Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Business Rules
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.rules.rl.exceptions

Exception Summary
ArrayException Semantic error -- an Array is expected at the given location in the source.
AssignmentException Semantic error in assignment.
ConstructorException Semantic error -- "new" operator cannot find a constructor for given class with appropriate argument types.
ContextException Semantic error -- a language feature is used in the wrong context.
ConversionException Semantic error -- an unsupported type conversion is called for.
EngineException RL Engine exception.
FactClassException Semantic error -- a Java class has been used before its fact class statement.
FactPathException FactPath and Association related Exception
FinalClassException Semantic error -- a final RL or java fact class is extended by another class A final RL class or a java class with a final fact class declaration cannot be extended by another class
HiddenPropertyException semantic error -- can't hide an exposed property or vice versa
InvocationException Semantic error -- bad function or method invocation for instance wrong number of arguments
JavaException Runtime error -- an invoked Java method threw an exception.
LogicalOutOfBoundsException Semantic error -- rule logical clause is greater than the number of supporting expressions.
MemberException Semantic error -- the RL Type or Java Class has no such (public) member.
MultipleDefinitionException Semantic error -- a name has been defined more than once.
MultipleInheritanceException Fact classes do not support multiple inheritance.
OperationException Semantic error -- an operator is applied to the wrong type of argument
ParseException Syntax error -- thrown when parse errors are encountered.
RLArithmeticException RL Arithmetic exception
RLArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException RL ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception
RLArrayStoreException RL ArrayStore exception
RLClassCastException RL ClassCast exception
RLCloneNotSupportedException RL CloneNotSupported exception
RLException Base RL exception.
RLIllegalArgumentException RL IllegalArgument exception
RLNegativeArraySizeException RL NegativeArraySize exception
RLNullPointerException RL NullPointer exception
RLRuntimeException Base RL runtime exception.
TypeCheckException Semantic error base exception class.
UndefinedException Semantic error -- a name is undefined.
VisibilityException Semantic error -- a name is not public.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Business Rules
11g Release 1 (


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