Setting Up Text for Advisor Tools

This chapter provides an overview of advisor tools and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Advisor Tools

This section lists common elements and discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in this Chapter

Language Checker

Evaluators use the Language Checker tool during the evaluation process to identify words or phrases in a performance document that an organization deems objectionable and to view suggested alternatives. The system checks all Comments text boxes for inappropriate content.

You can manually define content for the Language Checker tool, or you can import data from a third-party vendor.

Note. To enable the Language Checker tool, select the Language Checker check box on the Template Definition - General page.

Results Writer

Evaluators use the Results Writer tool to select predefined statements that describe an employee's level of proficiency in a particular competency or sub-competency. Managers can use this tool by clicking a Writing Tools link that appears in the comments box at the item or section level on the evaluation. For example:

Bob's initiative is very impressive. He does not wait to be told what to do. His energy sets an example for the rest of the team.

When you define competencies and sub-competencies, you can use the Results Writer page of the Competency and Sub-Competency components to enter the statements from which managers can select when they use writing tools. You can also import this content from third-party suppliers.

Development Tips

Development tips suggest ways for employees to improve, develop, or use a competency or sub-competency based on their current rating level. If you use ePerformance and have implemented this feature, the system displays the appropriate set of tips when you click the Writing Tool link on an evaluation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTemplate Setup for Using Results Writer and Development Tips

You can define text for these tools at either the competency or sub-competency level. You then set up the document template to access this text. The template rules control the level of text, by competency or sub-competency, that the system searches to find text suggestions for a section or item.

You must set the template rules to correspond to the level at which the text is defined. For example, if you define text or bring in text from a third party at the sub-competency level, then you must set the Results Writer and Development Tips template switches to Sub-Competency for the tool to locate text.

The combination of the level at which text is defined, the level at which the tool is enabled on the document template, and the ratings that the user enters, determine the suggested results that appear when the user clicks the Writing Tools link on an evaluation.

This table shows the results for the possible combinations of link level, text level, and ratings entered.

Writing Tools Link Appears at Level

Text Defined at Level

Ratings Entry Required

What Appears in Suggested Results



The item is rated. If using subitems (behaviors), the item rating was calculated.

Competency text for the item and rating.



At least one subitem for the item is rated.

Sub-competency text for the item, subitem, and rating.



At least one item in the section is rated. If the item has subitems, the item rating was calculated.

Competency text for the item and rating. The Results Writer tool returns one or more entries for every rated item in the section. The Development Tips tool returns one or more entries for every rated item in the section.



Subitem. At least one subitem for an item in the section is rated.

Sub-competency text for the item, subitem, and rating. The Results Writer tool returns one or more entries for every rated subitem in the section. The Development Tips tool returns one or more entries for every rated subitem in the section.

See Also

Creating Document Templates

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearch Collections for Results Writer and Development Tips

Any time you make an addition or deletion to Results Writer or Development Tips items, you need to rebuild the search index to reflect the new state of the collection of items. The Writing Tools use this search index to locate text when either the Results Writer or Development Tips tool is enabled for a section or item.

See Also

Working with Writing Tools

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Content for the Language Checker Tool

To define content for the Language Checker tool, use the Language Checker Suggestions (EP_CHK_SUG_TBL) and Language Checker Words (EP_CHK_WRD_TBL) components.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Working with Writing Tools

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Language Checker Content

Page Name

Definition Name



Language Checker Word


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, ePerformance, Advisor Tools, Language Checker Words, Language Checker Word

Define the objectionable words and phrases, and link them to suggested wordings.

Language Checker Suggestion


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, ePerformance, Advisor Tools, Language Checker Suggestions, Language Checker Suggestion

Define suggested wordings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Objectionable Words and Phrases

Access the Language Checker Word page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, ePerformance, Advisor Tools, Language Checker Words, Language Checker Word).

Words and Phrases

Enter the word or phrase that is deemed inappropriate in a performance document. Case is not important (the Language Checker tool is not case-sensitive). When invoked, the Language Checker tool follows these search rules:

  • If you enter a single word here, the Language Checker tool searches for whole words that match.

  • If you enter multiple words, the Language Checker tool looks for phrases with an exact match.

Content Supplier

Select the source of the content. The default value is Customer Defined.

Suggestion ID

Enter the ID for the suggested words or phrases that managers can use instead of the words and phrases entered on this page. You define language suggestions and IDs on the Language Checker Suggestion page.

Language Suggestions

Displays the language suggestions that are associated with the suggestion ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Suggested Wording

Access the Language Checker Suggestion page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, ePerformance, Advisor Tools, Language Checker Suggestions, Language Checker Suggestion).

Content Supplier

Select the source of the content: Customer Defined or the third-party supplier's name.

Language Suggestions

Enter language suggestions for words and phrases, or list the reasons why the manager should not use certain words and phrases.

Proper Usage

Enter examples of the proper usage of words or phrases.

Incorrect Usage

Enter examples of the incorrect usage of words or phrases.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Content for the Development Tips and Results Writer Tools

To define content for the Development Tips and Results Writer Tools, use the Define Development Tips (EP_DEV_TIP_TBL_EP) and Results Writer (EP_COMP_WRT_TBL) components.

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

See Also

Working with Writing Tools

Setting Up the Content Catalog

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Text entries for the Results Writer and Development Tips tools are related to competencies and their proficiency level, and sub-competencies and their proficiency level. You must set up this information before defining text for these tools.

If multiple business units and setIDs are implemented in PeopleSoft HR, the information that you use and create is determined by how the business unit and setID functionality is set up for the user ID.

See Setting Up Organization Foundation Tables.

See Setting Up the Content Catalog.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Content for the Development Tips and Results Writer Tools

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Development Tip


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, ePerformance, Advisor Tools, Define Development Tips, Define Development Tip

Define development tips. Also display and modify development tips imported from third-party suppliers.

Results Writer - Competency


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, ePerformance, Advisor Tools, Results Writer, Competency

Define Results Writer statements for each level of proficiency associated with a competency.

Results Writer - Sub-Competencies


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, ePerformance, Advisor Tools, Results Writer, Sub-Competencies

Define Results Writer statements for each level of proficiency associated with a sub-competency.

Note. The Results Writer - Sub-Competencies page is similar in appearance and use to the Results Writer - Competency page and is not documented separately.

See Defining Results Writer Text for Competencies.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Development Tips

Access the Define Development Tip page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, ePerformance, Advisor Tools, Define Development Tips, Define Development Tip).

Content Supplier

Select the content supplier for the development tip. Select a third-party supplier from the available options, or select Customer Defined to enter development tips.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Results Writer Text for Competencies

Access the Results Writer - Competency page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, ePerformance, Advisor Tools, Results Writer, Results Writer - Competency).

Review ratings describe an employee's level of proficiency for a competency. For each review rating that is associated with the competency, you can define the suggested text that managers can use when they invoke the Results Writer tool. You can create one or more text entries for each rating.

Note. When you access the Sub-Competencies page, the first sub-competency that is associated with the competency appears. You must page forward or use the View All link to access other sub-competencies.

Seq Nbr (sequence number)

Enter a number that determines the order in which managers see the statements when they use the Results Writer tool for this competency.

Results Writer

Enter one or more sentences to describe the selected proficiency level.

You can insert the following characters to personalize the text based on the employee's name and gender.

  • %1 = Employee's First Name

  • %2 = He or She

  • %3 = His or Her

  • %4 = Him or Her

  • %5 = Himself or Herself

Click to jump to parent topicLinking Development Tips to Competencies and Sub-Competencies

To link development tips to competencies and sub-competencies, use the Link Development Tips (EP_COMP_DEV_TBL) component.

This section discusses how to link development tips to competencies and sub-competencies.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Link Development Tips to Competencies and Sub-Competencies

Page Name

Definition Name



Link Development Tips - Competency


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, ePerformance, Advisor Tools, Link Development Tips, Competency

Links one or more developments tips to a competency.

Link Development Tips - Sub-Competencies


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, ePerformance, Advisor Tools, Link Development Tips, Sub-Competencies

Links one or more developments tips to a sub-competency.

Note. The Link Development Tips - Sub-Competencies page acts in a similar fashion to the Link Development Tips - Competency page and is not documented separately.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLinking Development Tips to Competencies

Access the Link Development Tips - Competency page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, ePerformance, Advisor Tools, Link Development Tips, Competency).

Review ratings describe an employee's level of proficiency for a competency. For each review rating that is associated with the competency, you can define the suggested text that managers can use when they invoke the Development Tips tool. You can create one or more text entries for each rating.

Development Tip ID

Select a development tip from the list of available tips that were created using the Define Development Tips page. The development tip links to the competency that you selected to access this page.

Note. When you access the Sub-Competencies page, the first sub-competency that is associated with the competency appears. You must page forward or use the View All link to access other sub-competencies.

Click to jump to parent topicImporting Third-Party Content

This section provides an overview of importing third-party content for the Language Checker tool and lists the pages used to import data.

See Also

PeopleSoft 9.1 Components PeopleBook

PeopleTools 8.52: Integration Broker PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Third-Party Data Import

PeopleSoft has established partnerships with several third-party providers that supply content for defining competencies and proficiency levels. Some content providers also provide content for the Development Tips and Language Checker tools that are delivered with ePerformance. You can import third-party data into the system, enter free-form content, or use a combination of both.

ePerformance uses PeopleTools Integration Broker to receive vendor-supplied data in the form of comma-delimited flat files. The flat files are imported into ePerformance using the Inbound File Publish Application Engine (EOP_PUBLISHF) process. You do not need to develop an interface to load third-party content into ePerformance.

Preparing to Import Data

To prepare to import data, activate inbound file rules for the file you are importing on the Inbound File page. You also use this page to associate messages with files and optionally change the default directory for incoming files from c:\temp to a directory that you choose.

This table lists the identifiers for the inbound file rules.

File Identifier



Language Checker suggestions


Language Checker words and phrases




Development tips for competencies


Proficiency statements for competencies


Development tips


Rating models


Levels of ratings for rating models




Development tips for sub-competencies


Proficiency statements for sub-competencies


Results Writer statements for sub-competencies

Importing Data

To import data:

  1. Make sure that each channel is running (not paused).

    Channels are delivered paused.

    Follow the procedure for configuring a message channel.

    See PeopleTools 8.52: Integration Broker PeopleBook

  2. Ensure that each message, its PeopleCode subscription, and its Integration Broker transaction are active.

  3. Open PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

    The application server must have publish and subscribe running.

    See PeopleTools 8.52: System and Server Administration PeopleBook

  4. For each file identifier, initiate the publish process.

    The publish process converts the flat file to a message.

    1. Select Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Initiate Processes, Inbound File Publish.

    2. Create a run control and initiate the process.

      Follow the procedure for using the inbound file pages for processing files.

      See PeopleSoft 9.1 Components PeopleBook

  5. Confirm that the process is complete through the Process Monitor page.

  6. Confirm that the subscription occurred.

    1. Access the Monitor Message component by selecting PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Monitor, Monitor Message.

    2. Select the local node in the Publish Node field and Subscription Contract in the Queue Type field.

      Look for a subscription contract for the message just processed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Import Data

Page Name

Definition Name



File Inbound


Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Inbound File Rule, File Inbound

Select the file that you are importing into the Advisor tools.

Inbound File Publish - Inbound File


Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Initiate Processes, Inbound File Publish, Inbound File

Initiate a background process to populate entries from third-party providers.

Process List


Click the Process Monitor link on the File Inbound page.

View the status of background processes that you initiate.

Click to jump to parent topicBuilding Verity Search Indexes

This section provides an overview of search indexes and lists the pages used to build Verity search indexes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearch Indexes

When you either add or remove Results Writer or Development Tips text items, you must rebuild the Verity search index to accurately reference these items in the database. If you do not rebuild the index, the system user will not see the added content when using the writing tools.

These are the search indexes to rebuild for each item that you change:

Search Index

Content Type


Development tips for competencies.


Results writer for competencies.


Development tips that are not linked to competencies or sub-competencies.


Development tips for sub-competencies.


Results writer for sub-competencies.


Development tips for competencies: related language.


Results writer for competencies: related language.


Development tips that are not linked to competencies or sub-competencies: related language.


Development tips for sub-competencies: related language.


Results writer for sub-competencies: related language.

These Search Index definitions are predefined in the system. You must manually rebuild them any time you make a change to Results Writer or Development Tips content, including when you load content from a third-party provider. The search indexes are built using PeopleTools pages.

Note. If you don't use languages other than English, you do not need to build the indexes whose object name ends in _LANG

See Also

Working with Writing Tools

PeopleTools 8.52: System and Server Administration PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Build Search Indexes

Page Name

Definition Name



Design a Search Index


PeopleTools, Search Engine, Record-Based Indexes, Design a Search Index

Build a search index after you have changed any entries for development tips or results writer text.

Search Index Admin


PeopleTools, Search Engine, Administration, Search Index Admin

Select search indexes for deletion, modification, or scheduling builds.

Edit Properties


Click the Edit Properties link on a listed index on the Search Index Admin page.

Enter languages for which to build a related language search index.