To Do Search - Main

Use To Do > To Do Search to open this page.

The top half of the page is where you enter the criteria used to search for To Do entries.

Note: Multiple search criteria may be specified. You can search for To Do entries using a combination of search criteria. For example, if you enter both a To Do Type of TD-NOMR and a Status of Being Worked On, only those To Do entries for To Do type TD-NOMR that are currently Being Worked On are displayed.
Try to be as specific as possible when entering search criteria. Why? Because entering open-ended search criteria may have a severe impact on response times.

The following table describes each of the different search filters.

Search Filter Description
Related To Do

If you're searching for potentially related entries for a given To Do entry, choose Specific To Do for the Related To Do Filter. Enter the To Do ID.

A filter value of Not Applicable defaults.

To Do Type

If you're searching for a To Do entry and you know the value of a characteristic linked to the To Do entry, choose Specific To Do Type for the To Do Type Filter. Enter the To Do Type.

A filter value of All defaults.

Char Type

If you're searching for a To Do entry and you know the value of a characteristic linked to the To Do entry, choose Specific Char Type for the Char Type Filter. Enter the Characteristic Type and Characteristic Value.

A filter value of Not Applicable defaults.

Only characteristic types that include a characteristic entity of To Do Entry and that have been marked to allow searching by characteristic value are available.


Use this search method if you know the Created By User, Assigned To User or Completed By User for the To Do entry. Enter the appropriate User Id.

A filter value of Not Applicable defaults.

Date Range

Use this field if you're searching for a To Do entry and know the Date Created or Date Completed.

- If you know the date is between a given range of values, first choose Between and then enter the date range.

A filter value of Date Created defaults. The Start Date/Time defaults to the current date, 12:00AM and the End Date/Time defaults to the current date, 11:59PM.

If you enter a Date Range Filter of All, the system ignores this search method.


Use this search method to restrict the search to To Do entries with a specific status value. You may search for To Do entries in the status of Open, Being Worked On or Completed. You may also perform a combination search for To Do entries that have a status value of either Open or Being Worked On.

A filter value of All defaults.

Note: The system allows any combination of values. The system does not try to validate your search combinations, even if they do not make sense. For example, if you enter a User Filter value of Completed By User and a Status Filter value of Open, you will not get an error. In this case, the system will find no records that match your criteria (because To Do entries that are Open do not have a Completed By User).

The system shows the total number of To Do entries that satisfy your search results immediately below the grid.

The first group of To Do entries is displayed in the grid at the bottom of the page.

Fastpath: Refer to To Do Search Actions and the How To section for more information on using these actions.