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Oracle Fusion Middleware Crypto Java API Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)



Various utility classes.


Interface Summary
Streamable An interface for an object that can be input and output from/to a stream.


Class Summary
ArrayVector Deprecated. Use ArrayList
CryptoUtils A set of utility functions for convenient access to certain cryptographic operations.
FixedByteArrayOutputStream A fixed-size, unsynchronized ByteArrayOutptStream, that provides access to the internal buffer for efficiency.
HttpUtils Utility functions for convenience in HTTP processing.
IntConstant This class can be extended and used to hold a list of constant int values that have "meaning".
NullOutputStream This class implements a null output stream (i.e., there is no output done.) It can be used in conjunction with DigestOutputStream to compute message digests.
ObjectPool A generic object pool.
OIDManager A class to manage mappings between object identifiers and the classes that implement them.
UnsyncByteArrayInputStream A ByteArrayInputStream with unsynchronized methods for greater efficiency.
UnsyncByteArrayOutputStream A ByteArrayOutputStream with unsynchronized methods for greater efficiency.
UnsyncHashtable This class implements a hashtable, which maps keys to values.
Utils A set of utility functions.
VectorOverArrayList<E> A Vector that redirects all methods to the underlying ArrayList


Exception Summary
InvalidFormatException This exception signals an invalid format of string data.
InvalidInputException Signals that an attempt to input an object from a stream has failed because an incorrect encoding was encountered.
OIDSecurityException This exception signals a violation of the OIDManager security rules.
OutputGenerationException Indicates that an exception occured while outputing a streamable object.
StreamableInputException This exception signals that an IOException unexpectedly occured when a streamable object has been written to memory and then read back.
StreamableOutputException This exception signals that an IOException unexpectedly occured while writing a streamable object to memory.
VersionException Signals that an attempt was made to read a data format with an unsupported version number.


Package Description

Various utility classes.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Crypto Java API Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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