Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Class AccessorDef

  extended by oracle.binding.metaimpl.BaseValueObjectDefinition
      extended by oracle.binding.metaimpl.BaseAttributeDefinition
          extended by oracle.adf.model.adapter.dataformat.AttributeDef
              extended by oracle.adf.model.adapter.dataformat.AccessorDef
All Implemented Interfaces:
AccessorDefinition, AttributeDefinition, Definition, NamedDefinition, VariableDefinition

public class AccessorDef
extends AttributeDef
implements AccessorDefinition

Defines an accessor.


Field Summary
Fields inherited from class oracle.adf.model.adapter.dataformat.AttributeDef
Fields inherited from interface oracle.binding.meta.Definition
Constructor Summary
AccessorDef(java.lang.String id, StructureDefinition parent, boolean isCollection)
          Creates a new accessor definition as a complex type.
AccessorDef(java.lang.String id, StructureDefinition parent, java.lang.String type)
          Creates a new accessor definition as a java type collection.
AccessorDef(java.lang.String id, StructureDefinition parent, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String elementType)
          Creates a new accessor definition as a collection of a scalar type.
AccessorDef(java.lang.String id, StructureDefinition parent, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String elementName, java.lang.String elementType)
          Creates a new accessor definition as a collection of a scalar type.
AccessorDef(java.lang.String id, StructureDefinition parent, StructureDefinition struct, boolean isCollection)
          Creates a new accessor definition as a complex type.
AccessorDef(java.lang.String id, StructureDefinition parent, StructureDefinition struct, boolean isCollection, boolean isScalarCollection)
          Creates a new accessor definition as a complex type.
Method Summary
 AccessorDef clone(StructureDef parentStruct, java.lang.String id)
          Clones the accessor with a new id and a new parent.
 StructureDefinition getCollectionStructure()
          Retrieves the metadata of the collection itself.
 int getDefinitionType()
          Retrieves the type of the variable.
 java.lang.String getFullName()
          Returns the bind path for this accessor.
 AccessorDefinition getParentAccessor()
          Retrieves the AccessorDefinition of the parent accessor.
 StructureDefinition getStructure()
          Retrieves the metadata of the elements that the accessor collection contains.
 boolean isCollection()
          Since an accessor can return a structured object (or a collection).
 boolean isScalarCollection()
          Returns true if the accessor returns a collection of scalars.
 void setAsCollection()
          Sets this accessor as a collection type.
 void setCollectionStructure(StructureDefinition def)
          Set the structure definition for the collection if the return is a collection.
 void setParentAccessor(AccessorDefinition parentAccessor)
 void setStructure(StructureDefinition struct)
Methods inherited from class oracle.adf.model.adapter.dataformat.AttributeDef
addProperties, addProperty, getBindPath, getDefinitionParent, getName, getProperties, getProperty, setBindPath, setName
Methods inherited from class oracle.binding.metaimpl.BaseAttributeDefinition
getSourceTypeString, isKey, isReadOnly, setReadOnly, setSourceTypeString
Methods inherited from class oracle.binding.metaimpl.BaseValueObjectDefinition
getDataControlDefinition, getJavaTypeString, setProperty
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface oracle.binding.meta.AttributeDefinition
getSourceTypeString, isKey, isReadOnly
Methods inherited from interface oracle.binding.meta.VariableDefinition
getDataControlDefinition, getJavaTypeString
Methods inherited from interface oracle.binding.meta.NamedDefinition
getDefinitionParent, getName, getProperties, getProperty

Constructor Detail


public AccessorDef(java.lang.String id,
                   StructureDefinition parent,
                   java.lang.String type)
Creates a new accessor definition as a java type collection.

id - unique id for the definition.
parent - parent structure definition that this accessor is a part of.
type - the data type defined as a java type available for the system.


public AccessorDef(java.lang.String id,
                   StructureDefinition parent,
                   java.lang.String type,
                   java.lang.String elementType)
Creates a new accessor definition as a collection of a scalar type.

id - unique id for the definition
parent - parent structure definition that this accessor is a part of.
type - the data type defined as a java type available for the system.
elementType - the java type of each element in the collection.


public AccessorDef(java.lang.String id,
                   StructureDefinition parent,
                   java.lang.String type,
                   java.lang.String elementName,
                   java.lang.String elementType)
Creates a new accessor definition as a collection of a scalar type.

id - unique id for the definition
parent - parent structure definition that this accessor is a part of.
type - the data type defined as a java type available for the system.
elementName - the name of element in the collection.
elementType - the java type of each element in the collection.


public AccessorDef(java.lang.String id,
                   StructureDefinition parent,
                   StructureDefinition struct,
                   boolean isCollection)
Creates a new accessor definition as a complex type.

Accessors can be used to define the complex structure for which a java type may not be defined. For accessors that are collection of scalar types, use the constructor with the additional isScalarCollection parameter.

id - unique id for the definition.
parent - parent structure definition that this accessor is a part of.
struct - the complex structer that describes this accessor.
isCollection - indicates if the accessor is a collection.


public AccessorDef(java.lang.String id,
                   StructureDefinition parent,
                   StructureDefinition struct,
                   boolean isCollection,
                   boolean isScalarCollection)
Creates a new accessor definition as a complex type.

Accessors can be used to define the complex structure for which a java type may not be defined.

id - unique id for the definition.
parent - parent structure definition that this accessor is a part of.
struct - the complex structer that describes this accessor.
isCollection - indicates if the accessor is a collection.
isScalarCollection - indicates if the accessor is a collection of scalars.


public AccessorDef(java.lang.String id,
                   StructureDefinition parent,
                   boolean isCollection)
Creates a new accessor definition as a complex type.

Accessors can be used to define the complex structure for which a java type may not be defined.

id - unique id for the definition.
parent - parent structure definition that this accessor is a part of.
isCollection - indicates if the accessor is a collection.
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getFullName()
Returns the bind path for this accessor. Runtime fetches data depending on the bind path defined.

Specified by:
getFullName in interface NamedDefinition
getFullName in class AttributeDef
a dot (.) separated String value. If the bind path is set, it returns .. Otherwise it returns ..


public boolean isCollection()
Description copied from interface: AccessorDefinition
Since an accessor can return a structured object (or a collection). This function should return true when the accessor represents a collection.

Specified by:
isCollection in interface AccessorDefinition
true if the accessor is a collection, false if it is a simple object such as a String or an int.


public boolean isScalarCollection()
Description copied from interface: AccessorDefinition
Returns true if the accessor returns a collection of scalars. Scalars are simple types that are not structured and are not collections.

Specified by:
isScalarCollection in interface AccessorDefinition
true if the accessor is a collection of scalars, false otherwise.


public StructureDefinition getStructure()
Description copied from interface: AccessorDefinition
Retrieves the metadata of the elements that the accessor collection contains.

Specified by:
getStructure in interface AccessorDefinition
The metadata describing the structure of the elements in the accessor collection.


public StructureDefinition getCollectionStructure()
Description copied from interface: AccessorDefinition
Retrieves the metadata of the collection itself. It is possible that the collection itself has operations defined, such as if the collection is a class that implements a java.util.Collection interface and contains methods for searching through its elements. Please note that this is different from the getStructure API, which returns the metadata of the collection elements.

Specified by:
getCollectionStructure in interface AccessorDefinition
The metadata describing the structure of the collection, or null if there is none available for the collection.


public AccessorDefinition getParentAccessor()
Description copied from interface: AccessorDefinition
Retrieves the AccessorDefinition of the parent accessor. A parent accessor is the accessor from which this accessor is obtained from. For example, we have a Dept structure, which contains an accessor called emps that returns a collection of Employee. Each Employee structure in turn contains an accessor called address that returns a structured type Address. The parent accessor of address would be the accessor emps in the Dept structure.

Specified by:
getParentAccessor in interface AccessorDefinition
The definition of the parent accessor.


public int getDefinitionType()
Description copied from class: BaseValueObjectDefinition
Retrieves the type of the variable. It can be one of the TYPE_* contants definied in VariableDefinition.

Specified by:
getDefinitionType in interface Definition
getDefinitionType in class AttributeDef
Always return TYPE_PRIMITIVE.


public void setAsCollection()
Sets this accessor as a collection type.


public void setCollectionStructure(StructureDefinition def)
Set the structure definition for the collection if the return is a collection. Collection structures usually contain methods applicable for the collection.


public void setStructure(StructureDefinition struct)


public void setParentAccessor(AccessorDefinition parentAccessor)


public AccessorDef clone(StructureDef parentStruct,
                         java.lang.String id)
Clones the accessor with a new id and a new parent.

parentStruct - the parent structure definition of the cloned accessor.
id - id of the new accessor.
a cloned AccessorDef value.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


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