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Interface RoleCategoryManager

public interface RoleCategoryManager

The RoleCategoryManager API exposes the methods to manage role categories.

Method Summary
 java.util.List browse(java.util.Set retAttrs, java.util.Map configParams)
          Returns a browse tree of the role category entities
 RoleManagerResult create(RoleCategory category)
          This method creates a role category in the back end data store
 RoleManagerResult delete(java.lang.String roleCategoryKey)
          Delete the role category.
 RoleManagerResult delete(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object attributeValue)
          This method deletes a role category based on a search criteria.
 RoleCategory getDetails(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object attributeValue, java.util.Set retAttrs)
          This method return the role category details for a role category based on a search criteria.
 RoleCategory getDetails(java.lang.String roleCategoryKey, java.util.Set retAttrs)
          Returns the profile details of the specified role category.
 RoleManagerResult modify(RoleCategory category)
          This method updates the existing role category with the values specified.
 RoleManagerResult modify(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object attributeValue, RoleCategory category)
          This method modifies the role category details for a role category based on a search criteria.
 java.util.List search(SearchCriteria criteria, java.util.Set retAttrs, java.util.Map configParams)
          Searches for role categories matching the specified SearchCriteria.


Method Detail


RoleManagerResult create(RoleCategory category)
                         throws ValidationFailedException,
This method creates a role category in the back end data store
category - The attributes and values for this role category.
RoleManagerResult containing the entity id of the role category created in the database.
ValidationFailedException - if the validation during the orchestration process fails.
AccessDeniedException - if the logged-in user does not have the required authorization.
RoleCategoryAlreadyExistsException - if the role category already exists.
RoleCategoryCreateException - if the orchestration fails for the create operation.


RoleManagerResult modify(RoleCategory category)
                         throws ValidationFailedException,
This method updates the existing role category with the values specified.
category - The attributes and values to update the role category.
RoleManagerResult containing the entity id of the role category updated in the database.
ValidationFailedException - if the validation during the orchestration process fails.
AccessDeniedException - if the logged-in user does not have the required authorization.
RoleCategoryModifyException - if the orchestration fails for modify operation.
NoSuchRoleCategoryException - if the role category with given key is not found.


RoleManagerResult delete(java.lang.String roleCategoryKey)
                         throws ValidationFailedException,
Delete the role category. This is a hard delete operation and will remove the role category from the data store.
roleCategoryKey - The key of the role category to be deleted.
RoleManagerResult containing the entity id of the role category deleted in the database.
ValidationFailedException - if the validation during the orchestration process fails.
AccessDeniedException - if the logged-in user does not have the required authorization.
RoleCategoryDeleteException - if the orchestration fails for delete operation.
NoSuchRoleCategoryException - if the role category with given key is not found.


RoleCategory getDetails(java.lang.String roleCategoryKey,
                        java.util.Set retAttrs)
                        throws AccessDeniedException,
Returns the profile details of the specified role category.
roleCategoryKey - The key of the role category who's details are required.
retAttrs - The set of attributes which are to be returned for each role category.
If the role category exists then an Identity object containing all the retAttrs of the role category are returned otherwise NoSuchRoleCategoryException exception is thrown.
AccessDeniedException - if the logged-in user does not have the required authorization.
NoSuchRoleCategoryException - if the role category with given key is not found.
RoleCategoryLookupException - if there is an exception while doing the search.


java.util.List search(SearchCriteria criteria,
                      java.util.Set retAttrs,
                      java.util.Map configParams)
                      throws AccessDeniedException,
Searches for role categories matching the specified SearchCriteria.
criteria - The search criteria based on which entries will be retrieved from the backend. The SearchCriteria Operators supported are AND, OR, NOT, GREATER_THAN, GREATER_EQUAL, LESS_THAN, LESS_EQUAL, EQUAL and NOT_EQUAL. For additional comparisons like 'contains' the SearchCriteria Operator will be EQUAL with value to be searched will be '*<value>*'
retAttrs - The set of attributes which are to be returned for each role category.
configParams - Parameters to further configure the search operation. There are four configuration parameters. STARTROW, ENDROW, SORTEDBY and SORTORDER.

The STARTROW and ENDROW search configuration parameters indicates which subset of the complete search result is to be fetched. These parameters are mandatory.

The SORTEDBY search configuration parameter indicates the attribute on which search result is to be sorted. This parameter is optional and is set to 'User Login' by default.

The SORTORDER search configuration parameter indicates the order of sorting. There are two possible values for this parameter. To sort the result in ascending order use SortOrder.ASCENDING and to sort the result in descending order use SortOrder.DESCENDING. This parameter is optional and is set to SortOrder.ASCENDING by default.

the list of role categories which matched the search criteria. This list is filtered based on the attribute and entity permissions of the logged-in user.
AccessDeniedException - if the logged-in user does not have the required authorization.
RoleCategorySearchException - if there is an exception while doing the search


java.util.List browse(java.util.Set retAttrs,
                      java.util.Map configParams)
                      throws AccessDeniedException,
Returns a browse tree of the role category entities
retAttrs - The set of attributes which are to be returned for each RoleCategory.
configParams - Parameters to further configure the browse operation. There are four configuration parameters. STARTROW, ENDROW, SORTEDBY and SORTORDER.

The STARTROW and ENDROW search configuration parameters indicates which subset of the complete search result is to be fetched. These parameters are mandatory.

The SORTEDBY search configuration parameter indicates the attribute on which search result is to be sorted. This parameter is optional and is set to 'User Login' by default.

The SORTORDER search configuration parameter indicates the order of sorting. There are two possible values for this parameter. To sort the result in ascending order use SortOrder.ASCENDING and to sort the result in descending order use SortOrder.DESCENDING. This parameter is optional and is set to SortOrder.ASCENDING by default.

RoleCategory Entities
AccessDeniedException - If the logged-in user does not have the required authorization.
RoleCategoryBrowseException - If operation fails.


RoleCategory getDetails(java.lang.String attributeName,
                        java.lang.Object attributeValue,
                        java.util.Set retAttrs)
                        throws SearchKeyNotUniqueException,
This method return the role category details for a role category based on a search criteria.
attributeName - The attribute name for the search criteria.
attributeValue - The attribute value for the search criteria.
retAttrs - The attributes to be returned for the role category.
- The role category that matches the search criteria.
SearchKeyNotUniqueException - if there is more than one role category of the search criteria.
AccessDeniedException - if the logged-in user does not have the required authorization.
RoleCategoryLookupException - if there is an exception while doing the search.
NoSuchRoleCategoryException - if the role category with given search criteria is not found.


RoleManagerResult modify(java.lang.String attributeName,
                         java.lang.Object attributeValue,
                         RoleCategory category)
                         throws ValidationFailedException,
This method modifies the role category details for a role category based on a search criteria.
attributeName - The attribute name for the search criteria.
attributeValue - The attribute value for the search criteria.
category - The attributes and values to update the role category with.
RoleManagerResult containing the entity id of the role category updated in database.
ValidationFailedException - if the validation during the orchestration process fails.
AccessDeniedException - if the logged-in user does not have the required authorization.
RoleCategoryModifyException - if the orchestration fails for modify operation.
NoSuchRoleCategoryException - if the role category with given search criteria is not found.
SearchKeyNotUniqueException - if there is more than one role category for the search criteria.
RoleCategoryLookupException - if there is an exception while doing the search.


RoleManagerResult delete(java.lang.String attributeName,
                         java.lang.Object attributeValue)
                         throws SearchKeyNotUniqueException,
This method deletes a role category based on a search criteria.
attributeName - The attribute name for the search criteria.
attributeValue - The attribute value for the search criteria.
RoleManagerResult containing the entity id of the role category deleted in the database.
SearchKeyNotUniqueException - if there is more than one role category for the search criteria.
ValidationFailedException - if the validation during the orchestration process fails.
AccessDeniedException - if the logged-in user does not have the required authorization.
RoleCategoryDeleteException - if the orchestration fails for delete operation.
NoSuchRoleCategoryException - if the role category with given search criteria is not found.
RoleCategoryLookupException - if there is an exception while doing the search.

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