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Oracle Virtual Directory Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Class

Packages that use Syntax


Uses of Syntax in com.octetstring.vde


Fields in com.octetstring.vde with type parameters of type Syntax
 java.util.Vector<? extends Syntax> Attribute.values
 java.util.Vector<? extends Syntax> EntryChange.values


Methods in com.octetstring.vde that return types with arguments of type Syntax
 java.util.Vector<Syntax> Entry.get(DirectoryString attributeType)
          Retrieves the value(s) associated with a particular attribute type.
 java.util.Vector<? extends Syntax> Attribute.getValues()
 java.util.Vector<? extends Syntax> EntryChange.getValues()
          Retrieves the values associated with this change.
 java.util.Iterator<Syntax> Attribute.iterator()


Methods in com.octetstring.vde with parameters of type Syntax
 boolean Attribute.contains(Syntax value)


Method parameters in com.octetstring.vde with type arguments of type Syntax
 void Entry.put(DirectoryString attributeType, java.util.Vector<? extends Syntax> values)
          Replaces/Adds one or more values to this entry
 void Entry.put(DirectoryString attributeType, java.util.Vector<? extends Syntax> values, boolean checkExist)
          A version of the put method that allows a bypass of checking for the previous existence of the specified attribute type.
 void EntryChange.setValues(java.util.Vector<? extends Syntax> newValues)
          Set the list of changes associated with this change.


Constructor parameters in com.octetstring.vde with type arguments of type Syntax
Attribute(DirectoryString type, java.util.Vector<? extends Syntax> values)
EntryChange(int modType, DirectoryString attr, java.util.Vector<? extends Syntax> values)
          Creates a new EntryChange given basic information about the change.


Uses of Syntax in com.octetstring.vde.schema


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.schema that return Syntax
 Syntax AttributeType.getSyntaxInstance()


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.schema that return types with arguments of type Syntax
 java.lang.Class<? extends Syntax> AttributeType.getSyntaxClass()


Uses of Syntax in com.octetstring.vde.syntax


Subclasses of Syntax in com.octetstring.vde.syntax
 class BinarySyntax
 class DirectoryString
          Class representing a Directory String syntax (case insensitive string)
 class DistinguishedName
          Class representing a Directory String syntax (case insensitive string)
 class IA5String
          Class representing a case sensitive string
 class IntegerSyntax
          Class representing an Integer attribute value
 class TelephoneNumberSyntax
          Class representing an Telephone number attribute value


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.syntax that return Syntax
 Syntax BinarySyntax.reverse()
 Syntax DirectoryString.reverse()
          Returns a new directory string that is the reverse of this one.
 Syntax IA5String.reverse()
 Syntax IntegerSyntax.reverse()
abstract  Syntax Syntax.reverse()
          Returns the reverse of this string.
 Syntax TelephoneNumberSyntax.reverse()


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.syntax with parameters of type Syntax
 int BinarySyntax.compareTo(Syntax val)
 int DirectoryString.compareTo(Syntax val)
          Compare this directory string to another.
 int IA5String.compareTo(Syntax val)
 int IntegerSyntax.compareTo(Syntax val)
abstract  int Syntax.compareTo(Syntax val)
          Compares the value in this syntax with the value in another syntax object.
 int TelephoneNumberSyntax.compareTo(Syntax value)
 boolean BinarySyntax.endsWith(Syntax val)
 boolean DirectoryString.endsWith(Syntax val)
          Determine if this directory string ends with the one passed as an argument.
 boolean IA5String.endsWith(Syntax val)
 boolean IntegerSyntax.endsWith(Syntax val)
abstract  boolean Syntax.endsWith(Syntax val)
          Checks to see if the passed value is at the end of this value.
 boolean TelephoneNumberSyntax.endsWith(Syntax val)
 int BinarySyntax.indexOf(Syntax val)
 int DirectoryString.indexOf(Syntax val)
          Find the first occurance of the index string in this directory string.
 int IA5String.indexOf(Syntax val)
 int IntegerSyntax.indexOf(Syntax val)
abstract  int Syntax.indexOf(Syntax val)
          Find the first occurance of the passed syntax within this syntax.
 int TelephoneNumberSyntax.indexOf(Syntax val)
 boolean BinarySyntax.startsWith(Syntax val)
 boolean DirectoryString.startsWith(Syntax val)
          Determines if the specified value is at the start of this string.
 boolean IA5String.startsWith(Syntax val)
 boolean IntegerSyntax.startsWith(Syntax val)
abstract  boolean Syntax.startsWith(Syntax val)
          Determines if the specified value is at the beginning of this value.
 boolean TelephoneNumberSyntax.startsWith(Syntax val)


Uses of Syntax in com.octetstring.vde.util


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.util that return Syntax
 Syntax PluginUtil.mapSyntax(Syntax value, java.lang.String syntax)
          Maps a given value to a new value of the given syntax


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.util with parameters of type Syntax
 Syntax PluginUtil.mapSyntax(Syntax value, java.lang.String syntax)
          Maps a given value to a new value of the given syntax
 void PluginUtil.revalueAdd(DirectoryString attrib, Syntax currValue, Syntax newValue, Entry entry)
          Revaules an attribute with a given value to a new value
 void PluginUtil.revalueGet(DirectoryString attrib, Syntax currValue, Syntax newValue, Filter filter)
          Revaules an attribute with a given value to a new value
 void PluginUtil.revalueModify(DirectoryString attrib, Syntax currValue, Syntax newValue, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changes)
          Revaules an attribute with a given value to a new value


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Oracle Virtual Directory Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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