46 Troubleshooting WebDAV

This chapter describes troubleshooting with WebDAV in Oracle WebCenter Content Server.


For error messages and information about the operation of the WebDAV component, see the Content Server logs.

This chapter contains the following topics:

46.1 Zero-Byte Files

When using an Office 2000 application to open a document that resides on a WebDAV server, the application displays the content as empty (0 bytes).

46.1.1 Cause

This problem can be caused by a combination of the temporary Internet files settings in Microsoft Internet Explorer. The WebDAV file is still present in Oracle WebCenter Content Server, but does not open properly on certain client computers with particular settings.

46.1.2 Solution

  1. In Internet Explorer, select Tools then Internet Options.

  2. On the General tab, click Settings.

  3. Under "Check for newer versions of stored pages," select Every visit to the page.

  4. Under "Temporary Internet files folder," consider increasing the amount of disk space. (The lower the amount, the sooner the empty file problem seems to occur.)

  5. Click OK twice to save the settings and close the page.

46.2 No Connection to WebDAV Folder

A client computer does not connect to WebDAV folders.

46.2.1 Cause

Internet Explorer is configured to use a proxy server.

46.2.2 Solution

Do one of the following:

  • Configure the client computer to not use the proxy server instance for your HTTP server/WebDAV server. To do this in Internet Explorer, select Tools then Internet Options. Select Connections then LAN Settings then Advanced then Exceptions. Specify the IP address/host name of the WebDAV server.

  • Modify the proxy server configuration to allow pass-through for WebDAV methods (WebDAV-specific HTTP/1.1 extensions) with standard GET, POST, and other HTTP/1.1 methods. For more information, see your proxy server documentation.

  • Windows Vista requires Service Pack 2 for WebDAV to work properly.

46.3 Other Connection Issues

  • Some versions of Windows XP, Vista, and 7 do not connect to a WebDAV server running over HTTP and using HTTP Basic authentication. You must set a registry entry to fix this. For more information, see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/841215.

  • When mapping a network drive in Windows 7, Windows remembers all failed attempts in a login session and never retries a connection after a single connection to a host has failed, even if the browser cache is cleared in Internet Explorer and you modify the WebDav URL. To work around this issue, restart Windows 7 before trying to connect to that host again through WebDAV.

  • By default, Office 2010 will not open documents over WebDAV using basic authentication over a non-SSL connection. You must set a registry entry to fix this. For more information, see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2123563.

46.4 Double-Byte Characters in File Name

A file with double-byte characters in the file name cannot be checked in.

46.4.1 Cause

If the Content Server is running on a Western European operating system, the Microsoft WebDAV client may not be able to handle files with double-byte characters in the file name.

46.4.2 Solution

Either eliminate all double-byte characters from the file name, or check in the file through the Content Server's Web browser interface.

46.5 Number Sign in Virtual Folder Name or File Name

Using the number sign (#) in a folder name generates errors and truncates the folder name before the number sign. Using the number sign (#) in file names generates errors.

46.5.1 Cause

The number sign (#) is not allowed in WebDAV folder or file names.

46.5.2 Solution

Eliminate the number sign (#) from the folder name. Either eliminate the number sign from the file name, or check in the file through the Content Server's Web browser interface.

46.6 ExtranetLook Component Problem

The ExtranetLook component no longer works after installation of the Folder component.

46.6.1 Cause

The WebDAV component uses CookieLoginPlugin.dll for cookie-based login. The cookies eliminate additional login prompts when MS-Word opens a document using WebDAV. Typically, the component keeps the dll from doing forms-based logins on Web page because most users do not want this. However, users that do want forms-based logins can get them by following the instructions below.

46.6.2 Solution

An additional configuration change must be made to allow forms-based login with the WebDAV component. To use the WebDAV component with the ExtranetLook component, set WebDAVDisableOtherFilterCookies=false.

46.7 Content Item "Stuck" in Auto-Contribution Workflow Step

A content item was dragged and dropped into a folder, and the content item automatically entered a workflow (as expected). However, the content item seems "stuck" in the auto-contribution step of the workflow. The only way to approve the content item is to check it out and check it back in with the Revision Finished Editing option selected, so that the content item moves to the first step of the workflow.

46.7.1 Cause

A change was made to the default workflow behavior when content items are contributed through the WebDAV interface. In Folders revision 91 and higher, a content item enters a workflow in the contribution step when contributed to a folder rather than the first step in the workflow, which used to be the default. This change supports Site Studio's preview modes, so that a content item did not advance into the workflow proper and it could be approved using the Site Studio interface. However, if not using Site Studio, this may not be the anticipated behavior.

46.7.2 Solution

Two configuration entries are available to address this issue:

  • AutoContributorAdvancesOnUnlock: Enabling this configuration entry makes the content advance immediately to the first workflow step as it did in versions of the Folders component before revision 91.

  • AutoContributorAllowsReview: This configuration entry enables users to approve a content item in a contribution step of a workflow without having to perform a check-out/check-in sequence.

46.8 Deleting Content from Contribution Folders for Site Studio Website

When documents are deleted from folders used to contribute to a Site Studio website, those documents still appear in dynamic lists on the website.

46.8.1 Cause

If the Trash Bin feature is enabled during the Folders component installation, a Trash Bin is created to contain any content deleted from within folders. A side-effect in Site Studio is that documents deleted from WebDAV folders still appear in Site Studio dynamic lists (such as tables of content) and queries. Explicitly delete the documents from the Trash Bin to make them disappear from all dynamic lists and queries of the Site Studio website.

46.8.2 Solution

To avoid having to delete the documents twice, disable the trash bin. After you disable the Trash Bin, deleted documents cannot be restored.

46.9 WebDAV Drag and Drop Does Not Work with Windows 2000

Attempting to drag and drop using any WebDAV client produces no file, or a file containing 0 bytes. Although the action does not successfully complete, no error message is displayed. A copy and paste of the file using the WebDAV client does work.

46.9.1 Cause

The problem is a known issue on some versions of Windows 2000 with Office 2000 Service Release 1 or later which have been upgraded.

46.9.2 Solution

To work around or resolve the drag and drop issue:

46.10 Folder Shortcuts Do Not Show Latest Changes

If you create a shortcut to a Web folder and use it to open the folder, the folder does not show recent changes to the folder contents.

46.10.1 Cause

Folder shortcuts can show cached information that is no longer current. The problem is a known issue in Microsoft Windows.

46.10.2 Solution

Refresh the folder display by pressing F5 or choosing Refresh from the View menu.

46.11 Profile Rule for All WebDAV Requests

How do I create a profile rule that affects all WebDAV requests?

46.11.1 Solution

Check for the IsWebdavRequest variable in your profile rule. For example, you can use the following script for the dOutDate field to verify it is set to 30 days in the future for all WebDAV check ins:

<$if IsWebdavRequest$> 