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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle BPM Suite
11g Release 1 (
Interface IRoutingSlipCallback

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IRoutingSlipCallback

Method Summary
 void onStageComplete(Task task, java.lang.String completedStageName, java.lang.String completedStageOutcome)
 void onSubTaskUpdated(Task task, java.lang.String parentTaskId, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String updatedBy)
          Invoked when a sub task is updated
 void onTaskAssigned(Task task, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String outcome, java.lang.String outcomeUpdatedBy)
          Invoked when the task outcome is set and assigned to next participant
 void onTaskCompleted(Task task)
          Invoked when the task is completed, expired, withdrawn or errored
 void onTaskUpdated(Task task, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String updatedBy)
          Invoked when the task is updated


Method Detail


void onTaskAssigned(Task task,
                    java.lang.String action,
                    java.lang.String outcome,
                    java.lang.String outcomeUpdatedBy)
Invoked when the task outcome is set and assigned to next participant
task - The task object
action - The action that caused the assignment
outcome - The previous outcome if the assignment happened because a participant set the outcome and routed the task
outcomeUpdatedBy - The user id of the user who set the previous outcome, if any previous outcome


void onTaskCompleted(Task task)
Invoked when the task is completed, expired, withdrawn or errored
task - The task object


void onTaskUpdated(Task task,
                   java.lang.String action,
                   java.lang.String updatedBy)
Invoked when the task is updated
task - The task object
action - The action that caused the update
updatedBy - The id of the user who updated the task


void onSubTaskUpdated(Task task,
                      java.lang.String parentTaskId,
                      java.lang.String action,
                      java.lang.String updatedBy)
Invoked when a sub task is updated
task - The task object
parentTaskId - The task id of the root parent task. The root parent is not the necessarily the immediate parent, but the original task from which this sub task is derived
action - The action that caused the update
updatedBy - The id of the user who updated the task


void onStageComplete(Task task,
                     java.lang.String completedStageName,
                     java.lang.String completedStageOutcome)
task - The task object
completedStageName - The name of the completed stage
completedStageOutcome - The outcome of the completed stage

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle BPM Suite
11g Release 1 (

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