Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Controller
11g Release 1 (


Interface MetadataResourceProvider

public interface MetadataResourceProvider

An interface to obtain mutable and unmutable ADFc metadata resources.

Method Summary
 boolean detectChanges(java.util.List<java.lang.String> resourceNames)
 java.util.List<MetadataResource> getBootstrapResources(java.lang.String resourceName)
          Get a list named metadata resource representing bootstrap configuration files.
 MetadataResource getMutableResource(java.lang.String resourceName, boolean useCustomizations, boolean skipIntegrityValidation)
          Deprecated. Replaced in by getMutableResource(String, boolean, boolean, boolean)
 MetadataResource getMutableResource(java.lang.String resourceName, boolean useCustomizations, boolean skipIntegrityValidation, boolean pickUpNewResources)
          Gets an updatable metadata resource.
 java.util.List<MetadataResource> getResources(java.lang.String resouceName)
          Get a bounded task flow resource.
 void reinitialize()
          Clear any cached data and reinitialize to starting conditions.

Method Detail


MetadataResource getMutableResource(java.lang.String resourceName,
                                               boolean useCustomizations,
                                               boolean skipIntegrityValidation)
Deprecated. Replaced in by getMutableResource(String, boolean, boolean, boolean)

Gets an updatable metadata resource. Metadata elements can be added, removed or changed. The changes to these elements will not take effect until they're committed, and until a new JSF request. In case of MDS, committing means calling MDSSession.flushChanges() method.

resourceName - the name of the XML file that this resource corresponds to.
useCustomizations - a boolean flag that indicates whether customizations should be loaded with the base document, and whether corresponding to the metadata resource should be saved as customizations.
skipIntegrityValidation - if true, the Controller will not attempt to validate whether modifications to this resource preserve its integrity. For example, if integrity validation is skipped, it is possible to add a control flow rule for which the source or target activities do not exists. All validations are performed against the document model that existed at the beginning of the request. This flag should be used so that multiple artifacts can be added to ADFc model in a single request, such as a view activity and a corresponding control flow rule. This flag does not disable all of the validation logic, however, only the logic that depends on the current document context.
the requested resource or null if the resource could not be located or the provider does not support update
See Also:


MetadataResource getMutableResource(java.lang.String resourceName,
                                    boolean useCustomizations,
                                    boolean skipIntegrityValidation,
                                    boolean pickUpNewResources)
Gets an updatable metadata resource. Metadata elements can be added, removed or changed. The changes to these elements will not take effect until they're committed, and until a new JSF request. In case of MDS, committing means calling MDSSession.flushChanges() method.

resourceName - the name of the XML file that this resource corresponds to.
useCustomizations - a boolean flag that indicates whether customizations should be loaded with the base document, and whether corresponding to the metadata resource should be saved as customizations.
skipIntegrityValidation - if true, the Controller will not attempt to validate whether modifications to this resource preserve its integrity. For example, if integrity validation is skipped, it is possible to add a control flow rule for which the source or target activities do not exists. All validations are performed against the document model that existed at the beginning of the request. This flag should be used so that multiple artifacts can be added to ADFc model in a single request, such as a view activity and a corresponding control flow rule. This flag does not disable all of the validation logic, however, only the logic that depends on the current document context.
pickUpNewResources - pick up metadata resources that were just created in this session. This flag is passed directly to the underlying metadata layer. see MDSSession.getMutableMO(MOReference, boolean) for details.
the requested resource or null if the resource could not be located or the provider does not support update
See Also:


java.util.List<MetadataResource> getBootstrapResources(java.lang.String resourceName)
Get a list named metadata resource representing bootstrap configuration files. Bootstrap configuration files are loaded at application start up and their content is merged to create a memory model for unbounded task flow.

resourceName - the resource name.
the list of requested bootstrap resources. The list can be empty.


java.util.List<MetadataResource> getResources(java.lang.String resouceName)
Get a bounded task flow resource. Bounded task flows are loaded on demand.

resouceName - the resource name
the list of requested resources


boolean detectChanges(java.util.List<java.lang.String> resourceNames)


void reinitialize()
Clear any cached data and reinitialize to starting conditions. Useful for unit testing.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Controller
11g Release 1 (


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