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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Portal
11g Release 1 (

Interface SpaceType

All Known Subinterfaces:
MutableSpaceMetadata, oracle.webcenter.spaces.beans.SpaceMetadata

public interface SpaceType

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getCreatedBy()
          Returns the User-name of the user who created the current Space.
 java.util.Calendar getCreationDate()
          Returns java.util.Calendar object representing the date-time on which the current Space was created.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getCustomAttributes()
          Returns the value of a specific custom-attribute, of the name attributeName for the Space.
 java.lang.String getDefaultLanguage()
          Returns the default language for the current Space.
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          Returns the description associated with the current Space with the display-name in the language in which the Space was created.
 java.lang.String getDisplayName()
          Returns the display-name associated with the current Space in the language in which the Space was created.
 java.lang.String getGuid()
          Returns the unique ID associated with the current Space.
 java.lang.String getIcon()
          Returns a URL to the icon associated with the current Space.
 java.lang.String getKeywords()
          Returns a comma-separated list of searchable keywords associated with the current Space.
 java.util.Calendar getLastUpdatedDate()
          Returns the java.util.Calendar object representing the date-time on which the current Space was last updated.
 java.lang.String getLogo()
          Returns the path to the image associated with the logo of the current Space.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the name of the current Space used generally at the backend of the Space and is used with the pretty URL.
 UiMetadata getUiMetadata()
 boolean isClosed()
          Returns boolean value indicating whether the Space has been kept closed.
 boolean isDiscoverable()
          Returns Boolean value indicating whether users will be able to discover the existence of the Space by searching for it or getting it listed in My Spaces.
 boolean isOffline()
          Returns boolean value indicating whether the Space has been taken offline.
 boolean isPublishRSS()
          Returns boolean value, indicating whether the Space publishes RSS feeds.
 boolean isSelfRegistration()
          Returns boolean value indicating whether users are allowed to subscribe themselves to the Space.
 boolean isUnsubscriptionApprovalRequired()
          Returns the boolean value representing whether approval is required to unsubscribe from the current Space.


Method Detail


java.lang.String getIcon()
Returns a URL to the icon associated with the current Space.

EL: #{[spaceName].metadata.icon}

A URL to the icon associated with the current Space.


java.lang.String getLogo()
Returns the path to the image associated with the logo of the current Space.

EL: #{[spaceName].metadata.logo}

The path to the image associated with the logo of the current Space.


java.lang.String getKeywords()
Returns a comma-separated list of searchable keywords associated with the current Space.

EL: #{spaceContext.currentSpace.metadata.keywords}

A comma-separated list of searchable keywords associated with the current Space.


java.lang.String getDisplayName()
Returns the display-name associated with the current Space in the language in which the Space was created. If the space name has been translated, the name in which the space was created will be shown.

EL: #{spaceContext.currentSpace.metadata.displayName}

Example: If a group-space called Web20Space has the display-name 'Web 2.0 Space', then #{['Web20Space'].metadata.displayName} will evaluate to Web 2.0 Space.
The display-name associated with the current Space in the language in which the Space was created. If the space name has been translated, the name in which the space was created will be shown.


boolean isSelfRegistration()
Returns boolean value indicating whether users are allowed to subscribe themselves to the Space.

EL: #{spaceContext.currentSpace.metadata.selfRegistration}

Boolean value indicating whether users are allowed to subscribe themselves to the Space.


java.lang.String getDefaultLanguage()
Returns the default language for the current Space.

EL: #{spaceContext.currentSpace.metadata.defaultLanguage}

the default language for the current Space.


java.util.Calendar getCreationDate()
Returns java.util.Calendar object representing the date-time on which the current Space was created.

EL: #{spaceContext.currentSpace.metadata.creationDate}

java.util.Calendar object.


java.lang.String getCreatedBy()
Returns the User-name of the user who created the current Space.

EL: #{spaceContext.currentSpace.metadata.createdBy}

User-name of the user who created the current Space.


boolean isUnsubscriptionApprovalRequired()
Returns the boolean value representing whether approval is required to unsubscribe from the current Space.

EL: #{spaceContext.currentSpace.metadata.unsubscriptionApprovalRequired}

The boolean value representing whether approval is required to unsubscribe from the current Space.


boolean isOffline()
Returns boolean value indicating whether the Space has been taken offline.

EL: #{spaceContext.currentSpace.metadata.offline}

Boolean value indicating whether the Space has been taken offline.


boolean isDiscoverable()
Returns Boolean value indicating whether users will be able to discover the existence of the Space by searching for it or getting it listed in My Spaces.

EL: #{spaceContext.currentSpace.metadata.discoverable}

Boolean value indicating discoverability of the Space.


java.lang.String getGuid()
Returns the unique ID associated with the current Space.

EL: #{spaceContext.currentSpace.metadata.guid}

The unique ID associated with the current Space.


java.lang.String getDescription()
Returns the description associated with the current Space with the display-name in the language in which the Space was created. If the space name has been translated, the translated name is not shown.

EL: #{spaceContext.currentSpace.metadata.description}

Example: #{['FinanceProject'].metadata.description} evaluates to Conglomeration of all teams involved in financial activities.
The description associated with the current Space with the display-name in the language in which the Space was created.If the space name has been translated, the translated name is not shown.


boolean isPublishRSS()
Returns boolean value, indicating whether the Space publishes RSS feeds.

EL: #{spaceContext.currentSpace.metadata.publishRSS}

Boolean value, indicating whether the Space publishes RSS feeds.


java.lang.String getName()
Returns the name of the current Space used generally at the backend of the Space and is used with the pretty URL.

EL: #{}

the name of the current Space.


java.util.Calendar getLastUpdatedDate()
Returns the java.util.Calendar object representing the date-time on which the current Space was last updated.

EL: #{spaceContext.currentSpace.metadata.lastUpdatedDate}

The java.util.Calendar object representing the date-time on which the current Space was last updated.


boolean isClosed()
Returns boolean value indicating whether the Space has been kept closed.

EL: #{spaceContext.currentSpace.metadata.closed}

Boolean value indicating whether the Space has been kept closed.


java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getCustomAttributes()
Returns the value of a specific custom-attribute, of the name attributeName for the Space.

EL: #{spaceContext.currentSpace.metadata.customAttributes[attributeName]}

The value of a specific custom-attribute, of the name attributeName.


UiMetadata getUiMetadata()

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Portal
11g Release 1 (

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