Consolidating Feedback from Evaluators

This chapter provides an overview of consolidating feedback and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Consolidating Feedback

This section discusses:

Feedback Consolidation

This diagram shows the high-level process for consolidating feedback from completed employee, peer, and manager evaluations:

Consolidate feedback process showing how the system integrates feedback from completed employee, peer, and manager evaluations

Although managers can rate items, add comments to their evaluations, and record notes at any time during the evaluation cycle, they must perform additional steps to finalize and complete evaluations. These steps include writing final evaluation comments and conducting reviews and approvals, if required.


Ratings are entered at either the section, item, or subitem level, as defined on the document template. If the document is set up to automatically calculate ratings, ratings from lower levels are averaged and rolled up to the higher levels. The manager rating (calculated or manually entered) on the manager's evaluation is used by the writing tools to select appropriate text.

View Other Authors

Managers can use this tool to view comments and ratings from evaluators in other roles. This tool is read-only. Other evaluators' ratings and comments appear only if the evaluation status is Complete.

To enable this functionality, select the View Other check box for the role and section in the Section Roles grid on the Structure page of the document template.

Writing Tools

The Writing Tools link accesses the Suggested Results page, which contains text suggestions that assist evaluators in writing comments. These suggestions can come from any of several different sources, provided that as they are enabled for the section or item on the document template.

The Suggested Results page presents the text items that are most directly related to the section and item. You can also select a tool from the available options in the Find Additional Content field to use an advanced search for text that is not directly related to the section, item and rating from which you accessed the writing tools. This enables you to search for text suggestions from any text source that is defined on the document template for the section or item.

These are the possible sources for text suggestions:

Language Checker Tool

The Language Checker tool alerts managers to inappropriate language that appears in a manager's evaluation and suggests alternative language. It is enabled on the document template for an evaluation as a whole and is not turned off or on at the section or item level.

Reviews and Approvals

Employee reviews and management approvals are not required in all cases. If they are required, the manager's evaluation is the one that is reviewed and approved, and the status of this document reflects the review and approval status.

See Also

Creating Document Templates

Setting Up Text for Advisor Tools

Entering Comments and Ratings on Evaluations

Managing Reviews and Approvals

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Evaluation Ratings

This section discusses how to view evaluation ratings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Evaluation Ratings

Page Name

Definition Name



Document Detail


Manager Self Service, Performance Management, Performance Documents, Current Documents, Current Performance Documents

Click a document link.

View a summary of the document's progress and access the manager evaluation.

Manager Evaluation


Click the Start link or the Edit link on the Manager Evaluation row on the Document Details page.

View section and item ratings.

Average Ratings


Click the Details link next to the Average Rating on any section or item on the Evaluation page.

View evaluation ratings by role.

Graphical Ratings Report


Click the View Graphical Ratings Report link on the Evaluation page.

View a summary report that contains the average ratings chart from every section and item on the evaluation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Evaluation Ratings

Access the Average Ratings page (click the Details link next to the Average Rating on any section or item on the Evaluation page).

This chart lists the average ratings, by role, from all participants that rated a section, item, or subitem. Summary ratings are rolled up from lower-level ratings. The number in parentheses next to the role lists how many participants in that role are included in the average.

This page is available only from the Manager evaluation, and only if the role has the View Average Ratings check box selected on the Template Definition - Process page.

Note. A summary report containing all the Average Ratings page for an evaluation is available. To view it, click the View Graphical Ratings Report link at the end of the evaluation.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Writing Tools

This section discusses how to:

Note. All roles can access the writing tools, The navigation paths given here apply to the manager self-service pages because the manager's evaluation is the most common use of these tools. However, these tools are also available from other roles' evaluations if they are enabled for the role on the document template.

See Also

Setting Up Text for Advisor Tools

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Work with Writing Tools

Page Name

Definition Name



Writing Tools – Suggested Results


  • Manager Self Service, Performance Management, Performance Documents, Current Documents, Current Performance Documents, Manager Evaluation

    Click a document link.

    Click the Start link or the Edit link on the Manager Evaluation step.

    Click the Writing Tools link in any section or subsection where it appears.

  • Manager Self Service, Performance Management, Development Documents, Current Documents, Current Development Documents, Manager Evaluation

    Click a document link.

    Click the Start link or the Edit link on the Manager Evaluation step.

    Click the Writing Tools link in any section or subsection where it appears.

Incorporate text suggestions into comments.

Writing Tools - Results Writer Statements


Select Results Writer from the available options in the Find Additional Content field on the Writing Tools - Suggested Results page; then click Go.

Search for competency and sub-competency performance descriptions for a section or item.

Writing Tools - Development Tips


Select Development Tips from the available options in the Find Additional Content field on the Writing Tools – Suggested Results page; then click Go.

Search for development tips for a section or item.

Writing Tools - Performance Notes


Select Performance Notes from the available options in the Find Additional Content field on the Writing Tools – Suggested Results page; then click Go.

Search for performance notes that you previously entered.

Writing Tools - Evaluators' Comments


Select Other Evaluators' Comments from the available options in the Find Additional Content field on the Writing Tools – Suggested Results page; then click Go.

Search for other evaluators' comments that were entered for the employee.

Select Other Authors


Click the View Other Authors link for a section on the Manager Evaluation page.

View a list of others who have evaluated the section or item. You can select an author to view the particular comments that they entered.

Other Author Section Detail


Click the name of an author on the Select Other Authors page.

View comments that other reviewers have entered regarding the section or item.

Check Language


Click the Check Language button at the bottom of the manager's performance document.

Check for inappropriate language within a review and review suggested alternatives.

Note. If the Language Checker feature is enabled on the document template, the Check Language button appears at the bottom of the manager's document.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIncorporating Suggestions into Comments Using Writing Tools

Access the Writing Tools – Suggested Results page (Manager Self Service, Performance Management, Performance Documents, Current Documents, Current Performance Documents, Manager Evaluation. Click a document link. Click the Start link or the Edit link on the Manager Evaluation step. Click the Writing Tools link in any section or subsection where it appears).

Suggested Results

This grid can contain any or all of these items:

You can select one or more comments and click the Add to Comments button to add them to the comments for this section. Comments are added without line breaks — you must manually insert line breaks to start each comment on a new line.

Add to Comments

Click this button to incorporate suggested text into the Comments field.


Use this field to incorporate text from any of the writing tools that are available to you. You can modify the text after you incorporate it.

Find Additional Content and Go

Select the writing tool you want to use to find additional suggestions for the comment. This field enables you to find other text items to incorporate into the comments box, in the case that you don't find suitable text in the Suggested Results list. Only tools that are enabled for the role on the document template appear. Click Go after you select an option.

See Also

Template Setup for Using Results Writer and Development Tips

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Statements from the Results Writer

Access the Writing Tools - Results Writer Statements (select Results Writer from the available options in the Find Additional Content field on the Writing Tools – Suggested Results page).

Search for text

Enter a keyword to limit the suggestions returned. You can search for text independently without entering competency, sub-competency, or rating.


Select the competency for which to search. If you search by competency, you can further refine the search by entering a sub-competency or a review rating.


Select the sub-competency for which to search. This field appears only if you select a competency that has sub-competencies and if the document template is set up to search sub-competency data for the section.

Review Rating

Select the review rating for which to return text suggestions that are linked to competencies or sub-competencies. You must enter a competency or sub-competency before you can enter a rating.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Development Tips

Access the Writing Tools - Development Tips page (select Development Tips from the available options in the Find Additional Content field on the Writing Tools – Suggested Results page).

Search for text

Enter a keyword to limit the suggestions returned. You can search for text independently without entering competency, sub-competency, or rating.


Select the competency for which to search. If you search by competency, you can further refine the search by entering a sub-competency or a review rating.


Select the sub-competency for which to search. This field appears only if you select a competency that has sub-competencies and if the document template is set up to search sub-competency data for the section.

Review Rating

Select the review rating for which to return text suggestions that are linked to competencies or sub-competencies. You must enter a competency or sub-competency before you can enter a rating.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Performance Notes

Access the Writing Tools – Performance Notes page (select Performance Notes from the available options in the Find Additional Content field on the Writing Tools – Suggested Results page; then click Go).

Use this page to search performance notes that you recorded. You can only search for those notes that you entered. Employees cannot retrieve notes that their manager entered about them; and managers cannot retrieve notes that their employees entered.

Performance notes that are recorded as part of the Establish Criteria step are stored with the particular section and item to which they pertain, and appear on the Suggested Results page.

Date Range and Search

Enter a date range to limit the search for performance notes. Click Search. All notes that you entered within the date range appear in the Results grid.

Add to Comments

Select the note that you want to add to the Comments section and then click this button. The system adds the note to the Comments field. You can edit the text that appears in the Comments field.

Save and Return

Click this button to save your comments and return to the Evaluation page.

See Also

Accessing Notes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Comments by Other Evaluators

Access the Writing Tools – Evaluators' Comments page (select Other Evaluators' Comments from the available options in the Find Additional Content field on the Writing Tools – Suggested Results page; then click Go).

Use this page to search for comments that were entered by evaluators who are not the manager or employee.


Select the evaluator role. Only roles that are defined on the document template appear.


Select the person whose comments you want to view. You must first select the role before you can select a name.

Document Section

Select a document section to view comments that were made for that section by any evaluator in any role.


Click to display results based on the criteria you entered.

Suggested Results

This grid can contain any or all of these items:

  • Results Writer text.

  • Development tips.

  • Notes.

  • Comments from other evaluators.

You can select one or more comments and click the Add to Comments button to add them to the comments for this section. Comments are added without line breaks; you must manually insert line breaks to start each comment on a new line.

Add to Comments

Click this button to incorporate suggested text into the Comments field.


Use this field to incorporate text from any of the writing tools that are available to you. You can modify the text after you incorporate it.

Find Additional Content and Go

Select the writing tool you want to use to find additional suggestions for the comment. This field enables you to find other text items to incorporate into the comments box, in the case that you don't find suitable text in the Suggested Results list. Only tools that are enabled for the role on the document template appear. Click Go after you select an option.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a List of Other Reviewers

Access the Select Other Authors page (click the View Other Authors link for a section on the Manager Evaluation page).

Use this page to view a list of other reviewers who have entered comments on the section or items within the section. You can select a reviewer and drill down to view the specific evaluation comments. You access this page through the View Other Authors link at the section level. It is available if the View Other check box is selected for the role on the Template Definition - Structure page, Section Roles grid, Section tab.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Comments and Ratings From Other Reviewers

Access the Other Author Section Detail page (click the name of an author on the Select Other Authors page).

Use this page to view comments and ratings that other reviewers have entered regarding the section or item. Use the Previous Author and Next Author buttons to scroll through all the comments that reviewers have entered regarding the particular section or item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChecking Language for Appropriateness

Access the Check Language page (click the Check Language button at the bottom of the manager's performance document).

The word or phrase that's deemed inappropriate appears at the top of the page. The sentence in which it is used is shown below it.


Click this button to edit the sentence.


Click this button to view the next sentence.

Ignore All

Click this button to ignore all inappropriate words or phrases and return to the Manager Evaluation page.


Click this button to return to the Manager Evaluation page.

Note. If you find more than one objectionable word or phrase in the document, each appears in succession. You can edit the sentence where the text is found.

Found in...

This group box displays the name of the section and the comment that contains the inappropriate word or phrase.


This button is enabled after you click Change. Click this button to apply any changes you may have made and continue checking.


This button is enabled after you click Change. Click this button to cancel any changes you may have made and continue checking.

See Also

Setting Up Text for Advisor Tools