A User's Current To Do

Users have the option of drilling down on an entry from various list queries in the system. Refer to Working On A To Do Entry for more information on drilling into an entry.

Drilling down on an entry from the following To Do list queries (using the entry's message description only) also sets the entry as the user's Current To Do entry:

Additionally, users may have the option to click on the icon on the Current To Do dashboard zone to request their next task. The returned To Do entry automatically becomes the user's Current To Do.

Regardless of how a To Do entry became current its information is displayed on the Current To Do zone.

Fastpath: Refer to Current To Do zone to learn about all the functions it provides to efficiently resolve the current To Do and other entries that may potentially be related to it.

If a To Do entry becomes current as a result of drilling down from a list query, the system supports the ability to drill down to the Next and Previous entries respective to the Current To Do entry in that list.

Time savers! The Previous To Do (Alt+Y) and Next To Do (Alt+Z) buttons in the action bar allow you to scroll through additional To Do items in your current work list without returning to the list query transaction. These buttons sets the respective To Do entry to now being current and take you to its related transaction or to a script associated with the To Do Entry's message (not to the To Do entry itself). This is yet another way of drilling down on an entry.

If a To Do entry becomes current using the Current To Do zone, that entry is not associated with any work list to scroll through. The next and previous To Do action bar buttons are therefore disabled in this case.

Note: Current Work List. Current work list refers to the list from which the current To Do entry was selected. Each new election of a current To Do overrides the previous work list with the new list the entry was selected from. If not selected from a list then the current work list is considered empty.