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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use IInterfaceAction
oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive Provides interfaces for interactive handling of Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. 
oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.exceptions This package contains the exception classes thrown during interactive handling of interface objects in Oracle Data Integrator. This package and its sub-packages provide the implementations for interactive handling of Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator interface action implementation classes Classes in this package allow modification to the ODI interface object, when used in conjunction with the helper class. Contains classes which handles the auto-fixing of Oracle Data Integrator interface sub-component issues. 


Uses of IInterfaceAction in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive


Methods in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive that return IInterfaceAction
 IInterfaceAction[] IIssueFix.getActions()
          Returns the list of actions that will be performed by this fix.


Methods in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive that return types with arguments of type IInterfaceAction
 java.util.List<IInterfaceAction> IImpacts.getReverseActions()
          All reverse actions to undo the actions that caused these impacts.
These action should be in the correct order, starting at 0 till the end of the list.
 java.util.List<IInterfaceAction> IInterfaceUndoListener.getReverseActions()
          Gets the list of "undo" actions.


Methods in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive with parameters of type IInterfaceAction
 void IInterfaceUndoListener.addReverseAction(IInterfaceAction pInterfaceAction)
          Adds an "undo" action for a particular action performed on an ODI interface object.
 void IAutoFixManager.autoFix(IInterfaceAction pOriginalAction, IImpacts pOriginalImpacts, IInterfaceActionListener pInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pInterfaceUndoListener, IInteractiveInterfaceHelper pInterfaceHelper)
          This method will execute automatic fixes for ODI interface objects.
 IImpacts IInteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.performAction(IInterfaceAction pAction)
          Performs the specified action, using the default autofix manager that was provided when creating this InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.
 IImpacts IInteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.performAction(IInterfaceAction pAction, IAutoFixManager pAutoFixManager)
          Performs the specified action, and uses the specified auto fix manager to do automatic fixing of interface issues.


Uses of IInterfaceAction in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.exceptions


Constructors in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.exceptions with parameters of type IInterfaceAction
UnknownActionException(IInterfaceAction pAction)
          Constructs a new UnknownActionException.


Uses of IInterfaceAction in


Methods in that return types with arguments of type IInterfaceAction
 java.util.List<IInterfaceAction> Impacts.getReverseActions()
          All reverse actions to undo the actions that caused these impacts.
These action should be in the correct order, starting at 0 till the end of the list.


Methods in with parameters of type IInterfaceAction
 IImpacts InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.performAction(IInterfaceAction pAction)
          Performs the specified action, using the default autofix manager that was provided when creating this InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.
 IImpacts InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.performAction(IInterfaceAction pAction, IAutoFixManager pAutoFixManager)
          Performs the specified action, and uses the specified auto fix manager to do automatic fixing of interface issues.


Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type IInterfaceAction
Impacts(java.util.List<InterfaceObjectModification> pModifications, java.util.List<IInterfaceAction> pReverseActions)
          Creates impacts with these modifications and reverse actions.


Uses of IInterfaceAction in


Classes in that implement IInterfaceAction
 class InterfaceActionAddCrossJoin
          InterfaceActionAddCrossJoin is an interface action class used to create create a join between two sources in an ODI interface data set.
 class InterfaceActionAddDataSet
          InterfaceActionAddDataSet is an interface action class used to add a DataSet object to an ODI interface data.
 class InterfaceActionAddFilter
          InterfaceActionAddFilter is an interface action class used to create create a filter on a data source in an ODI interface data set.
 class InterfaceActionAddJoin
          InterfaceActionAddJoin is an interface action class used to create a join between two or more sources in an ODI interface data set.
 class InterfaceActionAddLookup
          InterfaceActionAddLookup is an interface action class used to create lookup of a data source in an interface data set.
 class InterfaceActionAddNaturalJoin
          InterfaceActionAddNaturalJoin is an interface action class used to create create a natural join between two or more sources in an ODI interface data set.
 class InterfaceActionAddSourceDataStore
          InterfaceActionAddSourceDataStore is an interface action class used to add a source DataStore object to an ODI interface DataSet.
 class InterfaceActionJournalizeSourceDataStore
          InterfaceActionAddJournalizeDataStore is an interface action class used to add or remove journalizing capability an ODI interface SourceDataStore.
 class InterfaceActionLookupTransform
          This action transforms a source datastore with a join into a lookup and vice-versa.
In the end, the source datastore and the join will be a single lookup.
Created on 25 mars 08
 class InterfaceActionOnDataSetSetName
          InterfaceActionOnDataSetSetName is an interface action class used to set the name of a DataSet.
 class InterfaceActionOnDataSetSetOperator
          InterfaceActionOnDataSetSetOperator is an interface action class used to set the operator of a DataSet.
 class InterfaceActionOnDataSetSetOrder
          InterfaceActionOnDataSetSetOrder is an interface action class used to set the order of a DataSet.
 class InterfaceActionOnExecutableSetSqlAbstract
          InterfaceActionOnExecutableSetSqlAbstract is an abstract base class for all action classes that set SQL expressions.
 class InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseAbstract
          InterfaceActionOnExecutableSetSqlAbstract is an abstract base class for all action classes that modify a generic SQL clause.
 class InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetBusinessRule
          InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetBusinessRule is an interface action class used to set a business rule on a generic clause.
 class InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetDefaultOrder
          Sets a default order on the clause.
 class InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetEnabled
          InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetEnabled is an interface action class used to set the enabled flag a generic clause.
 class InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetExecutionLocation
          InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetBusinessRule is an interface action class used to set a execution location for a generic clause.
 class InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetIndexType
          InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetIndexType is an interface action class used to set the index type for a generic clause.
 class InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetOrder
          InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetOrder is an interface action class used to set the processing order for a generic clause.
 class InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetSql
          InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetSql is an interface action class used to set the actual SQL expression text for a generic clause.
 class InterfaceActionOnInterfaceSetDescription
          InterfaceActionOnInterfaceSetDescription is an interface action class used to set the description text for the interface.
 class InterfaceActionOnInterfaceSetName
          InterfaceActionOnInterfaceSetName is an interface action class used to set the name of the interface.
 class InterfaceActionOnInterfaceSetOptimizationContext
          InterfaceActionOnInterfaceSetOptimizationContext is an interface action class used to set the optimization context for the interface.
 class InterfaceActionOnJoinSetJoinProperties
          InterfaceActionOnJoinSetJoinProperties is an interface action class used to set the properties for a join object.
 class InterfaceActionOnLookupSetSelectLookup
          InterfaceActionOnLookupSetSelectLookup is an interface action class used to set the lookup select type for a lookup object.
 class InterfaceActionOnSourceDataStoreAbstract
          InterfaceActionOnSourceDataStoreAbstract is an abstract base class for all action classes that modify a source data store.

 class InterfaceActionOnSourceDataStoreSetAlias
          InterfaceActionOnSourceDataStoreSetAlias is an action class used to set the default alias for a source SourceDataStore object in an ODI interface.
 class InterfaceActionOnSourceDataStoreSetForcedContext
          InterfaceActionOnSourceDataStoreSetForcedContext is an action class used to set the forced context for a source SourceDataStore object in an ODI interface.
 class InterfaceActionOnSourceDataStoreSetOrder
          InterfaceActionOnSourceDataStoreSetOrder is an action class used to set the order value for a SourceDataStore.
 class InterfaceActionOnSourceDataStoreSetPartition
          InterfaceActionOnSourceDataStoreSetPartition is an action class used to set the partition used for the SourceDataStore.
 class InterfaceActionOnSourceDataStoreSetSubInterfaceAsDerived
          InterfaceActionOnSourceDataStoreSetSubInterfaceAsDerived is an action class used to set a SourceDataStore in the interface as a derived sub-select.
 class InterfaceActionOnSourceSetSetName
          InterfaceActionOnSourceSetSetNameLookupSourceDataStoreSetSubInterfaceAsDerived is an action class used to set the name of a SourceSet.
 class InterfaceActionOnStagingAreaSetIndicator
          InterfaceActionOnStagingAreaSetIndicator is an action class used to set one of four possible special indicators for the staging area of an ODI interface.
 class InterfaceActionOnStagingAreaSetLogicalSchema
          InterfaceActionOnStagingAreaSetLogicalSchema is an action class used to set the logical schema that will be used for the staging area.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetColumn
          An abstract base class for action classes that modify a target column.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetColumnMove
          InterfaceActionOnTargetColumnMove is an action class used to move a column in the column list.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetColumnSetBusinessRule
          InterfaceActionOnTargetColumnSetBusinessRule is an interface action class used to assign a business rule for a column.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetColumnSetDataType
          InterfaceActionOnTargetColumnSetDataType is an interface action class used to assign a data type for a column.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetColumnSetEnabled
          InterfaceActionOnTargetColumnSetEnabled is an interface action class used to set an indicator flag for a column to specify whether it is enabled for mapping.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetColumnSetIndicator
          InterfaceActionOnTargetColumnSetIndicator is an interface action class used to set an indicator flag for a column.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetColumnSetLength
          InterfaceActionOnTargetColumnSetLength is an interface action class used to set the length for a column.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetColumnSetName
          InterfaceActionOnTargetColumnSetName is an interface action class used to set the name for a column.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetColumnSetPosition
          InterfaceActionOnTargetColumnSetPosition is an action class used to set the position of a column.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetColumnSetScale
          InterfaceActionOnTargetColumnSetScale is an interface action class used to set the scale for a numeric column.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetColumnSetUD
          InterfaceActionOnTargetColumnSetUD is an interface action class used to set User Defined (UD) properties UD1 to UD10 for a column.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetDataStoreComputeAutoMapping
          InterfaceActionOnTargetDataStoreComputeAutoMapping is an interface action class used to set automapping on all columns of a target datastore.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetDataStoreSetForcedContext
          InterfaceActionOnTargetDataStoreSetForcedContext is an action class that can be used to set the forced context for a target data store.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetDataStoreSetMaxErrors
          InterfaceActionOnTargetDataStoreSetMaxErrors is an interface action class used to set the error boundaries of a mapping.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetDataStoreSetPartition
          InterfaceActionOnTargetDataStoreSetPartition is an interface action class used to set the partition for a target data store.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetDataStoreSetUpdateKey
          InterfaceActionOnTargetDataStoreSetUpdateKey is an interface action class used to set the update key for a target data store.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetDataStoreToTemporary
          InterfaceActionOnTargetDataStoreToTemporary is an interface action class used to change a target data store to a temporary data store.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetMappingAbstract
          Base target mapping action class for maintaining column name and data set.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetMappingSetAttachedDataStore
          InterfaceActionOnTargetMappingSetAttachedDataStore is an interface action class used to set an attached data store on a target mapping.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetMappingSetLocation
          InterfaceActionOnTargetMappingSetLocation is an interface action class used to set the location on a target mapping.
 class InterfaceActionOnTargetMappingSetSql
          InterfaceActionOnTargetMappingSetSql is an interface action class used to set the SQL expression for a target mapping.
 class InterfaceActionOnTemporaryTargetDataStoreAddColumn
          InterfaceActionOnTemporaryTargetDataStoreAddColumn is an interface action class used to add a column.
 class InterfaceActionOnTemporaryTargetDataStoreRemoveColumn
          InterfaceActionOnTemporaryTargetDataStoreRemoveColumn is an interface action class used to remove a column from a temporary target data store.
 class InterfaceActionOnTemporaryTargetDataStoreSetDatabaseSchema
          InterfaceActionOnTemporaryTargetDataStoreSetDatabaseSchema is an interface action class used to set the database schema for a temporary target data store.
 class InterfaceActionOnTemporaryTargetDataStoreSetName
          InterfaceActionOnTemporaryTargetDataStoreSetName is an interface action class used to set the name of a temporary target data store.
 class InterfaceActionRemoveDataSet
          InterfaceActionRemoveDataSet is an interface action class used to remove a data set from the interface.
 class InterfaceActionRemoveGenericClause
          InterfaceActionRemoveGenericClause is an interface action class used to remove a generic join or filter clause.
 class InterfaceActionRemoveSourceDataStore
          InterfaceActionRemoveSourceDataStore is an interface action class used to remove a source data store.
 class InterfaceActionSetKM
          InterfaceActionSetKM is an interface action class used to set a knowledge module (KM).
 class InterfaceActionSetKMOptionValue
          InterfaceActionSetKMOptionValue is an interface action class used to set a knowledge module (KM) option.
 class InterfaceActionSetTargetDataStore
          InterfaceActionSetTargetDataStore is an interface action class used to set a target data store.
 class InterfaceActionSwitchDataSetOrders
          InterfaceActionSwitchDataSetOrders is an interface action class used to switch the ordering of two data sets.


Uses of IInterfaceAction in


Methods in with parameters of type IInterfaceAction
 void AutoFixManagerComposer.autoFix(IInterfaceAction pOriginalAction, IImpacts pOriginalImpacts, IInterfaceActionListener pInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pInterfaceUndoListener, IInteractiveInterfaceHelper pInterfaceHelper)
 void AutoFixManagerEnableText.autoFix(IInterfaceAction pOriginalAction, IImpacts pOriginalImpacts, IInterfaceActionListener pInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pInterfaceUndoListener, IInteractiveInterfaceHelper pInterfaceHelper)
 void AutoFixManagerLazy.autoFix(IInterfaceAction pOriginalAction, IImpacts pOriginalImpacts, IInterfaceActionListener pInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pInterfaceUndoListener, IInteractiveInterfaceHelper pInterfaceHelper)
          Dummy implementation.
 void AutoFixManagerNewObjects.autoFix(IInterfaceAction pOriginalAction, IImpacts impacts, IInterfaceActionListener pInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pInterfaceUndoListener, IInteractiveInterfaceHelper pInterfaceHelper)
          Fixes WARNING, CRITICAL, or FATAL issues for the sub-component that has been added and also for the target columns of the target data store if the added sub-component is a source data store.


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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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