Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Interface DBTransaction

All Superinterfaces:
ExprWrappable, Transaction, ValidationManager
All Known Implementing Classes:
DBTransactionImpl, DBTransactionImpl2, NullDBTransactionImpl

public interface DBTransaction
extends Transaction, ValidationManager, ExprWrappable

Interface representing the server side of database connections and transactions.

This interface encapsulates the JDBC connection that is used by the framework to perform database operations.

JDeveloper 3.0

Field Summary
static int DEFAULT
          interface constant to inicate that row prefetch should be left as driver default
Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.Transaction
Method Summary
 void addTransactionListener(TransactionListener listener)
          Adds a listener to the transaction's list of event subscribers.
 void addTransactionListenerNoCheck(TransactionListener listener)
          Adds a listener to the transaction's event subscribers list, without checking whether the listener is already on the list.
 void addTransactionPostListener(TransactionPostListener listener)
          Adds a listener to the transaction's list of post-phase event subscribers.
 void addTransactionPostListenerNoCheck(TransactionPostListener listener)
          Adds a listener to the transaction's list of post-phase event subscribers, without checking whether the listener is already on the list.
 void addWarning(JboWarning warn)
          Adds a warning to the root Application Module's current list of warnings.
 void closeTransaction()
          Closes this transaction's JDBC connection.
 void connect(java.sql.Connection conn)
 void connectToDataSource(javax.sql.DataSource ds, boolean isJTABased)
 void connectToDataSource(javax.sql.DataSource ds, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String passwd, boolean isJTABased)
 ApplicationModule createApplicationModule(java.lang.String defName)
          Creates an Application Module.
 ApplicationModule createApplicationModule(java.lang.String amName, java.lang.String defName)
          Creates an instance of an nested Application Module within this Transaction For example,
 java.sql.CallableStatement createCallableStatement(java.lang.String str, int noRowsPrefetch)
          Creates a JDBC CallableStatement instance.
 EntityImpl createEntityInstance(EntityDefImpl entityDef, AttributeList al)
          Creates an EntityImpl instance based on the given defintion.
 EntityImpl createEntityInstance(java.lang.String entityDefName, AttributeList al)
          Creates an EntityImpl instance based on the named defintion.
 java.sql.PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(java.lang.String str, int noRowsPrefetch)
          Creates a JDBC PreparedStatement instance.
 java.sql.Statement createStatement(int noRowsPrefetch)
          Creates a JDBC Statement instance.
 ViewLink createViewLink(java.lang.String viewLinkDefName, ViewObject master, ViewObject detail)
          Creates a View Link.
 ViewLink createViewLinkBetweenViewObjects(java.lang.String accessorName, ViewObject master, AttributeDef[] srcAttrs, ViewObject detail, AttributeDef[] destAttrs, java.lang.String assocClause)
          Creates a View Link.
 ViewLink createViewLinkFromEntityAssocName(java.lang.String entityAssocName, ViewObject master, ViewObject detail)
          Creates a View Link.
 ViewObject createViewObject(java.lang.String voDefName)
          Creates a ViewObject instance based on the named defintion.
 ViewObject createViewObjectFromQueryClauses(java.lang.String eoName, java.lang.String selectClause, java.lang.String fromClause, java.lang.String whereClause, java.lang.String orderByClause)
          Creates an updatable View Object.
 ViewObject createViewObjectFromQueryStmt(java.lang.String sqlStatement)
          Creates a View Object from a SQL statement.
 ViewObject createViewObjectFromQueryStmt(java.lang.String sqlStatement, java.lang.String voImplClassName)
          Creates a View Object from a SQL statement.
 void disconnect(boolean retainState)
          Closes the JDBC connection object and removes this transaction from the root application module.
 ApplicationModule findApplicationModule(java.lang.String amName)
          Returns the named Application Module.
 EntityImpl findByPrimaryKey(EntityDefImpl entityDef, Key key)
          Finds an Entity Object in this transaction given a Primary Key.
 EntityImpl findByPrimaryKey(java.lang.String entityDefName, Key key)
          Finds an Entity Object in this transaction given a Primary Key.
 ViewObject findViewObject(java.lang.String voName)
          Find a view object with the specified name.
 int getBatchPostExceptionThreshold()
          In case of batch mode post operation, try to post the batched set of entities for each entity type and post operation (Insert/Update/Delete) for this many number of exceptions.
 int getPostThreshold()
          Gets the threshold value for the commit-cycle's post phase.
 ApplicationModule getRootApplicationModule()
 Session getSession()
          Gets the session information.
 SQLBuilder getSQLBuilder()
 TransactionHandler getTransactionHandler()
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 int getValidationThreshold()
          Gets the threshold value for the commit-cycle's validation phase.
 boolean isConnected(boolean pingDatabase)
 boolean isLockOptimistic()
          Indicates whether the current locking mode is optimistic or not.
 boolean isTrackNewAndModifiedRowsOnly()
          Advanced: Most applications should not use this method
 void reconnect()
          Reconnect the application module to the database, if necessary, using previously supplied database credentials.
 void removeTransactionListener(TransactionListener listener)
          Removes the listener from the transactions list of event subscribers.
 void removeTransactionPostListener(TransactionPostListener listener)
          Removes a listener from the transaction's list of post-phase event subscribers.
 void setBatchPostExceptionThreshold(int count)
          Set this value to 0 to let all the modified entities be posted for each entity type and entity-DML operation to collect possible exceptions for all such entities.
 void setPostThreshold(int count)
          Sets the threshold value for the commit-cycle's post phase.
 void setTrackNewAndModifiedRowsOnly(boolean flag)
          Advanced: Most applications should not use this method
 void setTransactionHandler(TransactionHandler txnHandler)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 void setValidationThreshold(int count)
          Sets the threshold value for the commit-cycle's validation phase.
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.Transaction
addTransactionStateListener, addViewClearCacheListener, applyChangeSet, cancelDMLOperations, clearEntityCache, commit, commitAndSaveChangeSet, connect, connect, connect, connectToDataSource, connectToDataSource, connectToDataSource, connectToDataSource, createRef, disconnect, dumpQueryResult, executeCommand, getConnectionMetadata, getDMLOperationTimeOut, getLockingMode, isBundledExceptionMode, isClearCacheOnCommit, isClearCacheOnRollback, isConnected, isDirty, postChanges, reconnect, removeChangeSet, removeTransactionStateListener, removeViewClearCacheListener, rollback, setBundledExceptionMode, setClearCacheOnCommit, setClearCacheOnRollback, setDMLOperationTimeOut, setLockingMode, validate
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.server.ValidationManager
addToValidationListeners, validate

Field Detail


static final int DEFAULT
interface constant to inicate that row prefetch should be left as driver default

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void closeTransaction()
Closes this transaction's JDBC connection.

Rollback is performed on the current transaction to reset all the data in the cache to their initial state, and then the JDBC connection is dropped.

This method is invoked by ApplicationModule.disconnect(), which should be called so that JDBC resources will be properly released.


void setPostThreshold(int count)
Sets the threshold value for the commit-cycle's post phase.

When commit() is invoked the framework attempts to post the transaction's modifications, making count attempts before failing with an exception. This mechanism allows applications to update data in the cache within the post phase, and commit all changes.

count - the new threshold value.


int getPostThreshold()
Gets the threshold value for the commit-cycle's post phase.


void setValidationThreshold(int count)
Sets the threshold value for the commit-cycle's validation phase.

When commit() is invoked the framework attempts to validate the transaction's modifications, making count attempts before failing with an exception. This mechanism allows applications to update data in the cache within the validation phase, and validate them before they are posted.

count - the new threshold value.


int getValidationThreshold()
Gets the threshold value for the commit-cycle's validation phase.


void addTransactionListener(TransactionListener listener)
Adds a listener to the transaction's list of event subscribers.

Listeners are notified of commit and rollback events spawned by the commit() or rollback() methods. The framework adds modified top-level Entity Objects to this list.

listener - the subscriber to be added.


void addTransactionListenerNoCheck(TransactionListener listener)
Adds a listener to the transaction's event subscribers list, without checking whether the listener is already on the list.

Listeners are notified of commit and rollback events spawned by the commit() or rollback() methods. The framework adds modified top-level Entity Objects to this list.

listener - the subscriber to be added.


void removeTransactionListener(TransactionListener listener)
Removes the listener from the transactions list of event subscribers.

listener - the subscriber to be removed.


void addTransactionPostListener(TransactionPostListener listener)
Adds a listener to the transaction's list of post-phase event subscribers.

Listeners are notified of events spawned by the postChanges() method. The framework adds modified top-level Entity Objects to this list.

listener - the subscriber to be added.


void addTransactionPostListenerNoCheck(TransactionPostListener listener)
Adds a listener to the transaction's list of post-phase event subscribers, without checking whether the listener is already on the list.

Listeners are notified of events spawned by the postChanges() method. The framework adds modified top-level Entity Objects to this list.

listener - the subscriber to be added.


void removeTransactionPostListener(TransactionPostListener listener)
Removes a listener from the transaction's list of post-phase event subscribers.


java.sql.Statement createStatement(int noRowsPrefetch)
Creates a JDBC Statement instance.

Applications may use this method to create a JDBC statement object to execute application specific SQL statements directly, so that the modifications are committed to the database in a single transaction through this object.

noRowsPrefetch - the number of rows to prefetch when executing this statement's query.
a JDBC Statement instance.


java.sql.CallableStatement createCallableStatement(java.lang.String str,
                                                   int noRowsPrefetch)
Creates a JDBC CallableStatement instance.

Applications may use this method to create a JDBC callable statement object to execute application-specific SQL statements directly, so that the modifications are committed to the database in a single transaction through this object.

str - the CallableStatement instance's SQL statement.
noRowsPrefetch - the number of rows to prefetch when executing this statement's query. If this parameter is set to DBTransaction.DEFAULT, then the default value from the jdbc driver is used.
a JDBC CallableStatement instance.


java.sql.PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(java.lang.String str,
                                                   int noRowsPrefetch)
Creates a JDBC PreparedStatement instance.

Applications may use this method to create a JDBC callable statement object to execute application specific SQL statements directly, so that the modifications are committed to the database in a single transaction through this object.

str - the PreparedStatement instance's SQL statement.
noRowsPrefetch - the number of rows to prefetch when executing this statement's query. If this parameter is set to DBTransaction.DEFAULT, then the default value from the jdbc driver is used.
a JDBC PreparedStatement instance.


TransactionHandler getTransactionHandler()
Internal: Applications should not use this method.


void setTransactionHandler(TransactionHandler txnHandler)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.


void connect(java.sql.Connection conn)

Internal: Applications should not use this method.



void connectToDataSource(javax.sql.DataSource ds,
                         boolean isJTABased)


void connectToDataSource(javax.sql.DataSource ds,
                         java.lang.String user,
                         java.lang.String passwd,
                         boolean isJTABased)


void reconnect()
Reconnect the application module to the database, if necessary, using previously supplied database credentials.

Specified by:
reconnect in interface Transaction


void disconnect(boolean retainState)
Closes the JDBC connection object and removes this transaction from the root application module. Retains the ApplicationModule state wrt cache as is.

All ViewObjects should have fetched all their data or be in forwardonly mode before this method is invoked with retainState = true

In the middle-tier, you can also use the disconnect method on the DBTransactionImpl interface.

Specified by:
disconnect in interface Transaction


EntityImpl createEntityInstance(EntityDefImpl entityDef,
                                AttributeList al)
Creates an EntityImpl instance based on the given defintion.

entityDef - the defintion to to be used to create the instance.
al - an attribute list to be passed to the new instance's create() method.
the new EntityImpl instance.


EntityImpl createEntityInstance(java.lang.String entityDefName,
                                AttributeList al)
Creates an EntityImpl instance based on the named defintion.

entityDefName - the name of the defintion to to be used to create the instance.
al - an attribute list to be passed to the new instance's create() method.
the new EntityImpl instance.


EntityImpl findByPrimaryKey(EntityDefImpl entityDef,
                            Key key)
Finds an Entity Object in this transaction given a Primary Key.

entityDef - the defintion to to be used to find the instance.
key - the Primary Key.
the Entity Object matching Key, or null if not found.


EntityImpl findByPrimaryKey(java.lang.String entityDefName,
                            Key key)
Finds an Entity Object in this transaction given a Primary Key.

entityDefName - the name of the defintion to to be used to find the instance.
key - the Primary Key.
the Entity Object matching Key, or null if not found.


ApplicationModule createApplicationModule(java.lang.String amName,
                                          java.lang.String defName)
Creates an instance of an nested Application Module within this Transaction For example,

 oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule nestedAM =
 dbtxn.createApplicationModule("subAppMod", "PackageName.AppModuleName");

This application module can control the namespace of objects that are contained within it.

amName - the name to be given to the Application Module. If amName is empty, a name is generated.
defName - the name of the Application Module definition to be used. If null a default definition is used.
a new Application Module.


ApplicationModule findApplicationModule(java.lang.String amName)
Returns the named Application Module. This method assumes that the Application Module has already been created in this Transaction. The following example returns the Application Module KpiAM:

 oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule am = dbTxn.findApplicationModule("KpiAM");

amName - the name of the Application Module.
the Application Module.
InvalidObjNameException - if the name cannot be found.


ViewObject createViewObject(java.lang.String voDefName)
Creates a ViewObject instance based on the named defintion.

The caller should invoke remove() to dispose of the instance.

voDefName - the name of the defintion to to be used to create the instance.
the new ViewObject instance.


ViewObject createViewObjectFromQueryClauses(java.lang.String eoName,
                                            java.lang.String selectClause,
                                            java.lang.String fromClause,
                                            java.lang.String whereClause,
                                            java.lang.String orderByClause)
Creates an updatable View Object.

The View Object is constructed from an Entity Object and parts of a SQL statement.

The caller should invoke remove() to dispose of the instance.

eoName - the name of a EntityObject beaninfo class.
selectClause - an SQL statement SELECT clause.
fromClause - an SQL statement FROM clause.
whereClause - an SQL statement WHERE clause.
orderByClause - an SQL statement ORDERBY clause.


ViewObject createViewObjectFromQueryStmt(java.lang.String sqlStatement)
Creates a View Object from a SQL statement.

The caller should invoke remove() to dispose of the instance.

sqlStatement - a SQL statement.


ViewObject createViewObjectFromQueryStmt(java.lang.String sqlStatement,
                                         java.lang.String voImplClassName)
Creates a View Object from a SQL statement. This API provides the ability to create an instance of the subclass of the ViewObjectImpl class.

The caller should invoke remove() to dispose of the instance.

sqlStatement - a SQL statement.
voImplClassName - a class name that is a subclass of the oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl framework class.
the ViewObject instance of the Class name passed as the argument


ViewObject findViewObject(java.lang.String voName)
Find a view object with the specified name. The name passed in the argument should either be relative to the root Application Module of the transaction or a fully-qualified path when nested Application Modules are involved. For example: In the following structure


transaction.findViewObject("processOrderAM.customerVO") and transaction.findViewObject("Root.processOrderAM.customerVO") are both allowed and equivalent.

voName - the name of the view object.
the view object. null if the view object is not found.
NoObjException - if an AM-qualified name was specified and the containing application module could not be found.
InvalidObjNameException - if voName is an invalid name. voName must be a vaild Java name.


ApplicationModule createApplicationModule(java.lang.String defName)
Creates an Application Module.

defName - the name of the Application Module definition to be used. If null a default definition is used.
a new Application Module.


ViewLink createViewLink(java.lang.String viewLinkDefName,
                        ViewObject master,
                        ViewObject detail)
Creates a View Link.

viewLinkDefName - the name of the definition to be used to create the link. If empty a default definition will be used.
master - the link's source.
detail - the link's destination.
InvalidParamException - if master or detail are invalid.
InvalidObjNameException - if viewLinkName is invalid.
NameClashException - if viewLinkName already exists.


ViewLink createViewLinkFromEntityAssocName(java.lang.String entityAssocName,
                                           ViewObject master,
                                           ViewObject detail)
Creates a View Link.

entityAssocName - the entity association that the View Link will represent.
master - the link's source.
detail - the link's destination.
InvalidParamException - if master, detail, or entityAssocName are invalid.
InvalidObjNameException - if viewLinkName is invalid.
NameClashException - if viewLinkName already exists.


ViewLink createViewLinkBetweenViewObjects(java.lang.String accessorName,
                                          ViewObject master,
                                          AttributeDef[] srcAttrs,
                                          ViewObject detail,
                                          AttributeDef[] destAttrs,
                                          java.lang.String assocClause)
Creates a View Link.

accessorName - the name to be given to the View Link's accessor.
master - the link's source.
srcAttrs - link attributes taken from the master View Object.
detail - the link's destination.
destAttrs - link attributes taken from the detail View Object.
assocClause -
InvalidParamException - if master or detail are invalid.
InvalidObjNameException - if viewLinkName or accessorName are invalid.
NameClashException - if viewLinkName or accessorName already exist.


void addWarning(JboWarning warn)
Adds a warning to the root Application Module's current list of warnings.

These warnings may be used for diagnostic purposes and may contain application-specific messages.

warn - a warning message.


Session getSession()
Gets the session information.

the session.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the session information cannot be found.


SQLBuilder getSQLBuilder()


void setTrackNewAndModifiedRowsOnly(boolean flag)
Advanced: Most applications should not use this method

Sets this transaction into a mode where this transaction will post/commit only those new entities that have been modified by a setAttribute call. Entities that were created/inserted into collections but never updated by a setAttribute will not be placed in the transaction's list and hence will not get validated, posted or committed.

This is useful in UIs where the application may create five new rows for display and only update say one or two of them. So only one or two of those rows are added to the transaction. The rest of the entites are in STATUS_INITIALIZED state and are not added to the Entity-cache or Transaction.


boolean isTrackNewAndModifiedRowsOnly()
Advanced: Most applications should not use this method

Returns true if this transaction allows entities to be in STATUS_INITIALIZED state.


int getBatchPostExceptionThreshold()
In case of batch mode post operation, try to post the batched set of entities for each entity type and post operation (Insert/Update/Delete) for this many number of exceptions.

See Also:


void setBatchPostExceptionThreshold(int count)
Set this value to 0 to let all the modified entities be posted for each entity type and entity-DML operation to collect possible exceptions for all such entities. Set this number to a postive integer to set a limit on number of exceptions to collect for each entity type and DML operation before aborting the post operation.


boolean isConnected(boolean pingDatabase)


ApplicationModule getRootApplicationModule()


boolean isLockOptimistic()
Indicates whether the current locking mode is optimistic or not.

true if the locking mode is LOCK_OPTIMISTIC or LOCK_OPTUPDATE.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Copyright © 1997, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved.