Updating Social Security Contributions

This chapter provides an overview of social security processing and discusses how to:

See Also

Defining Social Security Contributions

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Social Security Processing

SDI (Salario Diario Integrado) represents the base salary that is used for social security calculations, including contributions to social security and INFONAVIT loan paybacks. It consists of:

The process for defining and updating social security contributions in Mexico consists of these steps:

  1. (Optional) Update the social security contribution table and the repayment of INFONAVIT loans table.

    Global Payroll for Mexico delivers rules that compute fixed and variable SDI for payees and calculate deductions for social security and repayment of INFONAVIT loans. The calculations are based on tables that contain rates and ceilings. PeopleSoft HRMS delivers the data for these tables initially, but you must keep the tables current.

    Note. You can update the social security contribution table on the Quotas MEX page. This pages is discussed in another chapter in this PeopleBook.

    See Defining Social Security Contributions.

  2. View and update SDI wage data for payees on the Maintain SDI Data MEX page.

  3. Select additional elements that contribute to fixed SDI and define the integration parameters for these elements on the Fixed SDI page.

  4. Define Variable SDI for a pay group on the Variable SDI page.

    Note. Before you can run the Variable SDI process, you must define Variable SDI for a pay group by selecting the earnings, accumulators, and formulas used in the Variable SDI process. The Variable SDI page is discussed in another chapter in this PeopleBook.

    See Defining Social Security Contributions.

  5. Run SDI processes to calculate new SDI amounts when certain events or changes occur, such as employee anniversaries, or at the end of two months, if variable earnings are paid. The two SDI processes are:

Social Security Reports

Global Payroll for Mexico generates several reports for social security. It also provides the two interfaces that are required for paying social security contributions through the Sistema Unico de Autodeterminacion (SUA). SUA is the software that the Social Security Institute provides to calculate all employer and payee quotas.

Note. In Mexico, "social security quota" is used to refer to social security contributions.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing and Updating SDI Data for Payees

This section provides an overview of updates to SDI wage data and discusses how to view and update a payee's SDI data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Updates to SDI Data

The system automatically creates a new row of SDI data for a payee when:

The SUA interfaces generate two flat files (one with payee data and one with transactions). The SUA system loads these files via a batch process and generates the payee and employer quotas every two months.

Then the employer calculates the corresponding quotas that need to be paid bimonthly and the quotas that are reported every two months. This is done with the SUA software. Once the quotas are calculated, the employer has to pay the corresponding amount to the bank.

You can view events that have caused changes to a payee's SDI data. You can also override a payee's Fixed SDI amount.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View and Update SDI Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Maintain SDI Data MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Social Security/Insurance, Maintain SDI Data MEX, Maintain SDI Data MEX

View a payee's SDI data and override the Fixed SDI amount.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Updating a Payee's SDI Data

Access the Maintain SDI Data MEX page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Social Security/Insurance, Maintain SDI Data MEX, Maintain SDI Data MEX).


Minimum Wage A Zone

Displays the daily minimum wage for wage zone A, as defined on the Minimum Wages MEX page.

Minimum Wage Empl Zone (minimum wage employee zone)

Displays the daily minimum wage for the employee's zone.

(The employee's wage zone is determined by the establishment that is associated with the employee's location.)

Ceiling Days Matern & Illness (ceiling days maternity and illness)

Displays the ceiling days that apply to social security contributions for maternity and illness. This number comes from the EYMPD row on the Quotas MEX page.

Ceiling Days Disab & Life (ceiling days disability and life)

Displays the ceiling days that apply to social security contributions for disability and life. This number comes from the IYV row on the Quotas MEX page.

Max Ceiling Matern & Illness (maximum ceiling maternity and illness)

Displays the maximum contribution base that the payee can have for maternity and illness. The system calculates this amount by multiplying the minimum wage for Zone A by the ceiling days for maternity and illness.

Max Ceiling Disab & Life (maximum ceiling disability and life)

Displays the maximum contribution base that the payee can have for disability and life. The system calculates this amount by multiplying the minimum wage for the employee's zone by the ceiling days for disability and life.

Fixed SDI

Displays the fixed SDI amount that is calculated by the SDI FIJO process. This amount is reported to Social Security when a payee is hired or the payee's salary changes. You can override the amount, if necessary.

SDI Factor

Displays the SDI factor that is defined for the payee's pay group on the Xmas, Vac, Premium, SDI Factor page. The system uses the SDI factor to calculate Fixed SDI.

Variable SDI

Displays the variable SDI amount that is calculated by the SDI VARIABLE process. Variable SDI is added to the Fixed SDI in the SDI Total.

Total SDI

Displays the total of the fixed and variable SDI amounts. This amount is reported to the IMSS, when there's a change.

Difference SMG and Daily Rate

Displays the difference between the minimum wage for Zone A and the employee's daily rate.


The information in this group box is populated automatically based on changes made in HR.

Action and Reason

Displays the action and reason code that defines the action. This information comes from HR.

IMSS Notice

Indicates the type of IMSS notice that will be generated.

You associate IMSS Notices with Action/Reason codes in the Mexico section of the Action Reason page in HR.

SUA Reason

Indicates the type of transaction that will be reported to IMSS.

You associate SUA Reason with Action/Reason codes in the Mexico section of the Action Reason page in HR.

See Also

Understanding the SDI Factor Calculation

Setting Up the Administer Workforce Business Process

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Mass SDI Changes

This section provides an overview of mass SDI processing and discusses how to run the mass SDI process:


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Mass SDI Processing

You can process mass SDI changes for seniority anniversaries and minimum wage changes on the Process SDI MEX page. The system uses Application Engine to process the SDI calculation and will insert new SDI data for employees having seniority anniversaries in the corresponding period, or for employees having an SDI data change derived from minimum wage changes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the Mass SDI Process

Page Name

Definition Name



Process SDI MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Prepare Payroll, Process SDI MEX, Process SDI MEX

Generate the SDI record for anniversary and SMG changes and run the SDI calculation process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Mass SDI Process

Access the Process SDI MEX page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Prepare Payroll, Process SDI MEX, Process SDI MEX).

SDI Process

Pay Group

Select the pay group for which the SDI process will be run.

Delete Data

Select this check box when you want to delete existing SDI data inserted by previous SDI by Anniversary or SDI by SMG Change processes during the period defined by the Begin Date and End Date. This is useful when recalculating SDI.


Select one of these values:

SDI Mass Calculation

SDI Triggers

SDI by Anniversary

SDI by SMG Change


Enter the date when you want to calculate SDI for mass changes or minimum wage changes. The system displays this field only when you select either SDI Mass Calculation or SDI by SMG Change in the Process field.

Year and Bimonth

Enter the year and bimonth when you want the system start triggering SDI deductions. The system displays these field only when you select SDI Triggers in the Process field.

Begin Date and End Date

Enter the begin and end date for the period during which a payee's anniversary or minimum wage change must fall. The system displays these fields only when you select SDI by Anniversary in the Process field.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating IMSS Notices

This section provides an overview of IMSS notices and discusses how to review generated IMSS notices.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding IMSS Notices

When a payee is hired, rehired, has a salary change, or is terminated, you must report the event to IMSS. These reports can be:

The run control page that you use to generate the notice depends on the selected reporting method. When you generate the notice, the system marks the corresponding check boxes on the IMSS Notice Control page. You use the IMSS Notice Control page to review the events reported for a payee.

Note. The IMSS reports are discussed later in this chapter.

See Running Social Security Reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Review Generated IMSS Notices

Page Name

Definition Name



IMSS Notices Control


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, Review IMSS Notices MEX, IMSS Notices Control

Record reported events that generated a notice to IMSS for a payee and displays the method of notification used.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Generated IMSS Notices

Access the IMSS Notices Control page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, Review IMSS Notices MEX, IMSS Notices Control).

IMSS Notice Control

Select the type and form of notice you would like to generate for the payee.

Note. You can clear a generated IMSS notice if you want to regenerate it.

See Also

Global Payroll for Mexico Reports

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the SDI Batch Processes

This section provides an overview of the SDI batch process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the SDI Batch Process

When you run the payroll process, the system produces two writable arrays related to social security:

Before you run the payroll process, you can launch two additional social security processes: one from the SDI for Anniversary and SMG page, and the other from the Payroll/Absence Run Control page. These processes calculate new SDI amounts, which are the basis for all the Social Security earnings and deductions, such as employee and employer contributions and loan paybacks. The two processes are:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicModifying the Fixed SDI Process

If your organization offers benefits (in addition to the Christmas bonus and vacation premium) that contribute to fixed SDI, you must select additional elements that contribute to fixed SDI and define the integration parameters for these elements on the Fixed SDI page. Then you must run the Fixed SDI process to calculate fixed SDI. (The Application Engine program takes into account the Christmas bonus and vacation premium when it calculates fixed SDI.)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicModifying the Variable SDI Process

Global Payroll for Mexico delivers a process list (CALC SDI VARIAB) for calculating variable SDI. If you need to add earnings that contribute to the variable SDI amount, follow the procedure below.

To include an earnings in the Variable SDI process:

  1. Select the earning that is a member of the SDI bimonthly accumulator.

    This is very important. If the bimonthly accumulator does not exist for the earning, you must create a new one. Select the earning and the corresponding accumulator on the Variable SDI page.

  2. Select one of the three formulas (integration methods): IM FM 100% VAR, IM FM TOP VAL IMSS, or IM FM PREMIO INT on the Variable SDI page.

All earnings belong to one of the three formulas (integration methods). Below are some examples:




IM FM 100% VAR




IM FM 100% VAR



Note. Do not add the earnings elements to the SDI VARIABLE section.

The order in which you run the SDI FIJO (Process SDI MEX) and SDI VARIABLE processes is very important because the fixed process (SDI FIJO) depends on the variable process (SDI VARIABLE). For example, the date for the SDI FIJO corresponds to a hiring or salary increase date for the payee and the SDI VARIABLE as defined by law is the first day of each two months based on the earnings of the previous two months.

See Also

Defining Variable SDI

Click to jump to parent topicRunning Social Security Reports

This section lists the social security reports that you can run in Global Payroll for Mexico and discusses how to create the Risk Factor report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run Social Security Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Fixed SDI Report MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, Fixed SDI Report MEX, Fixed SDI Report MEX

Lists the details of the fixed SDI calculations for a specified period for payees with SDI data changes.

Variable SDI Report MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, Variable SDI Report MEX, Variable SDI Report MEX

Lists the details of the variable SDI calculations for a bimonthly period.

ANN- Risk Factor Report MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, ANN- Risk Factor Report MEX, ANN- Risk Factor Report MEX

Lists all payees with work-related disabilities in a specified year.

IMSS Report Notices MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, IMSS Report Notices MEX, IMSS Report Notices MEX

Provides hiring, salary change, or termination details for selected payees. This report is submitted to IMSS in printed format.

IMSS Mag Notices MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, IMSS Mag Notices MEX, IMSS Mag Notices MEX

Provides hiring, salary change, or termination details for selected payees. This report is submitted to IMSS in magnetic media format.



Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, IMSS EDI Notices MEX, IMSS EDI Notices MEX

Provides hiring, salary change, or termination details for selected payees. This report is submitted to IMSS in EDI format.

IMSS Base Over Cap Report MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, IMSS Base Over Cap Report MEX, IMSS Base Over Cap Report MEX

Lists the payees who have a surplus over the cap on 3, 18, and 25 minimum wages.

SUA - Payee File MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, SUA - Payee File MEX, SUA - Payee File MEX

Generate a flat file and printed report for SUA with payee data such as name, hire date, and so on. The system includes only employees hired or rehired in a given period.

SUA - Transact File MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, SUA - Transact File MEX, SUA - Transact File MEX

Create a flat file and a printed report for SUA with transactions of each payee for a given period. This report includes payee transactions data for terminations, pay rate changes, rehires, absences, and disabilities that should be reported to SUA.

SUA - Affiliation File MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, SUA - Affiliation File MEX, SUA - Affiliation File MEX

Generate the SUA flat file and a printed report with employee affiliation data, for employees hired or rehired in a given period.

SUA - Loans File MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, SUA - Loans File MEX, SUA - Loans File MEX

Generate the SUA flat file and a printed report with employee INFONAVIT loans data.

SUA - Disabilities File MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, SUA - Disabilities File MEX, SUA - Disabilities File MEX

Generate the SUA flat file and a printed report with employee disabilities data.

See Also

Global Payroll for Mexico Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating the Risk Factor Report

The Risk Factor report lists all employees who had a disability from a work risk during the year. It takes the information that is entered in the Absence Event Input Detail page, within the Absence Event component. In particular, the Risk Factor report takes the following information: Illness Type, Illness Document Number, Permanent Illness Percentage, and Death Indicator. All other necessary information is retrieved from the Absence Event page.

The Risk Factor report creates an ASCII output file for the IMSS software, so that it can be loaded up as a batch file. The output file contains the following data (in this order):

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Delivered Social Security Elements

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Social Security Deductions

This table lists the delivered social security deductions for Mexico:




Illness & Mat Fixed Quota Employer


Illness & Mat Excess 3SMG Employee


Illness & Mat Excess 3SMG Employer


Illness & Mat Cash Benefits Employee


Illness & Mat Cash Benefits Employer


Illness & Mat Benefits in Kind Employee


Illness & Mat Benefits in Kind Employer


Work Risk


Disability and Life Employee


Disability and Life Employer


Child Care & Social Pre Employer


Unemployment & Old Age Employer


Unemployment & Old Age Employee


IMSS Quotas Paid by Employee


IMSS Quotas Paid by Employer


IMSS Quot Unemploy & Old Age


IMSS Quot Illn & Mat Dis & Life


Retirement (SAR)



Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Social Security Process Lists

This table lists the delivered social security process lists for Mexico:

Process List



Variable SDI Process

Note. The PeopleSoft system delivers a query that you can run to view the names of all delivered elements that are designed for Mexico. Instructions for running the query are provided in the PeopleSoft Global Payroll 9.1 PeopleBook.

See Also

Understanding How to View Delivered Elements