
This Tutorial introduces you to Oracle WebCenter Portal: Framework, a key component of Oracle WebCenter Portal that enables you to build your own WebCenter Portal: Framework Applications. As you work through this Tutorial, you'll become familiar with Oracle JDeveloper and the components that have been added to support the new Oracle WebCenter Portal: Framework functionality. When you're ready to begin building your own application, you can move on to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal for assistance.


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This document is intended for users wishing to familiarize themselves with Oracle WebCenter Portal: Framework and learn how to develop WebCenter Portal: Framework Applications.

This Tutorial does not assume any prior knowledge of Oracle JDeveloper or Oracle WebCenter Portal. It does, however, assume that you are already somewhat familiar with the following:

The Tutorial is intended for the developer who wants to learn how to build a WebCenter Portal: Framework application. It is aimed specifically at WebCenter site developers, consultants, project managers, and site administrators who need to build and administer portal applications.

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Related Documents

For more information on Oracle WebCenter Portal: Framework, see the following documents, which are available on the Oracle WebCenter Suite Documentation page on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) at

For more information on Application Development Framework, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.


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