Oracle Fusion Middleware
Workflow Services Java API Reference for Oracle SOA Suite
11g Release 1 (
Interface IUserMetadataService

public interface IUserMetadataService

The UserMetadataService provides methods for querying and updating workflow metadata specific to users or groups. It is used for dealing with workflow assignment rules, user views, user preferences and vacation information.

An instance of IUserMetadataService can be created by calling IWorkflowServiceClient.getUserMetadataService(). An instance of IWorkflowServiceClient can be created using the WorkflowServiceClientFactory.

All the UserMetadataService methods take IWorkflowContext as their first parameter. The IWorkflowContext object allows the UserMetdataService to validate that the method is being called by an authenticated user, and that the user has the necessary authority to perform the action being requested. The IWorkflowContext object also contains information on the user's timezone and locale. An IWorkflowContext object can be obtained by calling ITaskQueryService.authenticate(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) or ITaskQueryService.createContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest).

For most methods, users can only query and update their own metadata - they are not permitted to access metadata belonging to other users. In the case of metadata for groups (specifically for workflow rules), only users who are registered as the owner of that group can access the metadata. However, users with administrator privileges can usually access any user or group's metadata.

Many of the parameters and return types of the methods are JAXB model objects from the packages,, and These objects do not have public constructors. To create new instances of these objects you should use the appropriate methods on, or

Many of the methods in this API use Participant objects to specify a user or group. A Participant object contains parameters that specify the user or group name, the realm (identity context) of the user, and whether the Participant is a user or group.


Nested Class Summary
static class IUserMetadataService.PresentationDataType
          Enumeration specifying the different types of presentation that can be defined.
static class IUserMetadataService.UserTaskViewGrantType
          Enumeration specifying the different grant types that can be used when granting another user access to a UserTaskView.
static class IUserMetadataService.UserTaskViewType
          Enumeration specifying the different types of view that can be defined.
Field Summary
static java.lang.String RULE_ACTION_DELEGATE
          Rule action: Delegate task to specified user or group
static java.lang.String RULE_ACTION_DYN_REASSIGN
          Rule action: Dynamically reasign task using dynamic assignment funtion to select user
static java.lang.String RULE_ACTION_NOOP
          Rule action: No operation
static java.lang.String RULE_ACTION_REASSIGN
          Rule action: Reassign task to specified user or group
static java.lang.String RULE_ACTION_SET_OUTCOME
          Rule action: Set task outcome to specified value
static java.lang.String RULE_OP_AFTER
          Rule condition operator: Date occured after
static java.lang.String RULE_OP_BEFORE
          Rule condition operator: Date occured before
static java.lang.String RULE_OP_BEGINS
          Rule condition operator: String begins with value
static java.lang.String RULE_OP_CONTAINS
          Rule condition operator: String contains value
static java.lang.String RULE_OP_ENDS
          Rule condition operator: String ends with value
static java.lang.String RULE_OP_EQ
          Rule condition operator: equal to "=="
static java.lang.String RULE_OP_GT
          Rule condition operator: greater than ">"
static java.lang.String RULE_OP_GTE
          Rule condition operator: greater than or equal to ">="
static java.lang.String RULE_OP_LT
          Rule condition operator: less than "<"
static java.lang.String RULE_OP_LTE
          Rule condition operator: less than or equal to "<="
static java.lang.String RULE_OP_NEQ
          Rule condition operator: not equal to "!="
static java.lang.String RULE_OP_NOT_BEGINS
          Rule condition operator: String does not begin with value
static java.lang.String RULE_OP_NOT_CONTAINS
          Rule condition operator: String does not contain value
static java.lang.String RULE_OP_NOT_ENDS
          Rule condition operator: String does not end with value
static java.lang.String[] VALID_DATE_RULE_OPS
          Array of valid operators for rule conditions on Date values
static java.lang.String[] VALID_NUMBER_RULE_OPS
          Array of valid operators for rule conditions on number values
static java.lang.String[] VALID_STRING_RULE_OPS
          Array of valid operators for rule conditions on String values
Method Summary
 PresentationType createPresentation(IWorkflowContext ctx, PresentationType presentation)
 RuleDetail createRule(IWorkflowContext ctx, RuleDetail rule)
          Creates a new rule from a RuleDetail object.
 UserApplicationDataType createUserApplicationData(IWorkflowContext ctx, UserApplicationDataType applicationData)
 UserViewDetail createUserTaskView(IWorkflowContext ctx, UserViewDetail view)
          Creates a new view from the specified UserViewDetail object.
 void decreaseRulePriority(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String ruleId)
          Decreases the priority of the specified rule by 1.
 void deletePresentation(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String presentationId)
 void deleteRule(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String ruleId)
          Deletes an existing workflow rule, based on its ruleId.
 void deleteUserApplicationData(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String applicationDataId)
 void deleteUserTaskView(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String viewId)
          Deletes an existing view identifies by its viewId.
 GrantedViewList getGrantedTaskViewList(IWorkflowContext ctx, Participant user)
          Gets the list of task views that have been granted to the specified user by other users.
 PresentationType getPresentation(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String presentationId)
 UserPreferences getPublicPreferences(IWorkflowContext ctx, Participant user)
          Gets 'public' preferences for specified user.
 RuleDetail getRuleDetail(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String ruleId)
          Returns the full details for a particular rule, identified by its ruleId.
 RuleList getRuleList(IWorkflowContext ctx, Participant user)
          Returns a list of rules for the specified user or group, as a RuleList object.
 RulesetInfo getRuleSetInfo(IWorkflowContext ctx, Participant user)
          Deprecated. Rules persistence is no longer configurable, and rules are now persisted internally in the workflow database schema, so this method is now of limited use.
 UserViewDetail getStandardTaskViewDetails(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String viewId)
          Gets the full details for a particular standard view, identified by its viewId.
 UserViewList getStandardTaskViewList(IWorkflowContext ctx)
          Gets the list of standard task views which ship with the product, and are available to all users.
 UserApplicationDataType getUserApplicationData(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String applicationDataId)
 UserViewDetail getUserInboxView(IWorkflowContext ctx, Participant user)
 UserPreferences getUserPreferences(IWorkflowContext ctx, Participant user)
          Gets the user preferences for the specified user as a UserPreferences object.
 UserViewDetail getUserTaskViewDetails(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String viewId)
          Gets the full details for a particular user view, identified by its viewId.
 UserViewList getUserTaskViewList(IWorkflowContext ctx, Participant user)
          Gets the list of task views belonging to the specified user.
 VacationInfo getVacationInfo(IWorkflowContext ctx, Participant user)
          Gets the current vacation information for the specified user in the form of a VacationInfo object.
 void increaseRulePriority(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String ruleId)
          Increases the priority of the specified rule by 1.
 java.util.List<PresentationType> listGrantedPresentations(IWorkflowContext ctx, IUserMetadataService.PresentationDataType presentationType, PrincipleRefType grantee, boolean directOnly)
 java.util.List<UserApplicationDataType> listGrantedUserApplicationData(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String dataType, PrincipleRefType grantee, boolean directOnly)
 java.util.List<ViewGrantType> listGrantedUserViews(IWorkflowContext ctx, IUserMetadataService.UserTaskViewType viewType, PrincipleRefType grantee, IUserMetadataService.UserTaskViewGrantType grantType, boolean directOnly)
          Returns a list of all views of the specified type (task views, process views, standard task views, standard process views) and grant type (data or definition) granted to the specified grantee.
 java.util.List<PresentationType> listPresentations(IWorkflowContext ctx, IUserMetadataService.PresentationDataType presentationType, java.lang.String owner)
 java.util.List<UserApplicationDataType> listUserApplicationData(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String dataType, java.lang.String owner)
 java.util.List<ViewSummaryType> listUserViews(IWorkflowContext ctx, IUserMetadataService.UserTaskViewType viewType, java.lang.String ownerUser)
          Returns a list of all views of the specified view type (task views, process views, standard task views, standard process views) and grant type (data or definition) owned by the specified user.
 java.util.List<ViewSummaryType> listViewsUsingPresentation(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String presentationId)
          Returns a list of ViewSummaryType objects that describe views which are using the specified presentation.
 UserPreferences setPublicPreferences(IWorkflowContext ctx, UserPreferences prefs)
          Sets 'public' preferences for specified user.
 UserPreferences setUserPreferences(IWorkflowContext ctx, UserPreferences prefs)
          Sets the user preferences for the specified from a UserPreferences object.
 VacationInfo setVacationInfo(IWorkflowContext ctx, VacationInfo vacationInfo)
          Updates the vacation information for a user using the supplied VacationInfo object.
 ViewGrant updateGrantedTaskView(IWorkflowContext ctx, ViewGrant grant)
          Allows a grantee to update certain information on a view that has been granted to them.
 PresentationType updatePresentation(IWorkflowContext ctx, PresentationType presentation)
 RuleDetail updateRule(IWorkflowContext ctx, RuleDetail rule)
          Updates an existing workflow rule to the definition specified in a RuleDetail object.
 UserApplicationDataType updateUserApplicationData(IWorkflowContext ctx, UserApplicationDataType applicationData)
 UserViewDetail updateUserTaskView(IWorkflowContext ctx, UserViewDetail view)
          Updates an existing view to the defintion specified in a UserViewDetail object.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String RULE_ACTION_NOOP
Rule action: No operation

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String RULE_ACTION_REASSIGN
Rule action: Reassign task to specified user or group

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String RULE_ACTION_DYN_REASSIGN
Rule action: Dynamically reasign task using dynamic assignment funtion to select user

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String RULE_ACTION_DELEGATE
Rule action: Delegate task to specified user or group

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String RULE_ACTION_SET_OUTCOME
Rule action: Set task outcome to specified value

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String RULE_OP_LTE
Rule condition operator: less than or equal to "<="

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String RULE_OP_GTE
Rule condition operator: greater than or equal to ">="

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String RULE_OP_EQ
Rule condition operator: equal to "=="

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String RULE_OP_NEQ
Rule condition operator: not equal to "!="

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String RULE_OP_LT
Rule condition operator: less than "<"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String RULE_OP_GT
Rule condition operator: greater than ">"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String RULE_OP_CONTAINS
Rule condition operator: String contains value

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String RULE_OP_NOT_CONTAINS
Rule condition operator: String does not contain value

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String RULE_OP_BEGINS
Rule condition operator: String begins with value

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String RULE_OP_NOT_BEGINS
Rule condition operator: String does not begin with value

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String RULE_OP_ENDS
Rule condition operator: String ends with value

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String RULE_OP_NOT_ENDS
Rule condition operator: String does not end with value

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String RULE_OP_BEFORE
Rule condition operator: Date occured before

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String RULE_OP_AFTER
Rule condition operator: Date occured after

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String[] VALID_STRING_RULE_OPS
Array of valid operators for rule conditions on String values


static final java.lang.String[] VALID_DATE_RULE_OPS
Array of valid operators for rule conditions on Date values


static final java.lang.String[] VALID_NUMBER_RULE_OPS
Array of valid operators for rule conditions on number values

Method Detail


VacationInfo getVacationInfo(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                             Participant user)
                             throws WorkflowException
Gets the current vacation information for the specified user in the form of a VacationInfo object. Vacation information specifies two dates between which the user is unavailable for assignment of tasks. Dynamic Assignment functions will not assign tasks to users who are currently on vacation. If the user has defined any rules that are flagged as being vacation rules, then the start and end dates for the vacation rules will match the vacation start and end dates.

If no vacation information has been set for the user, an empty VactionInfo object is returned.

VacationInfo has the following properties:

  • isOnVacation boolean true if current date is between vacation start and end date, otherwise false.
  • user PrincipleRefType The user this vacation information is for.
  • startDate Calendar start date for vacation period. A null startDate and null endDate indicates that there are no vacation dates currently set for the user.
  • endDate Calendar end date for vacation period. A null startDate and null endDate indicates that there are no vacation dates currently set for the user.
  • Parameters:
    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user
    user - Participant user to query information for
    empty VacationInfo object if no vacation information has been set for user, otherwise a VacationInfo object populated with vacation information.
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to query information for another user, or some other error condition occurs


    VacationInfo setVacationInfo(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                 VacationInfo vacationInfo)
                                 throws WorkflowException
    Updates the vacation information for a user using the supplied VacationInfo object. Vacation information specifies two dates between which the user is unavailable for assignment of tasks. Dynamic Assignment functions will not assign tasks to users who are currently on vacation. In addition the start and end dates of any rules for the user which are marked as being 'vacation rules' will automatically be updated so that the rule start and end dates match the vacation startand end dates.

    The method validates that both a start and end date have been specified, and that the end date occurs after the start date.

    VacationInfo has the following properties:

  • isOnVacation boolean Not used on update, is set by API when querying vacation info.
  • user PrincipleRefType The user this vacation information is for.
  • startDate Calendar start date for vacation period. Setting a null startDate and null endDate will clear existing vacation dates for the user.
  • endDate Calendar start date for vacation period. Setting a null startDate and null endDate will clear existing vacation dates for the user.
  • Parameters:
    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user
    vacationInfo - VacationInfo the vacation information to set
    the updated VacationInfo vacation information
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to update information for another user, or some other error condition occurs


    RulesetInfo getRuleSetInfo(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                               Participant user)
                               throws WorkflowException
    Deprecated. Rules persistence is no longer configurable, and rules are now persisted internally in the workflow database schema, so this method is now of limited use.

    Returns information relating to the Oracle Business Rules rule set being used to store the rules for a particular user or group, in the form of a RulesetInfo object. This is useful if a client wants to make use of the rules SDK directly for manipulating rules, rather than using the user metadata service. A ruleset is created for each user or group that has workflow assignment rules defined.

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    user - Participant user or group to get ruleset information for.
    RulesetInfo object containing the ruleset information


    RuleList getRuleList(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                         Participant user)
                         throws WorkflowException
    Returns a list of rules for the specified user or group, as a RuleList object. The RuleList object contains a List of RuleInfoType objects. Each RuleInfoType object provides summary information about a rule. In order to retreive the full details for a particular rule, the method getRuleDetail(IWorkflowContext, String) should be used.

    The RuleInfoType object has the following properties:

  • ruleType String "USER" or "GROUP". Maintained by API.
  • ruleId String unique identifier for rule. Populated by API on rule creation. ruleId is derived from rule name, and will change if the rule name is changed.
  • ruleName String the name of rule.
  • priority int rule priority. Larger numerical value indicates higher priority. API maintains rule priorities to ensure that there is a continuous numerical sequence.
  • owner PrincipleRefType The owner (user or group) of this rule.
  • workflowId String a rule may optionally be restricted to be triggered only for tasks of a certain type by setting this property to the appropriate TaskDefintionId.
  • startDate Calendar a rule may optioanlly be restricted to only be triggered for tasks assigned after a certain date.
  • endDate Calendar a rule may optioanlly be restricted to only be triggered for tasks assigned before a certain date.
  • isVacationRule boolean if a rule is marked as a vacation rule, then the UserMetdataService will automatically synchonize the rule's start and end dates with the vacation start and end date's for the view's owner.
  • description String an optional description of the rule.
  • createdDate Calendar the date on which the rule was created. Populated automatically by the API on rule creation.
  • updatedDate Calendar the date on which the rule was last updated. Populated automatically by the API on rule creation and update.
  • Parameters:
    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user
    user - Participant user or group to get RuleList for.
    RuleList object containing list of summary information for each rule
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to retrieve information for another user, or for a group that they to not own, or some other error condition occurs


    RuleDetail getRuleDetail(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                             java.lang.String ruleId)
                             throws WorkflowException
    Returns the full details for a particular rule, identified by its ruleId. Rule details are returned in the form of a RuleDetail object. See createRule(, for a description of the RuleDetail object.

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user
    ruleId - String a unique identitier for the rule
    full details for rule, as a RuleDetail object.
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to retrieve information for a rule belonging to another user or a group that they to not own or have not been granted, or some other error condition occurs.


    RuleDetail createRule(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                          RuleDetail rule)
                          throws WorkflowException

    Creates a new rule from a RuleDetail object. A user may create rules for themselves, and for any groups that they own. Rules are evaluated when a task is assigned to that user or group - if the task meets the conditions specified in a rule, the rule is triggered, and will attempt to perform an action on the task, as specified in the RuleDetail.

    Rules are evaluated in order of their priority from highest (largest numerical value) to lowest. Only the first rule whose conditions are met will be triggered. Rules of lower priority will be ignored, even if the task also meets their conditions.

    Rules will only be evaluated if the current date is between the rule start and end date. If no rule start and end date is specfied, the rule will always be evaluated.

    If the IsVacationRule flag is set for a rule, then its start and end dates will be automatically synchronized with the user's vacation start and end dates (as configured via the setVacationInfo method in this interface). If no vacation period is currently defined for the user, then the vacation rule's start and end date's will automatically be set in the past, to ensure the rule does not get triggered


    RuleDetail has the following parameters:

  • generalInfo RuleInfoType describes general information about the rule. This is the same information that is returned by the getRuleList(, method. RuleInfoType has the following parameters:
    • ruleType String "USER" or "GROUP". Maintained by API.
    • ruleId String unique identifier for rule. Populated by API on rule creation. ruleId is derived from rule name, and will change if the rule name is changed.
    • ruleName String the name of rule. Mandatory.
    • priority int rule priority. Larger numerical value indicates higher priority. API maintains rule priorities to ensure that there is a continuous numerical sequence. If a rule already exists with this priority, this rule will be created with the specified priority, and other rules with the same or higher priority will have their priorities incrementented by 1 to accomodate the new rule. A rule cannot have a priority higher than the total number of rules. If a higer priority is specified, the API will reset the priority for this rule to be the same as the total number of rules.
    • owner PrincipleRefType The owner (user or group) of this rule. Mandatory.
    • workflowId String a rule may optionally be restricted to be triggered only for tasks of a certain type by setting this property to the appropriate TaskDefintionId. Note that TaskDefinitonId changes on each redeployment of a Task definition, so the rule will be restricted to Tasks created for a specific deployment of a Task definition. To have a rule apply to all deployments of a task definition, use taskNamespace instead.
    • taskNamespace String a rule may optionally be restricted to be triggered only for tasks of a certain type by setting this property to the appropriate task definition namespace. Note that task namespace is unique to a task definition type, but does not change between versions or redeployments of the Task definition, so the rule will be triggered by tasks for all versions of the Task definition. If you need to restrict the rule to a specific task definition deployment, use workflowId instead.
    • startDate Calendar a rule may optioanlly be restricted to only be triggered for tasks assigned after a certain date.
    • endDate Calendar a rule may optioanlly be restricted to only be triggered for tasks assigned before a certain date.
    • isVacationRule boolean if a rule is marked as a vacation rule, then the UserMetdataService will automatically synchonize the rule's start and end dates with the vacation start and end date's for the view's owner.
    • description String an optional description of the rule.
    • createdDate Calendar the date on which the rule was created. Populated automatically by the API on rule creation.
    • updatedDate Calendar the date on which the rule was last updated. Populated automatically by the API on rule creation and update.
  • taskTests RuleTestListType A rule may optionally specify a number of test conditions that must be satisified for the rule to be triggered. The RuleTestListType object should be populated with RuleTestType objects. Each RuleTestType defines a test against a single attribute of a Task, and can be added to the RuleTestListType by calling the method RuleTestListType.getTest().add(RuleTestType test). The properties of RuleTestType are:
  • payloadTests Not used. Task payload tests are not currently supported. To create rules pased on a payload value, the IRuntimeConfigService can be used to create a PayloadMapping between the payload attribute and a Task flexfield. It is then possible to specify taskTests against the mapped flexfield.
  • action RuleActionType Species the action to be taken if the rule is triggered. An action must be set on the rule. The properties of RuleActionType are:
    • actionType String The actionType must be set to one of the following values:
      • IUserMetadataService.RULE_ACTION_NOOP Rule takes no action. No other fields on the RuleActionType object need to be set.
      • IUserMetadataService.RULE_ACTION_REASSIGN Rule attempts to reassign the task to another user or group. The reassign field of the RuleActionType object must be set with a RuleAssignmentType object. Only the assignee field of the RuleAssignmentType object should be set.
      • IUserMetadataService.RULE_ACTION_DYN_REASSIGN Rule attempts to reassign the task to a user selected from the specified group using the specified dynamic assignment function. The reassign field of the RuleActionType object must be set with a RuleAssignmentType object. The assignee field of the RuleAssignmentType object should be set to a group, and the dynamicAssignmentFunction field should be set to the name of the Dynamic Assignment Function to use.
      • IUserMetadataService.RULE_ACTION_DELEGATE Rule attempts to delegate the task to the specified user or group. The delegate field of the RuleActionType object must be set with a RuleAssignmentType object. The assignee field of the RuleAssignmentType object should be set to the user or group being delegated to.
      • IUserMetadataService.RULE_ACTION_SET_OUTCOME Rule attempts to set the task outcome to the specified value. The setOutcome field of the RuleActionType should be populated with the desired outcome.
    • noOperation Not used.
    • reassign RuleAssignmentType Must be set for REASSIGN and DYN_REASSIGN rule actions. The properties of RuleAssignmentType are:
    • delegate RuleAssignmentType Must be set for DELEGATE rule action. The properties of RuleAssignmentType are:
      • assignee PrincipleRefType The user or group to delegate the task to.
      • dynamicAssignmentFunction String Not used for DELEGATE rule action.
    • setOutcome String Must be set for SET_OUTCOME action. The outcome that the Task will be set to.
  • Parameters:
    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    rule - RuleDetail object defining the rule.
    the created RuleDetail. The ruleId will be populated on the returned object.
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to create a rule for another user or for a group that they to not own, or some other error condition occurs.


    RuleDetail updateRule(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                          RuleDetail rule)
                          throws WorkflowException

    Updates an existing workflow rule to the definition specified in a RuleDetail object. See createRule(, for a description of how to use the RuleDetail object.

    Note that the name of a rule is used to generate its ruleId. Updating a rule name will result in its ruleId changing. The RuleDetail object returned by this method will contain the updated ruleId.

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    rule - RuleDetail object defining the rule.
    the updated RuleDetail. The correct ruleId will be populated on the returned object.
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to update information for a rule belonging to another user or a group that they to not own, or some other error condition occurs.


    void deleteRule(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                    java.lang.String ruleId)
                    throws WorkflowException
    Deletes an existing workflow rule, based on its ruleId.

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    ruleId - String unique identifier for rule.
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to delete a a rule belonging to another user or a group that they to not own, or some other error condition occurs.


    void increaseRulePriority(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                              java.lang.String ruleId)
                              throws WorkflowException
    Increases the priority of the specified rule by 1. Rules are evaluated in order of their priority from highest (largest numerical value) to lowest. Only the first rule whose conditions are met will be triggered. Rules of lower priority will be ignored, even if the task also meets their conditions.

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    ruleId - String unique identifier for rule.
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to update information for a rule belonging to another user or a group that they to not own, or some other error condition occurs.


    void decreaseRulePriority(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                              java.lang.String ruleId)
                              throws WorkflowException
    Decreases the priority of the specified rule by 1. Rules are evaluated in order of their priority from highest (largest numerical value) to lowest. Only the first rule whose conditions are met will be triggered. Rules of lower priority will be ignored, even if the task also meets their conditions.

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    ruleId - String unique identifier for rule.
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to update information for a rule belonging to another user or a group that they to not own, or some other error condition occurs.


    java.util.List<ViewSummaryType> listUserViews(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                                  IUserMetadataService.UserTaskViewType viewType,
                                                  java.lang.String ownerUser)
                                                  throws WorkflowException
    Returns a list of all views of the specified view type (task views, process views, standard task views, standard process views) and grant type (data or definition) owned by the specified user.

    The IdentityService realm for the owner is assumed to be the same as the context user. Only an admin can call this method with an owner different to the context user.

    If no owner user is specified, then the views owned by the context user are returned.

    Note that if the view type specifies standard views (STANARD_VIEW or STDPROCESS_VIEW), then all standard views of that type are returned, regardless of owner, as standard views are accessible by all users. When a standard view type is specified, then setting the owner field has no affect on the list of views returned.

    If no view type is specified, then all views owned by the specified owner, are returned regardless of type. Note that the list will not include standard views, unless the standard view happens to be owned by that user

    The method returns a List of ViewSummaryTypeobjects, each of which provides summary information about a view. In order to retreive the full details for a particular rule, the method getUserTaskViewDetails(, java.lang.String)should be should be used.

    ViewSummaryType has the following properties:

  • id Stringunique identifier for view, automatically populated by API on view creation.
  • name Stringthe name of the view. If this is a standard view, and the WorkflowLabels.proprties resource bundle contains an entry for this standard view name, then the label from the apppropriate Locale for the context user will be used instead.
  • owner PrincipleRefType The owner of the view.
  • hidden boolean value. Can be used by UI to determine how to display the view. In the sample worklist application, views marked as "hidden" are not displayed in the list of views in the user's task listing page.
  • viewType String identifying the type of view, will be set to the toString() value of one of the members of the enumeration IUserMetadataService.UserTaskViewType.
  • description Stringoptional description of view.
  • For regular process and task views, the list of views owned by the user is returned. For standard views, the complete list of standard views of the specified type is returned.

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContextfor user.
    viewType - a value from the enum IUserMetadataService.UserTaskViewTypespecifying the type of views to list. If no viewType is specfied, then all types of view owned by the user will be listed. If a standard view type is specified, then all standard views of the specified type will be listed, regardless of owner.
    ownerUser - String name of the user owing the views to list. If null, the views owned by the context user will be listed. Only an admin may list views owned by a user other than the context user. The value of the owner parameter is ignored if the viewType parameter is set to STANDARD_VIEW or STDPROCESS_VIEW.
    a List of ViewSummaryTypeobjects.


    java.util.List<ViewGrantType> listGrantedUserViews(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                                       IUserMetadataService.UserTaskViewType viewType,
                                                       PrincipleRefType grantee,
                                                       IUserMetadataService.UserTaskViewGrantType grantType,
                                                       boolean directOnly)
                                                       throws WorkflowException
    Returns a list of all views of the specified type (task views, process views, standard task views, standard process views) and grant type (data or definition) granted to the specified grantee.

    If no grantee is specified, then the views granted to the context user are returned.

    If no view type is specified, then all granted views matching the grantee (and grant type, if specified) are listed, regardless of type.

    If no grant type is specified, then all grants matching the grantee (and view type, if specified) are listed, regardless of grant type.

    If directOnly is set to true, then only the views granted directly to the specified grantee are returned. Otherwise, all views granted directly to the grantee, and views granted to any groups or application roles the grantee is a member of are returned.

    Only an admin can query the views granted to another user. Only an admin, a group or application role owner, or a member of the group or application role can query views granted to a group or application role.

    The method returns a List of ViewGrantType objects, which have the following properties:

  • grantType Specifies the type of view grant, and determines whether the grantee will see their own data, or the view owner's data when using the view. Will be set to one of the toString values of the IUserMetadataService.UserTaskViewGrantType enumeration ("DATA" or "DEFINITION").
  • viewId String unique identifier for the granted view.
  • grantee PrincipleRefType The user to whom the view has been granted
  • grantedName String The grantee may choose to use a different name for the view to the one chosen by the view's owner.
  • grantedDescription String The grantee may choose to use a different description for the view to the one chosen by the view's owner.
  • hidden boolean Can be used by UI to determine how to display the view. In the sample worklist application, granted views marked as "hidden" are not displayed in the list of views in the user's task listing page.
  • viewOwner PrincipleRefType The owner of the view.
  • originalName String The name of the view chosen by the owner.
  • originalDescription String The description for the view chosen by the owner.
  • Parameters:
    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    viewType - a value from the enum IUserMetadataService.UserTaskViewType specifying the type of views to list. If no viewType is specfied, then all types of view gratned to the grantee will be listed.
    grantee - PrincipleRefType identifying the user, group or application role for which to list the granted views. If null, then the context user will be used as the grantee. Note that only an admin can query the views granted to another user. Only an admin, a group or application role owner, or a member of the group or application role can query views granted to a group or application role.
    grantType - a value from the enum IUserMetadataService.UserTaskViewGrantType specifying the type of view grant to list. If null, then all types of view grant will be listed.
    directOnly - if true, then only views granted directly to the grantee will be listed. Otherwise, views granted directly to the grantee, and views granted to any groups and application roles the grantee is a member of will be listed.
    a List of ViewGrantType objects.


    UserViewList getStandardTaskViewList(IWorkflowContext ctx)
                                         throws WorkflowException
    Gets the list of standard task views which ship with the product, and are available to all users. Only views of type IUserMetadataService.UserTaskViewType.STANDARD_VIEW will be returned. (This list of standard views can be altered by admin users creating, updating or deleting views of type UserTaskViewType.STANDARD_VIEW.) Views are returned as a UserViewList object. The UserViewList object contains a List of ViewSummaryType objects, accessed by calling the UserViewListType.getView() method. Each ViewSummaryType object provides summary information about a view. In order to retreive the full details for a particular rule, the method getStandardTaskViewDetails(, java.lang.String) should be used.

    ViewSummaryType has the following properties:

  • id String unique identifier for view, automatically populated by API on view creation.
  • name String the name of the view. If the WorkflowLabels.proprties resource bundle contains an entry for this standard view name, then the label from the apppropriate resource bundle for the context user will be used instead.
  • owner PrincipleRefType The owner of the view- this is set to a dummy value for standard views.
  • hidden boolean value. Can be used by UI to determine how to display the view. In the sample worklist application, views marked as "hidden" are not displayed in the list of views in the user's task listing page.
  • viewType String identifying the type of view, will be set to the toString() value of IUserMetadataService.UserTaskViewType.STANDARD_VIEW.
  • description String optional description of view.
  • Parameters:
    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    UserViewList list of ViewSummaryType objects.
    WorkflowException - if an error occurs retrieving the standard views.


    UserViewList getUserTaskViewList(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                     Participant user)
                                     throws WorkflowException
    Gets the list of task views belonging to the specified user. Only views of type IUserMetadataService.UserTaskViewType.VIEW will be returned. Views are returned as a UserViewList object. The UserViewList object contains a List of ViewSummaryType objects, accessed by calling the UserViewListType.getView() method. Each ViewSummaryType object provides summary information about a view. In order to retreive the full details for a particular rule, the method getUserTaskViewDetails(, java.lang.String) should be used.

    ViewSummaryType has the following properties:

  • id String unique identifier for view, automatically populated by API on view creation.
  • name String the name of the view.
  • owner PrincipleRefType The owner of the view.
  • hidden boolean value. Can be used by UI to determine how to display the view. In the sample worklist application, views marked as "hidden" are not displayed in the list of views in the user's task listing page.
  • viewType String identifying the type of view, will be set to the toString() value of IUserMetadataService.UserTaskViewType.VIEW.
  • description String optional description of view.
  • Parameters:
    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    user - Participant user to get the views for.
    UserViewList list of ViewSummaryType objects.
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to retrieve the list of views for another user, or some other error condition occurs.


    UserViewDetail getUserInboxView(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                    Participant user)
                                    throws WorkflowException



    GrantedViewList getGrantedTaskViewList(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                           Participant user)
                                           throws WorkflowException
    Gets the list of task views that have been granted to the specified user by other users. Only views of type IUserMetadataService.UserTaskViewType.VIEW will be returned. Users that have been granted a view can use that view to query tasks as the owner of the view. The view owner and the grantee will see the same data when using the view. The grantee is able query, but not update view details for the granted view.

    Granted views are returned as a GrantedViewList object. The GrantedViewList object contains a List of ViewGrantType objects, accessed by calling the GrantedViewListType.getViewGrant() method. ViewGrantType has the following properties:

  • grantType String Specifies the type of view grant, and determines whether the grantee will see their own data, or the view owner's data when using the view. Will be set to one of the toString values of the IUserMetadataService.UserTaskViewGrantType enumeration ("DATA" or "DEFINITION").
  • viewId String unique identifier for the granted view.
  • grantee PrincipleRefType The user to whom the view has been granted
  • grantedName String The grantee may choose to use a different name for the view to the one chosen by the view's owner.
  • grantedDescription String The grantee may choose to use a different description for the view to the one chosen by the view's owner.
  • hidden boolean Can be used by UI to determine how to display the view. In the sample worklist application, granted views marked as "hidden" are not displayed in the list of views in the user's task listing page.
  • viewOwner PrincipleRefType The owner of the view.
  • originalName String The name of the view chosen by the owner.
  • originalDescription String The description for the view chosen by the owner.
  • Parameters:
    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    user - Participant user to get the granted views for.
    GrantedViewList list of ViewGrantType objects.
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to retrieve the list of granted views for another user, or some other error condition occurs.


    UserViewDetail getStandardTaskViewDetails(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                              java.lang.String viewId)
                                              throws WorkflowException
    Gets the full details for a particular standard view, identified by its viewId. View details are returned as a UserViewDetail object. See createUserTaskView(, for a description of the UserViewDetail properties.

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    viewId - String unique identifier for view.
    UserViewDetail describing standard view.
    WorkflowException - if error occurs retrieving view details.


    UserViewDetail getUserTaskViewDetails(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                          java.lang.String viewId)
                                          throws WorkflowException
    Gets the full details for a particular user view, identified by its viewId. View details are returned as a UserViewDetail object. See createUserTaskView(, for a description of the UserViewDetail properties.

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    viewId - String unique identifier for view.
    UserViewDetail describing user view.
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to retrieve view belonging to another user, or some other error condition occurs.


    UserViewDetail createUserTaskView(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                      UserViewDetail view)
                                      throws WorkflowException

    Creates a new view from the specified UserViewDetail object. Views provide a way for users to persist queries that return lists of tasks. A view can define which task columns should be queried, how the tasks should be filtered, and how the tasks should be ordered. Views are persisted by the API, and a view can be used to query a list of tasks using the method ITaskQueryService.queryViewTasks(, java.lang.String,,, int, int).

    Users can grant other users access to their views, allowing the grantee to query the view data as if they are the view owner.

    The UserViewDetail object properties are as follows:

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    view - UserViewDetail that defines view to be created.
    UserViewDetail that was created, with viewId populated.
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to create a view belonging to another user, or some other error condition occurs.


    UserViewDetail updateUserTaskView(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                      UserViewDetail view)
                                      throws WorkflowException
    Updates an existing view to the defintion specified in a UserViewDetail object. See createUserTaskView(, for a description of the UserViewDetail object.

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    view - UserViewDetail that defines view to be updated.
    UserViewDetail that was updated.
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to update a view belonging to another user, or some other error condition occurs.


    void deleteUserTaskView(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                            java.lang.String viewId)
                            throws WorkflowException
    Deletes an existing view identifies by its viewId.

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    viewId - String unique identifier for view.
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to delete a view belonging to another user, or some other error condition occurs.


    ViewGrant updateGrantedTaskView(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                    ViewGrant grant)
                                    throws WorkflowException
    Allows a grantee to update certain information on a view that has been granted to them. The grantee of a view may update certain properties on the ViewGrant, which affect how the view is displayed to them. They may not update the definition of the view itself. The properties they may update are:
  • grantedName String grantee may choose to use a different name for the view to the one chosen by the view's owner.
  • grantedDescription String grantee may choose to use a different description for the view to the one chosen by the view's owner.
  • hidden boolean Can be used by UI to determine how to display the view. In the sample worklist application, granted views marked as "hidden" are not displayed in the list of views in the user's task listing page.
  • Parameters:
    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    grant - ViewGrant object containing updated properties.
    The updated ViewGrant object.
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to update a view grant granted to another user, or some other error condition occurs.


    UserPreferences getUserPreferences(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                       Participant user)
                                       throws WorkflowException
    Gets the user preferences for the specified user as a UserPreferences object.

    User preferences are a set of name value pairs, stored against a specfic user. They can be used by client programs for implementing user-specific preferences. The sample worklist application uses user preferences for storing such information as what size the main application window should be, and how many rows should be returned in paging queries.

    The UserPreferences object contains a List of UserPreferenceType objects, each of which represents a name value pair. The properties of UserPreferenceType are:

  • user PrincipleRefType The user who set this preference.
  • name String The name of this preference.
  • value String The value of this preference.
  • Parameters:
    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    user - Participant user to get preferences for.
    UserPreferences list of UserPreferenceType objects.
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to query the preferences for another user, or some other error condition occurs.


    UserPreferences setUserPreferences(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                       UserPreferences prefs)
                                       throws WorkflowException
    Sets the user preferences for the specified from a UserPreferences object.

    User preferences are a set of name value pairs, stored against a specfic user. They can be used by client programs for implementing user-specific preferences. The sample worklist application uses user preferences for storing such information as what size the main application window should be, and how many rows should be returned in paging queries.

    The UserPreferences object contains a List of UserPreferenceType objects, each of which represents a name value pair. The properties of UserPreferenceType are:

  • user PrincipleRefType The user who set this preference.
  • name String The name of this preference.
  • value String The value of this preference.
  • Parameters:
    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    prefs - UserPreferences list of UserPreferenceType objects.
    UserPreferences the updated User Preferences.
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to update the preferences for another user, or some other error condition occurs.


    UserPreferences getPublicPreferences(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                         Participant user)
                                         throws WorkflowException
    Gets 'public' preferences for specified user. Public preferences are preferences that can be read by any user, but can only be updated by the owning user, or an admin. Public preferences are useful for specifying application preferences that apply to all users of a custom client. These custom client application preferences could be created and maintained by an admin user, and be queried by all users, using the admin user's username.

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    user - Participant user to get public preferences for.
    UserPreferences list of UserPreferenceType objects.
    WorkflowException - if some error condition occurs.


    UserPreferences setPublicPreferences(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                         UserPreferences prefs)
                                         throws WorkflowException
    Sets 'public' preferences for specified user. Public preferences are preferences that can be read by any user, but can only be updated by the owning user, or an admin. Public preferences are useful for specifying application preferences that apply to all users.

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    prefs - UserPreferences list of UserPreferenceType objects.
    UserPreferences the updated public User Preferences.


    UserApplicationDataType createUserApplicationData(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                                      UserApplicationDataType applicationData)
                                                      throws WorkflowException
    FOR FUTURE USE ONLY. This method is intended for use in the BPM product. Creates an instance of a UserApplicationDataType object for a user. UserApplicationData is used to store application-specific data for a particular user. The actual data can be of any format.

    Only the owning user or an admin can create, update or delete their application data, but a user can choose to grant read-only access to application data to other users, groups, or application roles.

    The UserMetadataService is entirely agnostic to the actual application data being stored. All parsing,validation and processing must be performed by the client.

    The properties of a UserApplicationData object are as follows:

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    applicationData - the UserApplicationDataType object to create.
    the UserApplicationDataType object that was created, with automatically maintained fields populated.


    UserApplicationDataType updateUserApplicationData(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                                      UserApplicationDataType applicationData)
                                                      throws WorkflowException
    FOR FUTURE USE ONLY. This method is intended for use in the BPM product. Updates a UserApplicationDataType object. Application data can only be updated by the owner or an admin.

    For a full description of the UserApplicationDataType object, refer to the documentation for the method createUserApplicationData(,

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    applicationData - the UserApplicationDataType object to update.
    the UserApplicationDataType object that was created, with automatically maintained fields updated.


    void deleteUserApplicationData(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                   java.lang.String applicationDataId)
                                   throws WorkflowException
    FOR FUTURE USE ONLY. This method is intended for use in the BPM product. Deletes a UserApplicationDataType object. Application data can only be deleted by the owner or an admin.

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    applicationDataId - String unique identifier of the user applicaiton data to be deleted.


    UserApplicationDataType getUserApplicationData(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                                   java.lang.String applicationDataId)
                                                   throws WorkflowException
    FOR FUTURE USE ONLY. This method is intended for use in the BPM product. Gets the UserApplicationData object with the specified id. Only the owner, a grantee or an admin can query a UserApplicationData object.

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    applicationDataId - String unique identifier of the user applicaiton data to be deleted.
    a UserApplicationDataType object.


    java.util.List<UserApplicationDataType> listUserApplicationData(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                                                    java.lang.String dataType,
                                                                    java.lang.String owner)
                                                                    throws WorkflowException
    FOR FUTURE USE ONLY. This method is intended for use in the BPM product.

    Gets a list of UserApplicationData objects of the specified type, belonging to the specified owner. (The owner's identityContext is assumed to be the same as the context user).

    Note that only admins can call the method and specify an owner other than the context user.

    If no type is specfied, then all the ApplicationData for the specified owner are returned, regardless of type.

    If no owner is specified, then the method will return a list of all UserApplicationData owned by the context user, filtered by the specified type (if any).

    This method returns only application data owned by the specified user. To get application data granted to a user, the method listGrantedUserApplicationData(, java.lang.String,, boolean) should be used instead.

    For a description of the UserApplicationDataType object, refer to the documentation for the method createUserApplicationData(,

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    dataType - String the type of application data to return. If null, all UserApplicationData for the specified owner will be returned.
    owner - String the owner of the application data to return. The owner's IdentityService realm is assumed to be the same as that as the context user. If no owner is specified, then the method will return a list of all UserApplicationData owned by the context user, filtered by the specified type (if any).
    a List of UserApplicationDataType objects.


    java.util.List<UserApplicationDataType> listGrantedUserApplicationData(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                                                           java.lang.String dataType,
                                                                           PrincipleRefType grantee,
                                                                           boolean directOnly)
                                                                           throws WorkflowException
    FOR FUTURE USE ONLY. This method is intended for use in the BPM product. Gets a list of UserApplicationData objects of the specified type, granted to the specified grantee (which may be a user, group or application role).

    If no dataType is specfied, then all the ApplicationData granted to the specified grantee are returned, regardless of type.

    If no grantee is specified, then the method will use the context user as the grantee.

    If directOnly is set to true, then only ApplicationData granted directly to the specified grantee will be returned. Otherwise ApplicationData granted directly to the grantee, and ApplicationData granted to any groups or application roles the grantee is a member of will be returned

    Only an admin can query the application data granted to another user. Only an admin, a group or application role owner, or a member of the group or application role can query application data granted to a group or application role.

    This method returns only application data granted to the specified grantee. To get application data owned by a user, the method listUserApplicationData(, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) should be used instead.

    For a description of the UserApplicationDataType object, refer to the documentation for the method createUserApplicationData(,

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    dataType - String the type of application data to return. If null, all UserApplicationData for the specified grantee will be returned.
    grantee - PrincipleRefType identifying the grantee of the application data to return. If no grantee is specfied, then the context user is used as the grantee.
    directOnly - if true, then only the ApplicationData directly granted to the grantee will be listed. Otherwise, ApplicationData granted to groups or application roles the grantee is a member of will also be listed.
    a List of UserApplicationDataType objects.


    PresentationType createPresentation(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                        PresentationType presentation)
                                        throws WorkflowException
    FOR FUTURE USE ONLY. This method is intended for use in the BPM product. Creates a new Presentation object. Presentations are meta-data that describe how query results should be presented - which columns, how the column data should be formatted, how the results should be sorted, and any additional data that should be fetched.

    Presentations are owned by a specific user, and only the owning user or an admin can create, update or delete presentations, but a user can choose to grant read-only access to application data to other users, groups, or application roles.

    Presentations can be associated with one or more views, and provide a way of defining a standard presentation of data that can be shared amongst multiple views.

    The properties of the PresentationType object are:

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    presentation - PresentationType object representing the presentation to create.
    the created PresentationType, with API maintained properties populated.


    PresentationType updatePresentation(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                        PresentationType presentation)
                                        throws WorkflowException
    FOR FUTURE USE ONLY. This method is intended for use in the BPM product. Update the definition of an existing Presentation. Only the owner of the Presentation or an admin can update it.

    For a description of the PresentationType object, refer to the documentation for the method createPresentation(,

    ctx - ctx authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    presentation - the PresentationType to update.
    the updated PresentationType, with API maintained properties updated.


    void deletePresentation(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                            java.lang.String presentationId)
                            throws WorkflowException
    FOR FUTURE USE ONLY. This method is intended for use in the BPM product. Deletes the specified Presentation. Only the owner of the Presentation, or an admin can delete it.

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    presentationId - String unique identifier for the Presentation to be deleted.


    PresentationType getPresentation(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                     java.lang.String presentationId)
                                     throws WorkflowException
    FOR FUTURE USE ONLY. This method is intended for use in the BPM product. Returns the PresentationType object with the specified presentationId. Only the owner, a grantee, or an admin can query a PresentationType.

    For a description of the PresentationType object, refer to the documentation for the method createPresentation(,

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    presentationId - String unique identifier for the PresentationType being queried.
    PresentationType mathcing the specified id.


    java.util.List<PresentationType> listPresentations(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                                       IUserMetadataService.PresentationDataType presentationType,
                                                       java.lang.String owner)
                                                       throws WorkflowException
    FOR FUTURE USE ONLY. This method is intended for use in the BPM product. Returns a List of PresentationType objects owned by the specified owner, and of the specified type (task or process).

    The IdentityService realm for the owner is assumed to be the same as the context user. Only an admin can call this method with an owner different to the context user.

    If the owner parameter is left null, then the list of presentations owned by the context user is returned.

    If the presentation type parameter is left null, then the list of all presentations for the owner is returned regardless of type

    This method returns only Presentations owned by the specified user. To get Presentations granted to a user, the method listGrantedPresentations(,,, boolean) should be used instead.

    For a description of the PresentationType object, refer to the documentation for the method createPresentation(,

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    presentationType - a value from the enum IUserMetadataService.PresentationDataType specifying the type of presentation to list. If no presentationType is specfied, then all types of view owned by the user will be listed.
    owner - String the owner of the Presentations to return. The owner's IdentityService realm is assumed to be the same as that as the context user. If no owner is specified, then the method will return a list of all Presentations owned by the context user.
    a list of PresentationType objects.


    java.util.List<PresentationType> listGrantedPresentations(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                                              IUserMetadataService.PresentationDataType presentationType,
                                                              PrincipleRefType grantee,
                                                              boolean directOnly)
                                                              throws WorkflowException
    FOR FUTURE USE ONLY. This method is intended for use in the BPM product. Gets a list of PresentationType objects that are granted to the specified grantee (which may be a user, group or application role), and are of the specified type.

    If the presentation type parameter is left null, then the list of all presentations for the owner is returned regardless of type

    If no grantee is specified, then the method will use the context user as the grantee.

    If directOnly is true, then only presentations granted directly to the grantee are listed. Otherwise, presentations granted directly to the grantee and presentations granted to any groups or application roles to which the grantee belongs are listed.

    Only an admin can query the presentations granted to another user. Only an admin, a group or application role owner, or a member of the group or application role can query presentations granted to a group or application role.

    This method returns only PresentationType objects granted to the specified grantee (or context user). To get application data owned by a user, the method listPresentations(,, java.lang.String) should be used instead.

    For a description of the PresentationType object, refer to the documentation for the method createPresentation(,

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    presentationType - a value from the enumeration IUserMetadataService.PresentationDataType. Only presnetations of the specified type will be listed. If null then all presentations granted to the grantee, will be listed, regardless of type.
    grantee - PrincipleRefType describing the grantee (user, group or application role) to list the granted presentations for. If null, then the presentations granted to the context user will be listed instead.
    directOnly - if true, then only the presentations directly granted to the grantee will be listed. Otherwise, presentations granted to groups or application roles the grantee is a member of will also be listed.
    a List of PresentationType objects.


    java.util.List<ViewSummaryType> listViewsUsingPresentation(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                                               java.lang.String presentationId)
                                                               throws WorkflowException
    Returns a list of ViewSummaryType objects that describe views which are using the specified presentation.

    For a description of the ViewSummaryType object, refer to the documentation for the method getUserTaskViewList(,

    ctx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for user.
    presentationId - String unique identifier for the presentation
    List of ViewSummaryType objects for views using the specified presentation.

    Oracle Fusion Middleware
    Workflow Services Java API Reference for Oracle SOA Suite
    11g Release 1 (

    Copyright © 2009, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.