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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

E22649-02 ESAPI

Uses of Class

Packages that use PolicyObjectNotFoundException   


Uses of PolicyObjectNotFoundException in


Methods in that throw PolicyObjectNotFoundException
 void PolicyStore.deleteApplicationPolicy(java.lang.String appId)
          Delete an application policy given the application name - appid.
 ApplicationPolicy PolicyStore.getApplicationPolicy(java.lang.String appId)
          Returns a application policy for the given application by this PolicyStore
 void PolicyStore.modifyApplicationPolicy(ApplicationPolicy app)
          Modify an application policy in the persistence store.
 void PolicyMgmt.modifyGrant(java.util.List<PrincipalEntry> principalEntries, CodeSourceEntry csEntry, PermissionEntry oldpermissionEntry, PermissionEntry newPermissionEntry)
          Modifies a grant by replacing the permission in an existing grant with a given permission if not already present.
 void PolicyMgmt.revoke(java.util.List<PrincipalEntry> principalEntries, CodeSourceEntry csEntry, java.util.List<PermissionEntry> permissionEntries)
          Revoke a grant of permissions from this set of principals and codesource combination
 void PolicyMgmt.revoke([] principals, cs,[] perms)
          Revoke a grant of permissions from this set of principals and codesource combination.


Uses of PolicyObjectNotFoundException in


Methods in that throw PolicyObjectNotFoundException
 void ConfigurationBindingManager.bindSecurityModule(java.lang.String smName, java.lang.String appName)
          Create bindings between an application and a SM.
 PolicyEntry PolicyManager.createPolicy(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String displayName, java.lang.String description, PolicyRuleEntry rule, java.util.List<PrincipalEntry> principals, CodeSourceEntry cs, java.util.List<ResourceActionsEntry> resActs, java.util.List<java.lang.String> permissionSetNames, java.util.List<ObligationEntry> obligations, PolicyEntry.POLICY_SEMANTIC policySemantic)
          Creates a policy with the given parameters.
 void AdminManager.deleteAdminRole(java.lang.String adminRoleName, boolean cascade)
          Removes the administration role from policy store.
 void PolicyManager.deletePolicy(java.lang.String name)
          Deletes a policy with the given name
 void PolicyDomainManager.deletePolicyDomain(java.lang.String name)
          Remove the given policy domain.
 void ResourceTypeManager.deleteResourceType(java.lang.String name, boolean cascadeDelete)
          Deletes the resource type.
 void RoleCategoryManager.deleteRoleCategory(java.lang.String name)
          Deletes the role category.
 void RolePolicyManager.deleteRolePolicy(java.lang.String name)
          Deletes a RolePolicy.
 void PolicyDistributionManager.deregisterPDP(java.lang.String pdpAddress)
          Removes a PDP instance registration.
 AdminRoleEntry AdminManager.getAdminRole(java.lang.String adminRoleName)
          This method get administration role by role name.
 AppRoleEntry AppRoleManager.getAppRole(java.lang.String name)
          Get Application Role by the given name
 AttributeEntry<? extends DataType> ExtensionManager.getAttribute(java.lang.String attrName)
          Get the attribute entry from the policy given the attribute name
 java.util.List<SMEntry> ConfigurationBindingManager.getBoundSecurityModules(java.lang.String appName)
          Retrieve SM Entries bound to a given application.
 FunctionEntry ExtensionManager.getFunction(java.lang.String funcName)
          Get the function entry from the policy given the function name
 PermissionSetEntry PermissionSetManager.getPermissionSet(java.lang.String permissionSetName)
          Get a PermissionSet by Name.
 PolicyEntry PolicyManager.getPolicy(java.lang.String name)
          Gets policy by its name
 PolicyDomainEntry PolicyDomainManager.getPolicyDomain(java.lang.String name)
          Get PolicyDomain object by name.
 ResourceEntry ResourceFinder.getResource(java.lang.String resourceTypeName, java.lang.String name)
          Get the resource given the name and the type of the resource.
 ResourceTypeEntry ResourceTypeManager.getResourceType(java.lang.String name)
          Get the resource type entry given name of the resource type.
 RoleCategoryEntry RoleCategoryManager.getRoleCategory(java.lang.String name)
          Get the role category entry given name of the role category.
 void AdminManager.modifyAdminRole(AdminRoleEntry roleEntry)
          Modify the administration role with the given role entry.
 void PolicyManager.modifyPolicy(PolicyEntry policy)
          Persists a revised in-memory PolicyEntry object.
<T> T
EntityManager.resolveReference(EntryReference reference, java.lang.Class<T> klass)
          Given a reference to an entity, return a copy from the persistent store.
 void GrantManager.revoke(java.util.Set<PrincipalEntry> principalEntries, CodeSourceEntry csEntry, java.lang.String permissionSetName)
          Revoke a grant of a PermissionSet from this set of principals and codesource combination
 void ConfigurationBindingManager.unbindSM(java.lang.String smName, java.lang.String appName)
          Remove binding relationship between an application and a SM.


Uses of PolicyObjectNotFoundException in


Methods in that throw PolicyObjectNotFoundException
 void JpsUtilBackupRestorePolicyIfc.backupApplicationPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName, java.lang.String backupFileName, java.lang.String appName)
          This method backs-up all application specific policy, defined in a policy store to a given file.
 void JpsUtilBackupRestorePolicyIfc.restoreApplicationPolicyData(java.lang.String restoreFileName, java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName, java.lang.String appName)
          This method stores all the policies defined for a given application, stored in a backup repository, defined by the file name, to a policy store.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

E22649-02 ESAPI

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