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Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Engine Java API Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Class TrustedCAPolicy

  extended by

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public class TrustedCAPolicy
extends java.lang.Object
implements CertificateTrustPolicy

A certificate trust policy based on a set of trusted root CAs.

In this policy, a certificate will be trusted if and only if it is part of a valid certificate chain which terminates in one of the trusted root CAs.

This policy has two options for certificate chain verification:

  1. requireCRL - If true, then for every certificate in a chain (unless it is one of the trusted root CA certificates) a valid CRL must be provided to determine its revocation status. The default is false.
  2. requireCAFlag - If true, then every intermediate CA certificate (excluding the root CA or the end entity certificate) must contain a Basic Constraints extension, with the CA flag set. The default for this option is true.

Constructor Summary
          Creates a new TrustedCAPolicy with no CA certs.
TrustedCAPolicy(java.util.List<X509> trustedCACerts, boolean requireCRL, boolean requireCA)
          Creates a new TrustedCAPolicy with the given trusted CA certificates and policy flags.
TrustedCAPolicy(java.util.Vector<X509> trustedCACerts, boolean requireCRL, boolean requireCA)
          Deprecated. Use TrustedCAPolicy(List, boolean, boolean)


Method Summary
 void addTrustedCA(X509 trustedCACert)
          Adds a trusted CA certificate to the policy list, replacing any existing certificate with the same subject name.
 boolean getRequireCAFlag()
 boolean getRequireCRLs()
 java.util.ArrayList<X509> getTrustedCAs()
          Returns an ArrayList of the trusted CA certificates in this TrustedCAPolicy.
 CertificateVerifier makeCertificateVerifier(java.util.List<X509> certificates, java.util.List<CRL> crls)
          Creates and returns a certificate verifier for the specified certificates and/or CRLs, based on the list of trusted CA certificates in the policy.
 CertificateVerifier makeCertificateVerifier(java.util.Vector<X509> certificates, java.util.Vector<CRL> crls)
          Deprecated. Use makeCertificateVerifier(List, List)
 void setRequireCAFlag(boolean flag)
          Sets a flag indicating whether or not certificates added to the trusted CA policy must have the CA attribute in order for them to be used by a CertificateVerifier.
 void setRequireCRLs(boolean flag)
          Sets a flag indicating whether or not a CRL is required for each certificate to be verified by a CertificateVerifier.
 void setTrustedCAs(java.util.List<X509> trustedCACerts)
          Sets the list of trusted CAs, clearing any previously defined trusted CA certificates.
 void setTrustedCAs(java.util.Vector<X509> trustedCACerts)
          Deprecated. Use setTrustedCAs(List)
 java.util.Enumeration<X509> trustedCAs()
          Deprecated. Use getTrustedCAs() and then get Iterator


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public TrustedCAPolicy()
Creates a new TrustedCAPolicy with no CA certs.


public TrustedCAPolicy(java.util.Vector<X509> trustedCACerts,
                       boolean requireCRL,
                       boolean requireCA)
Deprecated. Use TrustedCAPolicy(List, boolean, boolean)
Creates a new TrustedCAPolicy with the given trusted CA certificates and policy flags.


public TrustedCAPolicy(java.util.List<X509> trustedCACerts,
                       boolean requireCRL,
                       boolean requireCA)
Creates a new TrustedCAPolicy with the given trusted CA certificates and policy flags.

Method Detail


public CertificateVerifier makeCertificateVerifier(java.util.Vector<X509> certificates,
                                                   java.util.Vector<CRL> crls)
Deprecated. Use makeCertificateVerifier(List, List)
Creates and returns a certificate verifier for the specified certificates and/or CRLs, based on the list of trusted CA certificates in the policy.
Specified by:
makeCertificateVerifier in interface CertificateTrustPolicy


public CertificateVerifier makeCertificateVerifier(java.util.List<X509> certificates,
                                                   java.util.List<CRL> crls)
Creates and returns a certificate verifier for the specified certificates and/or CRLs, based on the list of trusted CA certificates in the policy.


public void addTrustedCA(X509 trustedCACert)
Adds a trusted CA certificate to the policy list, replacing any existing certificate with the same subject name.


public void setRequireCRLs(boolean flag)
Sets a flag indicating whether or not a CRL is required for each certificate to be verified by a CertificateVerifier. Default is false.


public boolean getRequireCRLs()


public void setRequireCAFlag(boolean flag)
Sets a flag indicating whether or not certificates added to the trusted CA policy must have the CA attribute in order for them to be used by a CertificateVerifier. Default is true.


public boolean getRequireCAFlag()


public void setTrustedCAs(java.util.Vector<X509> trustedCACerts)
Deprecated. Use setTrustedCAs(List)
Sets the list of trusted CAs, clearing any previously defined trusted CA certificates.
certs - A list of X509 certificates.


public void setTrustedCAs(java.util.List<X509> trustedCACerts)
Sets the list of trusted CAs, clearing any previously defined trusted CA certificates.
certs - A list of X509 certificates.


public java.util.Enumeration<X509> trustedCAs()
Deprecated. Use getTrustedCAs() and then get Iterator
Returns an Enumeration of the trusted CA certificates in this TrustedCAPolicy.


public java.util.ArrayList<X509> getTrustedCAs()
Returns an ArrayList of the trusted CA certificates in this TrustedCAPolicy.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Engine Java API Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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