Defining Fiscal Year Budgets

This chapter provides an overview of fiscal year budgets in PeopleSoft Human Resources and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Fiscal Year Budgets in PeopleSoft Human Resources

This section provides overviews of:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFiscal Year Budgeting

With PeopleSoft Human Resources, you can define fiscal year budgets for earnings and for employer-paid deductions and taxes.

Budget-Related Processes

The system uses the budget information that you set up when it processes encumbrances and when it distributes payroll actuals:

Budget Creation

Create or establish budgets by leveraging data between PeopleSoft HRMS and PeopleSoft General Ledger or PeopleSoft Budgets. Alternatively, use one of the template processes delivered with your system to populate the budget tables with data already in PeopleSoft HRMS.

Budget Levels

With PeopleSoft HRMS, establish budgets at the following levels (budget levels aren't mutually exclusive):

Depending on how you manage encumbrances and distributions for your organization, you can specify whether to steer your budgets using Position Management. If you use Position Management, you'll tie budgets to positions, to groups of positions (called Position Pool), or to appointments. If you're not using Position Management, you'll set up budgets to work at the job code level or at the appointment level.

Once you've established budgeting levels, link earnings, deductions, and tax budget items to multiple funding sources. Also specify the sequence in which the system uses the funds.

Note. Define budgets for only those departments, positions, position pools, job codes, and appointments that you've already defined as part of your general setup options for PeopleSoft Human Resources.

See Also

Running the Batch Encumbrance Calculation Process (ENC_CALC)

Running the Actuals Distribution Process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Creation Options

There are four methods for creating fiscal year budgets. Which option you choose depends on the budget needs of your organization.

Option 1: Using the Data Import From Budgets Process

Use the Data Import From Budgets process (BUD008.SQR) if you have set up a fiscal year budget in PeopleSoft Budgets and want to use it as a basis for your commitment accounting fiscal year budget. Modify each individual department budget in the Department Budget Table after you have downloaded it, if necessary.

See Option 1. Using the Data Import From Budgets Process.

Option 2: Using the Build Current FY Budget Process

Use the Build Current FY Budget (build current fiscal year budget) process to build your current fiscal year budget. PeopleSoft delivers this process as a template that you use to establish budget information in your human resources system.

Because this is a template, you might have to modify it to meet the requirements of your organization. After you build your current fiscal year budget, modify each individual department budget in the Department Budget Table, if necessary.

See Option 2: Using the Build Current FY Budget Process.

Option 3: Using the Copy Prior Fiscal Year Budget Process

Use the Copy Prior FY Budget (copy prior fiscal year budget) process to generate a new annual budget using last year's budget information. PeopleSoft delivers this process as a template that you use to establish budget information in your human resources system.

Because this is a template, you might have to modify it to meet the requirements of your organization. After you copy the prior current fiscal year budget, modify each individual department budget in the Department Budget Table, if necessary.

See Option 3: Using the Copy Prior Fiscal Year Budget Process.

Option 4: Using the Department Budget Table Component

Use the Department Budget Table component to manually create annual department budgets.

See Option 4: Using the Department Budget Table Component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFunding End Dates and Multiyear Encumbrances

In PeopleSoft Human Resources, you set up budgets for fiscal years. However, you generate encumbrances through the funding end dates that you specify. You can specify funding end dates at all budget levels.

Funding End Date Processing

Using a funding end date that is not tied to the fiscal year enables you to create encumbrances and pre-encumbrances for the entire length of a funding source, even when that time frame stops before the end of the fiscal year or extends into subsequent fiscal years.

When creating multiyear encumbrances, the system generates separate accounting line entries for each fiscal year. If you are not using commitment control, the accounting posting date that you enter when you run the Encumbrance GL Interface process is used as the budget date for both current and future fiscal year entries. If you are using commitment control, the begin date of next pay period is used as the budget date for current fiscal year entries, and the fiscal year begin date is used as the budget date for subsequent fiscal years entries.

If you do not specify a funding end date for a particular funding source, the system creates encumbrances only through the end of the current fiscal year. The funding source does not specifically expire at the end of the year, and it will continue to be available for subsequent fiscal years when you build the budget using the Copy Prior Fiscal Year Budget Process.

Note. To create encumbrances for future fiscal years, you must specify a funding end date that is beyond the current fiscal year.

Encumbrance definitions, where you specify the percent of earnings to encumber for taxes and deductions, also have a funding end date. For the current fiscal year, fringe encumbrances can extend beyond the funding end date of the earnings on which they are based. However, for future fiscal years, fringe encumbrances are not created beyond the funding end date for earnings, even if the encumbrance definition has a later funding end date than the earnings on which the fringe encumbrances are based.

Default Funding End Date

You can optionally set up a default funding end date for the funding source (that is, for a particular combination code). In the Department Budget Table component, you use the Funding End Date Defaults From Funding Source indicator to indicate whether the system should populate funding end dates using the default for the funding source. The default is applied at all department budget funding levels and in encumbrance definitions, though you can override it as needed.

This is how the system applies the default funding end date when you create your budget using an automated process:

Click to jump to parent topicEntering a Default Funding End Date

This section discusses how to enter a default funding end date.

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Definition Name



Funding Source Information


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Budget Information, Funding Source Information, Funding Source Information

Default a default funding end date for a funding source.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering a Default Funding End Date

Access the Funding Source Information page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Budget Information, Funding Source Information, Funding Source Information).

Funding End Date

Enter the default funding end date for the funding source.

Note. The system uses this value only to populate funding end dates in the department budget and encumbrance definitions, where the funding end dates are used during encumbrance calculations. The system never looks directly at this page to determine the date to use in encumbrance calculations.

Click to jump to parent topicOption 1. Using the Data Import From Budgets Process

To use option one, use the Import Data From Budgets component (RUN_BUD008).

This section provides an overview of the Data Imports From Budgets process and describes how to run the process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Data Import From Budgets Process

Use the Data Import From Budgets process (BUD008.SQR) to download initial fiscal year budget information from PeopleSoft Budgets to PeopleSoft HRMS. This process is designed to be run once per fiscal year for a given level at the end of the budget preparation cycle.

The system converts appointment and position budget information into a department budget in PeopleSoft HRMS for departments using the Commitment Accounting business process (departments using Commitment Accounting must select the Use Comm. Acctg./Budgeting check box on the Departments - Comm. Acctg. and EG page). However, you aren't limited to creating budgets at an appointment or position level. Based on the budget level you specify on the Data Import From Budgets page (RUNCTL_BUD008), the system combines appointment and position data and creates a budget at appointment, position, position pool, or department levels.

Note. This process will not create budgets at the job code level.

The Data Import From Budgets process populates the Department Budget Table using information found in three other tables in PeopleSoft Budgets: Position Data (BD_POSITION_TBL), Job Data (BD_JOB_TBL), and Distribution Data (BD_DISTR_TBL).

Because tax information isn't stored on the Budgets Position table (BD_POSITION_TBL) only the Dept Budget Earnings page (DEPT_BUDGET_ERN) and Dept Budget Deductions page (DEPT_BUDGET_DED) contain (in addition to combination code information) limits by funding source. The Dept Budget Taxes page (DEPT_BUDGET_TAX or DEPT_BUDGET_CTX) is populated with combination code information only.

If a previous budget exists for the same fiscal year and department, the Data Import From Budgets process overwrites it during processing unless the budget funding source has been used in actuals distribution or encumbrance processing. The system notifies you if you enter a fiscal year that already has a budget. The system doesn't overwrite fiscal year budgets created directly in the Department Budget Table.

If a department budget also contains payroll actuals data or encumbrance data that has been posted to General Ledger, then the Data Import From Budget process stops and a message is written to the Structured Query Report (SQR) log file.

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Budgets Import


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Process Budgets, Import Data From Budgets, Budgets Import

Run the Data Import from Budgets (BUD008) process, which downloads fiscal year budget information from PeopleSoft Budgets to PeopleSoft HRMS.

ChartField Detail


Click the Edit ChartFields link on the Budgets Import page.

Use to select individual ChartField values or search for an existing combination code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Data Import Budgets Process

Access the Budgets Import page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Process Budgets, Import Data From Budgets, Budgets Import).

Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year for the budget information you want to import. The year you enter is the fiscal year of the budget you are creating with this process.

Start Date

Enter the date that starts the fiscal year budget you are creating with this process.

Budget Level

Based on the Budget Level you specify, the system combines appointment and position data and creates a budget at appointment, position, position pool, or department levels.

  • Appointment: Creates a budget at the appointment (or job data) level, as well as an overall department budget. If data is provided for a blank or invalid employee ID, the process won't create an appointment budget but instead adds the budget dollars to the department level budget.

  • Department: Creates a budget at the department level only. The system automatically creates a department level budget regardless of the budget level you choose (that is, appointment, department, job code, position, and position pool). By selecting Department, you are asking the system to create only an overall department level budget.

  • Jobcode: Isn't supported by Data Import from Budgets process. If you select this option, the system displays an explanatory error message.

  • Position: Creates a budget at the position level (including unoccupied positions), as well as an overall department budget. If data is provided for a blank or invalid position number, the process won't create a position budget but instead adds the budget dollars to the department level budget.

  • Posn Pool (position pool): Creates a budget at the position pool level, as well as an overall department budget. If data is provided for a blank or invalid position pool ID, the process won't create a position pool budget but instead adds the budget dollars to the department level budget.

Note. Although a budget level determined by job code exists within the Department Budget table in PeopleSoft HRMS, the Data Import from Budgets process won't combine appointment or position data into a single job code budget.

Department Offset Group

Enter the default department offset group. If previous budget data exists for a department, the system obtains the department offset group from that budget. However, if a previous department offset group can't be selected, the system uses this default value.

Combination Code

Select the combination code to be used as the default if there are blank or invalid earnings combination codes in the input budget data.

Click the Edit ChartFields link to search for an existing combination code or select a unique combination of ChartFields on the ChartField Detail page.

See Editing ChartField Combinations in HCM Transactions.

Copy Previous Dedn Budget (copy previous deduction budget)

Select Copy Previous Dedn Budget (copy previous deduction budget) to copy previous deduction information for each department budget processed and for each budget created at the appointment, position, or position pool levels. Select Default New Dedn No Benefits or Default New Dedn With Benefits to assign 100 percent of the deduction budget to the Account Code (Deductions), described next.

Combination Code (Deductions)

Select the combination code (deductions) to be used as the default if there are blank or invalid deductions combination codes in the input budget data.

Click the Edit ChartFields link to search for an existing combination code or select a unique combination of ChartFields on the ChartField Detail page.

Copy Previous Tax Budget

Select Copy Previous Tax Budget to copy previous tax budget information for each department budget processed and for each budget created at the appointment, position, or position pool levels. Select Default New Tax Budget to assign 100 percent of the tax budget to the Account Code (Tax), described next.

Combination Code (Tax)

Select the combination code (tax) to be used as the default if there are blank or invalid tax combination codes in the input budget data.

Click the Edit ChartFields link to search for an existing combination code or select a unique combination of ChartFields on the ChartField Detail page.

Exclusion Fringe Group

Select a group of fringe expenses that should not be funded by the earnings combination code. If you leave this blank, all fringe expenses are funded by the earnings combination code unless a tax or deduction override combination code is specified for a particular fringe expense.

Redirect Combination Code

If you have specified a fringe group, you can select a combination code to fund the fringe expenses included in the selected group.

Click the Edit ChartFields link to search for an existing combination code or select a unique combination of ChartFields on the ChartField Detail page.

Account Overrides

Use Acct Defined for Earnings, Use Acct Defined for Dedns, and Use Acct Defined for Tax

Select to enable account mapping for earnings, deductions, or taxes. The Actuals Distribution will use the account mapping you set up on the account mapping tables to map earnings, deductions or taxes to a different account than the one associated with the specified combination codes.


Click to run this request.

Click to jump to parent topicOption 2: Using the Build Current FY Budget Process

To use option two, use the Build Current FY Budget component (RUN_BUD005).

This section provides an overview of the Build Current FY Budget process and describes how to run the process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Build Current FY Budget Process

To build your current fiscal year budget, use or modify the Build Current FY Budget (build current fiscal year) process (BUD005.SQR). PeopleSoft delivers this process as a template that you use to establish budget information in your human resources system. Because this is a template, you might have to modify it to meet the requirements of your organization.

By completing this process, you create a department budget for the fiscal year you specify. The process builds budget data for each person who has a job in the department in the fiscal year and then adds budget data for any vacant positions within the department. Specify whether the budget should include amounts for people who are on leave of absence. Also specify the level(s) at which the budget is to be created. The Build Current FY Budget process also generates budget records for full time equivalents (FTEs).

For each department you specify, the Build Current FY Budget process creates a budget with the following levels:

Note. The Build Current FY Budget process creates only default budgets for employer-paid deductions or taxes (that is, with 100 percent of the funding assigned to the combination codes specified on the Build Current FY Budget page (RUNCTL_BUD005). To set up budget amounts, update the Department Budget Table component and set up encumbrance definitions for employer-paid taxes and deductions on the Encumbrance Definition component (ENCUMB_DEFN).

To calculate budgeted salary amounts for vacant positions, the system looks at the midpoint for the salary grade associated with the job code. The system then multiplies that amount by the number of vacant FTEs. (If a position is partly filled, the part that's filled is specified as appointments and the part that's not is specified as position.)

Review and modify the budget data created with the Build Current FY Budget in the Department Budget component.

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Build Current FY Budget (build current fiscal year budget)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Process Budgets, Build Current FY Budget

Create a budget for the current fiscal year. The Build Current FY Budget process enables you to specify which Department IDs the system should use and to establish budget information in your human resources system.

ChartField Detail


Click the Edit ChartFields link on the Build Current FY Budget page.

Use to select individual ChartField values or search for an existing combination code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Build Current FY Budget Process

Access the Build Current FY Budget (build current fiscal year budget) page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Process Budgets, Build Current FY Budget).

Build Current FY Budget

Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year of the budget you are creating.

Start Date and End Date

Enter the fiscal year's beginning date. The system then calculates the End Date by adding 365 days to the Start Date you enter. (If February 29th falls within your budget year, modify the Structured Query Report (SQR) program file to set the Dayinyear variable to 366.)


Click to run this request.


For each department, enter a SetID and the following information:

Budget Department

Select the department for which you are creating a fiscal year budget.

Budget Levels

Enter a budget level for each department. Budget levels control how the Build Current FY Budget process runs, which data the system uses, and how the resulting data appears in the Department Budget component. Select a Budget Level number:

  • Position and Appointment: The system looks at all job records (in order of position number) for the selected department for the fiscal year.

    If a position is specified and the Position Override check box is deselected on the Job Data − Work Location page, the system lists the information at the position level. If a position isn't specified on the Job Data - Work Location page, then the process lists information at the appointment level. Once all job records have been processed, vacant positions are listed at the position level.

  • Dept, Position and Appointment: The process works the same as with Position and Appointment, except that it also creates a department level budget using the specified earnings combination code.

    If you select Budget Amount (see next field), the system calculates the budget amount and overall cap in the Department Budget component by adding all position and appointment level entries.

  • Department Only: When selected, this value creates only a department level budget using the specified earnings combination code.

    If you select Budget Amount (see next field), the system calculates the budget amount and overall cap in the Department Budget component by adding all position and appointment level entries. If Budget Amount isn't selected, the system creates a department level budget without a budget amount and overall cap. Additionally, the system sets the percentage of distribution to 100 percent and uses the combination code you specify on this page.

  • Department and Position: When you select this value, the system looks at the department's position records (not at the appointment records) to create a position level and a department level budget as in Dept, Position and Appointment. Use this option only if all appointments have positions.

  • Department and Position Pool: If you select this value, the system looks at the position records associated with the selected department. Use this option only if all appointments have positions. The system looks first at positions attached to position pools and creates a position level budget. It then summarizes the remaining positions.

    If you select Budget Amount, all positions within the department (whether or not they are associated with a position pool) are reflected in the Budget Amount attached to the department level budget. Although a position level budget isn't created, all positions associated with the selected department are included in the department level budget.

Budget Amount

Select to establish dollar limits for a particular budget level. If selected, the system populates the Budget Amount field on the Department Budget Earnings page. The sum of the budget amounts for each budget level appears in the Budget Level Cap field.

If Budget Amount isn't selected, the system populates the percent of Distribution field on the Department Budget Earnings page and sets the Budget Level Cap to zero.

Percent Increase

If you select the Budget Amount check box, specify a positive or negative percentage in the Percent Increase field. The system uses the percentage you enter to increase or decrease the calculated salary before populating the Budget Amount and Budget Level Cap fields on the Department Budget Earnings page.

Offset Group

Enter an offset group to specify an offset combination code to be used for each type of transaction.

Budget Leave

Select if you want to include employees on leave without pay. The system treats them as if they were active employees. Select this option if your organization "backfills" for employees on leave. Organizations that backfill count the salaries of employees on leave with the assumption that they need a substitute person in that position.

Combination Codes Tab

Suspense Combination Code

Specify a default suspense combination code for the system to associate with the department budget.

Click the Edit ChartFields link to search for an existing combination code or select a unique combination of ChartFields on the ChartField Detail page.

Combination Code (Earnings)

Enter the combination code to be used for earnings on the Department Budget Earnings page. If you have specified an earnings combination code on the employee's job record, the system uses that value instead.

Click the Edit ChartFields link to search for an existing combination code or select a unique combination of ChartFields on the ChartField Detail page.

See Editing ChartField Combinations in HCM Transactions.

Combination Code (Deductions)

Enter the combination code to be used for deductions on the Dept Budget Deductions page. If you have specified a deductions combination code on the employee's job record, the system uses that value instead.

Click the Edit ChartFields link to search for an existing combination code or select a unique combination of ChartFields on the ChartField Detail page.

See Editing ChartField Combinations in HCM Transactions.

Combination Code (Tax)

Enter the combination code to be used for taxes on the Dept Budget Taxes page. If you have specified a tax combination code on the employee's job record, the system uses that value instead.

Click the Edit ChartFields link to search for an existing combination code or select a unique combination of ChartFields on the ChartField Detail page.

See Editing ChartField Combinations in HCM Transactions.

Fringe Group Tab

Exclusion Fringe Group

Select a group of fringe expenses to exclude from funding from the earnings combination code. If you leave this field blank, the system funds all fringe costs from the combination code.

Redirect Combination Code

If you have specified a fringe group, you can select a combination code to fund the fringe expenses included in the selected group.

Individual fringe costs within the fringe group that have a specified deductions or tax funding source are funded by those sources, not this redirect combination code.

Click the Edit ChartFields link to search for an existing combination code or select a unique combination of ChartFields on the ChartField Detail page.

Distribution Tab

Use Acct Defined for Earnings, Use Acct Defined for Dedns, and Use Acct Defined for Tax

Select to enable account mapping for earnings, deductions, or taxes. The Actuals Distribution uses the account mapping you set up on the account mapping tables to map earnings, deductions, or taxes to a different account than the one associated with the specified combination codes.

Click to jump to parent topicOption 3: Using the Copy Prior Fiscal Year Budget Process

To use option three, use the Copy Prior FY Budget component (RUN_BUD006).

This section provides an overview of the Copy Prior Fiscal Year Budget process and describes how to run the process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Copy Prior Fiscal Year Budget Process

Generate a new annual budget using last year's budget information with the Copy Prior FY Budget (copy prior fiscal year budget) process (BUD006.SQR). PeopleSoft delivers this process as a template that you use to establish budget information in your human resources system. Because this is a template, you might have to modify it to meet the requirements of your organization.

By running this process, you generate a new budget using last year's budget information. Enter the business unit and/or department budgets that you want to copy. For each department with a budget for the specified prior-year dates, the system copies all budget data (earnings, deductions, taxes, and full time equivalents) from last year to this year, except that rows with funding end dates during the prior fiscal year are not copied. The system duplicates all budget information, except for the new fiscal year end dates that you specified as part of the run control.

Review and modify the budget data created with the Copy Prior Fiscal Year Budget process in the Department Budget Table component.

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Copy Prior FY Budget (copy prior fiscal year budget)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Process Budgets, Copy Prior FY Budget

Generate a new annual budget using last year's budget information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Copy Prior FY Budget

Access the Copy Prior FY Budget page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Process Budgets, Copy Prior FY Budget).

Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year of the budget you are creating.

Start Date and End Date

Enter the fiscal year's beginning date. The system then calculates the End Date by adding 365 days to the Start Date you enter. (If February 29th falls within your budget year, modify the Structured Query Report [SQR] program file to set the Dayinyear variable to 366.)

Bus. Unit for Budget Copy (Blank for All)

If applicable, enter the business unit budget you want to copy. Leave this field blank if you want to copy budgets for all business units.

Budget Dept. ID for Budget Copy (Blank for All)

If applicable, enter the department ID for the budget you want to copy. Leave this field blank if you want to copy budgets for all departments.


Click to run this request.

Click to jump to parent topicAssigning Suspense Combination Codes in Batch

To assign suspense accounts, use the Load Suspense Combination Code component (RUN_BUD021) to run the Load Suspense Account Codes (BUD021) process.

This section provides an overview of suspense combination codes assigned to budgets created with one of the first three options and describes how to load suspense combination codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Suspense Combination Codes to Fiscal Year Budgets Created Using Options 1, 2, and 3

Budgets created using options 1, 2, or 3 may not have assigned suspense combination codes. When you run these three processes, the process trace file will list the budgets that do not have an assigned suspense combination code. Since a suspense combination code is required for each department budget, you use the Load Suspense Combination Code process (BUD021) to assign suspense combination codes to those department budgets that require them.

The encumbrances and actuals processes will charge all unfunded amounts to the selected suspense combination code. The suspense combination code enables the encumbrance and actuals processes to continue posting to the specified combination code even when the funding source is exhausted or inactive. Indicate at least one suspense combination code and indicate the effective date of the suspense combination code for each department budget.

The combination code you use here cannot be used anywhere else in the department budget.

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Load Suspense Combination Code


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Process Budgets, Load Suspense Combination Code

Use to assign suspense combination codes to departments that require them.

ChartField Detail


Click the Edit ChartFields link on the Loading Suspense Combination Code page.

Use to select individual ChartField values or search for an existing combination code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Suspense Combination Codes

Access the Load Suspense Combination Code page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Process Budgets, Load Suspense Combination Code).

Suspense ChartFields


Select the SetID of the departments to which you are assigning suspense combination codes.

All Budgets

Select to have the process assign the suspense combination code displayed in the Combination Code field to every department for the selected fiscal year with the exception of those departments you select in the Departments group box.

Combination Code

Click the Edit ChartFields link to search for an existing combination code or select a unique combination of ChartFields on the ChartField Detail page. The value(s) you select will be assigned to department budgets.

If you select the All Budgets check box, the process will assign this suspense combination code to all department budgets, including those that already have an assigned suspense combination code (the process will replace the assigned suspense combination code with the one selected here).

If you do not select the All Budgets check box, the process will assign this suspense combination code to those department budgets that don't yet have one.

The system will not assign this suspense combination code to a department budget if you enter an alternative in the Departments group box.

See Editing ChartField Combinations in HCM Transactions.

Fiscal Year and From Date

Select the budget fiscal year and date from which it starts.


Budget Department and Combination Code

Select one or more department budgets and the suspense combination code to assign to it.

Click the Edit ChartFields link to search for an existing combination code or select a unique combination of ChartFields on the ChartField Detail page.

Click to jump to parent topicOption 4: Using the Department Budget Table Component

To use option four, use the Department Budget Table CAN component (DEPT_BUDGET_CN) or the Department Budget Table USA component (DEPT_BUDGET).

This section provides overviews of the Department Budget Table components and of each page in the component, lists common elements used on the Department Budget Table pages, and describes how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Department Budget Table Component

Use the Department Budget Table components to manually create annual budgets and to modify budgets created by the automated budget-building processes.

Budget the salary expenditures for each department by department, position pool, job code, position number, or appointment, or by any combination of these levels. At each budget level, define a budget cap individually for earnings, deductions, and taxes—or for all expenditures together. This cap ensures that the sum of all lower-level budgets doesn't exceed a higher-level budget cap. It isn't used for checking funds during the processing of encumbrance and actuals. The budget amounts are used for the latter purpose.

Note. To use the encumbrance and distribution processes, establish budget data for every department in your organization for which you select the Use Comm. Acctg/Budgeting check box on the Departments - Comm. Accgt. and EG page.

See Enabling and Controlling Department Information for Specified Customers.

Retroactive Changes to Budgets

After a budget has been used by the encumbrance or actuals distribution processes you can no longer correct it. To make changes to the budget, insert an effective-dated and sequenced row that the system will use to make retroactive changes. The Used by Distribution field on each department budget page indicates if a budget has been used.

Department Budget Table Search Page

Once you select the budgeting level for a department, enter budgeting information using the Department Budget Table component. When you select Department Budget Table CAN or Department Budget Table USA from the menu, the Department Budget Table search page appears. The budget level you specify in the search page enables you to pinpoint the level of detail you want to see in the Department Budget Table component.

Department Budget Table: Find an Existing Value page

In the search page, select the SetID and Department for the department budget you are defining. Enter the department budget Fiscal Year. The information you specify here displays at the top of each of the six pages in the Department Budget Table component.

Select a Budget Level from the following options:

When you've specified the department budget information, click OK.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Dept Budget Earnings Page

The system uses the combination code information from the Department Budget Earnings page when processing encumbrances and actuals distribution if there isn't a person-specific combination code override.

For encumbrance calculations, a combination code override can be entered on Job Earnings Distribution page (JOB_DATA_ERNDIST) or Job Data - Payroll page (JOB_DATA2). For actuals distribution process, the combination code override is automatically populated from the Job Earnings Distribution page, the Job Data - Payroll page, and the Additional Pay page (ADDITIONAL_PAY1). Otherwise, the override can manually entered on paysheet pages (PAY_SHEET_ADD_S, PAY_SHEET_LINE_S, PAY_SHEET_LN_S, PAY_OL_SHEET_S1).

When you run the encumbrance process to calculate encumbrance data, the system looks first for a combination code on the Job Earnings Distribution page. If no code is specified there, it next looks for a combination code on the Job Data - Payroll page, and if that code doesn't exist, it looks for combination code information on the Department Budget Earnings page. The system looks first for appointment level funding, then position or job code level funding, the position pool, and finally department level funding. To calculate pre-encumbrance data, the system looks for combination code information on the Department Budget Earnings page. The system looks first for the position, then the position pool and finally department level funding.

The encumbrance process looks first for an entry with the earnings code you've defined as regular for your organization, then at the default funding source (blank earnings code).

Similarly, when you run the Actuals Distribution process (PSPPFUND) to distribute your actuals across funding sources and accounting periods, the system looks first for a combination code specified on the Paysheet record (PAY_EARNINGS), which originates from the Job Earnings Distribution page or the Job Data page, and which you can override on the Paysheet. If there is no code specified there, then it looks at the combination code information on the Department Budget Earnings table.

The system performs fund checking when you run the Actuals Distribution process (PSPPFUND). If there is insufficient budget to distribute all or part of a person's earnings, benefits, or employer-paid taxes, the system generates messages to the Pay Messages component (PAY_MESSAGES) and distributes the unfunded amount to suspense combination code. If the budget is sufficient to cover part of the earnings, benefits, or taxes, then that part is distributed. Note also that funds checking is performed against the information on the Dept Budget pages (and not against the Overall/Detail caps; the latter are used to edit the budget amounts).

During this processing, the system searches active budget levels and stops using a funding source if a funding end date is specified and the processing occurs at a later date. For actuals distribution, the earnings end date is used for comparison with the funding end date.

To create multiple funding sources, insert multiple entries (there is no limit) to specify additional funding source. However, be aware of the following guidelines:

Note. Although you can choose to set up budgeting and funding at the department, position pool, job code, position, or appointment (EmplID) levels, the system stores actuals and encumbrance information at the lowest level, even if you define your budgeting and funding for the entire department. In this way, if you change the levels during your fiscal year, the system calculates the encumbrances and actuals according to your new funding levels.

See Also

Establishing Department Budgets for Employee Earnings

Distributing Job Earnings

Increasing the Workforce

Working with Paysheets

Reviewing and Modifying Payroll Messages

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverview of the Dept Budget Deductions Page

When you run the Actuals Distribution process, the process distributes to the override combination code specified on Job Data - Payroll page. If there is no override, the process distributes actual employer-paid deductions across the funding sources defined on Dept Budget Deduction page.

The system searches active budget levels and stops using a funding source if a funding end date is specified and the processing occurs at a later date. For actuals distribution, the earnings end date is used for comparison against the funding end date.

Unlike the Dept Budget Earnings page, the information specified here isn't used during encumbrance processing. Information specified on the Encumbrance Definition component is used for that purpose.

When the default funding source option is Actual or Earnings the system creates a Dept Budget Deductions record using the earnings combination code as a default combination code.

See Also

Budgeting for Employer-Paid Deductions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverview of the Dept Budget Taxes Page

When you run the Actuals Distribution process, the process distributes to the override combination code specified on Job Data - Payroll page as the override. If there is no override, the process distributes actual employer-paid taxes across funding sources defined on Dept Budget Taxes page.

The system searches active budget levels and stops using a funding source if a funding end date is specified and the processing occurs at a later date. For actuals distribution, the earnings end date is used for comparing against the funding end date.

The system ignores budget levels that have become inactive. It also stops using a funding source if a funding end date is specified and the processing occurs at a later date. For actuals distribution, the earnings end date is used for comparing against the funding end date.

Unlike the Dept Budget Earnings page, the information specified here isn't used during encumbrance processing; information specified on the Encumbrance Definition component is used for that purpose. Also unlike earnings information, you cannot override funding sources for employer-paid taxes at the job data or paysheet level.

When the default funding source option is Actual or Earnings the system creates a Dept Budget Tax record using the earnings combination code as a default combination code.

The Dept Budget Taxes page is virtually the same on the Department Budget Table CAN and Department Budget Table USA components. There are two small differences:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in the Department Budget Table Component

Effective Date and Effective Sequence

These indicate when a budget row takes effect and in what order to apply the row. The system uses these fields to determine when and what order to apply retroactive budget changes.

Sequence Number

Indicates the order (sequence) in which to use funding sources.

If you have some dollar-limited funding sources (Budget Amount) and some unlimited sources (% of Distribution), assign lower sequence numbers to the limited entries and higher numbers to the unlimited entries.

Combination Code and Edit ChartFields

For each earnings, deductions, or tax class row, select a combination code or a new combination of ChartFields.

Click the Edit ChartFields link to search for an existing combination code or select a unique combination of ChartFields on the ChartField Detail page.

Allow Overspend

Select this option to enable the encumbrance and actuals processes to continue to post transactions to a combination code even when the budget cap has been exceeded. This option is available only when the budget is expressed with a dollar amount.

Fiscal Year Budget Amount and Distribution %

For earnings and deductions, establish budgets in the Fiscal Year Budget Amount field or the Distribution % field. Once you enter one of these options, the other field becomes unavailable for entry. For example, if you decide to change from a budget amount to a percentage of distribution, first delete the existing amount. Similarly, to change from a percentage of distribution to a budget amount, first delete the percentage.

Fiscal Year Budget Amount determines funding using a dollar amount, whereas Distribution % uses percentages. When you specify multiple combination codes with a budget amount for a single budget sequence, percentage distribution is implied by the ratio between the amounts.

If you elect to use a budget amount, you'll update budget information annually with the new budget amounts for each department, job code, position pool, position number, or appointment. Funds checking uses the budget amount. If you don't want to exceed a dollar limit for a particular budget level, use only budget amounts rather than percentages.

If you use a combination of amounts and percentages (for example, some rows have amounts while others have percentages), make sure to apply percentages only to the last sequence numbers to ensure that there is sufficient funds to cover the flat amounts.

Funding End Date

Enter the date (if applicable) on which this funding source ends. Funding sources can continue beyond the current fiscal year. The system creates multiyear encumbrances based on this date.

If you do not enter a date, the system creates encumbrances for the current fiscal year only, but the funding source remains available for future fiscal years.

If you select the Funding End Date Defaults From Funding Source field on the Dept Budget Defaults page, the default funding end date for all earnings, deductions, and tax rows is the default funding end date for the funding source (as defined on the Funding Source Information page).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used in the Budget Table Component

Page Name

Definition Name



Dept Budget Date (department budget date)


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Budget Information, Department Budget Table CAN, Dept Budget Date

  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Budget Information, Department Budget Table USA, Dept Budget Date

Define the fiscal year budget's begin and end-dates as well as other department budget information.

Dept Budget Defaults (department budget defaults)


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Budget Information, Department Budget Table CAN, Dept Budget Defaults

  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Budget Information, Department Budget Table USA, Dept Budget Defaults

Set up budget defaults, such as funding source option, default deduction and tax funding sources.

Dept Budget Earnings (department budget earnings)


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Budget Information, Department Budget Table CAN, Dept Budget Earnings

  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Budget Information, Department Budget Table USA, Dept Budget Earnings

Establish department budgets for employee earnings in each department of your organization.

Dept Budget Deductions (department budget deductions)


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Budget Information, Department Budget Table CAN, Dept Budget Deductions

  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Budget Information, Department Budget Table USA, Dept Budget Deductions

Budget for employer-paid deductions in each department of your organization.

Dept Budget Taxes (department budget taxes)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Budget Information, Department Budget Table CAN, Dept Budget Taxes

Budget for employer-paid taxes in each Canadian department of your organization.

Dept Budget Taxes (department budget taxes)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Budget Information, Department Budget Table USA, Dept Budget Taxes

Budget for employer-paid taxes in each U.S. or Global department of your organization.

ChartField Detail


Click the Edit ChartFields link.

Use to select individual ChartField values or search for an existing combination code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Department Budget

Access the Dept Budget Date (department budget date) page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Budget Information, Department Budget Table USA, Dept Budget Date).

The options on the Dept Budget Date page are available only when you create a new department budget or access an existing budget in correction mode.

Budget Begin Date and Budget End Date

Enter the begin and end dates of this department budget.

Offset Group

Enter an offset group to specify the offset combination code to be used for each type of transaction.

Budget Cap

Budget Cap

Specify the type of budget cap for this department budget. At each budget level, define a cap as follows:

  • Per Budget Level (that is, for all expenditures combined): Sets a spending limit for each budget level and takes into account all earnings, deductions, and taxes budgets. This cap ensures that the sum of all lower-level budgets doesn't exceed a higher-level budget cap. It isn't used for checking funds during the processing of encumbrance and actuals. Instead, use the budget amounts specified for each entry on the Department Budget Earnings, Deductions, and Taxes pages.

  • Per Earn/Tax/Ded (that is, separately for earnings, deductions, and taxes): Enables you to define budget caps separately for earnings, deductions, and taxes.

Overall budget and earnings caps are maintained on the Dept Budget Earnings page. Separate caps for taxes and deductions are maintained on the Dept Budgets Deduction and Dept Budget Taxes (U.S. and Canada) pages, respectively.

Suspense Combination Code

Combination Code

Click the ChartField Details link to specify a suspense combination code. The encumbrance and actuals processes will charge all unfunded amounts to this account enabling the encumbrance and actuals processes to continue posting to the specified combination code even when the funding source is exhausted or inactive. Indicate at least one suspense combination code and indicate the effective date of the suspense combination code for each department budget.

The combination code you use here cannot be used anywhere else in the department budget.

Don't correct this combination code after it has been used; instead, enter a new, effective-dated suspense combination code.

See Editing ChartField Combinations in HCM Transactions.

See Also

Understanding Account Mapping

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Default Deduction and Tax Information for Departments

Access the Dept Budget Defaults (department budget defaults) page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Budget Information, Department Budget Table USA, Dept Budget Defaults).

Funding Defaults

Default Funding Source Option

Indicate if the Default Funding Source Option is Specified, Actual, or Earnings.

The default value, whether you create a budget manually or use one of the budget creation processes, is Actual. The system uses the funding source (combination code) specified for earnings as a default for deductions and taxes and distributes deductions and taxes over actual earnings unless you specify funding sources on the Dept Budget Deductions and Dept Budget Taxes pages.

When Actual or Earnings is the Default Funding Source Option, the system hides the Combination Code (Deductions), Funding End Date (Deductions), Combination Code (Tax), and Funding End Date (Tax) fields and the system uses the funding source (combination code) specified for earnings as a default for deductions and taxes.

When you select Specified, the system displays the Combination Code (Deductions), Funding End Date (Deductions), Combination Code (Tax), and Funding End Date (Tax) fields for you to specify the default funding options.

If there is no Default Funding Source Option, select No.

Funding End Date Defaults From Funding Source

Select this check box if you want the default funding end date for all new earnings, deductions, and tax rows, and for new encumbrance definitions, to be the funding end date from the Funding Source Information page.

This option applies regardless of the method you use to create your fiscal year budget.

Note. Changes on the Funding Source Information page do not affect existing funding end dates in the department budget; the system uses this setting only to set the default funding end date in newly created rows of budget data.

Exclusion Fringe Group

Select a group of fringe expenses to exclude from funding from the earnings funding source. This field is informational only and will be used as a default on Dept Budget Earnings page.

This field is available only when the Default Funding Source Option is Actual or Earnings.

Combination Code (Deductions)

If the Default Funding Source Option is Actual, enter a default combination code for deductions. The value in appears in the Combination Code field on the Dept Budget Deductions page, but you can override it.

Funding End Date (Deductions)

Enter the date (if applicable) on which the deductions combination code ends. If you do not enter a date, the system creates encumbrances for the current fiscal year only, but the funding source remains available for future fiscal years.

If the Funding End Date Defaults From Funding Source field is selected, the default value is the funding end date that is defined on the Funding Source Information page.

Combination Code (Tax)

Enter a default combination code for taxes. The value appears in the Combination Code field on the Dept Budget Taxes page, but you can override it.

Funding End Date (Tax)

Enter the date (if applicable) on which the tax combination code (funding source) ends. If you do not enter a date, the system creates encumbrances for the current fiscal year only, but the funding source remains available for future fiscal years.

If the Funding End Date Defaults From Funding Source field is selected, the default value is the funding end date that is defined on the Funding Source Information page.

Account Overrides

Use Acct Defined for Earnings, Use Acct Defined for Dedns, Use Acct Defined for US Tax, and Use Acct Defined for Can Tax

Select to enable account mapping for earnings, deductions, U.S. taxes, or Canadian taxes. The Actuals Distribution uses the account mapping you set up on the account mapping tables to map earnings, deductions, or taxes to a different account than the one associated with the specified combination codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Department Budgets for Employee Earnings

Access the Dept Budget Earnings page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Budget Information, Department Budget Table USA, Dept Budget Earnings).

Budget Level Cap and Currency

Enter the budget level cap that you want to place on this budget level. The cap is used to ensure that the sum of all lower-level budgets doesn't exceed this higher-level budget cap. It isn't used for checking funds during the processing of encumbrances and actuals. Also select a currency code.

Earnings Distribution

Use this grid to establish multiple funding sources and (optionally) specify a Funding End Date for each source. Funding sources are defined using a combination code that represents a valid General Ledger ChartField combination.

Establish one entry for each budget level in which the earnings code is blank. This entry is the default funding source and is used as the funding for all earnings where a specific entry for an earnings code hasn't been established.

Earnings Code

Select an earnings code to establish a budget for particular earnings type. Establish budgets for as many different types of earnings as needed.

% Effort (percentage of effort)

Represents a university's estimate of activity attributable to and associated with a specific grant (or funding source) for the defined begin and end-dates.

This field was designed for those higher education customers who need to track a "percentage of effort" as defined in the OMB A-21 regulations.

Exclusion Fringe Group

Select a group of fringe expenses to exclude from funding from the earnings combination code. If you leave this field blank, the system funds all fringe costs from the combination code.

This field is available only when the Default Funding Source Option is Actual or Earnings.

Redirect Combination Code

If you have specified a fringe group, you can select a combination code to fund the fringe expenses included in the selected group.

Individual fringe costs within the fringe group that have a funding source specified on the Dept Budget Deductions or Dept Budget Taxes pages are funded by those sources, not this redirect combination code.

The system does not override the account associated with this combination code even if the appropriate override is selected on the Dept Budget Data page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudgeting for Employer-Paid Deductions

Access the Dept Budget Deductions (department budget deductions) page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Budget Information, Department Budget Table USA, Dept Budget Deductions).

Deduction Budget Cap

If you selected Per Earn/Tax/Ded as the Budget Cap value on the Dept Budget Date page, the system displays the Deduction Budget Cap field. Use this field to define budget caps individually for earnings, deductions, and taxes.

Enter the deduction budget cap that you want to place on this budget level. The cap is used to ensure that the sum of all lower-level budgets doesn't exceed this higher-level budget. It isn't used for checking funds during the processing of encumbrances and actuals.

Deduction Distribution

Establish multiple deduction-plan types and (optionally) specify a Funding End Date for each of those plans. Funding sources are defined using a combination code that represents a valid General Ledger ChartField combination.

Establish one entry for each budget level in which the deduction Plan Type, Plan, Ded Cd, and Ded Class are blank. This entry is the default funding source and is used as the funding for all deductions where a specific entry for a deduction type hasn't been established.

Plan Type, Plan, Deduction Code, and Deduction Class

Select a deduction plan type, plan, deduction code, and deduction class from the available options.


Indicates if this funding source overrides the default funding source established on Dept Budget Earnings page.

Note. If you make an entry in one of these fields (Plan, Deduction Code, or Deduction Class), you must enter all fields.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudgeting for Employer-Paid Taxes

Access the Dept Budget Taxes (department budget taxes) page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Budget Information, Department Budget Table USA, Dept Budget Taxes).

Tax Budget Cap

If you selected Per Earn/Tax/Ded as the Budget Cap value on the Dept Budget Data page, the system displays the Tax Budget Cap field. Use this field to define budget caps individually for earnings, deductions, and taxes.

Enter the Tax Budget Cap that you want to place on this budget level. The cap is used to ensure that the sum of all lower-level budgets doesn't exceed this higher-level budget. It isn't used for checking funds during the processing of encumbrances and actuals.

Tax Distribution

Establish multiple state or province taxes and tax classes and (optionally) specify a Funding End Date for each of those classes. Funding sources are defined using a combination code that represents a valid General Ledger ChartField combination.

Establish one entry for each budget level in which the deduction Tax Class, State or Province, and Locality (U.S. only) are blank. This entry is the default funding source and is used as the funding for all tax classes where a specific entry for a Tax Class hasn't been established.

State or Province, Tax Class, and Locality

Specify a budget for a particular type of tax. (For U.S. federal tax, enter $U. as the state)


Indicates if this funding source overrides the default funding source established on Dept Budget Earnings page.

Note. If you enter one of these fields (State/Province, Locality, or Tax Class), you must enter all fields.

Click to jump to parent topicReporting on Funding

This section explains how to generate a summary of your funding information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the Funding Summary Report

Page Name

Definition Name



Funding Summary Report


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Reports, Funding Summary USA

Run a Funding Summary Report (BUD011), which lists a summary of funding information for positions or people within a department. This report can also print information about a specific position or person when you enter employee or position information as a run control.

Before using this page, you must have set up funding information for the departments on which you are reporting.

Funding Summary Report


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Reports, Funding Summary CAN

(CAN) Run a Funding Summary Report (BUD011C).

Note. See Usage description of the Funding Summary USA.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Funding Summary Report

Access the Funding Summary Report page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Reports, Funding Summary USA).

Funding Summary By

Indicate if you want the funding summary to list information by Appointment Level or by Position Level.

Report Option

Indicate if you want the report to summarize funding for Earnings, Deductions, or Tax.

Position Number

If you want the system to report on the funding summary for a single position, enter the position number on which you want to report.

Active Data Only

Select to run the report for active positions only.

Output CSV File

Select to save report output in text or spreadsheet format.

Click to jump to parent topicReporting on Department Budgets

Use the following reports to collect and review information about fiscal year department budgets:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Report on Department Budgets

Page Name

Definition Name



Reconciliation Report


  • Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Commitment Accounting CAN, Reconciliation Report

  • Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Commitment Accounting USA, Reconciliation Report

  • Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Commitment Accounting USF, Reconciliation Report

Reports on the encumbrances and actuals for each department budget for the selected fiscal year.

Fiscal Year Budget Report


  • Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Commitment Accounting CAN, Fiscal Year Budget Report

  • Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Commitment Accounting USA, Fiscal Year Budget Report

  • Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Commitment Accounting USF, Fiscal Year Budget Report

Reports on appointment budgets (earnings, deductions, and taxes) in the department budget.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Fiscal Year Budget Report

Access the Fiscal Year Budget Report page (Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Commitment Accounting USA, Fiscal Year Budget Report).

Report Request Parameter(s)

Fiscal Year, SetID, and Department ID

Select the fiscal year, SetID, and department ID of the budget you want to report on.

Sort Order

Budget Level and Sequence

Select one or more of the following department levels:

  • Appointment: Reports on appointment budgets (earnings, deductions, and taxes) in the department budget. (See Defining Fiscal Year Budgets for details.)

  • Department: Reports on the department budget (earnings, deductions, and taxes). If you don't select the department budget level, the report still reports the FTE maximum and FTE actual for the department.

  • Jobcode: Reports on job budgets (earnings, deductions, and taxes) in the department budget.

  • Position: Reports on position budgets (earnings, deductions, and taxes) in the department budget.

  • Posn Pool (position pool): Reports on position pool budgets (earnings, deductions, and taxes) in the department budget.


Enter the sequence in which you want the selected budget level information to be reported, with 1 being first.