Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Class DefaultExprSecurityPolicy

  extended by oracle.jbo.script.ExprSecurityPolicy
      extended by oracle.jbo.script.DefaultExprSecurityPolicy

public class DefaultExprSecurityPolicy
extends ExprSecurityPolicy

The default security policy for untrusted expressions. The check methods in this class will be called at design time, compile time and runtime by the security infrastructure. Extend this class to customize the behavoir of ADFm's security handling of untrusted expressions.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  boolean checkConstructor(java.lang.Class clazz)
          Check if a given class can be constructed.
protected  boolean checkMethod(java.lang.Class clazz, java.lang.String method)
          Check if a given class has permission to execute a given method.
protected  boolean checkMethod(java.lang.Object object, java.lang.Object methodObj, java.lang.Object args)
          Check if a given object can execute the given method with the given arguments.
protected  boolean checkProperty(java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String property, java.lang.Boolean readOnly)
          Check if a given property can be accessed on the given object.
protected  boolean checkScriptMethod(java.lang.Object object, java.lang.String functionName)
          Check if a given function can be invoked in the context of the given object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultExprSecurityPolicy()
Method Detail


protected boolean checkMethod(java.lang.Object object,
                              java.lang.Object methodObj,
                              java.lang.Object args)
Check if a given object can execute the given method with the given arguments. This method will only be called at runtime. The default implementation simply calls checkMethod(Class, String)

Specified by:
checkMethod in class ExprSecurityPolicy
object - The object whose method will be called.
methodObj - The name of the method to call.
args - A argument, or array of arguments, which will be used on the method.
true if checks pass, false (or a thrown exception) if checks fail.
See Also:
checkMethod(Class, String)


protected boolean checkScriptMethod(java.lang.Object object,
                                    java.lang.String functionName)
Check if a given function can be invoked in the context of the given object. This method may be called at design time, in addition to runtime. The default implementation will always return true.

Specified by:
checkScriptMethod in class ExprSecurityPolicy
object - The context in which the function is invoked.
functionName - The invoked function's name
true if checks pass, false (or a thrown exception) if checks fail.


protected boolean checkMethod(java.lang.Class clazz,
                              java.lang.String method)
Check if a given class has permission to execute a given method. This method may be called at design time, in addition to runtime. Whether a method is allowed is determined by checking against a static list of allowed methods, and looking for the presence of the AllowUntrustedScriptAccess annotation.

Specified by:
checkMethod in class ExprSecurityPolicy
clazz -
method -
true if checks pass, false (or a thrown exception) if checks fail.
See Also:


protected boolean checkProperty(java.lang.Object obj,
                                java.lang.String property,
                                java.lang.Boolean readOnly)
Check if a given property can be accessed on the given object. This method will only be called at runtime. The default implementation will return true if:

Specified by:
checkProperty in class ExprSecurityPolicy
obj - The object on which the property will act.
property - The property to be accessed.
readOnly - true if the property is used in a read context, false if called in a write context, or null if the context cannot be reliably determined.
true if checks pass, false (or a thrown exception) if checks fail.


protected boolean checkConstructor(java.lang.Class clazz)
Check if a given class can be constructed. This method may be called at design time, in addition to runtime. Whether a constructor is allowed is determined by checking against a static list of allowed constructors, and looking for the presence of the AllowUntrustedScriptAccess annotation.

Specified by:
checkConstructor in class ExprSecurityPolicy
clazz - The class to be constructed.
true if checks pass, false (or a thrown exception) if checks fail.
See Also:

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


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