Defining Results Adjustments and Reversals

This chapter provides an overview of results adjustments.

See Also

Managing Off Cycle Processing

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In Global Payroll, you can adjust an employee's pay results with the retro feature. With result adjustment, you can make changes to an employee's pay after finalization. For example, if a special deduction has to be applied to an employee's results right before calculation, you can do so by adding this deduction in the Positive Input page in the core application.

Note. There is no special setup required for results adjustments. It is done through regular retro processing.

There are two types of adjustments:

Both positive and negative adjustments are handled with retro triggers that are defined in the core application. If it's a payroll adjustment, you can make the adjustment through positive input. If it's an absence adjustment, you can make the adjustment through the Absence Entry page.

See Also

Working with Positive Input

Setting Up Triggers

Entering and Processing Absences