs. In Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, for example, the Extra Info options for the Bill Segments In Error To Do list differs from the Extra Info options for the Accounts Without Bill Cycles To Do list.

The grid that follows contains the To Do entries that match your criteria. The following information appears:

Note: Current To Do. Drilling into an entry from this page sets it to be the user's current To Do. Refer to A User's Current To Do for more information on how to efficiently scroll through additional entries in your current work list.
Automatic Assignment! When you drill into an entry using the message description hyperlink from this page, the system changes the status of the entry to Being Worked On and assigns it to you.