Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Interface JUPanelValidationListener

All Superinterfaces:
DCBindingContainerValidationListener, java.util.EventListener

public interface JUPanelValidationListener
extends DCBindingContainerValidationListener

Implemented by classes that are interested in performing typically lightweight, client-side validation for an attribute, a row, or the whole transaction.

When the Event Inspector is used to generate PanelValidationEvent code on a PanelBinding object, it adds this interface to the list of interfaces the concerned class implements and also implements the three event methods.

Method Summary
 void beforeCurrencyChange(JUPanelValidationEvent ev)
          Invoked before a JClient binding object calls a navigation event to display the next row data in the JClient controls.
 void beforeSaveTransaction(JUPanelValidationEvent ev)
          Invoked before a JClient binding object calls commit() on the transaction to save any pending changes into the database.
 void beforeSetAttribute(JUPanelValidationEvent ev)
          Deprecated. since 9.0.5 use beforeSetAttribute(DCBindingContainerValidationListener)
Methods inherited from interface oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainerValidationListener
beforeCurrencyChange, beforeSaveTransaction, beforeSetAttribute

Method Detail


void beforeSetAttribute(JUPanelValidationEvent ev)
Deprecated. since 9.0.5 use beforeSetAttribute(DCBindingContainerValidationListener)

Invoked before a JClient Binding object calls Row.setAttribute() to update a value from a binding object into the corresponding Row object.

Applications should perform lightweight, attribute-data validation (for example, matching a value with a small set of values or uppercasing all entries etc.) at this level before the value is passed on to BC4J. Note that such a validation should be duplicated on the BC4J side too as other clients or APIs may modify the same attribute. This duplication is usually necessary when a client needs immediate feedback of an error rather than going over to the middle-tier (in a multi-tier platform) and get any errors.


void beforeCurrencyChange(JUPanelValidationEvent ev)
Invoked before a JClient binding object calls a navigation event to display the next row data in the JClient controls.

Applications should perform lightweight, row-data validation (for example, inter-attribute validation etc.) at this level before the value is passed on to BC4J. Note that such a validation should be duplicated on the BC4J side to allow other clients or APIs to modify the same attribute. This duplication is usually necessary when a client needs immediate feedback of an error rather than going over to the middle-tier (in a multi-tier platform) and get any errors.


void beforeSaveTransaction(JUPanelValidationEvent ev)
Invoked before a JClient binding object calls commit() on the transaction to save any pending changes into the database.

Applications should perform lightweight, panel-level validation (for example, validating that all desired values are filled in etc.) at this level before the values are passed on to BC4J. Note that such a validation should be duplicated on the BC4J side to allow other clients or APIs to modify the same attribute. This duplication is usually necessary when a client needs immediate feedback of an error rather than going over to the middle-tier (in a multi-tier platform) and get any errors.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


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