Interface ClassResolver

All Known Implementing Classes:
ClassResolverImpl, MultiLoaderClassResolver, PersistenceUnitInfoImpl.ClassResolverImpl

public interface ClassResolver

Interface to customize the loading of classes under OpenJPA.

Marc Prud'hommeaux, Abe White

Method Summary
 ClassLoader getClassLoader(Class contextClass, ClassLoader envLoader)
          Return a class loader that can be used to load classes and resources.

Method Detail


ClassLoader getClassLoader(Class contextClass,
                           ClassLoader envLoader)
Return a class loader that can be used to load classes and resources. This can be a standard class loader, or a customized loader such as a MultiClassLoader.

contextClass - the context class; may be null if no context class
envLoader - the thread's context class loader when the persistence environment (i.e. broker) was obtained; may be null if operating outside the context of persistence environment

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Apache OpenJPA 1.1.0 API Reference
12c Release 1 (12.1.1)
Part Number E24398_01