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Oracle® Configuration Manager Collection Overview
Release 10.3.7

Part Number E26169-01
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4 Oracle Application Server Collections

The Oracle Application Server collections include the following:

4.1 Application Deployment

The configuration categories and their associated configuration items for the Application Deployment target type follow.

4.1.1 Application Configuration

Deployment Order

4.2 FTP Application

The configuration categories and their associated configuration items for the FTP Application target type follow.

4.2.1 General

Channel Security
Data Connection Port
DMS Instrumentation
FTP Server Enabled
Max DC Port Count
Session Timeout
Upload BufferSize
Default DataPort
Listening Point
Default Command Characterset
Internal IP

4.3 IAS Configuration

The configuration categories and their associated configuration items for the IAS Configuration target type follow.

4.3.1 Console

Protocol for Agent
Host for Agent
Port for Agent
Path for Agent
Protocol for Application Server Control
Host for Application Server Control
Port for Application Server Control

4.3.2 DCM Auto Archive Check

Column Description Collected From
Count Whether auto archive is enabled for DCM (enabled if the value is not zero) Output of the dcmctl set command, Auto Archive Count parameter

4.3.3 Debug Log Level Check

Column Description Collected From
Component Codes OPMN components to configure logging for "Comp" attribute of the "debug" tag in opmn.xml
Rotation Size Size at which to rotate the log "Rotation-size" attribute of the "debug" tag in opmn.xml

4.3.4 Log Level Check

Column Description Collected From
Element OPMN component ("notification-server" or "process-manager") Name of the tag in opmn.xml
Level Logging level for the component "Level" attribute of the tag
Rotation Size Size at which to rotate the log "Rotation-size" attribute of the tag

4.4 JServ

The configuration categories and their associated configuration items for the JServ target type follow.

4.4.1 Configuration Files

Size (Bytes)
Modification Time

4.4.2 JServ Zones

Zone Name

4.5 OC4J

The configuration categories and their associated configuration items for the OC4J target type follow.

4.5.1 Applications

Parent Application

4.5.2 Configuration Files

Display File Path Name
File Path Name
File Size (Bytes)
Modification Time

4.5.3 Connection Pools


4.5.4 Data Sources

JNDI Location
JDBC Driver

4.5.5 Deployed Applications

Application Name

4.5.6 Global Web Module Settings

JSP Mode

4.5.7 Log Growth Check

Column Description Collected From
Java Options Command-line Java startup options "Java-options" module data from the "start-parameters" category of an OC4J component in opmn.xml
OC4J Options Command-line OC4J startup options "OC4J-options" module data from the "start-parameters" category of an OC4J component in opmn.xml

4.5.8 Managed Data Sources

JNDI Location
Connection Pool

4.5.9 Modules

Module Type

4.5.10 Native Data Sources

JNDI Location

4.5.11 Port Ranges

Port Range

4.5.12 Resource Usage

Starting Heap Size (MB)
Maximum Heap Size (MB)
Number of JVMs

4.5.13 Web Module Settings

JSP Mode
Session Timeout (seconds)
Can Be Distributed

4.5.14 Web Module URLs

URL Mapping
Load on Startup

4.6 Oracle Application Server

The configuration categories and their associated configuration items for the Oracle Application Server target type follow.

4.6.1 Configuration Files

Size (Bytes)
Modification Time

4.6.2 Console

Protocol for Agent
Host for Agent
Port for Agent
Path for Agent
Protocol for Application Server Control
Host for Application Server Control
Port for Application Server Control

4.6.3 DCM

DCM Repository Type

4.6.4 Deployed Applications

OC4J Instance

4.6.5 General

Install Type
Infrastructure Database

4.6.6 Components

Display Name

4.6.7 OPMN

Request Port
Remote Port
Local Port
Log Level for ONS
Log Level for Process Manager

4.7 Oracle HTTP Server

The configuration categories and their associated configuration items for the Oracle HTTP Server target type follow.

4.7.1 Configuration Files

File Path
File Path Name
File Size (Bytes)
Modification Time

4.7.2 General

Document Root
Default Port
Server Name

4.7.3 File Permission Check

Column Description
File Path File Path
File Mode UNIX file permissions
User ID UNIX file owner
Group ID UNIX file group

4.7.4 Identity Check

Column Description Collected From
Virtual Host Virtual host name Argument to a VirtualHost directive in httpd.conf
User ID UNIX user that handles requests for this virtual host Value of a User directive in httpd.conf
Group ID UNIX group that handles requests for this virtual host Value of a Group directive in httpd.conf

4.7.5 Listen Addresses

Listening IP Address
Listening Port
Listening Protocol

4.7.6 Log Growth Check

Column Description Collected From
Virtual Host Virtual host name Argument to a VirtualHost directive in httpd.conf
Log Name Log type, either CustomLog, ErrorLog, or TransferLog Name of the directive in httpd.conf
Value Value of the directive (log path and information about how to append to the log) Not Applicable

4.7.7 Log Level Check

Column Description Collected From
Virtual Host Virtual host name Argument to a VirtualHost directive in httpd.conf
Directive Either LogLevel, SSLLogLevel, RewriteLogLevel, ScriptLog, or PlsqlLogEnable Not Applicable
Value Value of the directive (the logging level) Not Applicable

4.7.8 Performance Related

Maximum Requests Processed Simultaneously
Maximum Requests Handled by Each Child Process
Maximum Spare Processes
Minimum Spare Processes
Processes to Create at Startup
Allow Multiple Requests per Connection
Maximum Requests per Connection
Connection Timeout (seconds)
SSL Session Timeout (seconds)
DNS Hostname in Access Log
Error Logging Level
mod_oc4j Load Balancing Policy
Size of OC4J Connection Cache

4.7.9 SSL Ciphers Suite Settings

SSL Virtual Host
Cipher Suite

4.7.10 Virtual Hosts

IP Address

4.8 Oracle iAS Farm

The configuration categories and their associated configuration items for the Oracle iAS Farm target type follow.

4.8.1 Farm Configuration

Farm Name

4.9 Oracle Internet Directory

The configuration categories and their associated configuration items for the Oracle Internet Directory target type follow.

4.9.1 Oracle Internet Directory Configuration

Oracle Internet Directory Connect Descriptor
Oracle Internet Directory Host
Oracle Internet Directory Port
Oracle Internet Directory Secure Port

4.10 Web Cache Server

The configuration categories and their associated configuration items for the Web Cache Server target type follow.

4.10.1 Cluster Information

Cluster Name

4.10.2 Cluster Members

Host Name
Oracle Home

4.10.3 Configuration Files

Display Name
Size (Bytes)
Modification Time

4.10.4 File Permission Check

Column Description
File Path File Path
File Mode UNIX file permissions
User ID UNIX file owner
Group ID UNIX file group

4.10.5 Identity Check

Column Description Collected From
User ID UNIX user that Web Cache runs as USERID attribute of the IDENTITY tag in webcache.xml
Group ID UNIX group that Web Cache runs as GROUPID attribute of the IDENTITY tag in webcache.xml

4.10.6 Listening Ports

IP Address

4.10.7 Log Growth Check

Column Description Collected From
Log Name Event log rollover frequency FREQUENCY attribute of the ROLLOVER tag (child of the EVENTLOG tag) in webcache.xml
Value Access log rollover frequency ROLLOVERNAME attribute of the ACCESSLOG tag in webcache.xml

4.10.8 Log Level Check

Column Description Collected From
Verbosity Event log verbosity LEVEL attribute of the VERBOSITY tag in webcache.xml
IO Logger Whether the IO logger is enabled ENABLED attribute of the IOLOGGER tag in webcache.xml

4.10.9 Operations Ports

IP Address

4.10.10 Origin Servers


4.10.11 Performance Related

Cache Memory Limit (MB)
Maximum Incoming Connections
Keep Alive Timeout (seconds)
Origin Server Timeout (minutes)

4.10.12 Site Aliases

Site Name
Site Port
Site URL
Alias Name
Alias Port
Alias URL

4.10.13 Host Mappings

Site Name
Site Port
Site URL
Origin Server Name
Origin Server Port