Oracle Fusion Applications Java API Reference for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service
11g Release 1 (
Class Schedule

  extended by<Schedule>
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Schedule
extends BaseMetadata<Schedule>

Used to specify time-based recurrence.

The core part of the Schedule is the Recurrence class that provides occurrence based on the defined recurrence pattern. Schedule allows adding dates to be explicitly included for generating occurrences in addition to the one generated by the recurrence pattern.

It is also possible to exclude date/times instances from the list of occurrences a Schedule generates. Such exclusions can be specified in two mode, by explicitly providing a list of dates to an instance of Schedule or by referencing to a named ExclusionsDefinition. An example would be an ExclusionsDefinition that contains the list of holidays for which the Schedule must skip the occurrences if generated.

The start and end date/times if specified in the contained Recurrence only apply to the occurrences generated by the recurrence pattern. Any additional dates explicitly added to the Schedule can fall before the start of after the end date specified.

Schedule provides the ability to mask or allow occurrences that happen to be in the past with respect to the current timestamp at runtime.

Example - Schedule to run every monday at 10:00 am plus on 10th of July 2006, but exclude the 15th May 2006.

 Recurrence recur = new Recurrence(RecurrenceFields.FREQUENCY.WEEKLY);
 recur.setRecurTime(RecurrenceFields.TIME_OF_DAY.valueOf(10, 0, 0));

 ExplicitDate july10 = new ExplicitDate(RecurrenceFields.YEAR.valueOf(2006),

 ExplicitDate may15 = new ExplicitDate(RecurrenceFields.YEAR.valueOf(2006),

 Schedule schedule = new Schedule("everyMonday", "Weekly Schedule", recur);

See Also:
RecurrenceFields, Recurrence, ExplicitDate, Exclusion, ExclusionsDefinition, Serialized Form

Field Summary
Constructor Summary
Schedule(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, java.util.Collection<ExplicitDate> dates)
          Constructs a new schedule with the given set of explicit dates.
Schedule(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, java.util.Collection<ExplicitDate> dates, MetadataObjectId objectId)
          Constructs a new schedule with the given set of explicit dates.
Schedule(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, Recurrence recur)
          Constructs a new instance with the given recurrence.
Schedule(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, Recurrence recur, MetadataObjectId objectId)
          Constructs a new instance with the given recurrence.
Schedule(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String displayNameKey, java.lang.String descriptionKey, java.util.Collection<ExplicitDate> dates, java.lang.String[] resourceBundleIDs)
          Constructs a new schedule with the given set of explicit dates and associate resource bundles.
Schedule(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String displayNameKey, java.lang.String descriptionKey, Recurrence recur, java.lang.String[] resourceBundleIDs)
          Constructs a new instance with the given recurrence and associate resource bundles
Method Summary
 void addExclusion(MetadataObjectId objectId)
          Adds a reference of an instance of ExclusionsDefinition in this Schedule object.
 void addExclusionDate(ExplicitDate date)
          Adds an explicit date to be excluded from occurrences in this Schedule object.
 void addInclusionDate(ExplicitDate date)
          Adds an explicit date to be included for occurrences in this Schedule object.
 Schedule clone(java.lang.String newName)
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
          Compares an object for equality with this Schedule object.
static Schedule from( cd)
          Create an instance of the model specific class out of an associated CompositeData instance
 BaseMetadataType<Schedule> getBaseMetadataType()
 java.util.Collection<ExplicitDate> getExclusionDates()
          Returns the list of dates excluded for occurrences in this Schedule object.
 java.util.Collection<MetadataObjectId> getExclusions()
          Returns the list of ExclusionsDefinition instance this object refers. getFirstOccurrence(java.util.Calendar startTime, java.util.Calendar effectiveTime)
          Get the first occurrence of this schedule.
 java.util.Collection<ExplicitDate> getInclusionDates()
          Returns the list of explicit dates that are included for occurrences in this Schedule object.
 java.util.Calendar getNext(java.util.Calendar time)
          Returns the next occurrence as per the definition of this Schedule and the input timestamp.
 java.util.Calendar getNext(java.util.Calendar time, boolean firstTime, java.util.Calendar orig)
          Calculates and returns the next possible occurrence of this Schedule based on the given timestamp.
 java.util.Calendar getNext(java.util.Calendar time, java.util.Calendar orig)
          Computes the next occurrence based on the given time and the original start time. getNext( state)
 Recurrence getRecurrence()
          Returns the recurrence object of this schedule instance.
protected  Schedule getSelf()
 java.util.TimeZone getTimeZone()
          Returns the TimeZone set for this Schedule object.
 java.util.Collection<java.util.Calendar> list(java.util.Calendar begin, java.util.Calendar end)
          Generates a list of possible occurrences of this Schedule object within a given time period up to the default limit of 300.
 java.util.Collection<java.util.Calendar> list(java.util.Calendar begin, java.util.Calendar end, int limit)
          Generates a list of possible occurrences of this Schedule object within a given time period.
 java.util.Collection<java.util.Calendar> list(java.util.Calendar begin, int count)
          Generates a list of possible occurrences of this Schedule object starting with the given time upto the specified count.
 void removeExclusion(MetadataObjectId objectId)
          Removes the given reference of ExclusionsDefinition from this Schedule object.
 void removeExclusionDate(ExplicitDate date)
          Removes an explicit date from the list of dates excluded for occurrences in this Schedule object.
 void removeInclusionDate(ExplicitDate date)
          Removes an explicit date from list of included dates of this Schedule object.
 void setExclusionDates(java.util.Collection<ExplicitDate> dates)
          Sets the list of dates excluded for occurrences in this Schedule object.
 void setExclusionsDefinition(java.util.Collection<ExclusionsDefinition> exclusions)
          Sets the ExclusionsDefinition list to this Schedule.
 void setInclusionDates(java.util.Collection<ExplicitDate> dates)
          Sets the list of dates to be included for occurrences in this Schedule.
 void setRecurrence(Recurrence recur)
          Sets the recurrence for this schedule instance.
 void setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone tz)
          Sets or clears the TimeZone for this Schedule object. toCompositeData( ct)
static toCompositeType()
          Returns the CompositeType that describes this model specific class
 java.lang.String toDisplayString(java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns a localized string describing this schedule.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a String representation for this Schedule object.
protected  void validateCustom()
          Validates this object.
Methods inherited from class
from, getDescription, getDescriptionKey, getDisplayName, getDisplayNameKey, getMessages, getMetadataObjectId, getName, getResourceBundles, hashCode, localize, setDescription, setDescriptionKey, setDisplayName, setDisplayNameKey, setResourceBundles, toCompositeData, validate
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_LIST_LIMIT
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public Schedule(java.lang.String name,
                java.lang.String description,
                Recurrence recur)
Constructs a new instance with the given recurrence.

name - name of the new instance. It cannot be null. The name is also used as the default display name unless otherwise specifially set.
description - an optional description.
recur - an instance of Recurrence object for this instance.


public Schedule(java.lang.String name,
                java.lang.String displayNameKey,
                java.lang.String descriptionKey,
                Recurrence recur,
                java.lang.String[] resourceBundleIDs)
Constructs a new instance with the given recurrence and associate resource bundles

name - name of the new instance. It cannot be null. The name is also used as the default display name unless otherwise specifially set.
displayNameKey - - the key of the entry in the resourcebundles to lookup the name. Optional
descriptionKey - - the key of the entry in the resourcebundles to lookup the description. Optional.
recur - an instance of Recurrence object for this instance.
resourceBundleIDs - -- an array of resource bundle id. Optional.


public Schedule(java.lang.String name,
                java.lang.String description,
                java.util.Collection<ExplicitDate> dates)
Constructs a new schedule with the given set of explicit dates.

name - the name for the new instance. It cannot be null. The name is also used as the default display name unless otherwise specifially set.
description - an optional description.
dates - a collection explicit dates for occurrences.


public Schedule(java.lang.String name,
                java.lang.String displayNameKey,
                java.lang.String descriptionKey,
                java.util.Collection<ExplicitDate> dates,
                java.lang.String[] resourceBundleIDs)
Constructs a new schedule with the given set of explicit dates and associate resource bundles.

name - name of the new instance. It cannot be null. The name is also used as the default display name unless otherwise specifially set.
displayNameKey - - the key of the entry in the resourcebundles to lookup the name.
descriptionKey - - the key of the entry in the resourcebundles to lookup the description. Optional.
dates - a collection explicit dates for occurrences.
resourceBundleIDs - -- an array of resource bundle id


public Schedule(java.lang.String name,
                java.lang.String description,
                Recurrence recur,
                MetadataObjectId objectId)
Constructs a new instance with the given recurrence.

This constructor is for internal use ONLY and should not be used to construct a new instance. This constructor is used internally by the MetadataService to populate the unique identifier of this object(definition) within the metadata repository.

name - name of the new instance. It cannot be null. The name is also used as the default display name unless otherwise specifially set.
description - an optional description.
recur - an instance of Recurrence object for this instance.
objectId - unique identifier of this object in the metadata repository. The identifier is set which this object is retrieved via MetadataService.


public Schedule(java.lang.String name,
                java.lang.String description,
                java.util.Collection<ExplicitDate> dates,
                MetadataObjectId objectId)
Constructs a new schedule with the given set of explicit dates.

This constructor is for internal use ONLY and should not be used to construct a new instance. This constructor is used internally by the MetadataService to populate the unique identifier of this object(definition) within the metadata repository.

name - the name for the new instance. It cannot be null. The name is also used as the default display name unless otherwise specifially set.
description - an optional description.
dates - a collection explicit dates for occurrences.
objectId - unique identifier of this object in the metadata repository. The identifier is set which this object is retrieved via MetadataService.
Method Detail


public Recurrence getRecurrence()
Returns the recurrence object of this schedule instance.

recurrence of this object.


public void setRecurrence(Recurrence recur)
Sets the recurrence for this schedule instance.

recur - name of this object.


public void addInclusionDate(ExplicitDate date)
Adds an explicit date to be included for occurrences in this Schedule object.

date - the explicit date to be included.


public void removeInclusionDate(ExplicitDate date)
Removes an explicit date from list of included dates of this Schedule object.

date - the explicit date to be removed from the list of included dates.


public void setInclusionDates(java.util.Collection<ExplicitDate> dates)
Sets the list of dates to be included for occurrences in this Schedule.

dates - collection of explicit date to be included.


public java.util.Collection<ExplicitDate> getInclusionDates()
Returns the list of explicit dates that are included for occurrences in this Schedule object.

collection of explicit dates that are included for occurrences in this object.


public void addExclusionDate(ExplicitDate date)
Adds an explicit date to be excluded from occurrences in this Schedule object.

date - the explicit date to be excluded.


public void removeExclusionDate(ExplicitDate date)
Removes an explicit date from the list of dates excluded for occurrences in this Schedule object.

date - the explicit date to be removed from the list of excluded dates.


public void setExclusionDates(java.util.Collection<ExplicitDate> dates)
Sets the list of dates excluded for occurrences in this Schedule object.

dates - the list of explicit date to be excluded.


public java.util.Collection<ExplicitDate> getExclusionDates()
Returns the list of dates excluded for occurrences in this Schedule object.

list of explicit date excluded for occurrences in this object.


public void addExclusion(MetadataObjectId objectId)
Adds a reference of an instance of ExclusionsDefinition in this Schedule object.

objectId - the identifier of the ExclusionsDefinition to be added.


public void removeExclusion(MetadataObjectId objectId)
Removes the given reference of ExclusionsDefinition from this Schedule object.

objectId - identifier of the ExclusionsDefinition to be removed.


public java.util.Collection<MetadataObjectId> getExclusions()
Returns the list of ExclusionsDefinition instance this object refers.

the list of identifiers for the ExclusionsDefinition object referred by this object.


public void setExclusionsDefinition(java.util.Collection<ExclusionsDefinition> exclusions)
Sets the ExclusionsDefinition list to this Schedule. This is only used by the metadata service implementation and should not be used to set ExclusionsDefinition directly. The addExclusion method should be used instead.

exclusions - collection of ExclusionsDefinition objects to be set.


public java.util.TimeZone getTimeZone()
Returns the TimeZone set for this Schedule object. If a Schedule object has as TimeZone set, it operates with respect to the set TimeZone. Otherwise the Schedule is TimeZone agnostic.

TimeZone set in this Schedule object. Null otherwise.


public void setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone tz)
Sets or clears the TimeZone for this Schedule object. A null TimeZone make the Schedule time zone agnostic.

tz - the TimeZone to be set for this object. NULL if the TimeZone needs to be cleared/unset.


public getFirstOccurrence(java.util.Calendar startTime,
                                                                    java.util.Calendar effectiveTime)
Get the first occurrence of this schedule. The value must be after both startTime and effectiveTime. startTime may, in some cases, be used as a template for missing time fields.

startTime - Represents the time on which the first occurrence is generated. This value can be used both as a lower boundary on the schedule and a template for missing fields in a recurrence.
effectiveTime - Represents a lower boundary on the schedule. No occurrences will be generated before this time.


public java.util.Calendar getNext(java.util.Calendar time)
Returns the next occurrence as per the definition of this Schedule and the input timestamp.

time - timestamp based on which the occurrence will be calculated.
occurrence based on the input timestamp if possible, otherwise the method returns null.


public java.util.Calendar getNext(java.util.Calendar time,
                                  java.util.Calendar orig)
Computes the next occurrence based on the given time and the original start time. This original start time reflects the requested start time for a request for which the next time is being calculated.

time - timestamp representing previous occurrence. This can be the one from the recurrence pattern or an explicit date that this Schedule object returned last time.
orig - original requested start time for the request for which the next time is being calculated. The Schedule may or may not use it.
next occurrence based on the input parameters. This can be one from the recurrence pattern or next explicit date (if present) whichever is earlier. If no occurrence is possible, the method returns null.


public java.util.Calendar getNext(java.util.Calendar time,
                                  boolean firstTime,
                                  java.util.Calendar orig)
Calculates and returns the next possible occurrence of this Schedule based on the given timestamp.

To compute the next possible occurrence, the method takes into account the recurrence, the list of inclusions dates, list of exclusion dates as well and shared ExclusionsDefinition this object refers to.

Based on the end date/time or the count if specified for this object, the Schedule will stop generating occurrences and return 0. This must be interpreted as end of this Schedule.

time - the time on which the next occurrence will be generated.
firstTime - flag indicating whether the call is for first occurrence or not.
orig - original timestamp with which the occurrences started.
the next occurrence as long or null if no occurrence is possible.


public getNext( state)


public java.util.Collection<java.util.Calendar> list(java.util.Calendar begin,
                                                     java.util.Calendar end)
                                              throws IllegalArgumentException
Generates a list of possible occurrences of this Schedule object within a given time period up to the default limit of 300.

begin - the start date/time for listing possible occurrences, inclusive, not null.
end - the end date/time for listing possible occurrences, inclusive, not null.
a collection of Calendar instances representing possible occurrences. null if no occurrences are possible in the given time period. The maximum number of results are limitted by the property DEFAULT_LIST_LIMIT of 300 occurences.


public java.util.Collection<java.util.Calendar> list(java.util.Calendar begin,
                                                     int count)
                                              throws IllegalArgumentException
Generates a list of possible occurrences of this Schedule object starting with the given time upto the specified count.

begin - the start date/time for listing occurrences, inclusive, not null.
count - the maximum number of occurrences to be listed.
a collection of Calendar instances representing possible occurrences up to the specified count, or null if no occurrences are possible.


public java.util.Collection<java.util.Calendar> list(java.util.Calendar begin,
                                                     java.util.Calendar end,
                                                     int limit)
                                              throws IllegalArgumentException
Generates a list of possible occurrences of this Schedule object within a given time period.

begin - the start date/time for listing possible occurrences, inclusive, not null.
end - the end date/time for listing possible occurrences, inclusive.
limit - the maximum number of occurrences to be listed. The limit has to be a positive integer or zero. A zero limit results an empty list.
a collection of Calendar instances representing possible occurrences up to the specified limit. null if no occurrences are possible in the given time period.


protected void validateCustom()
                       throws ValidationException
Validates this object. The method checks all the fields contained in the object and verifies that the object is a valid Schedule instance. The method does not check any referenced objects. Such references and related validations are done by the MetadataService at the time of persistence.

Specified by:
validateCustom in class BaseMetadata<Schedule>
ValidationException - thrown if any validation errors are found.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Compares an object for equality with this Schedule object.

equals in class java.lang.Object
obj - the object to compare with this Schedule.
true if the object passed in is an instance of Schedule and is equal to this Schedule, false otherwise.


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a String representation for this Schedule object.

toString in class BaseMetadata<Schedule>
String representing this Schedule.


public static toCompositeType()
Returns the CompositeType that describes this model specific class


public toCompositeData( ct)
Specified by:
toCompositeData in class BaseMetadata<Schedule>


public static Schedule from( cd)
                     throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Create an instance of the model specific class out of an associated CompositeData instance



protected Schedule getSelf()
Specified by:
getSelf in class BaseMetadata<Schedule>


public BaseMetadataType<Schedule> getBaseMetadataType()
Specified by:
getBaseMetadataType in class BaseMetadata<Schedule>


public Schedule clone(java.lang.String newName)
Specified by:
clone in class BaseMetadata<Schedule>


public java.lang.String toDisplayString(java.util.Locale locale)
Returns a localized string describing this schedule.

locale -
String a localized string describing this schedule.

Oracle Fusion Applications Java API Reference for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service
11g Release 1 (

Copyright © 2008, 2012 Oracle. All rights reserved.