Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Class JboCompOper

  extended by oracle.jbo.common.JboCompOper
All Implemented Interfaces:, DefPersistable, PersistentDefinition

public class JboCompOper
extends java.lang.Object
implements DefPersistable,

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static java.lang.String OPER_AFTER
static java.lang.String OPER_BEFORE
static java.lang.String OPER_BETWEEN
static java.lang.String OPER_CONTAINS
static java.lang.String OPER_CONTAINS_ALL
static java.lang.String OPER_CONTAINS_DELIMITED_ID
static java.lang.String OPER_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN
static java.lang.String OPER_ENDS_WITH
static java.lang.String OPER_EQ
static java.lang.String OPER_EXISTS
static java.lang.String OPER_GE
static java.lang.String OPER_GT
static java.lang.String OPER_IN
static java.lang.String OPER_IS_BLANK
static java.lang.String OPER_IS_NOT_BLANK
static java.lang.String OPER_LE
static java.lang.String OPER_LIKE
static java.lang.String OPER_LT
static java.lang.String OPER_NE
static java.lang.String OPER_NOT_BETWEEN
static java.lang.String OPER_NOTIN
static java.lang.String OPER_ON_OR_AFTER
static java.lang.String OPER_ON_OR_BEFORE
static java.lang.String OPER_STARTS_WITH
static int OPER_TODO_ADD
static int OPER_TODO_CLEAR
static int OPER_TODO_KEEP
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
JboCompOper(int toDo, java.lang.Class msgBundleClass, java.lang.String strCode, java.lang.String oper)
          Creates an instance of a comparison operator used in view criteria
JboCompOper(int toDo, java.lang.Class msgBundleClass, java.lang.String strCode, java.lang.String oper, int minCardinality, int maxCardinality, java.lang.String expression)
          Creates an instance of a comparison operator used in view criteria
JboCompOper(int toDo, java.lang.String operDesc, java.lang.String oper, int minCardinality, int maxCardinality, java.lang.String expression)
          Creates an instance of a comparison operator used in view criteria
JboCompOper(int toDo, java.lang.String msgBundleClassName, java.lang.String strCode, java.lang.String oper, int minCardinality, int maxCardinality, java.lang.String expression)
          Creates an instance of a comparison operator used in view criteria
JboCompOper(java.lang.String id, int toDo, java.lang.Class msgBundleClass, java.lang.String strCode, java.lang.String oper, int minCardinality, int maxCardinality, java.lang.String expression)
          Creates an instance of a comparison operator used in view criteria.
JboCompOper(java.lang.String id, int toDo, java.lang.String operDesc, java.lang.String oper, int minCardinality, int maxCardinality, java.lang.String expression)
          Creates an instance of a comparison operator used in view criteria.
JboCompOper(java.lang.String id, int toDo, java.lang.String msgBundleClassName, java.lang.String strCode, java.lang.String oper, int minCardinality, int maxCardinality, java.lang.String expression)
          Creates an instance of a comparison operator used in view criteria.
Method Summary
static void addCompOper(int typeGroup, java.lang.Class msgBundleClass, java.lang.String strCode, java.lang.String oper, int minCardinality, int maxCardinality)
          For internal use only to load framework operators for a particular type.
static void addCompOper(int typeGroup, java.lang.String operDesc, java.lang.String oper, int minCardinality, int maxCardinality)
          For internal use only to load framework operators for a particular type.
static void addCompOperEntry(int typeGroup, int toDo, java.lang.Class msgBundleClass, java.lang.String strCode, java.lang.String oper, int minCardinality, int maxCardinality)
          For internal use only to load framework operators for a particular type.
static void addCompOperEntry(int typeGroup, int toDo, java.lang.String operDesc, java.lang.String oper, int minCardinality, int maxCardinality)
          For internal use only to load framework operators for a particular type.
 java.lang.Object clone()
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)
static java.util.HashMap getAllBaseCompOpers(LocaleContext locale)
          For internal use only.
static java.lang.String[][] getBaseCompOpers(LocaleContext locale)
          For internal use only.
static void getCompOperList(int typeGroup, java.util.ArrayList list)
          The list of operators for a specific type.
 java.lang.String getDefXMLElementTag()
          For internal use only
 java.lang.String getDefXMLNameSpace()
          For internal use only
 java.lang.String getExpression()
 java.lang.String getFullName()
          This method returns the Persistence reference of the object.
 java.lang.String getId()
 int getMaxCardinality()
 java.lang.Class getMessageBundleClass()
 int getMinCardinality()
 java.lang.String getOper()
 java.lang.String getOperDesc()
 java.lang.String getOperDescStr(LocaleContext locale)
 java.lang.String getOperDescStrCode()
 DefPersistable getOrigObject()
 int getToDo()
 java.lang.String getXMLElementTag()
          For internal use only
static void internalSealStaticOpers()
          Deprecated. since For internal framework use only. Implementation and signature may change without notice.
 boolean isDirty()
          This method returns if an Object is modified from last save/load
 boolean isNew()
          This method returns if this object is previously persisted.
 boolean isRelationalOperator()
          If a view criteria item has a value set, temporary bind variables are generated for the values to use statement caching efficiently.
 void loadXMLContent(DefElement xmlElement)
static void mergeEntries(java.util.ArrayList opers, java.util.ArrayList list)
          For internal use only.
static void mergeEntry(java.util.ArrayList list, int toDo, java.lang.Object ent)
          For internal use only.
static void populateCompOpers()
static java.lang.String[][] processCompOpers(LocaleContext locale, java.util.ArrayList list)
 void setDirty(boolean isDirty)
          This method marks the Object dirty
 void setMessageBundleClass(java.lang.Class cls)
 void setNew(boolean b)
          This method marks the as previously persisted.
 void setOrigObject(DefPersistable oldObj)
 void setResourceBundleDef(ResourceBundleDef def)
 void writeChildren(DefWriter jos)
          Writes the Object's children to the Persistent storage
 void writeContents(DefWriter jos)
          Objects should write their persistence output in this method
 void writeContents(DefWriter jos, boolean bWriteId)
 void writeObject(DefWriter jos)
          Objects should write their persistence output in this method
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String OPER_EQ
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_GT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_GE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_LT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_LE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_NE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_LIKE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_CONTAINS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_CONTAINS_DELIMITED_ID
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_STARTS_WITH
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_ENDS_WITH
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_IS_BLANK
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_IS_NOT_BLANK
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_BETWEEN
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_NOT_BETWEEN
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_BEFORE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_AFTER
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_ON_OR_BEFORE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_ON_OR_AFTER
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_EXISTS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_IN
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_NOTIN
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPER_CONTAINS_ALL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OPER_TODO_KEEP
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OPER_TODO_ADD
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OPER_TODO_REMOVE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OPER_TODO_CLEAR
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OPER_CARDINALITY_NO_MAX
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public JboCompOper()


public JboCompOper(int toDo,
                   java.lang.Class msgBundleClass,
                   java.lang.String strCode,
                   java.lang.String oper)
Creates an instance of a comparison operator used in view criteria

toDo - use OPER_TODO_ADD, OPER_TODO_REMOVE and OPER_TODO_CLEAR to add, remove or remove all operators defined on the owner.
msgBundleClass - the message bundle that holds the description of the operator displayed in the search form
strCode - the key used to lookup the message bundle
oper - the operator string saved in the view criteria item xml. For example oper could be ">" msgbundleClass could be "OperatorsBundle" and strCode could be "GREATER_THAN". The bundle may contain the value "Greater than" for key "GREATER_THAN".


public JboCompOper(int toDo,
                   java.lang.Class msgBundleClass,
                   java.lang.String strCode,
                   java.lang.String oper,
                   int minCardinality,
                   int maxCardinality,
                   java.lang.String expression)
Creates an instance of a comparison operator used in view criteria

toDo - use OPER_TODO_ADD, OPER_TODO_REMOVE and OPER_TODO_CLEAR to add, remove or remove all operators defined on the owner
msgBundleClass - the message bundle that holds the description of the operator displayed in the search form
strCode - the key used to lookup the message bundle
oper - the operator string saved in the view criteria item xml. For example oper could be ">" msgbundleClass could be "OperatorsBundle" and strCode could be "GREATER_THAN". The bundle may contain the value "Greater than" for key "GREATER_THAN".
minCardinality - the minimum cardinality of the operator. for example "greater than" has a minimum cardinality of 1 and "is not null" operator has a minimum cardinality of 0.
maxCardinality - the maximum cardinality of the operator. for example "greater than" has a maximum cardinality of 1 and "between" has a maximum cardinality of 2.
expression - a groovy expression that returns a where clause fragment. The expression is passed a reference to a ViewCriteriaItem and can introspect into the values of the item by calling public methods on it.


public JboCompOper(java.lang.String id,
                   int toDo,
                   java.lang.Class msgBundleClass,
                   java.lang.String strCode,
                   java.lang.String oper,
                   int minCardinality,
                   int maxCardinality,
                   java.lang.String expression)
Creates an instance of a comparison operator used in view criteria. Use this constructor if this operator will be written out to xml for DT@RT usages.

id - The string used to identify a comp operator occurence uniquely under an owner. Theoretically a user can remove a system provided operator and implement an overridden version. For example TODO_REMOVE, > and TODO_ADD, >, custom expression. The same operator is repeated twice and hence the need to introduce a unique attribute to identify an element.
toDo - use OPER_TODO_ADD, OPER_TODO_REMOVE and OPER_TODO_CLEAR to add, remove or remove all operators defined on the owner
msgBundleClass - the message bundle that holds the description of the operator displayed in the search form
strCode - the key used to lookup the message bundle
oper - the operator string saved in the view criteria item xml. For example oper could be ">" msgbundleClass could be "OperatorsBundle" and strCode could be "GREATER_THAN". The bundle may contain the value "Greater than" for key "GREATER_THAN".
minCardinality - the minimum cardinality of the operator. for example "greater than" has a minimum cardinality of 1 and "is not null" operator has a minimum cardinality of 0.
maxCardinality - the maximum cardinality of the operator. for example "greater than" has a maximum cardinality of 1 and "between" has a maximum cardinality of 2.
expression - a groovy expression that returns a where clause fragment. The expression is passed a reference to a ViewCriteriaItem and can introspect into the values of the item by calling public methods on it.


public JboCompOper(int toDo,
                   java.lang.String msgBundleClassName,
                   java.lang.String strCode,
                   java.lang.String oper,
                   int minCardinality,
                   int maxCardinality,
                   java.lang.String expression)
Creates an instance of a comparison operator used in view criteria

toDo - use OPER_TODO_ADD, OPER_TODO_REMOVE and OPER_TODO_CLEAR to add, remove or remove all operators defined on the owner
msgBundleClassName - the message bundle name that holds the description of the operator displayed in the search form
strCode - the key used to lookup the message bundle
oper - the operator string saved in the view criteria item xml. For example oper could be ">" msgbundleClass could be "OperatorsBundle" and strCode could be "GREATER_THAN". The bundle may contain the value "Greater than" for key "GREATER_THAN".
minCardinality - the minimum cardinality of the operator. for example "greater than" has a minimum cardinality of 1 and "is not null" operator has a minimum cardinality of 0.
maxCardinality - the maximum cardinality of the operator. for example "greater than" has a maximum cardinality of 1 and "between" has a maximum cardinality of 2.
expression - a groovy expression that returns a where clause fragment. The expression is passed a reference to a ViewCriteriaItem and can introspect into the values of the item by calling public methods on it.


public JboCompOper(java.lang.String id,
                   int toDo,
                   java.lang.String msgBundleClassName,
                   java.lang.String strCode,
                   java.lang.String oper,
                   int minCardinality,
                   int maxCardinality,
                   java.lang.String expression)
Creates an instance of a comparison operator used in view criteria. Use this constructor if this operator will be written out to xml for DT@RT usages.

id - The string used to identify a comp operator occurence uniquely under an owner. Theoretically a user can remove a system provided operator and implement an overridden version. For example TODO_REMOVE, > and TODO_ADD, >, custom expression. The same operator is repeated twice and hence the need to introduce a unique attribute to identify an element.
toDo - use OPER_TODO_ADD, OPER_TODO_REMOVE and OPER_TODO_CLEAR to add, remove or remove all operators defined on the owner
msgBundleClassName - the message bundle name that holds the description of the operator displayed in the search form
strCode - the key used to lookup the message bundle
oper - the operator string saved in the view criteria item xml. For example oper could be ">" msgbundleClass could be "OperatorsBundle" and strCode could be "GREATER_THAN". The bundle may contain the value "Greater than" for key "GREATER_THAN".
minCardinality - the minimum cardinality of the operator. for example "greater than" has a minimum cardinality of 1 and "is not null" operator has a minimum cardinality of 0.
maxCardinality - the maximum cardinality of the operator. for example "greater than" has a maximum cardinality of 1 and "between" has a maximum cardinality of 2.
expression - a groovy expression that returns a where clause fragment. The expression is passed a reference to a ViewCriteriaItem and can introspect into the values of the item by calling public methods on it.


public JboCompOper(int toDo,
                   java.lang.String operDesc,
                   java.lang.String oper,
                   int minCardinality,
                   int maxCardinality,
                   java.lang.String expression)
Creates an instance of a comparison operator used in view criteria

toDo - use OPER_TODO_ADD, OPER_TODO_REMOVE and OPER_TODO_CLEAR to add, remove or remove all operators defined on the owner.
operDesc - a non-translatable description for the operator.
oper - the operator string saved in the view criteria item xml. For example oper could be ">" operDesc could be passed in as "Greater than".
minCardinality - the minimum cardinality of the operator. for example "greater than" has a minimum cardinality of 1 and "is not null" operator has a minimum cardinality of 0.
maxCardinality - the maximum cardinality of the operator. for example "greater than" has a maximum cardinality of 1 and "between" has a maximum cardinality of 2.
expression - a groovy expression that returns a where clause fragment. The expression is passed a reference to a ViewCriteriaItem and can introspect into the values of the item by calling public methods on it.


public JboCompOper(java.lang.String id,
                   int toDo,
                   java.lang.String operDesc,
                   java.lang.String oper,
                   int minCardinality,
                   int maxCardinality,
                   java.lang.String expression)
Creates an instance of a comparison operator used in view criteria. Use this constructor if this operator will be written out to xml for DT@RT usages.

id - The string used to identify a comp operator occurence uniquely under an owner. Theoretically a user can remove a system provided operator and implement an overridden version. For example TODO_REMOVE, > and TODO_ADD, >, custom expression. The same operator is repeated twice and hence the need to introduce a unique attribute to identify an element.
toDo - use OPER_TODO_ADD, OPER_TODO_REMOVE and OPER_TODO_CLEAR to add, remove or remove all operators defined on the owner.
operDesc - a non-translatable description for the operator.
oper - the operator string saved in the view criteria item xml. For example oper could be ">" operDesc could be passed in as "Greater than".
minCardinality - the minimum cardinality of the operator. for example "greater than" has a minimum cardinality of 1 and "is not null" operator has a minimum cardinality of 0.
maxCardinality - the maximum cardinality of the operator. for example "greater than" has a maximum cardinality of 1 and "between" has a maximum cardinality of 2.
expression - a groovy expression that returns a where clause fragment. The expression is passed a reference to a ViewCriteriaItem and can introspect into the values of the item by calling public methods on it.
Method Detail


public static void internalSealStaticOpers()
Deprecated. since For internal framework use only. Implementation and signature may change without notice.

For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


public static void populateCompOpers()


public static void addCompOper(int typeGroup,
                               java.lang.Class msgBundleClass,
                               java.lang.String strCode,
                               java.lang.String oper,
                               int minCardinality,
                               int maxCardinality)
For internal use only to load framework operators for a particular type.


public static void addCompOper(int typeGroup,
                               java.lang.String operDesc,
                               java.lang.String oper,
                               int minCardinality,
                               int maxCardinality)
For internal use only to load framework operators for a particular type.


public static void addCompOperEntry(int typeGroup,
                                    int toDo,
                                    java.lang.Class msgBundleClass,
                                    java.lang.String strCode,
                                    java.lang.String oper,
                                    int minCardinality,
                                    int maxCardinality)
For internal use only to load framework operators for a particular type.


public static void addCompOperEntry(int typeGroup,
                                    int toDo,
                                    java.lang.String operDesc,
                                    java.lang.String oper,
                                    int minCardinality,
                                    int maxCardinality)
For internal use only to load framework operators for a particular type.


public static void mergeEntry(java.util.ArrayList list,
                              int toDo,
                              java.lang.Object ent)
For internal use only. Manges a operator list for an owner by adding or removing entries.

list - the collected list of operators.
toDo - OPER_TODO_ADD, OPER_TODO_REMOVE and OPER_TODO_CLEAR to add, remove or remove all operators defined on the owner.
ent - the operator entry that is applying the change.


public static void mergeEntries(java.util.ArrayList opers,
                                java.util.ArrayList list)
For internal use only. Manges a operator list for an owner by adding or removing entries.

opers - the collected list of operators.
list - the list of changes to be applied on opers.


public static void getCompOperList(int typeGroup,
                                   java.util.ArrayList list)
The list of operators for a specific type. Used in View Criteria design time to default the correct operators for a data type.

typeGroup - the type for which the operators need to be returned.
list - the list of operators.


public static java.util.HashMap getAllBaseCompOpers(LocaleContext locale)
For internal use only.

a deep copy of the system level operators.


public static java.lang.String[][] getBaseCompOpers(LocaleContext locale)
For internal use only.

a deep copy of system level operators for the default type.


public static java.lang.String[][] processCompOpers(LocaleContext locale,
                                                    java.util.ArrayList list)
locale - the locale to fetch the operator descriptions
list - the list of operators
an n x 2 array where n is the size of list and each element containing the operator name and description


public int getToDo()
OPER_TODO_ADD, OPER_TODO_REMOVE and OPER_TODO_CLEAR to add, remove or remove all operators defined on the owner.


public java.lang.String getId()


public java.lang.Class getMessageBundleClass()
The message bundle class that holds the description of the operator.


public void setMessageBundleClass(java.lang.Class cls)
cls - The message bundle class that holds the description of the operator.


public void setResourceBundleDef(ResourceBundleDef def)
def - ResourceBundleDef is an abstraction around alternate message bundle types supported by the framework like xlf, properties bundle.


public java.lang.String getOperDescStrCode()
The message bundle or resource bundle key to look up the operator description.


public java.lang.String getOperDesc()
If supplied during creation, the non-translatable operator description.


public java.lang.String getOperDescStr(LocaleContext locale)
locale - the locale used to fetch the operator description
the description of the operator for a specific locale.


public int getMinCardinality()


public int getMaxCardinality()


public java.lang.String getOper()


public java.lang.String getExpression()


public java.lang.Object clone()
clone in class java.lang.Object


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)
equals in class java.lang.Object


public boolean isDirty()
Description copied from interface: DefPersistable
This method returns if an Object is modified from last save/load

Specified by:
isDirty in interface DefPersistable
Returns true if the Object is dirty. Returns false otherwise.


public void setDirty(boolean isDirty)
Description copied from interface: DefPersistable
This method marks the Object dirty

Specified by:
setDirty in interface DefPersistable
isDirty - If true the Object is marked Dirty.


public boolean isNew()
Description copied from interface: DefPersistable
This method returns if this object is previously persisted.

Specified by:
isNew in interface DefPersistable
true if the Object is previously persisted. Returns false otherwise.


public void setNew(boolean b)
Description copied from interface: DefPersistable
This method marks the as previously persisted. By default all objects are new objects. When the object is persisted first time, that object is marked as 'not new' object

Specified by:
setNew in interface DefPersistable
b - If true the Object is marked as new object.


public java.lang.String getFullName()
Description copied from interface: DefPersistable
This method returns the Persistence reference of the object. The Persistence Reference is uniquely identifiable fully qualified name of the object.

Specified by:
getFullName in interface DefPersistable
the Persistence Reference of the object


public DefPersistable getOrigObject()
Specified by:
getOrigObject in interface DefPersistable


public void setOrigObject(DefPersistable oldObj)
Specified by:
setOrigObject in interface DefPersistable


public void writeObject(DefWriter jos)
Description copied from interface: PersistentDefinition
Objects should write their persistence output in this method

Specified by:
writeObject in interface PersistentDefinition
jos - the Output storage for persistence


public void writeContents(DefWriter jos)
Description copied from interface: PersistentDefinition
Objects should write their persistence output in this method

Specified by:
writeContents in interface PersistentDefinition
jos - the Output storage for persistence


public void writeContents(DefWriter jos,
                          boolean bWriteId)


public void writeChildren(DefWriter jos)
Description copied from interface: PersistentDefinition
Writes the Object's children to the Persistent storage

Specified by:
writeChildren in interface PersistentDefinition
jos - the Output storage for persistence


public void loadXMLContent(DefElement xmlElement)


public java.lang.String getDefXMLElementTag()
For internal use only

Specified by:
getDefXMLElementTag in interface PersistentDefinition


public java.lang.String getXMLElementTag()
For internal use only

Specified by:
getXMLElementTag in interface PersistentDefinition
returns the Statement required to store in Persitent Storage. Incase of XML, it just returns the String. In the case of SQL a JDBC PreparedStatement is returned.


public java.lang.String getDefXMLNameSpace()
For internal use only

Specified by:
getDefXMLNameSpace in interface PersistentDefinition


public boolean isRelationalOperator()
If a view criteria item has a value set, temporary bind variables are generated for the values to use statement caching efficiently. If the operator is a relational operator then the temporary bind var type is set to the same type we compare against.

true if the operator is relational.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Copyright © 1997, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved.