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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Service Bus
11g Release 1 (


Class UIFactory

  extended by com.bea.alsb.presentation.UIFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UIFactory
extends java.lang.Object
implements Constants

This class provides factory methods for creating Edit Field and different kinds of UI objects associated with the field. It also provides some helper methods for accessing values in these objects.

Field Summary


Fields inherited from interface com.bea.alsb.presentation.Constants


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
static BrowserTextBoxObject createBrowserTextBox(java.lang.String value, int size, java.lang.String typeId)
          Creates a browser textbox object.
static BrowserTextBoxObject createBrowserTextBox(java.lang.String value, int size, java.lang.String typeId, boolean hasEvent)
          Creates a browser textbox object.
static BrowserTextBoxObject createBrowserTextBox(java.lang.String value, int size, java.lang.String typeId, boolean hasEvent, ResourceQuery resourceQuery)
          Creates a browser textbox object.
static BrowserTextBoxObject createBrowserTextBox(java.lang.String value, java.lang.String typeId)
          Creates a browser textbox object.
static CheckBoxObject createCheckbox(boolean checked)
          Creates a checkbox object.
static CheckBoxObject createCheckbox(java.lang.String value, boolean checked, boolean hasEvent)
          Creates a checkbox object that posts an update event back to the provider when it changes.
static ConfirmationObject createConfirmation(java.lang.String message, boolean confirmed)
          Creates a confirmation object.
static DynamicTableObject createDynamicTable(java.lang.String[] headers, UIObject[] uiobjects)
          Creates a dynamic table object.
static DynamicTableObject createDynamicTable(java.lang.String[] headers, UIObject[] uiobjects, java.util.List<java.lang.String[]> rows)
          Creates a dynamic table object.
static EditField createEditField(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String label, java.lang.String description, boolean isrequired, UIObject object)
          Creates a edit field.
static EditField createEditField(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String label, java.lang.String description, UIObject object)
          Creates a edit field.
static ExpandableTableObject createExpandableTableObject(java.util.List<ExpandableRowObject> rows, java.lang.String checkboxDescription)
          Creates an expandable table object.
static FileBrowserObject createFileBrowser(byte[] value)
          Creates a File browser dialog textbox object with text area to show the uploaded file contents.
static FileBrowserObject createFileBrowser(byte[] value, boolean hideTextArea)
          Creates a File browser dialog textbox object with text area to show the uploaded file contents.
static FileBrowserObject createFileBrowser(byte[] value, int size, boolean hideTextArea, int rowSize, int columnSize, boolean hasEvent)
          Creates a File browser dialog textbox object with text area to show the uploaded file contents.
static HintTextAreaObject createHintTextArea(java.lang.String value, java.lang.String hint, int size, int numRows, boolean readOnly)
          Creates a hint textarea object.
static HintTextBoxObject createHintTextBox(java.lang.String value, java.lang.String hint, int size)
          Creates a hint textbox object.
static PasswordObject createPassword(java.lang.String value)
          Creates a password object.
static PasswordObject createPassword(java.lang.String value, int size)
          Creates a password object.
static SelectObject createSelectObject(Option[] options, java.lang.String selected, int displayMode, boolean hasEvent)
          Creates a select object.
static SelectObject createSelectObject(java.lang.String[] values, java.lang.String[] formattedValues, java.lang.String selected, int displayMode, boolean hasEvent)
          Creates a select object.
static SimpleTableObject createSimpleTableObject(java.lang.String[] headers, java.util.List<SimpleRowObject> rows)
          Creates a simple table object.
static SimpleTableObject createSimpleTableObject(java.lang.String[] headers, java.util.List<SimpleRowObject> rows, java.lang.String width)
          Creates a simple table object.
static TextAreaObject createTextArea(java.lang.String value, int size, int numRows, boolean readOnly)
          Creates a textarea object.
static TextBoxObject createTextBox(java.lang.String value)
          Creates a textbox object.
static TextBoxObject createTextBox(java.lang.String value, int size)
          Creates a textbox object with a specified size.
static TextBoxObject createTextBox(java.lang.String value, int size, boolean readOnly)
          Creates a textbox object with associated attributes.
static boolean getBooleanValue(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,UIObject> map, java.lang.String name)
          Returns the value of the named field as a boolean.
static int getIntValue(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,UIObject> map, java.lang.String name)
          Returns the value of the named field as an integer.
static java.lang.String getStringValue(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,UIObject> map, java.lang.String name)
          Returns the value of the named field as a string.
static java.lang.String getStringValue(UIObject uiobject)
          Returns the value of the UI object as a string.
static java.util.List<java.lang.String[]> getStringValues(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,UIObject> map, java.lang.String name)
          Returns the list of string values for the named field.
static java.util.List<java.lang.String[]> getStringValues(UIObject uiobject)
          Returns the list of string values for the UIObject; This is typically used for retrieving values from the table objects.
static void setValue(UIObject uiObject, java.lang.String value)
          Sets the value of a UI object.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public UIFactory()

Method Detail


public static EditField createEditField(java.lang.String name,
                                        java.lang.String label,
                                        java.lang.String description,
                                        UIObject object)
Creates a edit field.
name - identifies the field.
label - label that displays on the form.
description - tool tip text that appears on a mouseover.
object - UI object associated with this field.
a new edit field.


public static EditField createEditField(java.lang.String name,
                                        java.lang.String label,
                                        java.lang.String description,
                                        boolean isrequired,
                                        UIObject object)
Creates a edit field. If a field is required then the user must enter data for that field, otherwise a validation error message will be displayed and prevent the form submission.
name - identifies the field.
label - label that displays on the form.
description - tool tip text that appears on a mouseover.
isrequired - indicates if this is a required field.
object - UI object associated with this field.
a new edit field.


public static TextBoxObject createTextBox(java.lang.String value)
Creates a textbox object.
value - the initial value for the textbox.
a new textbox object.


public static TextBoxObject createTextBox(java.lang.String value,
                                          int size)
Creates a textbox object with a specified size.
value - the initial value for the textbox.
size - the size of the textbox.
a new textbox object.


public static TextBoxObject createTextBox(java.lang.String value,
                                          int size,
                                          boolean readOnly)
Creates a textbox object with associated attributes.
value - the initial value for the textbox.
size - the size of the textbox.
readOnly - if true the textbox is disabled for input.
a new textbox object.


public static CheckBoxObject createCheckbox(boolean checked)
Creates a checkbox object.
checked - the initial state for the checkbox.
a new checkbox object.


public static CheckBoxObject createCheckbox(java.lang.String value,
                                            boolean checked,
                                            boolean hasEvent)
Creates a checkbox object that posts an update event back to the provider when it changes.
value - the value associated with the checkbox.
checked - the initial state for the checkbox.
hasEvent - true indicates that an update event is to be posted back to the provider when the checkbox is changed.
the new checkbox object.


public static SelectObject createSelectObject(java.lang.String[] values,
                                              java.lang.String[] formattedValues,
                                              java.lang.String selected,
                                              int displayMode,
                                              boolean hasEvent)
Creates a select object.
values - the actual values for each of the options.
formattedValues - the displayed text for each of the options.
selected - the default selection.
displayMode - the type of display presentation (list or radio buttons).
hasEvent - true indicates that an update event is to be posted back to the provider when the checkbox is changed.
the new checkbox object.


public static SelectObject createSelectObject(Option[] options,
                                              java.lang.String selected,
                                              int displayMode,
                                              boolean hasEvent)
Creates a select object.
options - the values and displayed text for the options.
selected - the default selection.
displayMode - the type of display presentation (list or radio buttons).
hasEvent - true indicates that an update event is to be posted back to the provider when the checkbox is changed.
the new checkbox object.


public static PasswordObject createPassword(java.lang.String value)
Creates a password object.
value - the initial value for the password.
the new password object.


public static PasswordObject createPassword(java.lang.String value,
                                            int size)
Creates a password object.
value - the initial value for the password.
size - the size of the password input field.
the new password object.


public static DynamicTableObject createDynamicTable(java.lang.String[] headers,
                                                    UIObject[] uiobjects)
Creates a dynamic table object. A dynamic table consists a table display with a variable number of rows and columns. It also has an input area associated with the table for adding new rows. Existing rows in the table can be deleted by clicking on a delete icon on each row.
headers - the labels for each column in the table
uiobjects - input UI objects used for adding new rows, currently textbox and list select box uiobjects are supported.
the new dynamic table object.


public static DynamicTableObject createDynamicTable(java.lang.String[] headers,
                                                    UIObject[] uiobjects,
                                                    java.util.List<java.lang.String[]> rows)
Creates a dynamic table object. A dynamic table consists a table display with a variable number of rows and columns. It also has an input area associated with the table for adding new rows. Existing rows in the table can be deleted by clicking on a delete icon on each row.
headers - the labels for each column in the table
uiobjects - input UI objects used for adding new rows, currently textbox and list select box uiobjects are supported.
rows - the initial list of rows in the table.
the new dynamic table object.


public static ConfirmationObject createConfirmation(java.lang.String message,
                                                    boolean confirmed)
Creates a confirmation object. A confirmation object is a browser popup message box. If the confirm state is false then a popup mesage box is displayed and the state is changed to true after the user dismisses the popup.
message - text to be displayed in the popup.
confirmed - initial state for the confirmation object.
a new confirmation object.


public static BrowserTextBoxObject createBrowserTextBox(java.lang.String value,
                                                        java.lang.String typeId)
Creates a browser textbox object. This is used to display a resource chooser popup window. The initial form display consists of a textbox for the returned selection and a browse button for showing the chooser dialog.
value - the initial value of the selected resource.
typeId - identifies the type of resource to be shown.
a new browser textbox object.


public static BrowserTextBoxObject createBrowserTextBox(java.lang.String value,
                                                        int size,
                                                        java.lang.String typeId)
Creates a browser textbox object. This is used to display a resource chooser popup window. The initial form display consists of a textbox for the returned selection and a browse button for showing the chooser dialog.
value - the initial value of the selected resource.
size - the size of the selection textbox field.
typeId - identifies the type of resource to be shown.
a new browser textbox object.


public static BrowserTextBoxObject createBrowserTextBox(java.lang.String value,
                                                        int size,
                                                        java.lang.String typeId,
                                                        boolean hasEvent)
Creates a browser textbox object. This is used to display a resource chooser popup window. The initial form display consists of a textbox for the returned selection and a browse button for showing the chooser dialog.
value - the initial value of the selected resource.
size - the size of the selection textbox field.
typeId - identifies the type of resource to be shown.
hasEvent - true indicates that an update event is to be posted back to the provider when the selection textbox is changed.
a new browser textbox object.


public static BrowserTextBoxObject createBrowserTextBox(java.lang.String value,
                                                        int size,
                                                        java.lang.String typeId,
                                                        boolean hasEvent,
                                                        ResourceQuery resourceQuery)
Creates a browser textbox object. This is used to display a resource chooser popup window. The initial form display consists of a textbox for the returned selection and a browse button for showing the chooser dialog.
value - the initial value of the selected resource.
size - the size of the selection textbox field.
typeId - identifies the type of resource to be shown.
hasEvent - true indicates that an update event is to be posted back to the provider when the selection textbox is changed.
resourceQuery - query used to filter the resource chooser.
a new browser textbox object.


public static FileBrowserObject createFileBrowser(byte[] value)
Creates a File browser dialog textbox object with text area to show the uploaded file contents. This is used to display a file browser dialog window. The initial form display consists of a textarea for the uploaded file contents and a file browse button to launch file chooser dialog.
value - the initial value of the uploaded file contents.
a new File browser textbox with text area object.


public static FileBrowserObject createFileBrowser(byte[] value,
                                                  boolean hideTextArea)
Creates a File browser dialog textbox object with text area to show the uploaded file contents. This is used to display a file browser dialog window. The initial form display consists of a textarea for the uploaded file contents and a file browse button to launch file chooser dialog.
value - the initial value of the uploaded file contents.
hideTextArea - opetion to show or hide text area
a new File browser textbox with text area object.


public static FileBrowserObject createFileBrowser(byte[] value,
                                                  int size,
                                                  boolean hideTextArea,
                                                  int rowSize,
                                                  int columnSize,
                                                  boolean hasEvent)
Creates a File browser dialog textbox object with text area to show the uploaded file contents. This is used to display a file browser dialog window. The initial form display consists of a textarea for the uploaded file contents and a file browse button to launch file chooser dialog.
value - the initial value of the uploaded file contents.
size - the size of the selection textbox field.
hideTextArea - opetion to show or hide text area
rowSize - the row size of the text area field.
columnSize - the column size of the selection ext area field.
hasEvent - true indicates that an update event is to be posted back to the transport provider when the selection textbox is changed.
a new browser textbox object.


public static TextAreaObject createTextArea(java.lang.String value,
                                            int size,
                                            int numRows,
                                            boolean readOnly)
Creates a textarea object.
value - the initial value of the textarea.
size - the width of the textarea.
numRows - the number of rows in the textarea.
readOnly - if true the textarea is disabled for input.
a new textarea object.


public static HintTextBoxObject createHintTextBox(java.lang.String value,
                                                  java.lang.String hint,
                                                  int size)
Creates a hint textbox object.
value - the initial value of the textbox.
hint - a short descriptive text hint to display near the textbox.
size - the size of the textbox.
a new hint textbox object.


public static HintTextAreaObject createHintTextArea(java.lang.String value,
                                                    java.lang.String hint,
                                                    int size,
                                                    int numRows,
                                                    boolean readOnly)
Creates a hint textarea object.
value - the initial value of the textarea.
hint - a short descriptive text hint to display near the text area.
size - the width of the textarea.
numRows - the number of rows in the textarea.
readOnly - if true the textarea is disabled for input.
a new hint textarea object.


public static ExpandableTableObject createExpandableTableObject(java.util.List<ExpandableRowObject> rows,
                                                                java.lang.String checkboxDescription)
Creates an expandable table object. An expandable table object contains individual rows that can each be expanded and collapsed. Each expanded row has a select checkbox and an associated list of edit fields that are shown when the row is expanded.
rows - the list of expandable rows in the table.
checkboxDescription - tool tip descriptive text displayed when the mouse hovers over the checkbox.
a new expandable table object.


public static SimpleTableObject createSimpleTableObject(java.lang.String[] headers,
                                                        java.util.List<SimpleRowObject> rows)
Creates a simple table object.
headers - the labels for each column in the table
rows - the list of rows in the table.
a new simple table object.


public static SimpleTableObject createSimpleTableObject(java.lang.String[] headers,
                                                        java.util.List<SimpleRowObject> rows,
                                                        java.lang.String width)
Creates a simple table object.
headers - the labels for each column in the table
rows - the list of rows in the table.
width - the HTML width of the table.
a new simple table object.


public static java.lang.String getStringValue(UIObject uiobject)
Returns the value of the UI object as a string.
uiobject - the UI object whose value is to be retrieved
the string value of the given UI object.


public static java.lang.String getStringValue(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,UIObject> map,
                                              java.lang.String name)
Returns the value of the named field as a string.
map - the map of field names to UIObjects (see EditField.getObjectMap(...)).
name - the name of the field whose value is to be retrieved.
the string value of the named field.


public static int getIntValue(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,UIObject> map,
                              java.lang.String name)
Returns the value of the named field as an integer. If the internal value is null or empty a 0 is returned. If the internal value is not a valid integer then a NumberFormatException is thrown.
map - the map of field names to UIObjects (see EditField.getObjectMap(...)).
name - the name of the field whose value is to be retrieved.
the integer value of the named field.


public static boolean getBooleanValue(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,UIObject> map,
                                      java.lang.String name)
Returns the value of the named field as a boolean.
map - the map of field names to UIObjects (see EditField.getObjectMap(...)).
name - the name of the field whose value is to be retrieved.
the boolean value of the named field.


public static java.util.List<java.lang.String[]> getStringValues(UIObject uiobject)
Returns the list of string values for the UIObject; This is typically used for retrieving values from the table objects.


public static java.util.List<java.lang.String[]> getStringValues(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,UIObject> map,
                                                                 java.lang.String name)
Returns the list of string values for the named field. This is typically used for retrieving values from the table objects.
map - the map of field names to UIObjects (see EditField.getObjectMap(...)).
name - the name of the field whose value is to be retrieved.
the list of string values for the named field.


public static void setValue(UIObject uiObject,
                            java.lang.String value)
Sets the value of a UI object.
uiObject - the UIObject whose value is to be retrieved.
value - the string value for the object.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Service Bus
11g Release 1 (


Copyright © 2008, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved.