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Class Summary
AccessPolicyVO Java class for AccessPolicyVO complex type.
AccountVO Java class for AccountVO complex type.
ArrayOfAccessPolicyVO Java class for ArrayOfAccessPolicyVO complex type.
ArrayOfAccountVO Java class for ArrayOfAccountVO complex type.
ArrayOfAttributeValueVO Java class for ArrayOfAttributeValueVO complex type.
ArrayOfAttributeVO Java class for ArrayOfAttributeVO complex type.
ArrayOfAuditExceptionVO Java class for ArrayOfAuditExceptionVO complex type.
ArrayOfBusinessUnitVO Java class for ArrayOfBusinessUnitVO complex type.
ArrayOfRoleVO Java class for ArrayOfRoleVO complex type.
ArrayOfUserVO Java class for ArrayOfUserVO complex type.
AttributesVO Java class for AttributesVO complex type.
AttributeValuesVO Java class for AttributeValuesVO complex type.
AttributeValueVO Java class for AttributeValueVO complex type.
AttributeVO Java class for AttributeVO complex type.
AuditExceptionVO Java class for AuditExceptionVO complex type.
BusinessUnitVO Java class for BusinessUnitVO complex type.
EndPointVO Java class for EndPointVO complex type.
ObjectFactory This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.vaau.rbacx.api.domain package.
RoleStatusVO Java class for RoleStatusVO complex type.
RoleTypeVO Java class for RoleTypeVO complex type.
RoleVO Java class for RoleVO complex type.
UserVO Java class for UserVO complex type.


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