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StorageTek Tape Analytics Administration Reference Guide, Version 1.0.2
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Password Administration : Reset the STA Resource Monitor Password

Reset the STA Resource Monitor Password

Note – For additional Resource Monitor administration information, see “Reset the STA Backup Service Password”.

# cd /Oracle/StorageTek_Tape_Analytics/common/bin
# ./staresmonadm -Q 
Contacting daemon...connected.
Querying Preferences.
Current STA Resource Monitor Service Settings:
Configured [yes]
DB Username -U [stadba]
DB Password -P [******]

For example, assume the STA database administrator username you entered during installation was "stadba" and your new password is "new-password."

As the system root user, enter the following commands from the Linux command line.

# ./staresmonadm -U stadba -P new-password

Optionally, if you don't want to enter the password on the command line, leave the value of the -P option blank and the system will prompt you to enter the new password without echoing.

# ./staresmonadm -U stadba -P
Enter database password:

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