Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle BPM Suite
11g Release 1 (
Interface IGrabInstanceContext

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IGrabInstanceContext

BPMN standard defines compound activities as activities that can contain sub-activities and data objects, allowing to represent a business process as a tree-structure hierarchy of process activities.

An IGrabInstanceContext instance represents a data snapshot of a process instance. In particular, an IGrabInstanceContext instance contains the data state of the BPMN process scope or a BPMN sub-process scope.

This interface defines methods for transversing the tree-structure hierarchy allowing to access to data state of every data context defined by a sub-process activity or a process.

See Also:
IInstanceQueryService, ILocationInfo, IInstanceContextConfiguration

Method Summary
 java.lang.Iterable<IOpenActivityInfo> getAvailableContainerActivities()
          Gets an Iterable for the available Open/Running activities directly defined in this context.
 java.lang.Iterable<ICorrelationKeyItem> getAvailableCorrelationKeys()
          Gets an Iterable for the available Correlation Keys declared in this context.
 java.lang.Iterable<IVariableItem> getAvailableInstanceAttributes()
          Gets an Iterable for the available Process and Activity instance attributes declared in this context.
 java.lang.Iterable<IVariableItem> getAvailableVariables()
          Gets an Iterable for the available Data Objects declated in this context.
 java.lang.Iterable<IGrabInstanceContext> getChildrenGrabInstanceContext()
          Gets an Iterable for the available nested contexts.
 ILocationInfo getLocation()
          Gets the location of this context.
 IGrabInstanceContext getParentGrabInstanceContext()
          Gets the parent context.

Method Detail


java.lang.Iterable<IVariableItem> getAvailableVariables()
Gets an Iterable for the available Data Objects declated in this context.

an iterable of IVariableItem


java.lang.Iterable<IVariableItem> getAvailableInstanceAttributes()
Gets an Iterable for the available Process and Activity instance attributes declared in this context.

an iterable of IVariableItem


java.lang.Iterable<ICorrelationKeyItem> getAvailableCorrelationKeys()
Gets an Iterable for the available Correlation Keys declared in this context.

an iterable of ICorrelationKeyItem


java.lang.Iterable<IGrabInstanceContext> getChildrenGrabInstanceContext()
Gets an Iterable for the available nested contexts. Nested contexts are available for Embedded Subporocesses and Call Activities calling a Process.

an iterable of IGrabInstanceContext


ILocationInfo getLocation()
Gets the location of this context. The location is mainly used to know the runtime instantiation of this context. The context can represent an active Subprocess, an active parallel instance inside a MultiInstance Loop Characteristics, or a running called Process.

a ILocationInfo with information about this context location.


IGrabInstanceContext getParentGrabInstanceContext()
Gets the parent context.

the parent IGrabInstanceContext


java.lang.Iterable<IOpenActivityInfo> getAvailableContainerActivities()
Gets an Iterable for the available Open/Running activities directly defined in this context. This method does not return activities running inside children context, like nested subprocesses.

an iterable of IOpenActivityInfo

Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle BPM Suite
11g Release 1 (

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