Setting Up the Payroll Process

This chapter provides overviews of human resources (HR) information used in the payroll process, tables that support the payroll process, pay calendar date fields, and shift pay calculation methods, and discusses how to:

Note. Many other setup steps are covered in other chapters of this PeopleBook and the PeopleSoft HCM Application Fundamentals PeopleBook.

See Also

Getting Started with Payroll for North America

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding HCM Information Used in the Payroll Process

Much of the employee information required to process a payroll resides in tables common to all PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (PeopleSoft HCM) applications. Employee workforce and benefits information (such as name, address, social security number or social insurance number, rate of pay, department, medical and savings plans, and so on) works in conjunction with payroll data that you provide.

Relationship Between PeopleSoft HCM and Payroll for North America Pages

Depending on how your company is organized, you might be responsible for entering all payroll-related information. In many companies, the human resources department enters general company and benefit data, but only the payroll department is authorized to enter data specific to payroll.

This diagram illustrates the flow of employee data from PeopleSoft HR (Workforce Administration, Benefits, and Employee Pay Data) to Payroll for North America for payroll processing:

Processing flow from PeopleSoft HR (Workforce Administration, Benefits, and Employee Pay Data) to Payroll for North America

See Also

Setting Up Benefit Plans

Increasing the Workforce

(USF) Adding an Employment Instance

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tables That Support the Payroll Process

Many tables supply information for the primary payroll process tables. For example:

See Also

Getting Started with Payroll for North America

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Pay Calendar Date Fields

This section discusses:

Note. The examples in this section use a pay period that starts on February 15, 2002, ends on February 28, 2002, and has a check date of March 1, 2002.

Note. Because Payroll for North America balance records have effective dates, you do not have to clear balance accumulators before you begin processing payrolls for a new calendar month, quarter, or year.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInteractions with General Deductions

To process a general deduction for an employee, the system uses two dates from the Create General Deductions page:

If the effective date of the deduction is before, or on, the pay period end date, the system takes the deduction.

If you specify a deduction end date, the system takes the deduction only if the deduction end date is after, or on, the pay period end date.

The following tables display examples of how the system uses dates in processing general deductions:

Deduction Effective Date

Deduction Taken?


February 15, 2002


Effective date is before, or on, the pay period end date.

February 16, 2002


Effective date is before, or on, the pay period end date.

February 28, 2002


Effective date is before, or on, the pay period end date.

March 1, 2002


Effective date is not before, or on, the pay period end date.


Deduction End Date

Deduction Taken?


February 15, 2002


Deduction end date is not after, or on, the pay period end date.

February 16, 2002


Deduction end date is not after, or on, the pay period end date.

February 28, 2002


Deduction end date is after, or on, the pay period end date.

March 1, 2002


Deduction end date is after, or on, the pay period end date.

See Also

Setting Up Employee General Deductions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInteractions with Additional Pay

To process additional pay for an employee, the system uses two dates from the Create Additional Pay page:

If the effective date of the additional pay is before, or on, the pay period end date, the system pays the additional pay.

If you specify an earnings end date, the system pays the additional pay only if the end date is after the pay period begin date.

The following tables display examples of how the system uses dates in processing additional pay:

Additional Pay Effective Date

Additional Pay Paid?


February 15, 2002


Effective date is before, or on, the pay period end date.

February 16, 2002


Effective date is before, or on, the pay period end date.

February 28, 2002


Effective date is before, or on, the pay period end date.

March 1, 2002


Effective date is not before, or on, the pay period end date.


Earnings End Date

Additional Pay Paid?


February 14, 2002


Earnings end date is not after the pay period begin date.

February 15, 2002


Earnings end date is not after the pay period begin date.

February 16, 2002


Earnings end date is after the pay period begin date.

March 1, 2002


Earnings end date is after the pay period begin date.

See Also

PeopleSoft HR 9.1 PeopleBook: Manage Base Benefits

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInteractions with Benefit Deductions

The following table displays examples of how the system uses dates in processing benefit deductions:

Deduction Begin Date (Effective Date)

Benefit Deduction Taken?


February 15, 2002


Deduction begin date is before, or on, the pay period end date.

February 16, 2002


Deduction begin date is before, or on, the pay period end date.

February 28, 2002


Deduction begin date is before, or on, the pay period end date.

March 1, 2002


Deduction begin date is not before, or on, the pay period end date.

See Also

PeopleSoft HR 9.1 PeopleBook: Manage Base Benefits

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInteractions with Job Data

The effective date on the Job Data - Work Location page, together with the action that you select, determines whether the system processes an employee during a payroll run.

The effective date on an employee's Job record represents the first day that a change takes place. For example, if an employee has a Job record with an action of termination and an effective date of January 15, 2002, then January 15, 2002 represents the first day that the employee is no longer working. Therefore, the system does not pay the employee for that day.

Note. (USF) PeopleSoft HR for U.S. federal government accommodates statutory and regulatory requirements. Personnel actions that begin new stages of employment (hire, promotion, reassignment, transfer, disciplinary action, and pay rate changes) are effective at the beginning of the business day. Personnel actions such as removal and termination are effective at the end of the business day.

The following tables display examples of how the system uses the effective dates from the job data:

Hire Effective Date

Employee Active on Paysheets?

Resulting Paysheet Proration


February 15, 2002


Full pay.

Hire effective date is before, or on, the pay period begin date.

February 16, 2002


Prorated February 16−February 28.

Hire effective date is after the pay period begin date.

February 28, 2002


Prorated February 28 only.

Hire effective date is after the pay period begin date.

March 1, 2002


Not on paysheet.

Hire effective date is not before, or on, the pay period end date.


Termination Effective Date

Employee Active on Paysheets

Resulting Paysheet Proration


February 15, 2002


Not on paysheet.

Termination effective date is before, or on, the pay period begin date.

February 16, 2002


Prorated February 15 only

Termination effective date is after the pay period begin date.

February 28, 2002


Prorated February 15–February 27.

Termination effective date is after the pay period begin date.

March 1, 2002


Full pay.

Termination effective date is after the pay period end date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInteractions with the Deduction Table

Depending on the employee status on the Job Data - Work Location page (for example, if the employee has been terminated), there is another field that determines whether the system takes benefit and general deductions: the Stop Deduction at Termination field on the Deduction Table - Process page.

If the Stop Deduction at Termination check box is selected, an employee must have an active employee status during the entire pay period for the system to take the deduction.

The following table displays whether the system would take the deduction for employees who were terminated on different days of a pay period:

Termination Effective Date

Deduction Taken?


February 15, 2002


Employee is not on the paysheet. If paid, the deduction is still not taken.

February 16, 2002


Employee is not active for the entire period.

February 28, 2002


Employee is not active for the entire period.

March 1, 2002


Employee is active for the entire period.

See Also

Defining Deductions

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Shift Pay Calculation Methods

Payroll for North America provides a variety of methods for setting up and calculating shift pay.

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicComparison of Shift Pay Methods

This section describes the shift pay methods and then compares them.

Shift Method Descriptions

This table describes the primary shift pay methods:



Earnings based on other earnings or accumulator.

Create a separate earnings code for shift differential based on another earnings code or a special accumulator of earnings and pay it out as other earnings.

You can set up shift differential as a percentage of amount (amount based) or a flat rate per hour (hours based).

Rate adjustment factor or earnings adjustment factor.

Add an adjustment factor to applicable earnings on the earnings table:

  • Rate adjustment factor: Add an amount to the employee's hourly rate.

  • Earnings adjustment factor: Add a flat amount to the total earnings.

Pay group setID and Shift table.

Create each applicable shift for a setID on the Shift table. Assign each employee to one of these shifts.

Specify the shift differential on the shift table or at the employee level in Job data.

Shift Method Comparisons

This table briefly compares the shift pay methods:


Use Shift Table?

Earnings Elig for shift

Additional Pay Setup

Shift Earnings to Paysheet

Shift Pay on Paycheck

Earnings based on other earnings or accumulator



Assign shift earnings code.

System adds shift earnings code as other earnings.

No manual paysheet entry.


Rate adjustment factor or earnings adjustment factor



Assign shift earnings code.

System adds shift earnings code as other earnings.

Manually enter shift hours.


Pay group setID and Shift table



Not required

No separate shift earnings code.

No manual paysheet entry.

Not separate

The following sections describe these methods in more detail.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEarnings Code Based on Other Earnings

Use the Based on Other Earnings/Hours group box on the Earnings Table - Calculation page to calculate shift pay based on either hours or amount of another earnings code or a special accumulator.

Calculation Description

This table describes the pages and fields that you can use to enter shift differential when you base the shift pay on other earnings:


Shift Differential Entry

Description of Shift Earnings Calculation

Earnings Table - General

Unit/Override Rate

Shift differential rate times hours of the specified earnings or accumulator.

Earnings Table - Calculation

Multiplication Factor

Shift differential percent times the amount of the specified earnings or accumulator.

Additional Pay

Hourly Rate

Shift differential rate times hours of the specified earnings or accumulator.

Setup Summary

This table summarizes how to set up shift pay using each of these calculation methods:

Shift Differential Entry

Earnings Table Setup Summary

Additional Pay Setup Summary

Unit Override Rate

General page:

  • Select Unit Override Rate as the payment type

  • Enter the shift differential.

Taxes page: Deselect Elig for Shift Differential.

Calculation page:

  • Indicate either Single Earnings or Special Accumulator as the type, and then enter the specific earnings code or accumulator.

  • Select Hours in the Based on Amount or Hours option.

  • Enter the earnings code that you set up for shift pay based on other earnings.

  • Do not enter an hourly rate.

Note. If you set up an earnings code for shift pay that uses the unit/override rate and is based on a single earnings code, you must ensure that you include the shift earnings code on each payline that contains the earnings on which it is based. For example, if the shift earnings is based on the REG earnings, and if you manually add an additional REG payline to the paysheet, you must manually add the shift earnings code to that payline as well.

Multiplication Factor

General page: Payment type must be Amounts Only.

Taxes page: Deselect Elig for Shift Differential.

Calculation page:

  • Enter the percentage factor in the Multiplication Factor field.

  • Select either Single Earnings or Special Accumulator as the type, and then enter the specific earnings code or accumulator.

  • Select Amount in the Based on Amount or Hours option.

  • Enter the earnings code that you set up for shift pay based on other earnings.

  • Do not enter an hourly rate.

Additional Pay Hourly Rate

General page: Select Hours Only as the payment type.

Taxes page: Deselect Elig for Shift Differential.

Calculation page:

  • Select either Single Earnings or Special Accumulator as the type, and then enter the specific earnings code or accumulator.

  • Select Hours in the Based on Amount or Hours option.

  • Enter the earnings code that you set up for shift pay based on other earnings.

  • Enter the employee's hourly shift differential in the Hourly Rate field.

Example of Shift Calculations When Based on Other Earnings

All of the example calculations use this data:



Shift earnings based on single earnings code

REG (base pay earnings)

Shift-eligible hours in pay period


REG earnings for pay period


Base pay hourly rate


This table shows the shift calculation for each differential entry method:

Differential Entry


Shift Earnings Calculation

Total Earnings (REG + Shift)

Unit Override Rate


40 x $2.00 = $80.00


Multiplication Factor


$400.00 x .5 = $200.00


Hourly Rate in Additional Pay


40 x $3.00 = $120.00


Note. The system reports the regular earnings and the shift earnings separately on the paycheck.

See Also

Establishing Special Accumulator Codes

Specifying Calculation Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEarnings Code with Adjustment Factor

You can set up earnings codes for shift pay using these factors on the Earnings Table – Calculation page:



Rate Adjustment Factor

An amount that adjusts the hourly rate that is associated with the earnings.

Earnings Adjustment Factor

An amount that adjusts the total earnings amount calculated for the earnings.

Here are some additional considerations for using earnings code adjustment factors to calculate shift pay:

Example: Rate Adjustment Factor Calculation

The system uses this method to calculate the shift pay with a rate adjustment factor:



Calculate new hourly rate

hourly rate (job data or additional pay) + adj. factor = new hourly rate

Calculate the amount of pay

new hourly rate x hours = amount

This example shows the calculation of a rate adjustment factor of $5.50 for an employee who worked 8 hours with an hourly rate of $10.00 in the pay earnings record:



Calculate new hourly rate

$10.00 + $ 5.50 = $15.50

Calculate the amount of pay

$15.50 x 8 = $124.00

Example: Earnings Adjustment Factor Calculation

The system uses this method to calculate the shift pay with an earnings adjustment factor:



Calculate earnings amount

hours x hourly rate (job data or additional pay) = earnings amount

Calculate new earnings amount

earnings amount + factor = new earnings amount

This example shows the calculation of an earnings adjustment factor of $25.00 for an employee who worked 8 hours with an hourly rate of $10.00 in the pay earnings record:



Calculate earnings amount

8 x $10 = $80

Calculate new earnings amount

$80 + $25 = $105.00

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPay Group SetID and Shift Table

This section discusses:

Note. This method of calculating shift applies only to hourly and exception hourly employees, based on the employee type specified on the employee's job data. The system does not calculate shift pay for employee type S (salaried).

Summary of Shift Pay Setup Using the Shift Table

To set up shift differential using the pay group setID and the Shift table:

  1. Set up setIDs.

    See Working with System Data Regulation in HCM.

  2. Verify or add values to the Translate table to identify the shifts that you intend to set up.

  3. Set up shifts for setIDs, specifying the differential as a rate, a factor, or both.

    Note. You can set up the same shift differential for all employees in the shift, or you can specify the differential separately on the Job Information page for each employee assigned to the shift.

    See Setting Up the Shift Table.

  4. Link a shift SetID to a pay group.

    See Setting Up Pay Groups.

  5. Assign employees to a valid shift on the Job Information page.

    See Entering Job Information.

  6. Select Elig. for Shift Differential (eligible for shift differential) on the Earnings Table - Taxes page for applicable hourly earnings codes.

    Selecting this check box triggers shift processing during paysheet creation and payroll calculation.

    See Entering Special Options and Tax Methods for Earnings Codes.

Relationship Between SetID, Pay Group, and Shift

The employee's shift differential is based on the Shift table entry for the setID of the employee's pay group and the employee's shift assignment.

This example shows the shift table entries for a second shift that has two rate differentials that are linked to different setIDs:


Shift ID



Shift 2



Shift 2


Two pay groups are assigned to shift 2.

This table illustrates that the setID assigned to the pay group identifies the correct shift 2 differential for that pay group:


Pay Group

Shift 2 Differential


Weekly A



Biweekly B


Shift Differential Processing

Here's how payroll processing uses the setup data:

To process shift pay, the system checks:

  1. Employees' job records and paylines to verify that you have assigned each of them to a shift and that the employee type in job data is hourly or exception hourly.

  2. The Shift table to determine how you've defined each shift and whether there are any associated shift differentials that affect earnings.

  3. The Earnings table to see whether the earnings are eligible for shift differential.

There must be an entry on the Shift table for the setID that is linked to the pay group. If a shift value is not defined on the Shift table, the system generates an error message during pay calculation that the shift value was not found.

Note. If your organization doesn't use multiple shifts, you must still set up the Not Applicable (N/A) shift with blank values in the Shift table for each pay group setID. N/A is the default shift in Job data. Setting up this entry in the Shift table avoids potential processing errors if an earnings code is created with Elig for Shift Differential selected (the default value), which would trigger the shift pay processing of the employee's shift identified in Job data.

Shift Differential Calculation Formulas

This table defines terms used in shift differential calculation:



Shift rate

The shift differential expressed as a flat amount per hour.

Shift factor

The shift differential percentage.

Pay rate

The hourly rate in the Pay Earnings record.

Hours worked

The number of hours associated with the earnings code for that pay period.

The system follows these steps to calculate shift differentials:



Calculate the shift premium

shift rate + (shift factor × pay rate) = shift premium

Adjust the total earnings eligible for shift differential

(pay rate + shift premium) × hours worked = adjusted earnings

Example: Shift Differential Calculations

In this example, the company set up three shifts and shift differentials as follows:





$0.50 per hour




10 percent


$1 per hour

15 percent

This table shows the earnings calculation in each shift for an hourly employee earning $10.00 an hour and working 40 shift-eligible hours:


Step 1. Shift Premium Calculation

Step 2. Earnings Calculation


$0.50 + (0 × $10) = $0.50

($10 + $0.50) × 40 = $420


0 + (0.10 × $10) = $1

($10 + $1) × 40 = $440


$1 + (0.15 × $10) = $2.50

($10 + $2.50) × 40 = $500

Note. The system does not report shift earnings calculated with the Shift table as a separate earnings code or earnings line on paychecks and reports such as the payroll register.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Shift Table

To set up shifts, use the Shift Table (SHIFT_TABLE) component.

This section provides an overview of shifts and discusses how to set up a shift.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Shifts

You define shifts in two places:

Note. The values in the Shift table and Translate table must match. You must add new shift values to the Translate table using PeopleSoft Application Designer before adding them to the Shift table.

Note. The values in the Shift table and Translate table must match. You must add new shift values to the Translate table using PeopleSoft Application Designer before adding them to the Shift table. If you don't have multiple shifts, deactivate all shift values in the Translate table (except for the N/A shift value), and define the N/A shift in the Shift table.

Note. Shift earnings are not currently broken out on reports, such as paychecks and payroll registers. To review shift earnings separately, set them up as earnings codes in the Earnings table.

See Also

Pay Group SetID and Shift Table

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up and Report on Shifts

Page Name

Definition Name



Shift Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Compensation and Earnings, Shift Table, Shift Table

Define a shift.

Note. Note. If you don't have shifts, you must still define the Not Applicable shift with blank values on the Shift table.

Shift Report


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Comp/Earnings Table Reports, Shift, Shift Report

Run PAY708, which generate a report that lists information from the Shift table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Shift

Access the Shift Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Compensation and Earnings, Shift Table, Shift Table).

Shift Table Information

Time In Hour, Time In Minute, Time Out Hour, and Time Out Minute

The time format uses a 24-hour clock. To define a second shift from 4 p.m. to 11:59 p.m., enter 16, 00, 23, and 59. These fields are for your information only.

Employee Shift Differential?

Specified at Employee level

Select this check box if shift premiums vary from employee to employee within the shift and setID. This option enables you to define the shift premium rate or factor for any employee assigned to the shift at the employee level on the Job Information page.

Rate and Factor

If you deselect the Specified at Employee level check box, enter the shift differential as a rate (flat amount), a factor (percentage), or both.

Note. If you enter a rate or factor, it applies to all employees assigned to that shift. You cannot override these definitions at the employee level.

See Also

Entering Job Information

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing Special Accumulator Codes

To set up special accumulators, use the Special Accumulator Table (SPCL_EARNS_TABLE) component.

This section provides an overview of special accumulators and lists the pages used to establish special accumulator codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Special Accumulators

The Savings Plan table and the General Deduction table use special accumulator codes in calculation routines.

Here's how to set up special accumulator codes:

Special Accumulator Example

To understand special accumulators, consider this example of setting up a 401(k) retirement savings plan to calculate the 401(k) deduction as a percentage of regular, overtime, holiday, vacation, and sick earnings:

  1. Create a three-character code for the Special Accumulator table, such as 401.

    This code accumulates all earnings that affect 401(k).

  2. For each valid earnings code (such as regular or overtime), enter the 401 special accumulator code on the Earnings Table - Special Process page, and select Adds to Special Balance in the Effect on Special Balance field.

    This tells the system to add these earnings to the 401 special accumulator.

  3. Define the 401(k) calculation in the Savings Plan table, and specify Use 401 Special Accumulator Instead of Total Gross.

    The system now calculates 401(k) deduction amounts based on the total amount of earnings designated with the 401 special accumulation code.

(USA) Special Accumulator for Supplemental Earnings

Create a special accumulator code to store each employee's taxable gross for supplemental payments to identify the correct point at which the higher federal supplemental withholding tax rate applies. Enter this special accumulator on the Earnings Table - Special Process page with T selected in the Effect on Special Balance field for each earnings code identified as using the supplemental tax method.

Note. You must select T in the Effect on Special Balance field for each earnings code identified as using the supplemental tax method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Establish Special Accumulator Codes

Page Name

Definition Name



Special Accumulator Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Compensation and Earnings, Special Accumulator Table, Special Accumulator Table

Define accumulators for deduction calculation.

Review Special Accumulators - Earnings


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Compensation and Earnings, Review Special Accumulators, Earnings

Display the earnings codes that you specified in the Earnings table as having an effect on this special accumulator.

This page is display-only.

Review Special Accumulators - Deductions


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Compensation and Earnings, Review Special Accumulators, Deductions

Display the deduction codes that you specified in the Deduction table as having an effect on this special accumulator. This page is display-only.

Special Accumulator Report


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Comp/Earnings Table Reports, Special Accumulator, Special Accumulator Report

Run PAY713, which lists information from the Special Accumulator table. It contains codes that isolate earnings for deductions that are stated as a percent of gross such as 401(k).

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Holiday Schedules

To set up holiday schedules, use the Holiday Schedule component (HOLIDAY_SCHED_TBL).

This section provides an overview of holiday schedules and lists the page used to set them up.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Holiday Schedules

Because holidays might vary for different segments of the employee population (depending on location, work schedules, or other factors), you can define as many holiday schedules as you need. For example, if you pay some employees based on an eight-hour day and others on a 7.5-hour day, you must define a separate holiday schedule for each. The same applies if some employees recognize a holiday on the actual day itself and others on a different date. To add holiday schedules, complete the Holiday Schedule page for each schedule:

Note. After you define all of your holiday schedules, you can specify a default holiday schedule for the location on the Location Profile page or for the pay group on the Pay Group Table - Calc Parameters page. You can override this default on any employee's Job Data record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Holiday Schedules

Page Name

Definition Name



Holiday Schedule


Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Holiday Schedule, Holiday Schedule

Designate holidays for payroll processing.

See Setting Up Holiday Schedules.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Rapid Entry Paysheet Templates

To set up rapid entry paysheet templates, use the Rapid Entry Paysheet Template component (PYRE_TEMPLATE).

This section provides an overview of rapid entry paysheet templates and discusses how to define rapid entry paysheet templates.

See Also

Entering Hours or Amounts Using Rapid Entry Paysheets

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Rapid Entry Paysheet Templates

Payroll for North America enables you to create rapid entry paysheet templates that are used as a basis for rapid entry paysheets. You can create three types of templates:

You can create as many templates as required for each template type. In each template you specify the preset earnings codes that appear on rapid entry paysheets that are based on the template. For Hours and Amounts type templates, you can also select an additional (not preset on the template) earnings code on the rapid entry paysheet.

Fields Available by Template Type

The fields that are available on the Rapid Entry Template page vary according to the template type that you enter when you access the page. The template type determines the type of earnings code that can be specified in the template. This table describes the available fields for each template type:

Template Type

Fields on Template


Three fields for specifying earnings codes.

When the template type is Hours, only the earnings codes on the Earnings table with a payment type of Either Hours or Amount OK, Both Hours and Amount OK, Hours Only, or Unit/Override Rate are available for selection.


Two fields for specifying earnings codes.

When the template type is Amounts, only earnings codes on the Earnings table with a payment type of Either Hours or Amount OK, Both Hours and Amount OK, or Amounts Only are available for selection.

Hours or Amounts

Three fields for specifying earnings codes and three fields for the corresponding earnings code types.

When the template type is Hours or Amounts, you can select earnings codes that accept hours and earnings codes that accept amounts.

Note. You cannot add an additional earnings code to a rapid entry paysheet that is based on an Hours or Amounts type template.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Rapid Entry Paysheet Templates

Page Name

Definition Name



Rapid Entry Paysheet Template


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Rapid Entry Paysheet Template, Rapid Entry Paysheet Template

Define the type of earnings and earnings codes to be used in the Rapid Entry Paysheet component (PYRE_DATA_ENTRY).

You can define templates based on hours, amounts, or a combination of hours and amounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Rapid Entry Paysheet Templates

Access the Rapid Entry Paysheet Template page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Rapid Entry Paysheet Template, Rapid Entry Paysheet Template).

Note. You cannot change the template type after the template is created.

Earnings Code

Select the earnings codes that you want to preset for the template. Available earnings codes are determined by the template type.

Earnings Code Type

This field is only available if the template type is Hours or Amounts.

Select an earnings code type for each earnings code that identifies whether hours or an amount will be entered on the rapid entry paysheet for the earnings.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Continue with Errors Processing

This section provides overviews of Continue with Errors processing and setup and lists the pages used to continue with errors while processing payroll.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Continue with Errors Processing

The system issues various types of error messages for situations encountered during the payroll calculation. You can set up Continue with Error functionality to enable certain employee-level error messages that have been identified on the Pay Message table to be transferred to an off-cycle paysheet for further reconciliation and processing, which enables the current payroll to continue.

Note. You cannot bypass errors that would stop the calculation. Messages that stop the payroll process are system error messages. System messages are not available to be bypassed.

After resolving all errors that were not bypassed, you can run the final pay calculation and transfer the paysheets with bypassed messages to a designated off-cycle paysheet that you've set up to process the transferred employees. You should reconcile and process the transferred paysheets so that they are confirmed before the next on-cycle processes.

See Also

Continue with Errors

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Continue with Errors Setup

This table describes continue with errors setup steps that you should complete before running the Pay Calculation process:


Specific Setting

Processing Description

Pay Message Table

  • Specify whether to bypass the error message.

  • Specify the number of times to bypass the message within a run ID.

When the number of occurrences of the message reaches the maximum bypass value, the system bypasses none of the errors. You must correct the errors before continuing the payroll process.

Pay Group Table – Process Control

  • Select Continue with Errors.

  • Select the error pay end date option.

All pay groups in the same pay run ID must have the same Continue with Errors setting.

The Error Pay End Date field indicates the off-cycle date to be used for the transfer of the erred paysheets. You can use either a new standalone off-cycle calendar or an existing unprocessed off-cycle pay calendar.

Pay Calendar Table – Pay Confirm Options

Select Continue with Errors.

The system supplies the error pay end date on the pay calendar based on the error pay end date option selected on the Pay Group table.

Calculate Payroll

Select Transfer Calc Errors when you run the final calculation.

Transfer Calc Errors moves paysheets in error to off-cycle processing

Note. To ensure that all error conditions have been resolved, first run the calculation with (Re)Calculate All Checks selected before running the final calculation. with the Transfer Calc Errors option selected.

Error Pay End Date

The system doesn't assume the check date on the original calendar when transferring the error paysheets to the off-cycle calendar.

The Error Pay End Date field on the Pay Group Table page determines the off-cycle date to be used for the transfer of the erred paysheets as follows:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Continue with Errors Processing

Page Name

Definition Name



Pay Message Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Pay Message Table

Update the Pay Message table with options to continue processing of nonsystem errors.

Pay Group Table - Process Control


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Pay Group Table

Specify continue with errors process controls for the pay group.

Pay Calendar Table - Pay Confirm Options


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Pay Calendar Table

Specify continue with errors process options for the pay calendar.

Calculate Payroll


  • Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing USA, Produce Payroll, Calculate Payroll, Calculate Payroll

  • Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing CAN, Produce Payroll, Calculate Payroll, Calculate Payroll

  • Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing USF, Produce Payroll, Calculate Payroll, Calculate Payroll

Specify continue with errors processing during pay calculation processing.

See Also

Understanding Continue with Errors Setup

Reviewing and Modifying Payroll Messages

Setting Up Process Controls for Pay Groups

Selecting Error Processing Options

Continue with Errors

Click to jump to parent topicDefining the Final Check Process

To set up the final check program, use the Final Check Action Reason (TERM_ACTN_RSN), Final Check Program Table (TERM_PGM_TBL), and Final Check Program Table USF (GVT_TERM_PGM_TBL) components.

This section provides an overview of the Final Check process and discusses how to:

See Also

Creating Final Check Paysheets

Processing a Final Check Request

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Final Check Process

Employee terminations occur for various reasons: some are initiated by the employee, others by the employer. When employment is terminated, regardless of the reason, the law requires employers to give employees their final wages. Some states require that the employee receives final wages before leaving the premises.

The Final Check process enables you to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define the Final Check Process

Page Name

Definition Name



Final Check Action/Reason


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Final Check Action/Reason, Final Check Action/Reason

Define the action and action reason code combinations that automatically trigger a final check request when an employee termination Job record enters the system.

Final Check Program Table - Program Definition


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Final Check Program Table, Program Definition

  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Final Check Program Table USF, Program Definition

Establish a final check program ID description.

Final Check Program Table - Earnings Definition

Final Check Program Table - Earnings Def


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Final Check Program Table, Earnings Definition

  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Final Check Program Table USF, Earnings Def

Define earnings for the final check program.

Final Check Program Table - Leave Accrual Definition

Final Check Program Table - Leave Accrual Def


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Final Check Program Table, Leave Accrual Definition

  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Final Check Program Table USF, Leave Accrual Def

Define rules that apply to paying leave accruals to employees for whom you decide to pay earned or prorated accruals.

Final Check Program Table - Deduction Definition

Final Check Program Table - Deduction Def


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Final Check Program Table, Deduction Definition

  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Final Check Program Table USF, Deduction Def

Define which deductions to include in a final check and which limits and special rules to use when calculating the deduction.

Final Check Program Report


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Comp/Earnings Table Reports, Final Check Program, Final Check Program Report

Generate the PAY751 report. The report lists information from the Final Check Program table, which contains final check processing rule definitions for earnings, leave accruals, and deductions.

Final Check Program Clone


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Clone Final Check Program, Final Check Program Clone

Run the Final Check Pgm Clone Utility (final check program clone utility) SQR Report process (FCXCLONE).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Final Check Action and Action Reason Code Combinations

Access the Final Check Action/Reason page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Final Check Action/Reason, Final Check Action/Reason).

Reason Code

Select an action reason to associate with the action code.

Maintain action codes and reasons on the Action Reason Table page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing a Final Check Program

Access the Final Check Program Table - Program Definition page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Final Check Program Table, Program Definition).

Include T&L Payable Time (include time and labor payable time)

Select this check box if you have an interface with PeopleSoft Time and Labor. If you select this check box, the system uses the time from PeopleSoft Time and Labor to create the paysheet for the final check and marks the time and labor paysheet as processed by final check.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Final Check Earnings

Access the Final Check Program Table - Earnings Definition page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Final Check Program Table, Earnings Definition).

Payout Option


Earns Amt (earnings amount): Select this value if the Final Check process uses the regular earnings amount to pay the earnings for the earnings code.

Goal Dif (goal difference): Select this value if the Final Check process searches for a corresponding Additional Pay record for the earnings code and calculates the remaining balance on the employee's goal amount.

Note. The final check includes only earnings that you identify here. For example, to include additional pay earnings for a car, you must include the appropriate earnings code for those earnings on this page. Otherwise it is not included in employees' final checks.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Final Check Leave Accrual Rules

Access the Final Check Program Table - Leave Accrual Definition page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Final Check Program Table, Leave Accrual Definition).


Override Limit Hours

To apply an override when the payout earned and prorated hours exceed the limit, enter the number of hours.

Payout Earnings Code

Select a payout earnings code to use for paying the accruals that are earned and awarded for the benefit plan. You can pay only the earned and awarded accruals, only the prorated portion, or both. Define the earnings code that you use for paying the earned and awarded accruals in the Earnings table as earnings that do not reduce regular pay but do add to hours taken. This ensures the integrity of the Accrual Balance records when you pay employee leave accruals upon termination.

Process Negative

Select this check box to pay negative accruals.

Prorate Earnings Code

Select a prorated earnings code to use for paying the prorated portion of accruals for the benefit plan. You can pay either:

  • The entitled and awarded accruals only.

  • Both the entitled and awarded accruals along with the prorated but not yet awarded leave.

Define the earnings code that you use for paying prorated accruals as earnings that do not reduce regular pay, but do add to hours taken and hours adjusted. This ensures the integrity of the Accrual Balance records when you pay employee leave accruals upon termination.

Accrual Proration

If you prorate accruals for the benefit plan, use this group box to establish the proration rules.

Months of Service

To prorate accruals by months of service, enter the monthly increments. For example, less than or equal to 1 month of service, 2 months of service, and so on. The system computes the months of service based on the employee's termination date and the last date on which you ran the Run Leave Accruals COBOL SQL process (FGPACCRL).

Hours of Service

To prorate accruals by hours of service, enter the hourly increments. For example, less than or equal to 160 hours of service, 320 hours of service, and so on.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Final Check Deductions

Access the Final Check Program Table - Deduction Definition page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Final Check Program Table, Deduction Definition).

Deduction Code

Select the deduction code that identifies the deduction in the Deduction table.

Processing Rule

Select a processing rule for each deduction code:

Col GolDif (collect goal difference): Select this value to collect general deductions only. You collect the amount of the general deduction data goal amount minus the goal balance.

Col PerDed (collect pay period deduction): Select this value to collect general deductions and benefit deductions. You collect the amount of the scheduled pay period deduction.

Ref ESPP (refund employee stock purchase plan balance): This value is reserved for future use.

Ref GolBal (refund goal balance): Select this option to refund general deductions only. You refund the amount of the general deduction data goal balance.

Ref LstDed (refund last deduction): Select this value to refund general deductions and benefit deductions. You refund the amount of the pay deduction data current deduction, which represents the amount deducted at the last time the deduction was taken.

Ref MTDBal (refund month-to-date balance): Select this value to refund general deductions and benefit deductions. You refund the amount of the deduction balance data MTD deduction.

Ref QTDBal (refund quarter-to-date balance): Select this value to refund general deductions and benefit deductions. You refund the amount of the deduction balance data QTD deduction.

Ref YTDBal (refund year-to-date balance): Select this value to refund general deductions and benefit deductions. You refund the amount of the deduction balance data YTD deduction.

Ref SBBal (refund savings bond balance): Select this value to refund U.S. Savings Bond deductions. The amount that you refund depends on the status of each bond. You refund the bond log data accumulated amount when the bond log status is Not Ready to Disburse (N) or Funds Disbursed (D). You refund the accumulated amount when the bond log status is Ready to Disburse (R).

Ref SBBRTD (refund savings bond balance and disburse amount): Select this value to refund U.S. Savings Bond deductions. The amount that you refund depends on the status of each bond. You refund the bond log data accumulated amount when the bond log status is Not Ready to Disburse (N) or Funds Disbursed (D). You refund the accumulated amount and disburse amount when the bond log status is Ready to Disburse (R).

Important! The Final Check process performs normal payroll arrears processing whether or not you include the deduction in the final check program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCloning a Final Check Program

Access the Final Check Program Clone page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Clone Final Check Program, Clone final Check Program).

Identify the final check program that you're cloning, specify a final check program ID and the effective date for the new program, and indicate which program elements to copy to the new final check program.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up to Print and View Paychecks with BI Publisher (BIP)

To set up to print and view paychecks with Oracle Business Intelligent Publisher (BI Publisher or BIP), use the Paycheck Options Table (PY_SSP_OPTIONS) component.

This section provides overviews of setup steps and BI Publisher templates and discusses how to:

Note. These setup steps are not necessary if you use the SQR processes to print checks and advices.

See Also

Printing Paychecks and Direct Deposit Advices

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Setup Steps

Before you can create paychecks and direct deposit advices in PDF format, you must complete these setup steps:

  1. Configure Integration Broker and Report Manager.

  2. Update the delivered report definitions:

  3. Specify BI Publisher printing and self-service options.

  4. Set up the Form table with the form IDs and the last used form number.

    See Setting Up the Form Table for Printing Checks and Direct Deposit Advices.

See Also

PeopleTools: BI Publisher for PeopleSoft PeopleBook

PeopleTools: Integration Broker PeopleBook PeopleBook

PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding BI Publisher Reports and Templates

The PDF check and advice creation PSJob processes (PYCHKUSA, PYCHQCAN, PYDDAUSA, or PYDDACAN) use the Oracle BI Publisher to print checks and advice forms. Payroll for North America delivers BI Publisher reports as RTF templates that define the layout of the checks and advices that the processes print. Payroll for North America also delivers reports as RTF templates to display paychecks in the ePay self-service View Paycheck transaction.

(USA) Using the BI Publisher print processes, you can create single-page checks and advices, and you can create overflow wage checks and advices when the number of lines of earnings detail information exceeds the space available on a single-page wage statement. Payroll administrators can print the checks and advices, and employees can view and print the associated wage statements through employee self service.

Note. To incorporate legislative changes, Oracle revises and delivers templates in PeopleSoft Payroll for North America tax updates throughout the tax year. The templates listed in this PeopleBook are the most current templates as of the date of this publication. Oracle strongly encourages you to always use only the most current templates whenever new templates are delivered in a tax update. Using only the most current templates will help your organization comply with legislative requirements.

Checks and Advices (First 13 Lines)

This table lists the templates that are delivered for (single-page) PDF check and advice creation:


Report Name


Data Source Type

Data Source ID

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America


Print Canadian direct deposit advice forms.

XML File



Print Canadian cheques.

XML File



Print U.S. direct deposit advice forms.

XML File



Print U.S. checks.

XML File


PeopleSoft ePay (self-service View Paycheck transaction)


Print Canadian self-service advice forms.

XML File



Print Canadian self-service paycheques.

XML File



Print U.S. self-service advice forms.

XML File



Print U.S. self-service paychecks.

XML File


*(USA) California and New York have unique reporting requirements that are addressed in these templates. For example, in addition to displaying regular hours for hourly and exception hourly, non-exempt employees in all states, the (USA) PeopleSoft templates also display regular hours and hourly rates for salaried, non-exempt employees in California and New York. Also, California and New York require that prior-period dates for adjustments appear on the wage statement. If the pay period is January 16–31, and the employee is paid for prior time for January 1–15 on the current check, (USA) PeopleSoft templates display January 1–15 (in appropriate date-with-year format) on the wage statement next to the earnings code.

Warning! (USA) The New York Wage Theft Prevention Act requires that the employer phone number be printed on the employee check/advice stub. To comply, when the employee has earnings (PS_PAY_EARNINGS) in New York, the PeopleSoft print programs print the MAIN phone number from the Company Table below the employer's address on the check/advice stub. If the MAIN phone number on the Company Table is blank, or if the employee did not have earnings in New York, the employer's phone number will not print.

Oracle strongly recommends that you use the Report Definitions PRTCAADV and PRTCACHK for printing, and the Report Definitions SSPCACHK and SSPCAADV for employee self-service, even if you do not pay employees in New York or California. These four templates are the only templates that are supported for U.S. paychecks and advices. Also, as delivered, these templates comply with section 508 requirements. If you modify the templates, you are responsible to ensure that the new templates meet Section 508 standards.

You can modify the delivered templates using BI Publisher functionality to address your specific formatting requirements. For example, you can add a signature image and MICR font to the check printing templates. After modifying each template, you must upload it to the corresponding report definition.

See Viewing or Modifying the Delivered Report Template.

(USA) Overflow Wage Statements (Lines 14–60)

When an employee’s number of earnings detail lines (all earnings with either a current pay period amount or a YTD balance greater than zero) exceeds 13, which is the maximum number that can be printed on the first wage statement page, you can generate an overflow wage statement to print 47 additional lines, for a total of 60 lines of wage detail.

This table lists the templates that are delivered for wage overflow PDF check and advice creation:

Note. To create overflow items, the Overflow Statement check box must be selected on the Paycheck Options Table page and the appropriate overflow report name must be specified in the Check Report ID and Advice Report ID fields. Blank check/advice stock must be used; preprinted stock cannot be used. Contact your check stock supplier with inquiries regarding compatible blank forms stock.


Report Name


Data Source Type

Data Source ID

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America


Print U.S. overflow advices.

XML File



Print U.S. overflow checks.

XML File


PeopleSoft ePay (self-service View Paycheck transaction)


Print U.S. self-service overflow advices.

XML File



Print U.S. self-service overflow checks.

XML File


See Specifying BI Publisher Printing and Self-Service Options

See Also

PeopleTools: BI Publisher for PeopleSoft PeopleBook

Working with Checks and Direct Deposit

Managing Pay Information for Payroll for North America

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Paycheck Printing and Viewing with BI Publisher

Page Name

Definition Name





Reporting Tools, BI Publisher, Report Definition, Template

View or modify the existing template.

Paycheck Options Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Paycheck Options Table, Paycheck Options Table

Specify BI Publisher printing and self-service options.

See Also

PeopleTools: BI Publisher for PeopleSoft PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing or Modifying the Delivered Report Template

Access the Template page (Reporting Tools, BI Publisher, Report Definition, Template).

Viewing the Existing Template

Template File

Click the template file name to open the RTF template in a new window or save it to a location of your choice.


Click to view an example of the report using sample data registered with the data source.

Modifying the Existing Template

To modify an existing template:

  1. Click Download on the Template page and row for the existing RTF template that you want to copy.

  2. Save a copy of the downloaded template with a new RTF file name (*.rtf).

  3. Make the desired modifications to the new template file and save.

    These are some of the changes that you might want to make:

  4. Add a new effective dated row in the Template Files scroll area on the Template page.

  5. Update these options:

    Effective Date

    Enter the date that the system should begin to print and display paychecks with this template.


    Select the Active status for the new template.

    Note. Retain the active status of all historical template files to ensure that the correct template is applied to paychecks viewed in self service.

  6. Click Upload and select the new template file.

  7. (Optional) Click Preview to confirm your updates and verify that the template uploaded successfully.

Note. Become familiar with XML Publisher before modifying any of the delivered templates.

Changing the Dummy Signature Image

The delivered paycheck template (PRTUSCHK or PRTCNCHQ) includes a dummy image in the signature area. If the valid signature image is not available when you print checks, the dummy image prints.

To change the dummy image on the check printing template:

  1. Download and save a copy of the current check or cheque printing RTF template.

    See Modifying the Existing Template.

  2. In the lower right corner, right-click the shaded box labeled BG and select Properties.

    The Text Form Field Options page appears.

  3. Click the Add Help Text button.

    The Status Bar tab displays the address of the dummy image that is delivered with the system in the PSHome directory.

  4. Modify the image address as necessary.

    You can use the existing dummy image at the existing address, change either the address or the image, or change both the address and the image.

  5. Click OK to save your changes.

  6. Continue with additional template modifications or proceed with uploading the updated template.

    See Modifying the Existing Template.

Identifying the Valid Signature Image

Follow these instructions to identify a valid signature that you secure in a secured directory on a server or on a floppy drive. The valid signature prints on checks at run time. The dummy image prints on the check instead of the valid signature at run time if the valid signature is not available, for example, if the floppy is not inserted into the drive.

To identify the valid signature for check printing:

  1. Download and save a copy of the current check or cheque printing RTF template.

    See Modifying the Existing Template.

  2. In the lower right corner, select the signature image box to the right of the shaded box labeled BG.

    When the signature image box is selected, you can see its outline.

  3. Double-click the signature image box.

    The Format Picture page appears.

  4. Select the Web tab.

    The box labeled Alternative text contains a delivered sample signature as a placeholder and associated URL.

  5. Enter the URL that points to the location of your valid signature image.

    BI Publisher resolves the value at run time.

  6. Click OK to save your changes.

  7. Continue with additional template modifications or proceed with uploading the updated template.

    See Modifying the Existing Template.

Changing the MICR Font

BI Publisher needs to know the location of the MICR font at run time so that it can use it in the final output. To specify your MICR font for check printing, you must first make the desired font available in the specific RTF template in which you want to use it. Then you must select that font for the MICR text in the template. This section provides instructions for both tasks.

To specify your MICR font for check printing:

  1. Download and save a copy of the current check or cheque printing RTF template.

    See Modifying the Existing Template.

  2. At the bottom of the template, click in the MICR line to highlight it and select File, Properties, Custom in the Word application Toolbar.

    The delivered value, xdo-font.GnuMICR.normal.normal, includes a font placeholder called GnuMICR.

  3. In the Name field, replace the GnuMICR text with the name of your MICR font.

  4. In the Value field, replace the GnuMICR font and location with the name and location of your MICR font.

    Enter the location in which fonts used by Word are stored. This location depends upon your environment.

    When you update the Value field, the Modify button changes to the Add button.

  5. Click Add, then click OK.

  6. In your RTF check template, highlight the MICR line and select the MICR font that you just made available in the list of fonts.

  7. Save your changes.

  8. Continue with additional template modifications or proceed with uploading the updated template.

    See Modifying the Existing Template.

See Also

PeopleTools: BI Publisher for PeopleSoft PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying BI Publihser Printing and Self-Service Options

Access the Paycheck Options Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Paycheck Options Table, Paycheck Options Table).

Setup ID and Parameters

Paycheck Setup ID

You must use one of the delivered setup IDs:

  • PNAUSA: Use this setup ID for the United States.

  • PNACAN: Use this setup ID for Canada.

Payroll for North America does not provide support for user-defined setup IDs.

URL Identifier

Payroll for North America delivers the Paycheck Options table with PY_SSP_ATTACHMENT table with associated URL address for storing the XML self-service paycheck data. If you create a separate table and URL to store the data, enter your URL here.

Report Definitions


Displays the current active report definitions for printing U.S. and Canadian paychecks and direct deposit advices.


Displays the current active report definitions for displaying self-service U.S. and Canadian paychecks and direct deposit advices in the ePay application.

Overflow Statements

Select this check box and specify the appropriate overflow report name (PRTOFADV and PRTOFCHK, for printing, and SSPOFADV and SSPOFCHK for employee self service) to print an additional 47 lines of earnings detail information on a separate page. A maximum of 13 lines prints on the first (single-page) wage statement. Using the overflow feature enables you to print a maximum of 60 earnings details lines on two pages.

Warning! A combination of the Overflow Statements check box and overflow report definitions is required. An error message appears if the Overflow Statements check box is selected but the report IDs specified are not overflow report definitions. If you specify the overflow report definitions, but do not also select the Overflow Statements check box, you can save the page, but overflow statements will not be generated. If more than 13 earnings detail lines exist, detail will not be printed for the thirteenth and subsequent earnings. Instead the dollar amounts will roll up into a total for Other earnings.

When the Overflow Statements check box is selected, additional wage statement pages are generated whenever an employee’s number of earnings detail lines (all earnings with either a current pay period amount or a YTD balance greater than zero) exceeds 13. Overflow wage statement pages continue to be produced for the employee for each payroll processed for the remainder of the calendar year. Consider this in determining the quantities of form stock that you require for printing checks and advices.

Note. Blank check/advice stock must be used for overflow statements; preprinted stock cannot be used. Contact your check stock supplier with inquiries regarding compatible blank forms stock.

Self Service Options

PDF Paychecks Only

If your organization used the View Paycheck transaction before Payroll for North America 9.0, use this option to indicate whether you want employees to be able to view older paychecks as well as the PDF paychecks.

Select this option to enable employees to view only the PDF self-service paychecks.

Leave this option blank to enable employees to view all self-service paychecks.

Note. In accessible mode, the system always displays checks on a PeopleSoft page (and not in a PDF file), regardless of whether this check box is selected.

$0 or Negative Manual Checks

Select this check box if you want the system to display manual paychecks of zero dollars or manual paychecks with negative net pay amounts in self service. This check box is deselected by default; you must select it if you want these checks displayed in self-service.

Paycheck Availability

For each company and pay group combination, indicate the default timing of when paychecks should be available for viewing in the ePay self-service View Paycheck transaction. You can override this value when you run the check and advice print processes.

Days From Check Date

Enter 0 to make self-service paychecks available on the check date entered on the pay calendar for the pay run.

Enter a negative number to make self-service paychecks available the specified number of days before the check date entered on the pay calendar.

Enter a positive number to make self-service paychecks available the specified number of days after the check date entered on the pay calendar.

Note. If you have enabled viewing of historical paychecks, the paycheck data from the current pay run is visible in self service as soon as you run pay confirmation. Running the XML print process triggers the paycheck availability option for the PDF paycheck, after which the checks are not viewable until the availability date that you specify. For this reason, we recommend that you run the XML print process immediately after confirming the payroll.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Form Table for Printing Checks and Direct Deposit Advices

This section provides an overview of the Form table and discusses how to specify form IDs and form numbers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Form Table

Use form IDs and form numbers to enable the system to print checks or advices for employees.

Regardless of whether you print checks and advices using the SQR processes or the BI Publisher processes, you must establish a form ID for every check or advice form that you plan to use.

To run Payroll for North America, you must have at least one entry in the Form table to specify check or advice forms for a pay group. Enter the form IDs on the Source Bank table and the source bank ID on the Pay Group table.

The Pay Confirmation COBOL SQL process (PSPCNFRM) and Check Reprint COBOL SQL process (PSPRPRNT) use the form number from this table to assign check and advice numbers.

See Also

Setting Up Banks and Direct Deposit

Printing Paychecks and Direct Deposit Advices

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Print Forms

Page Name

Definition Name



Form Table


  • Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Banking, Form Table, Form Table

  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Base Benefits, FSA, Check Form Table, Form Table

Specify the form IDs that you use to print checks and advices, and track form numbers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Form IDs and Form Numbers

Access the Form Table page (Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Banking, Form Table, Form Table).

Form ID

Create an entry on this table for each check or advice form that you use.

You must set up separate form IDs for each account if you pay employees from one bank with multiple account numbers or from multiple banks with their associated account numbers.

Last Form Number Used

The Pay Confirmation COBOL SQL process (PSPCNFRM) and Check Reprint COBOL SQL process (PSPRPRNT) use this number. Each time you run the Pay Confirmation process, the system automatically updates this field with the appropriate check or advice number, reflecting the last number used in the payroll process. You can change this number manually if you have a discrepancy in form numbers (for example, if someone spills coffee on the forms you were planning to use for the next pay run). However, normally you do not change this number.

If you use the Check Reprint process, the paychecks that you use on form alignment are saved as dead paychecks.

See Also

Reprinting Checks

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Banks and Direct Deposit

This section provides an overview and lists pages used to set up banks and direct deposit processing.

See Also

(USA) Understanding Prenotification

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Bank and Direct Deposit Setup

This diagram illustrates the various steps required to set up banks, pay groups, and employee data for processing direct deposit:

Setting up banks and direct deposit from the Form Table page, the Bank Table page, and the Branch Table page

Paying Checks and Direct Deposit from Separate Accounts

To use separate banks or accounts for checks and direct deposits:

  1. Set up separate source bank IDs for the two banks or the two accounts at the same bank.

  2. On the Pay Group Table – Bank/Tips Info page:

Note. Payroll for North America generates direct deposit transmittals by bank ID and account number. Therefore, regardless of pay run ID and pay group/pay end date, the DDP001 report captures all employees who have a prenotification submitted or a direct deposit to be paid if their pay group has that bank ID and account number assigned.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Banks and Direct Deposit

Page Name

Definition Name



Form Table


Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Banking, Form Table, Form Table

Identify the type of forms that you use to print checks and advice, and track form numbers.

Bank Table


Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Banking, Banks, Bank Table

Set up basic information for all financial institutions. You must complete the Bank Table page before you identify a bank with a source bank account.

Branch Table


Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Banking, Banks, Branch Table

(CAN) Define a bank's branches.

Source Bank Accounts


Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Banking, Source Bank Accounts, Source Bank Accounts

Assign a source bank ID and specify bank, branch, and account information associated with the source bank ID.

Canadian Bank Additional Data

US Bank Additional Data


Click the Other Required Information link on the Source Bank Accounts page.

Specify forms for checks and direct deposit.

(CAN) Also specify the routing format.

(USA) Also specify the prenote wait period.

Pay Group Table - Bank/Tip Info


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Pay Group Table, Bank/Tip Info.

Specify the source bank ID for checks and DDP. If you pay DDP from a different source bank account than checks, select the appropriate source bank ID in the Direct Deposit Bank ID field, otherwise leave it blank.

Direct Deposit


  • Payroll for North America, Employee Pay Data USA, Request Direct Deposit, Request Direct Deposit

  • Payroll for North America, Employee Pay Data USF, Request Direct Deposit, Request Direct Deposit

Enter employee bank and distribution information to enable the direct deposit of employee pay to checking or savings bank accounts.

Direct Deposit


Payroll for North America, Employee Pay Data CAN, Request Direct Deposit, Request Direct Deposit

Enter employee bank and distribution information to enable the direct deposit of employee pay to checking or savings bank accounts.

See Also

Setting Up the Form Table for Printing Checks and Direct Deposit Advices

Setting Up Banks and Bank Branches

Specifying Banks and Tips Processing

Setting Up Direct Deposits

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Retro Pay Processing

To set up retro pay processing, use these components: Retroactive Pay Program (RETROPAY_PGM_TBL), Retro Pay Monitored Fields (PY_RETROTBL_DEF), Retro Pay Trigger Values (RETRO_TRG_VALUES), Retro Pay Trigger Program (PY_RETROTRG_DEF), and Retro Pay Cancellation Reason (PY_RETROCNL_TBL).

This section provides overviews of retro pay programs, retro pay triggers and trigger programs, and retro pay cancellation reasons. This section then lists a prerequisite and discusses how to:

See Also

Processing Retro Pay

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Retro Programs

This overview discusses retro pay programs and retro pay trigger programs.

Note. Mass retro and deduction retro do not use retro pay trigger programs.

Retro Program Setup

To set up retro processing, you must define these two types of retro programs for each pay group:

To set up a retro pay trigger program, you:

  1. Identify fields on the job record (JOB) and on the additional pay data record (ADDL_PAY_DATA) that trigger retro requests when changed.

    Perform this task on the Retro Pay Monitored Fields page. The fields that you list on this page are the only fields that are available for retro triggers.

    Note. If the delivered data for this page meets your needs, you can skip this step.

  2. Define retro triggers—the specific field changes that trigger retro requests.

    Perform this task on the Retro Pay Trigger Values page, where you assign Retro Pay Trigger Value IDs that you can use to reference the different sets of retro triggers.

    On this page, you list all of the retro trigger conditions for the record (though you configure the JOB and ADDL_PAY_DATA records separately).

  3. Define a retro pay trigger program and identify its Retro Pay Trigger Value IDs.

    Retro pay programs include up to two Retro Pay Trigger Value IDs: one for the job record, and one for the addition pay data record.

The following diagram illustrates the steps for defining retro programs and associating them with pay groups:

Retro Pay Programs

Retro pay program definitions include some general settings such as the tax method to use for the retro earnings and whether to pay the retro earnings on a separate check. They also include a list of retro earnings codes.

Certain settings in the earnings code definition control which earnings codes you can include in the retro pay program:

See Defining Parameters and Rules for Calculating Earnings.

Retro Pay Trigger Programs

Retro pay trigger programs provide information about the field changes that trigger retro requests. The job (JOB) record and the additional pay data (ADDL_PAY_DATA) record are the only records that support retro pay triggers.

When you configure triggers for the additional pay data record, you can optionally limit the trigger based on the earnings code in the additional pay record.

Trigger Processing

Trigger processing begins when a change (update, insert, or deletion) occurs in a job or additional pay record.

Both online changes (including those made through manager self-service) and changes that are made through a component interface create triggers. Online changes can be made in add, update/display, or correction mode.

Note. Changes that you make using SQL are not recognized as triggers. To create retro requests for such changes, run the Retroactive Pay Mass Process (PSPRPMSS) COBOL SQL process to create retro requests for payees who meet your selection criteria. The Retroactive Pay Mass Process is unaware of the specific changes that you made using SQL; it simply creates retro requests based on the criteria you specify, and it is up to you to specify criteria that includes the right employees. When the Retroactive Pay Calculations (PSPRPEXT) COBOL SQL process processes the request, it uses the data in the source tables to calculate retro pay.

When an online action or a component interface makes a change in the job or additional pay record, PeopleSoft Integration Broker passes the before and after information to PeopleSoft Event Manager. Event Manager handles the message asynchronously: the system processes and saves the primary transaction normally, even if there is a problem with event processing.

Event Manager passes the messages to the event handler, which performs the following tasks:

  1. Evaluates whether the change is a valid retro trigger:

    If the change is not a valid retro trigger, no further processing occurs. To be a valid retro trigger, the change must meet these conditions:

    1. The effective date of the change is earlier than or equal to the pay end date of the last check paid to the employee.

    2. The change is configured as a trigger in the employee's retro pay trigger program (as defined for the employee's pay group).

    3. (Additional pay data changes only) The additional pay earnings code is in the employee's retro pay program (as defined for the employee's pay group).

  2. Creates a new retro request if there is not already an open retro request for the employee and job number, or updates the existing open retro request.

    A retro request is considered open if its retro pay process flag (its status) is Not Processed, Calculated, Recalculate Request, Action Required, Suspended, or Extracted.

    A retro request is considered closed if its retro pay process flag is Loaded to Paysheets, Manually Loaded to Paysheet, Confirmed Payment, Paycheck Reversed, or Cancelled/Withdrawn

    See Retro Request Process Flags.

  3. Creates a trigger detail row in the employee's open retro request.

    When the retro pay calculation processes a retro request, it uses the actual job and additional pay data. It does not use the trigger details to calculate retro pay. The system saves the trigger data for audit purposes only.

Note. Integration Broker uses the RETROPAY_JOB or RETRO_ADDLPAY messages. Event Manager uses the RetroPayJobChange and RetroAddlPay event definitions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Retro Pay Cancellation Reasons

This overview discusses cancellation reasons for manual and automated cancellations of retro requests.

Manual Cancellations

Users can manually cancel retro requests on the Request and Trigger Summary page. This option is available only for requests where the process flag (the request status) is Not Processed, Suspended, or Action Required.

When users manually cancel retro requests, they can optionally indicate the reason for the cancellation by selecting from the cancellation reasons that you configure.

Automated Cancellations

Oracle delivers three cancellation reasons that are reserved for system use. These are not available for selection when a user manually cancels a request.

The delivered reasons are:

Note. Do not delete these delivered cancellation reasons. You cannot delete them using the online system, and it is important that you do not use SQL to delete them either.

See Also

Understanding Retro Pay Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Retro requests are generated through the Components Event Framework. Make sure that the RetroPayJobChange and RetroAddlPay events and their associated event handlers are active and that Integration Broker has been set up.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Retro Pay Processing

Page Name

Definition Name



Program Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Retroactive Payroll, Retro Pay Program, Program Table

Describe a retro pay program and specify paysheet processing options.

Program Definition


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Retroactive Payroll, Retro Pay Program, Program Definition

Establish the earnings codes for which the retro pay program calculates retro pay and those used for paying retro pay earnings.

Note. Valid earnings codes for these fields are only those that you specified as eligible for retro pay or used to pay retro on the Earnings Table - General page.

Retro Pay Monitored Fields


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Retroactive Payroll, Retro Pay Monitored Fields, Retro Pay Monitored Fields

List the job and additional pay fields that are available to use when you define the triggers that create retro requests.

Retro Pay Trigger Values


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Retroactive Payroll, Retro Pay Trigger Values, Retro Pay Trigger Values

Define a set of field changes that trigger retro requests. Each set can include fields from either the job record or the additional pay records.

Retro Pay Trigger Program


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Retroactive Payroll, Retro Pay Trigger Program, Retro Pay Trigger Program

Define a retro pay trigger program that encompasses up to two sets of triggers: one for the job record and one for the additional pay record.

Retro Pay Cancellation Reason


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Retroactive Payroll, Retro Pay Cancellation Reason, Retro Pay Cancellation Reason

Set up the cancellation reasons that users can use when manually canceling a retro pay request.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Retro Pay Programs

Access the Program Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Retroactive Payroll, Retroactive Pay Program, Program Table).

Retro Pay Program ID

This ID identifies the retro pay program when you associate the program with a pay group.

Offset Earnings Type

Select an offset earnings type for any negative earnings that are generated by the retro pay calculation. To avoid negative checks, link this earnings code to a payback deduction code. The system deducts the amount from subsequent paychecks of applicable employees.

Off Cycle

Off Cycle

Select to create retroactive pay that is associated with this program as off-cycle earnings. If you deselect this check box, the system creates retroactive pay that is associated with this program as on-cycle earnings. After the system calculates retro pay, but before you load the retro pay to paysheets, you can change this setting on the Retro Pay Calculation Results page under Retroactive Payroll.

See Reviewing and Updating Retro Pay Calculations.

Separate Check

Select to load the earnings that are associated with this program to a separate check on the paysheets.

Tax Method

Select a tax method to load to the paysheet line for the earnings in this program.

Tax Periods

Enter the number of tax periods to load to the paysheet line for the earnings in this program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Earnings for a Retro Pay Program

Access the Program Definition page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Retroactive Payroll, Retro Pay Program, Program Definition).


Create a row of data for each earnings code that is eligible for retro pay.

Earnings Type for Retro Pay

Select the earnings code that is eligible for retro pay.

Retro Pay Earnings Type

Enter the earnings code to use for the retro payment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Retro Pay Fields

Access the Retro Pay Monitored Fields page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Retroactive Payroll, Retro Pay Monitored Fields, Retro Pay Monitored Fields).


Oracle delivers definitions for the JOB record and the ADDL_PAY_DATA record. These are the only supported records for retro pay triggers.

Field Name

The fields in the Field Definition grid are the only fields that are available for use in retro triggers.

Oracle delivers field lists for both the JOB and ADDL_PAY_DATA records. You can add and delete entries to change which fields are monitored.

You cannot delete entries for fields that are used in current retro pay trigger value definitions.

Delivered JOB Fields

The delivered configuration for the JOB record includes these fields:

Delivered ADDL_PAY_DATA Fields

The delivered configuration for the ADDL_PAY_DATA record includes these fields:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Trigger Values

Access the Retro Pay Trigger Values page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Retroactive Payroll, Retro Pay Trigger Values, Retro Pay Trigger Values).

Retro Pay Trigger Value

This ID identifies the set of retro pay trigger values when you associate it with a retro pay trigger program.


JOB and ADDL_PAY_DATA are the only supported records for trigger values.

Retro Pay Trigger Fields

Field Name

Select one of the fields that the system is monitoring for changes. These are the fields that appear on the Retro Pay Monitored Fields page for the selected record.

When you select a value, the Field Name field immediately becomes read-only. To change the value, you must delete the row and add a new one.

Earnings Code and All Earnings Codes

Note. These fields appear only for the ADDL_PAY_DATA record.

Use these fields to choose which additional pay earnings codes produce retro requests when the selected field changes.

To create retro requests for all retro-eligible earnings codes, select the All Earnings Codes check box. The system hides the Earnings Code field when the check box is selected.

To create retro requests for a single earnings code, deselect the check box and enter a value in the Earnings Code field.

To create retro requests for some, but not all, earnings codes, you can create multiple rows of data for the same field and enter different earnings codes for each row.

Earnings code processing relies on the use of certain delivered codes that populate the Earnings Code field when you do not explicitly select a code. For JOB fields, the system uses the $NA (not applicable) earnings code, and for ADDL_PAY_DATA fields that affect all earnings codes, the system uses the $AC (all codes) earnings code. Therefore, it is critical that you do not modify, remove, or inactivate these two delivered earnings codes.

Dependent on Field Value

To create a retro request for any change to the selected field, leave this check box deselected.

To create a retro request only when the field changes to one or more specific values, select this check box and enter the values in the Field Values grid that appears.

Field Values

Set ID

If the selected field is setID-controlled, you must enter a setID before you can select specific values.

If the selected field is not setID-controlled, this field is not enterable

<Field Type> Value

Enter the values that create retro requests. For example, in the JOB record, you might create retro requests for certain employee status changes to Active or Leave of Absence, but not when it changes to any other value.

Depending on the field type, the label for the field value column is Character Value, Numeric Value, or Date Value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Retro Pay Trigger Programs

Access the Retro Pay Trigger Program page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Retroactive Payroll, Retro Pay Trigger Program, Retro Pay Trigger Program).

Retro Pay Trigger Program ID

This ID identifies the retro pay trigger program when you associate it with a pay group.

Retro Pay Trigger Records

Record Name

Create rows for the JOB record and the ADDL_PAY_DATA record. These are the only records that support retro pay triggers.

Trigger Level and Retro Pay Trigger Value ID

Select Field as the trigger level. Selecting Field makes the Retro Pay Trigger Value ID field appear so that you can select the retro pay trigger value ID that identifies those specific field changes.

Note. Do not select Record. Triggering retro pay based on record-level changes (a new row, or changes to any field) is not currently supported.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Retro Pay Cancellation Reasons

Access the Retro Pay Cancellation Reason page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Retroactive Payroll, Retro Pay Cancellation Reason, Retro Pay Cancellation Reason).

Note. All fields are read-only when you view the SC (system generated cancellation), UC (cancelled by user), and ZR (zero retro - $0.00 to be paid) cancellation reasons.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing and Modifying Payroll Messages

To set up payroll messages, use the Pay Message Table component (PAY_MESSAGE_TABLE).

This section provides an overview of payroll messages and discusses how to add and modify payroll messages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Payroll Messages

The Pay Message table identifies all the error messages that can occur during the batch payroll processes. Each error message has a message ID number and a complete description. PeopleSoft maintains this table.

If you modify the system and your changes include new error messages, you can add new error message codes and text. When you add a new message code, use a number greater than 90,000 to avoid conflict with message codes that are provided by PeopleSoft. You can also modify the error message descriptions to include procedures unique to your environment. For example, you might add:

Call Pat Jones at extension 23, and ask her to run the Pay Calculation process in Final mode.

You can also specify how to proceed when the system encounters each error.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Review and Modify Payroll Messages

Page Name

Definition Name



Pay Message Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Pay Message Table, Pay Message Table

Add new error messages, modify message descriptions, and specify nonfatal system messages to bypass during pay calculation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding and Modifying Payroll Messages

Access the Pay Message Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing Controls, Pay Message Table, Pay Message Table).

Continue With This Error

Specify how to proceed when the system encounters this error that would otherwise cause the payroll process to stop:

Yes: Select this value to continue with payroll processing after encountering this error. The Maximum Errors field becomes available for entry.

No: Select this value to stop payroll processing after encountering this error.

System: This value appears for errors for which you cannot select a Continue With This Error value. The entire Continue With This Error group box becomes unavailable for entry.

Maximum Errors

Enter a numerical value to limit the number of times the system bypasses the error message within a run ID.

Note. When the number of occurrences of the message equals this value, the system bypasses none of the errors. You must correct the errors before continuing the payroll process.

Distribute With This Error

Select this check box to let the Actuals Distribution COBOL SQL process (PSPPFUND) continue when it encounters this error.

See Also

Setting Up Continue with Errors Processing

Click to jump to parent topicHandling Employees with Multiple Jobs in the Same Organization

This section provides an overview of multiple job considerations and discusses how to:

Note. The content of this section is only part of what you must know about multiple jobs. Other relevant information appears in the PeopleSoft HCM Application Fundamentals PeopleBook.

See Also

PeopleSoft HCM Application Fundamentals PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Multiple Job Considerations

In many medical, academic, and industrial settings, employees hold more than one job in the same organization. A professor might double as a dean or a doctor as a professor of medicine. Following are some of the considerations to keep in mind when employees hold more than one job in the same organization.

(USA) FLSA Overtime Requirements for Multiple Jobs

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1937 requires that you pay overtime to nonexempt employees who work more than 40 hours in a week. When an employee has multiple nonexempt jobs in the same organization, Payroll for North America applies the overtime rule to the total hours for all jobs with the same FLSA period.

For example, suppose an employee has two nonexempt jobs:

The system adds together the hours and pays overtime for 2.5 hours at the FLSA rate.

Note. Payroll for North America does not calculate a blended FLSA rate for employees working in multiple companies, because each job would have its own FLSA rate.

(USA) FICA Status Indicator

An employee who holds multiple jobs might be exempt from the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) in one job, while eligible for FICA in another job. Designate the FICA status of each job on the Job Data - Payroll page in the Job Data component (JOB_DATA).

Tax Calculations

If an employee has multiple jobs with different pay frequencies (weekly, biweekly, and monthly), Payroll for North America calculates the taxes for each job separately, based on the pay frequency. This ensures that you tax an employee's earnings according to the appropriate tax bracket.

Off-Cycle Pay Run

When processing an off-cycle payroll using the right-hand side of the run control page (Off-Cycle group box), do not include multiple-job employees in the same calculation as the single-job employees. You must process the two separately.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIssuing a Single Check

Payroll for North America can issue a single check that covers all of an employee's FLSA calculations, taxes, benefits, and general deductions for multiple jobs in the same organization.

To issue a single check:

  1. Select the Single Chk for Multiple Jobs (single check for multiple jobs) option on the Company - Default Settings page.

  2. Designate a primary pay group for the employee on the Payroll Options 2 page.

    The primary pay group identifies which pay group the system uses when creating consolidated paysheets. It also determines whether the system should take general deductions for a pay period.

    PeopleSoft recommends that you select the pay group in which the payee is paid most often. If you do not select a primary pay group, the system uses the pay group that is associated with the first job into which you hired the employee.

When you run the Create Paysheet process, the system combines the paysheets for all jobs into the paysheet for the primary pay group. When you view the individual paysheets online, they appear as OK to Pay, signifying that they are paid through the consolidated paysheet. The system combines paysheets only when they have the same period end date, FLSA period definition, FLSA calendar ID, FLSA salaried hours used (if subject to FLSA rules), and payroll cycle (on-cycle or off-cycle). The pay frequencies of the paysheets do not have to be the same.

A simple rule of thumb is that all calculations need to be completed on all outstanding paysheets prior to the confirm. If an employee has outstanding paysheets in pay group X and Y, all of his paysheets need to be calculated before any of those pay groups can be confirmed. The single check will be created under the employee's primary pay group.

To change paysheets after running the Create Paysheet process:

  1. Enter changes on the individual paysheets (you can't see the collective paysheet).

  2. Run the Create Paysheet process again.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Direct Deposit for Paychecks

Regardless of how many jobs an employee has, create only one set of direct deposit instructions on the Request Direct Deposit page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTaking General Deductions

How you take general deductions is influenced by whether you select the Single Chk for Multiple Jobs option on the Company - Default Settings page.

When the Single Check Feature is Enabled

The following describes processing when you select the Single Chk for Multiple Jobs option:

When the Single Check Feature is Not Enabled

If the Take on All Paygroups option is not selected on the Create General Deductions page, the system uses the Priority Number field on the Pay Group Table - Definition page to determine whether to take a general deduction. It takes the deduction only when processing the job in the pay group with the lowest priority number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Deduction Subsets

For employees who receive additional pay:

  1. Select a deduction subset on the Create Additional Pay page.

  2. Request that the system issue a separate check using the Sep Chk # (separate check number) field on the Create Additional Pay page.

    The deduction subset overrides other deduction instructions elsewhere in the system.

If you do not request a separate check, the system ignores the deduction subset and follows the deduction instructions from the calendar, the employee's Job record, or payroll data.

If an employee has multiple Additional Pay records with the same separate check indicator, select the same deduction subset for each record. If you select different subsets, the system applies the deduction subset that is associated with the last Additional Pay record that it processes.

Use deduction subsets to process only a selected set of deductions for a pay run. For example, for a bonus run, you might deduct only one or two of the deductions that you process during the regular monthly pay run.

Select a deduction subset on any of the following pages:

When you select subsets on more than one page, the system uses a hierarchy to determine which deductions to process. If you pay an employee for multiple jobs, the system also considers the employee's primary pay group and primary job when making this determination.

See the following scenarios and examples of the processing rules that apply. If you do not use the single check option, the term primary pay group used in the scenarios refers to the pay group for the job that the system is processing.

Scenario 1: Deduction Subset on Calendars

The system processes:

Scenario 2: Deduction Subset on Calendars and the Override Benefits Deductions Page

The system processes:

Scenario 3: Deduction Subset on Calendars and the Payroll Options 2 Page

The system processes:

Scenario 4: Deduction Subset on Calendars and Override Benefits Deductions Page and Payroll Options 2 Page

The system processes:

The system ignores the subsets on the calendars because employee-level instructions take precedence.


This table displays the five deduction subsets for the example. All of these deductions have been assigned to the employee on the Create General Deductions page and Assign to Benefit Program page.

Note the following:

The following table indicates where the deduction subset is selected:

Additional Pay

Calendar for Primary Pay Group

Job (Benefits Ded Proc Override page)

Calendar (not primary pay group)

Payroll Data


401K (B)



Bond (G)



401K (B)

Garn (G)

Bond (G)

Charity (G)

This table displays the deductions taken in the following scenarios:

Scenario and Deductions Processed







Scenario 1

Primary job in primary pay group







Primary job not in primary pay group







Scenario 2

Primary job in primary pay group







Primary job not in primary pay group







Scenario 3

Primary job in primary pay group







Primary job not in primary pay group







Scenario 4

Primary job in primary pay group







Primary job not in primary pay group







Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Union Dues Deductions

Set up union dues as general deductions. The system takes these deductions only when paying a job that is affiliated with the union code. Therefore, if an employee is a member of a union, but one job does not qualify for union membership, the system does not take dues for that job.

If the system calculates union dues as a percentage of earnings, PeopleSoft recommends that you:

  1. Assign a unique earnings code to each job that is associated with the union.

  2. Create a special accumulator to track the total earnings for jobs with that earnings code.

Consequently, when calculating the union dues, the system considers only the earnings from jobs enrolled in the corresponding union.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Multiple Benefits Programs

If an employee has multiple jobs that are covered by different benefits programs, and you select the Single Chk for Multiple Jobs option on the Company - Default Settings page, the system breaks down all benefits deductions by benefit record number during processing and stores the balances by benefit record number. For example, if an employee has two jobs that are covered by two separate benefits programs, and both programs include a 401(k) deduction or a Registered Pension Plan deduction for Canada, the system calculates two deductions and displays both on the paychecks.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Limits for General Deductions and Benefits Deductions

Employees can have different deduction limits for different jobs. When an employee has multiple jobs with multiple benefit programs (Ben_Rcd#s), and each program has the same deduction, the system adjusts each current goal balance (from the Benefits Program Table page) by the appropriate amount. Because you assign a general deduction at the company level, you can have only a single limit per company for those deductions.

For example, suppose an employee's two jobs are covered by different benefit programs, each with an individual retirement account deduction. The deductions are as follows:



Contribution Amount (% of gross)

Goal Balance




1000 USD




500 USD

The system issues a check that includes:

The total deduction amount is (500 USD × 5%) + (1000 USD × 2%) = 45 USD. The current goal balance for Ben_Rcd#0 increases by 25 USD and the current goal balance for Ben_Rcd#1 increases by 20 USD.