Running Banking Processes

This chapter provides an overview of banking processing for the Netherlands and discusses how to:

Note. Before you run banking processes, you must set up banking information. Banking setup for the Netherlands is discussed previously in this PeopleBook.

See Also

Setting Up Banking

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Banking Processing for the Netherlands

In addition to the core payroll and banking process, there are three processes specific to banking for the Netherlands:

This diagram illustrates how the banking processes for the Netherlands supplement the core application banking process:

Global Payroll for the Netherlands banking processes

Note. If you process payments using the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) formats and standards, will differ from what the diagram illustrates.

See Processing SEPA Payments for the NetherlandsProcessing SEPA Payments for Spain.

See Also

Setting Up Banks and Bank Branches

Defining Banking Instructions

Setting Up Banking

Click to jump to parent topicRunning Banking Processes

This section discusses how to:

Note. All the additional information required by the system is at the pay entity level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run Banking Processes for the Netherlands

Page Name

Definition Name



Run Payment Prep Process NLD (run payment preparation process NLD)


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payment Processing, Run Payment Prep Process NLD, Run Payment Prep Process NLD

Launch the Dutch banking process. Run this process after running the core application banking process. You specify only the Calendar Group ID for the processing.

Note. You cannot recalculate the core banking process for a selected calendar group ID after running the Dutch banking process.

Create EFT Payment File NLD (create electronic funds transfer payment file NLD)


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payment Processing, Create EFT Payment File NLD, Create EFT Payment File NLD

Launch the Create EFT Payment File process that creates the CLIEOP03 file. Run this process after running the core application banking process and the Banking Process NLD.

Payment List Report NLD


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payment Processing, Payment List Report NLD, Payment List Report NLD

Select the parameters for printing the payment list.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating the CLIEOP03 Electronic File

Access the Create EFT Payment File NLD page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payment Processing, Create EFT Payment File NLD, Create EFT Payment File NLD).

Calendar Group ID

Select the calendar group for which you want to process payments.

Pay Entity

Select a pay entity if you want to restrict the processing of payments for a particular pay entity when your calendar group includes more than one. If you don't make a selection here, the system will process payments for all pay entities in the calendar group.

Banking Recipient

Select from: Bank Accounts, Bank and Postbank Accounts, (accounts numbers greater than 7 digits) or Postbank Accounts (account numbers with a maximum of 7 digits).

Transactions from bank account to Postbank accounts usually take two or three days, while transactions between bank accounts take only one day. By processing transactions to Postbank accounts separately and earlier than you process the transactions to bank accounts, you can pay all your employees on the same day.

Fixed Description Info

The description you enter here appears in the header of the CLIEOP03 file. It also appears on each employee's bank statement, for example “Salary January 2006”.

Batch Reference

Enter the batch reference that's to appear on the Instruction letter for business payments.

Required Process Date

Enter the date on which Interpay must process the batch. The date appears in the header of the CLIEOP03 file and in the Instruction letter for business payments.

Delivery Type

Select either Original or Duplicate. The value is included in the file but not the Instruction letter for business payments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLaunching the Payment List Report

Access the Payment List Report NLD page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payment Processing, Payment List Report NLD, Payment List Report NLD).

Calendar Group ID

Select the calendar group for which you want to report detailed payment data. You can isolate the data retrieval to a single calendar in the group by also entering a calendar ID.

Payment Status

Select from No Active Allocations, Paid, and Prepared. If you select No Active Allocations this means that the system found no net distribution allocations specified for a payee.

Element Name

Select a specific element, such as a deduction, to report on transactions for that element in the calendar or calendar group you specified. Examples are savings plans deductions or garnishments.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing SEPA Payments for the Netherlands

PeopleSoft Global Payroll for the Netherlands enables you to process payments using the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) formats and standards through an integration with PeopleSoft Financial Gateway. If you process payments using SEPA, you must set up and process banking using a different set of steps.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up SEPA Processing

Before you can process SEPA payments using Global Payroll for the Netherlands, in addition to the normal banking setup you must:

  1. Ensure that an active SEPA application package is defined for the Netherlands on the Banking Country Setup page.

  2. Ensure that a SEPA SQL statement is defined for the Netherlands on the Banking Preparation Definition page.

  3. Define payment process settings on the Installation Settings page.

  4. Set up Integration Broker for both Global Payroll for the Netherlands and Financial Gateway.

  5. Set up banks for the Netherlands in your PeopleSoft Financials system.

See Also

(CHE, DEU, ESP, FRA, NLD) Setting Up SEPA Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing SEPA Payments

You process payments for SEPA using the same Global Payroll Banking Process (GP_PMT_PREP) that you use for non-SEPA banking. When a row of data exists for the Netherlands on the Banking Country Setup component, however, GP_PMT_PREP executes SEPA logic.

Global Payroll for the Netherlands uses the delivered CORE_BANK:SQL application package to process SEPA payments. The system references the banking preparation definition for the Netherlands and for each defined sequence processes the SEPA SQL statement using the country, calendar run ID, and employee ID range selected on the Run Payment Prep Process run control page. The system loads the results into the GP_PAYMENT_FG record.

Note. This new SEPA logic supersedes the country-specific processes that you would normally run in PeopleSoft Global Payroll for the Netherlands for non-SEPA banking. Therefore, when processing SEPA payments for the Netherlands, you do not have to run the NLD Payment Preparation process (GPNL_PAYMENT) or the Create EFT Payment File process (GPNL_EFT).

Delivered Sequences

PeopleSoft Global Payroll for the Netherlands delivers two Banking Preparation Definition sequences. They are:

See Also

(CHE, DEU, ESP, FRA, NLD) SEPA Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSending SEPA Payments to PeopleSoft Financial Gateway

You send generated SEPA payment details from PeopleSoft Global Payroll for the Netherlands to PeopleSoft Financial Gateway. Financial Gateway then dispatches the payments to banks in compliance with SEPA rules and standards. You send SEPA payments to PeopleSoft Financial Gateway using the Payment File Generation page. This page enables you to:

See Also

(CHE, DEU, ESP, FRA, NLD) Sending SEPA Payments to PeopleSoft Financial Gateway