Defining ASSEDIC Contributions

This chapter provides overviews of ASSEDIC rates, limits and ceilings, funding bases, ASSEDIC and retroactive processing, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding ASSEDIC Rates, Limits, and Ceilings

ASSEDIC (or GARP in Paris) contributions are paid to the state unemployment fund, Pôle Emploi, which finances unemployment insurance Régime d'Assurance Chômage (RAC) and salary guarantee Fond National de Garantie des Salaires (FNGS). Global Payroll for France offers complete ASSEDIC functionality, enabling you to:

PeopleSoft delivers current contribution rate percentages for RAC and FNGS contributions on the ASSEDIC Rates (GPFR_ASS_RATES) component, but you must update and maintain this information yourself as the government issues new rate changes. The contribution percentages vary depending on gross monthly salary as reflected in government-mandated ceilings, which you enter on the Ceilings FRA (GPFR_CEILINGS) component.

The fields on the ASSEDIC Rates component are dynamically displayed based on these ceilings. For example, if you enter a new ceiling, the data changes when you view ASSEDIC rates.

In addition to ceilings, Global Payroll for France also uses rates and limits to determine ASSEDIC contributions. PeopleSoft delivers this data, but you should verify it before proceeding with ASSEDIC processing.

See Reviewing and Updating Contribution Rates and Limits, Setting up Rates and Ceilings for ASSEDIC Contributions.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Funding Bases

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFunding Bases A, B, and A+B

The funding bases for ASSEDIC contributions are:

These calculations are done on a monthly basis, but the comparisons are based on annual amounts. An annual gross salary is calculated from the monthly salary, and annual ceilings are calculated from the monthly ceilings. The system also produces a monthly report, detailing the contributions for the period. You can create and produce all required regulatory reports through the DUCS components in Global Payroll for France.

Ceilings A and B are prorated by the number of calendar days in the period to take into consideration hires and terminations during that period, the part-time rate (calculated in the payroll process), and the multiple employer rate. Payees who have multiple employers are not considered part-time, so only one proration is calculated.

Note. The rules concerning funding base calculation for ASSEDIC are identical to those for URSSAF. URSSAF actually determines these rules and, generally, ASSEDIC also follows them.

See Also

Setting Up Country Data

Defining URSSAF Contributions

Generating DUCS

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicContributions at Age 65

Payees turning 65 during a pay period pay a prorated ASSEDIC contribution only for the period of time before their 65th birthday. This is accomplished by triggering the section ASSEDIC if the payee isn't 65 years old at the beginning of the calendar period. The system prorates the ASSEDIC funding base if the payee turns 65 before the end date of the calendar period. The proration is equal to the amount of time the payee is still 64 years old within the calendar period divided by the calendar period duration. Ceilings A and B are not prorated; only the funding base is prorated. After a payee's 65th birthday, if the birthday does not occur during the current calculated segment period, ASSEDIC contributions are no longer paid.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicContribution Exceptions

There are exceptions to ASSEDIC contributions depending on the classification of the payee or a payee's specific contract.

There are some additional exceptions that affect specific contributions. Global Payroll for France uses generation control to trigger the appropriate contributions in these special cases.

See Also

Understanding Specific Contracts

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding ASSEDIC and Retroactive Processing

Global Payroll for France delivers processing rules to manage retroactive changes that affect the calculation of ASSEDIC contributions.

See Also

Understanding Retroactive Processing

Click to jump to parent topicSetting up Rates and Ceilings for ASSEDIC Contributions

To set up rates for ASSEDIC contributions, use the ASSEDIC Rates FRA (GPFR_ASS_RATES) component.

This section provides an overview of ASSEDIC rates and ceilings, and discusses how to set up ASSEDIC rates for ASSEDIC contributions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding ASSEDIC Rates and Ceilings

Global Payroll for France uses variables to define the rates for ASSEDIC contributions. Although PeopleSoft populates these variables with the correct rates, you can update them on the ASSEDIC Rates page to comply with changing laws and regulations. In addition, you can update the ceilings that apply to the bases used to calculate ASSEDIC contributions. This section explains how to view the delivered rates and ceilings for ASSEDIC. It also explains how you can adjust rate and ceiling values if necessary.

To view and adjust rates and ceilings:

  1. View the variables containing the ASSEDIC rates.

    Do this on the Rates and Elements page.

    Note. The Rates and Elements page is documented in the chapter on setting up country data.

    See Viewing Groups of Rates for Contributions.

  2. View the ceilings for ASSEDIC rates.

    Use the Limits page to view the ceilings associated with the ASSEDIC rate variables.

    Note. The Limits page is documented in the chapter on setting up country data.

    See Viewing Limits Associated with Variables.

  3. View and maintain the ceilings for the ASSEDIC contribution rates.

    The different ASSEDIC contribution rates apply only to a portion of an employee's funding base—in other words, they apply to the portion of the funding base that falls within a limit or ceiling. You can update the values of the ASSEDIC ceilings on the Ceilings page.

    Note. This page is documented in the chapter on setting up country data.

    See Viewing and Updating Ceilings.

  4. View and maintain ASSEDIC rates.

    After reviewing and (if necessary) adjusting the ceilings used for ASSEDIC, access the ASSEDIC Rates page to view and adjust the contribution rates.

    The ceilings that appear on the ASSEDIC Rates page are dynamically displayed based on the values on the Ceilings page. For example, if you enter a new ceiling on the Ceilings page, the ceiling data also changes on the ASSEDIC Rates page.

    See Setting Up ASSEDIC Rates for ASSEDIC Contributions.

    Note. PeopleSoft maintains the rates and ceilings for ASSEDIC; however, you can adjust the rates and ceilings without having to wait for PeopleSoft to issue updates when there are statutory changes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set up Rates for ASSEDIC Contributions

Page Name

Definition Name





Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Addl Rates, Ceilings, Values, ASSEDIC Rates FRA, ASSEDIC Rates FRA

Set up rates for ASSEDIC contributions. PeopleSoft delivers these rates, but you can maintain them when the government issues updates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up ASSEDIC Rates for ASSEDIC Contributions

Access the ASSEDIC Rates FRA page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Addl Rates, Ceilings, Values, ASSEDIC Rates FRA, ASSEDIC Rates FRA).

Unemployment Insurance Contrib (unemployment insurance contributions)

The fields in this region display the Payee and Employer contribution percentages for the portion of gross salary below the A ceiling and Payee and Employer contribution percentages for the portion of gross salary below the B ceiling but above the A ceiling.

Note. The field names in this region are dynamically displayed based on the values entered on the Ceilings page. These values change each year

Salary Guarantee Association

The field in this region displays the Employer contribution percentage for FNGS.

Note. There is only an employer contribution percentage for FNGS, not for payees. This rate is based on the B ceiling, which is displayed dynamically. If the gross salary is over this limit, the contribution is still based on the B ceiling.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating the BDA Report

The Bordereau de Déclaration Annuelle (BDA) summarizes the previous year's ASSEDIC contributions. Use the DUCS pages to set up the BDA reporting process, generate BDA data, and create the BDA report.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the BDA Declaration Type

Access the Declaration Type page.

This page allows you to view the BDA file type used to generate BDA data through the DUCS process.

File Type

Select 922 for BDA for one establishment, or 923 for BDA for several establishments.

See Also

Reviewing Declaration Type Parameters for DUCS Types

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a BDA Declaration Definition

Access the DUCS Definition page.

This page allows you to create a specific DUCS declaration definition for BDA processing. Reproduce the setup created for monthly ASSEDIC DUCS, ignoring the payment type and source bank fields.

Establishment List

Enter the DUCS Establishment list data. These are the establishments you want to declare through your DUCS definition.

See Also

Defining the DUCS Structure

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting up BDA Data Extraction

Access the DUCS Preparation Run Control page.

This page allows you to establish which data is extracted for the BDA report.

Period Format

Select Yearly Qualifier.

See Also

Extracting Data for DUCS Files and Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating the BDA Report File

Access the Create DUCS/TRC/DRA File FRA page.


Select Report. The system can prepare the BDA DUCS file, but it is not currently accepted by URSSAF. Use the report to complete the original BDA form.

See Also

Generating DUCS Files or Reports

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Delivered ASSEDIC Deductions

This table lists the deductions PeopleSoft delivers to calculate ASSEDIC contributions:




RAC on Ceiling A, payee.


RAC on Ceiling A, employer.


RAC on Ceiling B, payee.


RAC on Ceiling B, employer.


ASF on Ceiling A, payee. This deduction is inactive as of the 1st of January 2001.


ASF on Ceiling A, employer. This deduction is inactive as of the 1st of January 2001.


ASF on Ceiling B, payee. This deduction is inactive as of the 1st of January 2001.


ASF on Ceiling B, employer. This deduction is inactive as of the 1st of January 2001.



Note. The PeopleSoft system delivers a query that you can run to view the names of all delivered elements designed for France. Instructions for running the query are provided in the PeopleSoft Global Payroll PeopleBook.

See Also

Understanding How to View Delivered Elements