Updating Absences

This chapter provides an overview of absences in Mexico and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Absences in Mexico

This section lists prerequisites and discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

This chapter supplements the absence documentation provided in the core Global Payroll documentation. Before you begin reading about Mexican absence functionality, PeopleSoft HCM recommends that you read the absence sections of PeopleSoft Global Payroll 9.1 PeopleBook to develop a basic understanding of the concepts behind absence processing in Global Payroll.

Note. In Global Payroll for Mexico, before you can update absences, you must define absence parameters on the Absences page. The Absences page is discussed in another chapter in this PeopleBook.

See Also

Defining Absence Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAbsences

An absence is any event for which an employee fails to comply with scheduled work time. Absences must be recorded in the system so that appropriate discounts are deducted from an employee's salary. Absences are also recorded to keep track of an employee's absence history. In Mexico, absences are also tracked for specific calculations such as profit sharing and social security contributions.

In Global Payroll, there are two types of absence elements:

An absence entitlement is the amount of paid time off that a payee is entitled to take for each category of absence. For example, payees may be entitled to receive 20 vacation days per year.

An absence take is the amount of time off that a payee takes.

Global Payroll for Mexico delivers predefined rules for processing absences due to vacation, illness, maternity, work accidents, and other reasons. PeopleSoft designed these rules in accordance with Mexican statutory requirements. You can modify many of these rules to reflect absence policies that are specific to your organization.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAbsence Takes

In Global Payroll for Mexico, there are three categories for absence takes:


Disabilities are treated differently from other absences because IMSS pays and administers them. Disabilities include:


Vacations include vacation takes.


Other absences include:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAbsence Types

Global Payroll for Mexico delivers these absence types, each having their own absence reasons:

Absence Type


Absence Take Associated


Unpaid Absence

General absence



General sickness



Maternity leave


Other paid absences

Paid permitted absence



Tardiness - hours


Work accident

Work risk leave


Work related illness

Work related illness leave


Accident on the way to work

In transit work risk leave



Vacation takes

These sections describe each delivered absence take in detail.

Maternity Leave

This absence take generates a deduction called INCAP MATERN. This element contains the number of days in the Unit component. All the absence take days are considered units of the deduction. The Day Formula adds only 1 to the deduction units for each day of this disability.

This absence take also generates an earning called SUB MATERN. It is generated in the same way that the deduction is generated in terms of the units. The only condition here is that this element is generated when the daily rate of the employee is greater than the SDI (capped up to 25 times minimum wages) and the rate will be only the difference between these two rates. If your company has an agreement with the social security agency (defined on the General Parameters page), this earning is paid with the daily rate.

If the employee's absence is for eight days or more, the employer is exempt from paying quotas for that pay period frequency (monthly, semimonthly, and so on.)

General Illness

This absence take generates a deduction called INCAP ENFERM. This element contains the number of days in the Unit component. All the absence take days are considered units of the deduction. The Day Formula adds only 1 to the deduction units for each day of this disability.

This absence take can generate three earnings: SUB ENF 100%, SUB ENF 40%, and SUB ENF CONV. Select only one earning when defining General Illness.

The system generates SUB ENF 100% for the first absence event but only for the first three days. If there's another absence event in the following seven days after the end date of the original take, then the system considers this absence take as linked and won't pay the first three days again with the earning SUB ENF 100%.

The system generates SUB ENF 40% beginning on the fourth day until the end of the absence take. Once again, if the system links two absence events and has already paid the first three days at 100 percent, then it will pay all the days at 40 percent.

The system generates SUB ENF CONV if the IMSS Agreement parameter is selected on the Absences page. Selecting this parameter ensures that the other two earnings (SUB ENF 40% and SUB ENF 100%) won't appear in the pay process. In other words, the SUB ENF CONV earning substitutes for the other two.

Work Related Disabilities

There are three types of work related leaves:

Work related illness can occur if an employee becomes ill as a result of work conditions, such as inhaling toxins in the workplace. Work risk can occur if an employee works in a risky work environment, for example, if he cuts a finger on a machine. In transit work risk can occur if an employee gets hurt on the way to and from work, for example, if he gets in an automobile accident on the way to work.

Note. For all work related disability types, you can create a report that lists all the workers who were on disability due to work related illnesses or accidents during the year that considers only these three absence takes. The Risk Factor report contains information such as disability type (accident or illness), disability begin and end dates, percentage of permanent illness, and subsidized days for each employee who is on disability due to work related accidents or illnesses.

Work Related Illness Leave

The work related illness leave is very similar to the General Illness absence type, except that it generates a different deduction. The deduction for the work related illness leave is INCAP ENF TR.

Global Payroll for Mexico delivers an earning for Work Illness Leave called INCAP_ENF_TR and an absence take called INC_ENF_TR.

Work Risk Leave

This absence take generates a deduction called INCAP RIESGO. This element contains the number of days in the Unit component. All the absence take days are considered to be units of the deduction. The Day Formula adds only 1 to the deduction units for each day of this disability.

This absence take also generates an earning called SUB RIESGO. It is generated in the same way that the deduction is generated, in terms of the generated units. The only condition here is that this element is generated when the daily rate of the employee is greater than the SDI (capped up to 25 times minimum wages) and the rate will be only the difference between these two rates. If your company has an agreement with the social security agency (defined on the General Parameters page), this earning is paid with the daily rate.

In Transit Work Risk Leave

This absence take is almost the same as the absence take in Work Risk Leave. The only difference is that this disability is caused by an accident or event on the way to work. It generates a deduction called INCAP TRAYEC. This element contains the number of days in the Unit component. All the days of the absence take are considered to be units of the deduction. In other words, the Day Formula adds only 1 to the deduction units for each day of this disability.

This absence take also generates an earning called SUB RIESGO. It is generated in the same way that the deduction is generated, in terms of the generated units. The only condition here is that this element will be generated when the daily rate of the employee is greater than the SDI (capped up to 25 times minimum wages) and the rate will be only the difference between these two rates. If your company has an agreement with the social security agency (defined on the General Parameters page), this earnings is paid with the daily rate.

Vacation Takes

This absence take generates an earning called VAC DISFRUT. This element contains the number of days in the Unit component. The system won't consider the Day Off and Holidays as Vacation Days. This means that if the Absence Take duration contains Non Worked or Holidays, the system will reduce them from the duration of the take.

It also generates an earning called PMA VAC PROP when the Proportional parameter is selected on the Absences page. This parameter means that for each day of vacation take, the employee will receive a day of vacation premium.

This absence take also generates an absence entitlement. This is only generated on the employee's anniversary with the company. This entitlement serves as the limit to accept or not accept a vacation take. For example, if you have a new hire who requests a vacation in the month following his hire, it will be rejected because he does not have any vacation entitlements accrued. On the other hand, if you have an employee with two years of seniority, his request will be accepted because he already has two entitlement occurrences of vacation: one for the first year and the other for the second year. The vacation entitlement is called VAC ANIV. The negative balance for this absence take could be accepted if the Negative Balance Option parameter is selected on the Absences page.

General Absences

This absence take generates a deduction called FALTAS. This element contains the number of days in the Unit component. All the absence take days are considered to be units of the deduction. The Day Formula adds only 1 to the deduction units for each day of this leave.

The generated deduction is calculated using the percentage from the Factor parameter (defined on the Absences page). This means that the units will be multiplied by this factor.

Tardiness − Hours

This absence take generates a deduction called RETARDO. This element contains the number of hours in the Unit component. All the absence take hours are considered to be units of the deduction. The Day Formula adds only 1 to the deduction units for each hour of this disability.

Paid Permitted Absence

This absence take generates a deduction called PERMI C/GOCE. This element contains the number of days in the Unit component. All the absence take days are considered to be units of the deduction. The Day Formula adds only 1 to the deduction units for each day of this leave. This deduction is informational only, because this is a paid permission so, it won't deduct from the net pay.

Unpaid Permitted Absence

This absence take generates a deduction called PERMI S/GOCE. This element contains the number of days in the Unit component. All the absence take days are considered to be units of the deduction. The Day Formula adds only 1 to the deduction units for each day of this leave. The only difference between this deduction and the PERMI C/GOCE deduction is that this one is reduced from the net pay of the employee.

Note. The General Parameters page and the Absences page are documented in another chapter in this PeopleBook.

See Also

Defining Country Data

Defining Absence Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAbsence Processing

To prepare Global Payroll for Mexico for absence processing:

  1. Define absence parameters for a pay group on the Absences page.

  2. Define absence details for an employee in the Absence Entry component.

    This includes entering the absence event and running the forecast process for an absence. Additionally, you can view the Absence Forecast results and Accumulator results.

  3. Define mass absence event entries, such as holidays, on the Mass Absence Event Entry page.

  4. Modify the delivered absence take and absence entitlement elements, and create new absence elements.

    A list of the absence take and absence entitlement elements delivered with Global Payroll for Mexico appears later in this chapter. PeopleSoft delivers sample values for many of these elements. You might want to replace some of the values with data that is specific to your company.

  5. Assign absence elements to payees and process lists.

    As with all primary elements, you must assign absence entitlement and absence take elements to payees and include the elements in the process lists that you use when you run the absence process. PeopleSoft delivers predefined sections and process lists for absence processing. You can use these, modify them, or create your own.

  6. Generate an absence report for selected employees.

  7. At the end of the year, generate the Risk Factor report.

Note. The Absences page is documented in another chapter in this PeopleBook.

See Also

Defining Absence Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVacation Processing

While it's ideal that employees record their vacation takes before taking their vacations, this is not often the case. Usually, vacation takes are recorded after the events occur or after payroll has been processed or finalized.

If an employee records a vacation take after the payroll for that pay period has been finalized, there must be a retroactive (retro) calculation for that employee to reflect those days of vacation on the payslip. In this case, a retro trigger should be recorded.

If a vacation take occurs partially in a processed payroll period and partially in the future, the part of it that belongs to the processed period should be calculated with a retro event. The part of the vacation take that occurs in a current open or future payroll period is handled as follows:

For each pay period, the system will apply the number of days of that vacation take that belongs to the pay period begin and end date.

Processing Vacation Premiums Using the Annual Method

If you select the Annual method for calculating vacation premiums, the following processing rules apply:

The vacation premium will be paid when the vacation premium payment date is between the period begin date and the period end date.

When the processing year is the same as the service date and payment date, the vacation is calculated as follows:

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Absences for Employees

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Update Absences

Page Name

Definition Name



Absence Entry


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Absence Event MEX, Absence Entry

Define absence event details for an employee and run the Absence Forecast process. Use the forecast process to evaluate the impact of a vacations take event.

Absence Forecast Results


Click the Forecast Details link on the Absence Entry page.

Review the results of the forecast process for a specific vacations take event and any take elements that are mapped to it.

Forecast Messages


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Absence Event MEX, Forecast Messages

Review the messages that are generated during the forecast process.

Create Mass Absence Rqst MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Prepare Payroll, Create Mass Absence Rqst MEX, Create Mass Absence Rqst MEX

Define the details for a mass absence event entry.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Absence Entries

Access the Absence Entry page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Absence Event MEX, Absence Entry).

From and Through

Specify the date range for which you want to retrieve and display absence event data on the page.


Click this button to refresh the page with data based on the From and Through dates that you specify.


Click this button to run the Forecast process when entering vacation takes. You'll get a message indicating the results of the Forecast process. If necessary, correct the errors and rerun the process.

Absence Detail

Element Name

Select the absence take element that corresponds to the employee's absence type.


Displays the absence type that corresponds to the absence take element. When you define an absence take element, you assign an absence type that describes the category of the absence.

Absence Reason

Select the code that corresponds to the absence reason. The Absence Reason field is optional and further describes the absence take.

Manager Approved

Select to have the absence processed when you run the absence take process. This check box is automatically selected if you defined the absence take element as not requiring manager approval on the Absence Take - Calculation page in the core application.

Voided Indicator

This check box is automatically selected if you voided the event and ran the Take process. This check box can also be selected if you use the automatic priority processing feature and have assigned a priority number to your absence take elements. If you save absence entries with overlapping dates, the system voids the event with the lower priority and creates a new event for the days that do not overlap.

Process Action

Select the process action. For a new absence event, the default is Normal. Select Void to void an absence that has already gone through the absence take process. The event is not processed in subsequent runs. Instead, the Process Action is reset to Normal and the Voided Indicator check box is automatically selected during the absence take process.

During retroactive processing, the system calculates a new version of the results without the voided event. Positive input is not generated from the voided event, and the results for earnings or deductions have deltas.

Forecast Value

Appears after running the Forecast process. Forecast Value is the alphanumeric value resolved by the forecasting element. You associate a forecasting formula with a take element on the Take - Forecasting page in the core application. For example, your forecast element might return a value of Eligible or Not Eligible.

Forecast Details

Click this link to access the Absence Forecast Results page.

Absence Duration

Begin Date and End Date

Enter the begin and end dates for the absence. Depending on the values entered for the Begin Date and End Date, the system will calculate different values. If you enter a Begin Date, the system automatically enters the same value for the End Dateand a value of 1 for the Absence Duration. Then, if a value is entered for the End Date, the system will calculate the Absence Durationvalue. If a value is entered for the Absence Duration, then the system will calculate a value for the End Date.

Absence Duration

Enter the number of days for the absence.

Partial Hours

If a FALTA absence event is selected and the Allow Partial Days option is selected on the core Global Payroll Absences page, the Partial Hours field appears.

Begin Half Day and End Half Day

If you select the Allow Partial Days option on the Absences page in core Global Payroll, this field appears. Select a check box if the employee was absent exactly half a day. Select the top check box if the employee worked half a day on the first day or every day of an absence. Select the bottom check box if the employee worked half a day on the last day of the absence.

Note. The Allow Partial Days option can be found on the Absences page in the core Global Payroll core application. The navigation path to the Absences page is Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Self Service, Country Take. This page is documented in the core Global Payroll documentation.

User Defined Fields

Enter data and comments on additional fields pertaining to your business processes.

Note. If you select a work-related disability absence type, the system displays one or more of the following fields as applicable: Folio, % IPP, Consequence, and Control. Enter additional information related to a work-related disability in these fields.


This field applies only for disability absences and refers to the Certificate number. This is a required field for all the disabilities.

% IPP (Permanent Illness Percentage)

Enter the percentage of permanent illness for the employee. Values are 0–100 percent. This field is only available if you selected a work-related illness absence type.


Select the consequence for the absence take for SUA reporting purposes. This field is applicable to the following work related disability elements: INC RIESGO TR, INC TRAYECTO, and INC ENF TR. Valid consequence values depend on the selected element for the absence take, and indicates the final result of the work related disability.


Select the control value of the absence take for SUA reporting purposes. This field is applicable to the following disability elements: INC RIESGO TR, INC TRAYECTO, INC ENF TR, ENC ENF GENERA and INC MATERN. Valid Control values depend on the selected element for the absence take and the selected Consequence value when available. Indicates the kind of document issued by the IMSS for the disability entered.

The Absence Entry page in Global Payroll for Mexico is similar to the Absence Event Entry page in the core application. The main differences are that the Absence Entry page in Global Payroll for Mexico:

If you select an absence take of INC RIESGO TR and enter data on the User Fields page, you can generate a report listing the employees who had work risk related disabilities.

Note. You can find the User Fields page through Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Self Service, Country Take.

See Also

Entering and Processing Absences

Defining Absence Elements

Understanding Absence Management

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Forecast Results

Access the Absence Forecast Results page (click the Forecast Details link on the Absence Entry page): Forecast Results tab.

Note. The Absence Forecast Results page: Forecast Results tab in Global Payroll for Mexico is the same as the Absence Forecast Results page in the core application.

See Entering and Processing Absences.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Accumulator Results

Access the Access Forecast Results page (click the Forecast Details link on the Absence Entry page): Accumulator Results tab.

Note. The Absence Forecast Results page: Accumulator Results tab in Global Payroll for Mexico is the same as the Absence Forecast Results page in the core application.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing User Keys 1-3

Access the Absence Forecast Results page (click the Forecast Details link on the Absence Entry page): User Keys 1-3 tab.

Note. The Absence Forecast Results page: User Keys 1-3 tab in Global Payroll for Mexico is the same as the Absence Forecast Results page in the core application.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing User Keys 4-6

Access the Absence Forecast Results page (click the Forecast Details link on the Absence Entry page): User Keys 4-6 tab.

Note. The Absence Forecast Results page: User Keys 4-6 tab in Global Payroll for Mexico is the same as the Absence Forecast Results page in the core application.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Forecast Messages

Access the Forecast Messages page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Absence Event MEX, Forecast Messages).

Note. The Forecast Messages page in Global Payroll for Mexico is the same as the Forecast Messages page in the core application.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Mass Absence Event Entry

Access the Create Mass Absence Rqst MEX page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Prepare Payroll, Create Mass Absence Rqst MEX, Create Mass Absence Rqst MEX).

Absence Take

Select the absence take element for the mass absence event.

Absence Reason

Select the absence reason for the mass absence event. Typical absence reasons include Regular, Forced, Scheduled, and Other.

Clear Data

Select to clear the data after you process a mass absence event entry.

Begin Date and End Date

Enter the begin date and end date for the mass absence event.

Group ID

Select the group ID to which the mass absence event applies.


Enter descriptive details of the mass absence event.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Vacation Summaries

This section provides an overview of vacation summary inquiries and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Vacation Summary Inquiries

Use the Vacations Summary component to review vacation summaries for an employee. You can also view vacation summary information in report format by generating the Vacations Report (GPMXVA01). This report details vacation entitlements and balances for selected employees. A related report, the Absences Report (GPMXIM11), details absences for selected employees.

See Also

Global Payroll for Mexico Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Vacation Summaries

Page Name

Definition Name



Vacations Summary


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Vacations Summary MEX, Vacations Summary

View a summary of vacation information for an employee. For each row of vacation data, the system displays applicable dates, entitlements, adjustments, absences taken, and balance.

Vacations Detail


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Vacations Summary MEX, Vacations Description

View details about vacations that an employee has already taken. For each vacation event, the system displays the begin date, end date, absence duration, and absence description.

Vacations Earnings


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Vacations Summary MEX, Vacations Earnings

View details about earnings that an employee has received for vacations already taken. For each vacation earning, the system displays the slice begin date, slice end date, unit delta, and amount earned.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Vacation Summaries

Access the Vacations Summary page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Vacations Summary MEX, Vacations Summary).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Vacation Details

Access the Vacations Detail page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Vacations Summary MEX, Vacations Description).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Vacation Earnings

Access the Vacations Earnings page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Vacations Summary MEX, Vacations Earnings).

Click to jump to parent topicRunning Absence and Vacation Reports

This section lists the absence and vacation reports available in Global Payroll for Mexico.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run Absence and Vacation Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Absence History MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Absence History MEX, Absence History MEX

Produces report that details absences for selected employees.

Vacations MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Vacations MEX, Vacations MEX

Produces report that details vacation entitlements and balances for selected employees.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Delivered Absence Elements

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Absence Earnings

This table lists delivered absence earnings for Mexico:




General illness subsidy 100% from previous periods


General illness subsidy 40% from previous periods


General illness subsidy 40%


General illness subsidy 100%


General illness subsidy agreement


Maternity leave subsidy from previous periods


Maternity leave subsidy


Work risk subsidy

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Absence Deductions

This table lists the delivered absence deductions for Mexico:




Retro for previous unpaid absence not taken


Unpaid absence


Previous unpaid absence not taken


Unpaid absences delta


Work related illness leave


General illness


Maternity leave — previous


Maternity leave


General illness from previous periods


Leaves delta


Work risk leave from previous periods


Work risk leave


In transit work risk leave


Tardiness - hours


Tardiness delta


Paid time off


Unpaid time off

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Absence Takes

This table lists the delivered absence takes for Mexico:

Absence Take



General absences


General illness


Work related illness leave


Maternity leave


Work risk leave


In transit work risk leave


Paid permitted absence


Unpaid permitted absence


Tardiness - hours


Vacations take

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Absence Process Lists

This table lists the delivered absence process list element for Mexico:

Process List



Absence process

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Delivered Vacation Elements

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Vacation Earnings

This table lists the delivered vacation earnings for Mexico:




Vacation premium in anniversary


Annual vacation premium


Vacation premium proportional


Vacation premium retro


Vacation premium


Non-taxable vacation premium


Taxable vacation premium


Vacations retro




Paid vacations retro


Paid vacations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Vacation Deductions

This table lists the delivered vacation deductions for Mexico:




Vacation premium provision


Vacation provision

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Vacation Entitlements

This table lists the delivered vacation entitlements element for Mexico:

Vacation Entitlement



Vacations anniversary

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Vacations Take

This table lists the delivered vacation takes element for Mexico:

Vacations Take



Vacations take

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Vacation Process Lists

This table lists the delivered vacation process lists element for Mexico:

Process List



Absence process

Note. The PeopleSoft system delivers a query that you can run to view the names of all delivered elements designed for Mexico. Instructions for running the query are provided in the PeopleSoft Global Payroll 9.1 PeopleBook.

See Also

Understanding How to View Delivered Elements