Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use SourceStatement The parser API. The parser model API for statements. Public utilities for use with the java model, including the parser. 

Uses of SourceStatement in

Methods in that return SourceStatement
 SourceStatement SourceFactory.createStatement(java.lang.String text)
          See SourceFactory.createStatementFromText(java.lang.String).
abstract  SourceStatement SourceFactory.createStatementFromText(java.lang.String text)
          Attempts to create a statement with the given text.

Methods in with parameters of type SourceStatement
abstract  SourceDoStatement SourceFactory.createDoStatement(SourceExpression e, SourceStatement child)
          Creates a do-while statement.
abstract  SourceElseClause SourceFactory.createElseClause(SourceStatement child)
          Creates an else clause for an if statement.
abstract  SourceForStatement SourceFactory.createForEnhancedStatement(SourceLocalVariableDeclaration loopVarDecl, SourceExpression collection, SourceStatement child)
          Creates an enhanced-for loop.
 SourceForStatement SourceFactory.createForEnhancedStatement(SourceLocalVariable loopVariable, SourceExpression collection, SourceStatement child)
          Creates an enhanced-for loop.
 SourceForStatement SourceFactory.createForStatement(SourceExpression initialization, SourceExpression condition, SourceExpression update, SourceStatement child)
          Convenience method.
abstract  SourceForStatement SourceFactory.createForStatement(SourceListExpression initializations, SourceExpression condition, SourceListExpression updates, SourceStatement child)
          Creates a traditional for loop with no variable declarators.
abstract  SourceForStatement SourceFactory.createForVariableStatement(SourceLocalVariableDeclaration variables, SourceExpression condition, SourceListExpression updates, SourceStatement child)
          Creates a traditional for loop with variable declarations.
 SourceForStatement SourceFactory.createForVariableStatement(SourceLocalVariable variable, SourceExpression condition, SourceExpression update, SourceStatement child)
          Convenience method.
 SourceIfStatement SourceFactory.createIfElseStatement(SourceExpression e, SourceStatement trueClause, SourceStatement elseClause)
          Creates an if-else statement.
abstract  SourceIfStatement SourceFactory.createIfStatement(SourceExpression e, SourceStatement child)
          Creates an if statement.
abstract  SourceIfStatement SourceFactory.createIfStatement(SourceExpression e, SourceStatement child, SourceElseClause clause)
          Creates an if or an if-else statement.
abstract  SourceWhileStatement SourceFactory.createWhileStatement(SourceExpression e, SourceStatement child)
          Creates a while statement.

Uses of SourceStatement in

Subinterfaces of SourceStatement in
 interface SourceAssertStatement
          An assert statement.
 interface SourceBlockStatement
          A BlockStatement is a final statement representing a statement that is (and only is) a block.
 interface SourceBreakStatement
          A break statement.
 interface SourceCatchClause
          A catch clause of a try statement.
 interface SourceCompoundStatement
          A CompoundStatement is a common base statement representing statements that have children statements.
 interface SourceConditionalStatement
          A ConditionalStatement is a common base statement representing compound statements having (requiring) a single expression of boolean type.
 interface SourceContinueStatement
          A continue statement.
 interface SourceDoStatement
          A do statement.
 interface SourceElseClause
          An else clause.
 interface SourceEmptyStatement
          An empty statement.
 interface SourceExpressionStatement
          An expression statement.
 interface SourceFinallyClause
          A finally clause.
 interface SourceForStatement
          A for statement.
 interface SourceIfStatement
          An if statement.
 interface SourceReturnStatement
          A return statement.
 interface SourceSimpleStatement
          A SimpleStatement is a common base statement representing a statement that has no child statement and may optionally have expressions.
 interface SourceSwitchStatement
          A switch statement.
 interface SourceSynchStatement
          A synchronized statement.
 interface SourceThrowStatement
          A throw statement.
 interface SourceTryStatement
          A try statement.
 interface SourceWhileStatement
          A while statement.

Fields in declared as SourceStatement
static SourceStatement[] SourceStatement.EMPTY_ARRAY

Methods in that return SourceStatement
 SourceStatement SourceCompoundStatement.getEndClause()
          In an if statement, this is the "else" clause.
 SourceStatement SourceCompoundStatement.getPrimaryClause()

Uses of SourceStatement in

Methods in that return SourceStatement
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addAssignStatement(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String lhsName, SourceExpression rhsExpr)
          Adds (append) an assignment statement (=) to the block.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addAssignStatement(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String lhsName, java.lang.String rhsText)
          Adds (append) an assignment statement (=) to the block.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addExpressionStatement(SourceBlock block, SourceExpression expr)
          Adds (append) an expression as a statement to the block.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addExpressionStatement(SourceBlock block, SourceExpression expr, SourceElement sibling, boolean before)
          Inserts an expression as a statement to the block by the specified sibling.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addExpressionStatement(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String exprText)
          Adds (append) an expression as a statement to the block.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addExpressionStatement(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String exprText, SourceElement sibling, boolean before)
          Inserts an expression as a statement to the block by the specified sibling.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addMethodCallStatement(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String lhs, java.lang.String methodName, SourceExpression[] args)
          Adds a method call invocation as a statement to the block.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addMethodCallStatement(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String lhs, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String[] args)
          Adds a method call invocation as a statement to the block.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addReturn(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String stmtText)
          Adds (append) a return statement to the given block.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addStatement(SourceBlock block, SourceStatement stmt, SourceElement sibling, boolean before)
          Inserts a statement to the block by the specified sibling.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addStatement(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String stmtText)
          Adds (append) a statement to the block.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.createReturn(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String stmtText)
          Creates a return statement.

Methods in with parameters of type SourceStatement
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addStatement(SourceBlock block, SourceStatement stmt, SourceElement sibling, boolean before)
          Inserts a statement to the block by the specified sibling.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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