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Oracle Access Manager Extensibility Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (



Package holds general plugin interfaces.


Interface Summary
AMSession SSO Session created for OAM server.
AMSubject Encapsulates the JAAS subject attributes for an authenticated User.
GenericPluginService The GenericPluginService Defines base the interface for all OAM plugins.
GenericTransportContext The GenericTransportContext holds the transport specific properties.
GenericTransportHandler The GenericTransportHandler Transport handler defines the interface for transport specific properties.
GenericTransportStore Transport store stores the attributes for session state.
GenericTransportToken Tranposrt token is used to store the state data across requests.
ModuleAdvice ModuleAdvice will encapsulate the result of PluginExecutionStrategy execution.
PluginCommonAttribute Defines the common attribute interface for the plug-in attributes.
PluginConfig Plug-in Configuration object.
PluginContext Context used by the plug-ins to retrieve the attributes and set the attributes to be used by other plug-ins that gets executed in the flow.
PluginExecutionStrategy PluginExecutionStrategyPlug-in Execution Strategy provided the flexibility to control the execution of multiple plug-ins which gets executed one after other.


Class Summary
AbstractAMPlugin Abstract plugin.
AbstractPluginExecutionStrategy Abstract base class for creating plug-in execution strategy.
ClientProfile Object encapsulates the client profile.
MonitoringData Monitoring Data will be captured by the plug-in can be sent to the server for logging.
PluginResponse Responses that the plugin can be set to the execution contexts.


Enum Summary
Advice Enumeration defining the advices.
ExecutionStatus Status of the plug-in execution.
GenericPluginService.QueryKey Defines the plug-in properties for the OSGI bundle.
PluginAttributeContextType The context to which the plug-in respones need to set after the plug-in execution.
Protocol List of OAM client protocol.


Exception Summary
PluginRuntimeException PluginRuntimeException the Exception that needs to thrown from plug-in if the excution fails.


Package Description

Package holds general plugin interfaces.

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Oracle Access Manager Extensibility Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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