3 Configuring Your EDQ Database Schemas

This chapter describes how to create and configure your EDQ database schemas. Use one of the following sections to configure your database:

3.1 Configuring an Oracle Database

To use an Oracle Database with EDQ, you must create the necessary database repository and schema using the following sections.


Do not use RCU when upgrading EDQ; use the instructions in Section 7, "Upgrading EDQ."

3.1.1 Starting RCU On Linux and UNIX

To start the RCU program on a Linux or UNIX system using a .sh installation file, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the target system as your EDQ installation user. See Section 2.2.3, "Choosing User Accounts".

  2. Go to the RCU_HOME/bin directory.


    Ensure that all files in the directory have executable permissions for the user you logged in with before continuing.

  3. Start the installation by entering the following command:


    The RCU program is displayed.

  4. Go to Section 3.1.3, "Completing the RCU Configuration" and complete the installation.

3.1.2 Starting RCU On Windows

To start the RCU program in on a Windows platform, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the target Windows system as your EDQ installation user. See Section 2.2.3, "Choosing User Accounts".

  2. Locate the MS-DOS Command Prompt (cmd.exe), and then double-click on it.

  3. Go to the RCU_HOME\bin directory.

  4. Start the installation by entering the following command:


    The RCU program is displayed.

  5. Go to Section 3.1.3, "Completing the RCU Configuration" and complete the installation.

3.1.3 Completing the RCU Configuration

Complete the RCU configuration using the instructions in Table 3-1, "Running the RCU Program"; some screens are displayed only in certain situations, as noted in the table.

To view any of the installation screens, see Section A.1, "RCU Screens."

Table 3-1 Running the RCU Program

Screen Instructions and Action Required


Click Next to proceed with the installation.

You may cancel the installation at any time by clicking Exit.

Create Repository

Click Next to continue.

This uses the default Create option.

Database Connection Details

Specify the host name where your Oracle database is running.

Enter the port number for your database; the default port number is 1521.

Specify the service name for the database. Typically, the service name is the same as the global database name. For example, oracle.example.com.

Enter the user name for your database; the default user name is SYS.

Enter the password for your database user.

Select SYSDBA from the Role: list; this is automatically selected when the user is SYS.

Click Next to continue.

Checking Global Prerequisites

When the prerequisites checking progress has reached completion, click OK to continue.

Select Components

Select the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality, EDQ Config Repository, and EDQ Results Repository check boxes.

You can select other check boxes as required if you want to install any optional components. For example, if you intend to use WebLogic Policy Manager, then you may need to select additional corresponding schemas like Metadata Services. If you intend to install Oracle Platform Security Services for Audit, then you need the Audit Services schema.

Click Next to continue.

Checking Component Prerequisites

When the prerequisites checking progress has reached completion, click OK to continue.

Schema Passwords

Enter the password you want to use for all database schemas in both password fields, then click Next to continue.

Map Tablespaces

The default EDQ tablespaces are displayed by component.

You can change the tablespaces using the Manage Tablespaces button and modifying the information.

Click Next to continue.

Map Tablespaces

Click OK to create any non-existent tablespaces in your schema, then click OK when the operation completes.


Review the database details then click Create to continue.

Completion Summary


Click Close to exit the RCU program.

3.2 Configuring a PostgreSQL Database

To use a PostgreSQL Database with EDQ, you must ensure that database listening is turned on, create the necessary database repository, and schema using the following sections.

3.2.1 Starting PostgreSQL and Checking Local Connections On Linux and UNIX

To start the PostgreSQL program on a Linux or UNIX system and check that the local connections are properly configured, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the target system as your database user. See Section 2.2.3, "Choosing User Accounts".

  2. Ensure your database server is running. For more information, see the PostgreSQL web site at


  3. Go to the PostgreSQL data directory. For example, /var/lib/pgsql/data.

  4. Examine the pg_hba.conf file by entering the following command:

    tail pg_hba.conf

    The file contents are displayed and the following is an excerpt:

    # TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD
    # "local" is for Unix domain socket connnections only
    local  all              all                                     ident 
    # IPv4 local connections:
    host    all             all               md5
    # IPv6 local connections:
    host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5
  5. Ensure that the IPv4 and IPv6 local connections are configured as in the code excerpt in the previous step to ensure database listening is on and that passwords are accepted for authentication.

  6. Go to Section 3.2.3, "Configuring PostgreSQL" to complete the configuration.

3.2.2 Checking Local Connections PostgreSQL On Windows

To check that the local connections are properly configured on a Windows platform, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the target Windows system as your database user. See Section 2.2.3, "Choosing User Accounts".

  2. Locate the MS-DOS Command Prompt (cmd.exe), and then double-click on it.

  3. Ensure your database server is running. For more information, see the PostgreSQL web site at


  4. Go to the PostgreSQL data directory. For example, C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\data.

  5. Examine the pg_hba.conf file by entering the following command:

    TYPE pg_hba.conf

    The file contents are displayed and following is an excerpt:

    # TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD
    # IPv4 local connections:
    host    all             all               md5
    # IPv6 local connections:
    host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5
  6. Ensure that the IPv4 and IPv6 local connections are configured as in the code excerpt in the previous step to ensure database listening is on and that passwords are accepted for authentication.

  7. Go to Section 3.2.3, "Configuring PostgreSQL" to complete the configuration.

3.2.3 Configuring PostgreSQL

This section describes how to configure remote connections, and creating the necessary EDQ users, database, and schemas. Configuring Remote Connections

If your PostgreSQL database has been installed on a different system, then it must be configured to accept connections from other hosts. This is applicable to all PostgreSQL environments.

Configure remote database connections using these steps:

  1. Locate the data directory for your PostgreSQL database.

  2. Edit the postgresql.conf file.

  3. Locate the following line:

    #listen_addresses = 'localhost'

  4. Insert the following line to cause PostgreSQL to accept connections from remote hosts:

    listen_addresses = '*'

  5. Edit the pg_hba.conf file then add the following line using addr/mask to identify the subnet of the host running EDQ:

    host all all addr/mask md5

    For example, host all all md5 allows connections from all hosts with the IP addresses to while host all all md5 accepts connections only from IP address Creating the EDQ Users, Database, and Schemas


The actual tables are created post-installation using the EDQ Configuration Application in Chapter 5, "Configuring EDQ Post-Installation."

  1. Run psql for your PostgreSQL installation.

  2. Enter your PostgreSQL credentials, that you configured during installation, when prompted.

  3. Create the two necessary EDQ users with the following commands changing password to be the password you want to use for each user :

    create user config password 'config';

    create user results password 'results';

  4. Create your EDQ database and the config user using this command:

    create database edq encoding 'UTF-8' owner config template template0;

  5. Create the schema using the following:

    create schema authorization config;

    create schema authorization results;

  6. Test your database configuration by logging out then back in using your new EDQ credentials.

3.3 Next Step

Go to Section 4, "Running the EDQ Installer" to continue with the installation.