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StorageTek Tape Analytics Planning and Installation Guide, Version 1.0.2
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Pre-Installation Planning : Additional Considerations

Additional Considerations

Duplicate Volume Serial Numbers

In the STA data store, media history is retained by volume serial number (VSN or volser). That is, all history for a particular piece of media is tied to its volser. For this reason, it is recommended that you avoid duplicate volsers in the tape environment monitored by STA. Volsers should be unique across all monitored libraries. Duplicate volsers will result in co-mingling of data for different pieces of media.

For more information on duplicate volsers, see the StorageTek Tape Analytics Data Reference Guide.

Security Service Provider (SSP) Access

You can give STA access to an external security service provider (SSP), if desired.

The STA installation creates two local WebLogic users, one with access to the WebLogic console and the other with access to the STA GUI. If the site requires another SSP, such as Open LDAP or RACF, you can configure the SSP after completing the installation.

Once the installation is complete, configure the data sources. Notification rules can be configured as you wish. See the “Configuring the Libraries for STA” and “Configuring SNMP in the STA Application” chapters within the StorageTek Tape Analytics Configuration Guide.

Oracle Certificate Replacement

The STA installation software automatically installs a self-generated certificate using the server name where STA is being installed. You can replace this with your own approved certificate from a selected certificate authority (for example, VeriSign).

For steps to replace the Oracle-supplied certificate, see the “Configuring Certificates” chapter of the StorageTek Tape Analytics Configuration Guide.

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