Setting Up Track Faculty Tenure

This chapter provides an overview of service parameters and accrual control tables and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Service Parameters and Accrual Control Tables

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Element Used in This Chapter

Calculation Name

Displays the name of the calculation process. This is the same as the run control ID.

See Calculating Tenure.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tracking Accrued Service

The Track Faculty Events business process (FACULTY_EVENTS) in PeopleSoft HR offers a tenure tracking feature that enables you to track the tenure eligibility of your faculty using complex rules that you set up.

You can:

To determine total accrued service, the tenure or flexible service calculation processes the changes, such as date of hire, leave of absence, and maternity leave, related to an employee's job status. To determine which time periods count toward service, the system considers the effective date of the job action and checks the rules that you set up in the tenure and flexible service control tables.

Before setting up service rules, set up methods to handle the time duration between the dates that are used for measuring accrued service.

Once you define your duration, date rounding, and date conversion options, you can set up the service accrual control tables to use the Tenure Tracking and Flexible Service Tracking features.

These features use the elapsed-time method to measure the time periods (duration) between job actions. This method calculates the duration between two raw dates by subtracting one date from another.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Service Rules

The service parameters components enable you to set up different date rules to adjust the effective dates (raw dates) of an employee's job history before the calculation program calculates the elapsed time period between two events (for example, between an employee's date of hire and the date that the employee goes on a leave of absence).

Service parameters are generic across tenure and flexible service calculations. Once you set up a method, you can use it as often as necessary in tenure service and flexible service definitions.

For example, you can use these options when defining a flexible service definition for a seniority rule.

A seniority service rule might state:

The service year that you are using has two semesters: August 1, 2005 to December 31, 2005 and January 1, 2006 to May 31, 2006. Your rules specify that each semester counts as 0.50 years of service. You set up HR action categories for hire, leave of absence, and return from leave.

You can set up two date-rounding options. One option rounds the effective date of the history to the first of the month; the other rounds the effective date to the first of the month when the date falls before the fifteenth of the month.

Apply the two rounding options to the HR action categories, using the Service Rules (EG_SERVICE_ELAPSED) component.

Suppose that an employee is hired on August 3, 2005. The employee begins a leave of absence on October 13, 2005 and returns to work on December 1, 2005. This table lists the employee's job history:


Effective Date

Adjusted Effective Date for Service










See Viewing Worker Job History.

For the semester August 8, 2005 to December 31, 2005 (08/01/2005 to 12/31/2005), the employee accrues service as follows:

For the same semester, 0.20 years aren't counted toward accrual for the period 10/09/2005 to 11/30/2005.

To establish service parameters, you must:

  1. Establish duration options.

  2. Select a calculation method.

  3. Select a conversion method.

  4. Define date rounding methods.

  5. Set up date rounding rules.

  6. Set up a date conversion method.

  7. Establish a database alias.

  8. Turn on the application trace.

Understanding Date Math Methods

A date that is expressed in terms of years, months, and days (YYYY/MM/DD) is a raw date. Raw date subtraction subtracts days from days, months from months, and years from years, for example 2005/01/01 – 2003/08/01 = 0001/05/00, or 1 year, 5 months, and 0 days.

However, consider the subtraction 2005/11/01 – 2002/12/15. You can't subtract 15 (days) from 1; therefore, you must convert one of the months to days. However, when you change the 11 months to 10, how many days do you carry to the day column?

When you set up raw date subtraction methods, you must choose whether to use the actual number of days or an assumed number of days each month. If you use the actual number of days, the number of days depends on the month in question.

In our example, the tenth month (October) is the most recent full month that you can convert to days. October has 31 days, so 2005/11/01 becomes 2005/10/32. You still have to convert 1 year to months to complete the subtraction, but you know that there are always 12 months in a year. As a result, you end up with a date of 2005/22/32, and the equation is 2005/22/32 – 2003/12/15 = 0002/10/17 or 2 years, 10 months, and 17 days.

If you assume 30 days per month, 2005/11/01 becomes 2005/10/31. After you again convert 1 year to 12 months, you end up with 2005/22/31. The equation is 2005/22/31 – 2003/12/15 = 0002/10/16 or 2 years, 10 months, and 16 days.

Setting Decimal to Raw Date Conversion Option

Set up a date conversion option that corresponds to a duration option. This date math should be the same in calculating the service amount and converting the amount to a different display format.

The conversion methods use Months – 1 and Days – 1 instead of just months and days. This represents the number of whole months and days. For example, in the sample date 06/6/06, you're only six days into the sixth month (June). Therefore, the last whole month is the fifth month (May). The Days – 1 component discounts the present day, ensuring that 01/01/06 becomes 2006.0000, and vice versa.

The conversion methods illustrate the conversion from a raw date to a decimal date, but for flexible service conversion, use the rules to reverse the conversion from a decimal date to a raw date.

For example, suppose that an employee has accrued 5.25 years of service. If you assume 30 days a month and 360 days a year, and you are using two decimal places, either conversion method converts this amount to the years/months/days format: 05 years, 03 months, and 0 days.

Setting Up Date Round Options

Employees accrue or do not accrue flexible service or tenure service depending on their employment status. Status changes are reflected in the employee's action and reason history in the PeopleSoft HR job history records: hires, leaves, returns from leave, terminations, and any other action or reason codes that you select.

Because of differences in the rules for different employee groups, you may need to adjust the effective date, depending on the type of job status change. For example, suppose that your organization allows employees to accrue service beginning the first of the month if they are hired before the fifteenth of the month. You can set up a date round option to round the effective date of hire to the first of the month for all employees who are hired before the fifteenth.

To create a rounding rule, set up all three parts of the rule: the rounding day, the rounding rule, and the rounding period.

Rounding Day

Rounding Rule

Rounding Period

First day of



Last day of



Establishing Duration Options

In tenure and flexible service tracking, the duration option is the method used for calculating the period of time between two action events, such as a date of hire and a leave of absence. The system calculates a duration by subtracting the earlier date from the later date using raw date subtraction. The remainder is the duration.

After performing the raw date subtraction and arriving at a duration, the system converts the duration to decimals. When you convert raw dates and durations to decimal equivalents, you convert months and days to partial years. There are several ways to do this, depending on the decimal conversion assumptions and the decimal conversion method that you select:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Service Parameters

To set up service parameters, use the Duration Option (EG_DURATION_OPTS), Date Round Option (EG_DATE_ROUNDING), Date Conversion Option (EG_DATE_CONVERSION), Database Alias (EG_DB_ALIAS), and Application Trace (EG_APPLICATN_TRACE) components.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Service Parameters

Page Name

Definition Name



Calculation Option


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, Service Rules, Duration Option, Calculation Option

Select a calculation method and set the parameters that are associated with that method.

Conversion Options


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, Service Rules, Duration Option, Conversion Options

Select a method for converting raw dates to decimal dates. The flexible service and tenure service processes use the conversion method after performing the subtraction.

Date Round Option


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, Service Rules, Date Round Option, Date Round Option

Set up date rounding rules.

Date Conversion Option


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, Service Rules, Date Conversion Option, Date Conversion Option

Set up a date conversion method.

Database Alias


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, Service Variables, Database Alias, Database Alias

Set up an event date alias for referencing the Effective Date field on the Job table.

Application Trace


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, Service Rules, Application Trace, Application Trace

Turn on the application trace to provide a way to audit an application.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting a Calculation Method

Access the Calculation Option page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, Service Rules, Duration Option, Calculation Option).

Raw Date Subtraction

This option is selected by default.

Actual Days Per Month

Select to have the system calculate duration using actual days in each month.

Assumed Days Per Month

Select to have the system assume that there are a certain number of days in each month. Enter the assumed number of days in the field next to this option.

Note. Select Assumed Days Per Month to avoid possible rounding issues.

Month Round Rule

Round Up if Periods > (in Months)

Select to round up when the period is greater than the number of months that you specify.

Round Up if Periods > Else Round Down

Select to round up when the period is greater than the number of months that you specify and round down when the period is equal to or less than the number of months that you specify.


Select to avoid rounding.

Day Round Rule

Round Up if Periods > (in Days)

Select to round up when the period is greater than the number of days that you specify.

Round Up if Periods > Else Round Down

Select to round up when the period is greater than the number of days that you specify and round down when it is equal to or less than the number of days that you specify.


Select to avoid rounding.

See Also

Understanding Service Rules

Selecting a Conversion Method

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting a Conversion Method

Access the Conversion Options page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, Service Rules, Duration Option, Conversion Options).

Decimal Conversion Assumptions

Days Per Month

Enter the number of days per month that you want the system to assume in converting raw dates to decimals.

Days Per Year

Enter the number of days per year that you want the system to assume in converting raw dates to decimals.

Number of Decimal Places

Specify a number of places to round decimals for all points in the conversion process.

Note. The number of decimal spaces that you specify here is used for the internal conversion from raw date to decimal date in the background calculation process. The final service amount that is calculated for each computational period in the tenure and flexible service calculation processes is rounded to two decimal places.

Decimal Conversion Method

The system supports one decimal conversion formula:

The formula converts the months to days, adds this to the remaining days, and then converts the total days to years to calculate the decimal portion of the duration. This is then added to the years to find the total duration.

In this case, you have to specify the value in the assumed Days Per Month and the assumed Days Per Year fields.

Month Conversion Rules

Up, Down, Near, or None

Select one as the rule for converting months.

Year Conversion Rules

Up, Down, Near, or None

Select one as the rule for converting years.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Date Rounding Rules

Access the Date Round Option page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, Service Rules, Date Round Option, Date Round Option).

Date Type

Raw Date is the default for calculating tenure and flexible service.

Rounding Day

Select whether to round to the first day of the period or the last day of the period.

When you round to the last day of the period, you don't have to specify your rounding rule. The date is always rounded to the last day of the current period. For example, if you round to the last day of the calendar month, August 3, 2001 becomes August 31, 2001.

However, if you round to the first day of a period, you can round to the next, the coincident (with) or next, the previous, the coincident (with) or previous, or the near (nearest) rounding day.

Rounding Period

Select Calendar Month or Calendar Year. For example, when managing job history records in tenure service and flexible service calculation, select Calendar Month.

Rounding Rule

Make your rounding dependent upon a threshold number of days in the month or a threshold number of months in the year by selecting Up if Day/Month => (up if day or month is equal to or greater than) or Up if Day/Month => Else Down. Both options round up after a threshold number of days (if the rounding period is months) or months (if the rounding period is year). However, the first option doesn't round dates that are below the threshold, whereas the second option rounds down.

These tables illustrate how each of these options works. In all cases, assume that you are rounding to the first of the month.

Rounding Rule

Base Date

Rounded Date

Coincident (with) or Next Following



Coincident (with) or Next Following



Next Following



Coincident (with) or First Previous



First Previous



First Previous







Threshold Rounding Rule

Base Date


Rounded Date

Round Up if . . .




Round Up if . . . Else Down




Round Up if . . .




Round Up if . . . Else Round Down




Select a rounding rule from the following options:

Coincident or Next


Coincident or Previous


Up if Day/Month =>

Up if Day/Month => Else Down


Note. If you selected Last Day of Period in the Rounding Day group box, the Rounding Rule group box is unavailable for entry.

See Also

Defining the HR Service Categories

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Date Conversion Method

Access the Date Conversion Option page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, Service Rules, Date Conversion Option, Date Conversion Option).

Note. This conversion option is required only for calculating flexible service. It isn't available for tenure.

Option Type

Decimal Conversion is the default.


Days Per Month

Enter the number of days per month that you want the system to assume when performing conversions.

Days Per Year

Enter the number of days per year that you want the system to assume when performing conversions.

Decimal Places

Enter the number of decimal places that you want the system to use in the final decimal figure.

Conversion Method

Select one of the two formula methods:

See Also

Understanding Service Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Database Alias

Access the Database Alias page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, Service Variables, Database Alias, Database Alias).

Database Alias Name

Enter a field value to create a database alias for referencing the Effective Date field on the Job Table.

PeopleSoft Table

Select this check box to create the table in PeopleSoft format.

Record (Table) Name

Enter the PeopleSoft record that contains the field you want to use.

Field Name

Enter the field name (must be a field present on the Record Name)

Table Key

Enter the code for the table key.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTurning On the Application Trace

Access the Application Trace page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, Service Rules, Application Trace, Application Trace).

Setting the application trace is useful during the implementation phase of the tenure and flexible service calculation process. Don't turn on the trace if you run the calculation on a regular basis. The application trace writes to the Service Audit table (EG_AUDIT_TRACE) and stores the internal calculation details during a calculation run.

Produce Application Trace

Select to turn on the application trace.

Trace Tenure Service Calc (trace tenure service calculations)

Select to trace tenure service calculations.

Trace Flexible Service Calc (track flexible service calculations)

Select to trace flexible service calculations.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Service Accrual Control Tables

To set up the service accrual control tables, use the Calendar (EG_FLEX_CALENDAR), Action/Category (EG_ACTION_CATEGORY), Service Rules (EG_SERVICE_ELAPSED), and Calculation Group (EG_CALC_GROUPS) components.

The section provides an overview of service accrual tables and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Service Accrual Tables

Methods of calculating and tracking employee service and tenure vary among different groups at the same organization and from one organization to the next. Flexible Service AG and Faculty Events provide set up tables where you establish the service rules that best fit your organization. These service rules provide the basis for the flexible service and tenure accrual processing.

You can define your service calendars, establish human resource action and categories to categorize the job action and reason codes that count toward service accrual, and define your date rounding options.

The service rules become part of a definition name that you assign to a service type. The system processes service types based on the service rules defined in the definition name. Grouping service rules together under a definition name provides flexibility when you are determining calculation rules for different types of service accrual processing.

Service types belong to a calculation group. The calculation group can be associated with one or more service types. The calculation group enables you to group employees who have the same calculation rules applied to their service accrual process.

To set up service accrual control tables, you must:

  1. Establish service calendars.

  2. Define HR actions and categories.

  3. Associate a calendar, proration, and date method with a service definition name.

  4. Define the HR service categories.

  5. Define time adjustments.

  6. Define HR status history adjustments.

  7. Set up final adjustments to the service amount.

  8. Define adjustments that limit the number of hours or service units that can be accrued.

  9. Define service calculation groups.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Service Accrual Control Tables

Page Name

Definition Name





  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Calendar, Calendar

  • Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Define Faculty Events Data, Calendar, Calendar

Establish service calendars for accruing service years.

HR Action/Category


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, HR Action/Category, HR Action/Category

  • Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Define Faculty Events Data, HR Action/Category, HR Action/Category

Group similar actions and reasons that count toward service and tenure accrual.

Service Definition


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Service Rules, Service Definition

  • Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, Define Service Rules, Service Definition

  • Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Define Faculty Events Data, Service Rules, Service Definition

Associate a calendar, a proration method, and a date method (for rounding) with the service definition name.

Service Include Category


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Service Rules, Service Include Category

  • Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, Define Service Rules, Service Definition, Service Include Category

  • Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Define Faculty Events Data, Service Rules, Service Include Category

  • Define the HR service categories included in the service accrual process in the selected definition name.

  • Specify the date-rounding options for each HR category that is included on this page.

Service Add Periods Rules


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Service Rules, Service Add Periods Rules

  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Service Rules, Service Add Periods Rules

  • Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Define Faculty Events Data, Service Rules, Service Add Periods Rules

  • Define the adjustments where the effective date of a status change moves forward.

  • Select the employee records that are affected by the parameters that you set throughout the Service Rules component.

Service Adj Future (service adjust future)


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Service Rules, Service Adj Future

  • Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, Define Service Rules, Service Adj Future

  • Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Define Faculty Events Data, Service Rules, Service Adj Future

Define human resource status history adjustments that depend on future changes in status.

Service Final Handling


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Service Rules, Service Final Handling

  • Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, Define Service Rules, Service Final Handling

  • Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Define Faculty Events Data, Service Rules, Service Final Handling

Set up final adjustments to the service amount.

Min/Max Service Rules (minimum and maximum service rules)


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Service Rules, Min/Max Service Rules

  • Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, Define Service Rules, Min/Max Service Rules

  • Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Define Faculty Events Data, Service Rules, Min/Max Service Rules

Define adjustments that limit the number of hours or service units that can be accrued within a specific period of time.

Calculation Group


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Calculation Group

  • Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Define Faculty Events Data, Calculation Group

Define service calculation groups to group employees who have the same calculation rules applied to their service accrual process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing a Service Calendar

Access the Calendar page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Calendar, Calendar).

Set the number of months and periods in a service year, as well as the start and end dates for each period in the year.

The period start and end dates are crucial to the service accrual process. These are the dates against which service is accrued for your employees. For example, an organization might have the following definitions:

When you create a new calendar, enter information into all of the fields in the calendar grid and add a row for each period in each year against which you want the calendar to enable service to accrue.

The background processes that track flexible service and tenure service don't accrue service credits for dates that are not represented on the calendar. Therefore, you must ensure that the calendar being used by a particular service type spans the date range for the accrual process.

Computational Period

Year, Semester, Term, Quarter, or Month

Select a time frame to accrue flexible service or tenure.

Year Type

Select a year type on which to base calculations. Then specify the number of months and periods in a year for this year type, for example, an academic year of 10 months divided into 4 periods (quarters).

Your system is delivered with year types Acad-10 and Fiscal-12. You can make additional entries on the translate table.

Months in a Year

Enter the number of months in the calendar year that you are defining.

Periods in a Year

Enter the number of periods in the calendar year.


Enter the calendar year that is covered by the defined calendar. For example, if the academic year 2006 comprises two semesters, one starting in September 2005 and the other in January 2006, enter 2006 in this column for both semester rows.

Prd. (period)

Enter the period for the defined calendar year. Enter the calendar period numbers in sequence; for example, 1 through 4, if you selected Acad-10 divided into 4 periods.

Begin Date and End Date

Enter the period's start and end dates.

Period Name

Enter the period name.

Abbrev (abbreviation)

Enter an abbreviated name for the period.

Prds Count (periods count)

Using a decimal value of up to two decimal places, enter how much the period counts toward the entire year (for example, for four periods, each period can count as 0.25 of the total year). Use this value to calculate how much credit an employee receives for working the period.

Important! When you enter start and end dates on the employee's Service History page and on the Tenure Calculation or Flexible Service Calculation run control pages, make sure that the dates on the pages match the dates in the Begin Date and End Date fields; otherwise the process won't run. You might have to define calendars solely for the purpose of accommodating employees whose start dates don't correspond to an existing calendar period begin date and end date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining HR Actions and Categories

Access the HR Action/Category page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, HR Action/Category, HR Action/Category).

The job action and reason codes that are identified in the HR categories are processed against the employee's job records during the accrual process.

Defining HR actions and categories on this page doesn't, by itself, identify which HR job actions and reasons to count towards tenure. This step is completed on the Service Include Category page. By grouping the categories on this page, you eliminate the need to identify them individually on the Service Include Category page.

See Defining the HR Service Categories.

The HR action and category processing rules may differ amongst faculty or employee groups, requiring you to set up multiple HR categories. For example, one HR category might include the job actions Hire, Termination, or Leave of Absence, as well as six or seven reasons that make each action eligible to count for service credits. Another HR category might include the job actions Hire, Termination, or Leave of Absence, with only one or two reasons that make the action eligible to accrue service credits. While these HR categories are similar, they have different processing rules.

You can reference job action and reason codes only through HR categories. Even if a category consists of a single action or an action and reason combination, you must include the job action and reason in a HR category to reference that code in the flexible service rules.

Category Name

Displays the service category name that you entered on the page. If you are adding a new category, enter a new category name that describes the type of job actions and reasons to which the category applies on the HR Action/Category page. Examples of category names are CAT_LOA (category leave of absence) and CAT_HIRE (category hire).


Select the job action that should accrue toward service in this HR category. To include more than one action for this category, click the Insert Row button to add rows.


Select a reason to include reason codes for a job action and make it eligible to accrue service credits.

You can specify more than one reason for an action by adding a row and selecting the same action and a different reason.

All Reasons

Select to specify that all reason codes for a job action are eligible to accrue service credits. You don't need to add a row for each reason.

See Also

Associating a Calendar, Proration, and Date Method with a Service Definition Name

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating a Calendar, Proration, and Date Method with a Service Definition Name

Access the Service Definition page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Service Rules, Service Definition).

Service rules become part of the definition name that you assign to a service type. The system processes service types based on the service rules that are defined in the definition name. Grouping service rules under a definition name provides flexibility when you are determining calculation rules for different types of service accrual processing.

Definition Name

Displays the name that you selected. Enter a new definition name for this set of service rules in the Add-Service Rules search page.

Service Calculation

Service Type

Displays the method used to calculate accrued service. By default, the system uses Elps Time (elapsed time). This method measures the time duration between two dates, taking into account the HR action and category event changes on the employee's job history.

See Defining the HR Service Categories.

Tenure Clock/Service Calendar

Calendar ID

Enter the calendar ID to use for this definition name. Calendars are maintained on the Calendar page. For example, you might link the definition name, FACULTY, to a service calendar that is based on the academic year using the computational period of a semester (10 months in a year and 2 periods in a year).

See Establishing a Service Calendar.

Months in a Year

Displays the number of months per year for the selected calendar, as defined on the Calendar page and based on the Calendar ID field.

See Establishing a Service Calendar.

Computational Period

Displays the period of time during which the service calculation is based. This is based on the Calendar ID field, for example, S (semester). This field is populated by the selected calendar, which is maintained on the Calendar page.

See Establishing a Service Calendar.

Periods in a Year

Displays the number of periods per year for the selected calendar and is based on the Calendar ID field.

Prorate Method

Prorate By

Select a prorate method of None or FTE (full-time equivalency), depending on the type of service being tracked.

Pro-rate if below

Enter the percentage of FTE (for example, 80) below which you want the system to prorate accrued service. The system calculates any FTE value that is equal to or greater than this value as 1.0, for the purpose of proration. This field isn't visible if you selected None in the Prorate By field. The system calculates all FTE values as 1.0.

Elapsed Time Method

Duration Option

Enter a duration from the list of options. You can set up different ways to calculate elapsed time using the Duration Option pages.

See Setting Up Service Parameters.

Date Method

Date Round Option

Enter a date rounding method to be used in calculating service dates. You set date rounding options on the Date Round Option page.

See Setting Up Date Rounding Rules.

Date Conversion Option

Enter a date conversion method, such as ACAD, from the list of options. Date conversion methods are established and maintained on the Date Conversion Option page. This field applies only to the flexible service tracking. It doesn't apply to tenure tracking.

See Setting Up Date Rounding Rules.

See Also

Setting Up a Date Conversion Method

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the HR Service Categories

Access the Service Include Category page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Service Rules, Service Include Category).

Employees accrue service credits based on the action and reason codes in their job history. The HR' actions and categories are defined on the HR Action/Category page and comprise one or more job action and reason codes. The action and reason codes defined in the HR category determine whether an employee accrues credits for each job action and reason.

See Defining HR Actions and Categories.

HR Status Adjustment Order (human resources status adjustment order)

You can make multiple adjustments to status, and each change has the same date. Therefore, you must tell the background calculation process in what sequence to apply these adjustments. Using this group box, indicate the order (from 1 to 3) in which the adjustments are to be made.

Future Status

Refers to the status entered on the Service Adj Future page.

See Defining HR Status History Adjustments.

Date Round

Refers to the date round options set on this page.

Add Time to Date

Refers to the adjustment entered on the Service Add Periods Rules page.

See Defining Time Adjustments.

Tenure/Service Categories


Select to have the service category in the Category Name field count toward service accrual. For example, select this check box if you want a leave of absence to count toward service accrual.

Category Type

Select a category type such as Hire Category, Other, or Termination Category.

Category Name

Enter a HR category name, such as CAT_LOA (category leave of absence). An HR category comprises one or more job action and reason codes. You establish HR categories and their component HR' action and category groups on the HR Action/Category page.

See Defining HR Actions and Categories.

For example, if you select the category CAT_HIRE (category hire), which you set up to include the action codes HIRE (hire) and REH (rehire), select the Include/Add check box to make both of these job action codes eligible for accrual within the definition name.

Date Round Option

Enter the option that is to be used for each HR category. For example, you might round all hire and rehire dates to the first of the month. Thus, credit is accrued based on the first of the month, regardless of the date in the month that the employee was hired. These options are maintained on the Date Round Option page.

See Setting Up Date Rounding Rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Time Adjustments

Access the Service Add Periods Rules page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Service Rules, Service Add Periods Rules).

Sometimes you may want to delay the effective date of an action and reason event. For example, if an employee can continue to accrue service for the first month of a leave, you adjust the effective date of any leave action by adding a month. Do this by adding a time period to the action and reason effective date.

Category Name

The category name refers to the HR service category, such as CAT_HIRE (category hire) that is specified on the Service Include Category page. To set up adjustment rules for more than one category name, add new rows. If you entered more than one category name, click the insert row button to add information for each category.

See Defining the HR Service Categories.

Record Impacted

Select the instances in which a new status should receive an adjustment. When you add time to an action and reason effective date, you are giving additional service (or breaks) by delaying the impact of the change. For example, you grant a 30-day leave of absence adjustment for only the first leave and do not adjust any subsequent leaves.

Adjustment Rule

In this group box, specify how the system applies the time adjustment that you specify. When you add time to an action and reason effective date, you delay the impact of the change. You may not want to do this for each occurrence of the action. For example, you can grant the 30-day leave of absence adjustment only for the first leave and not adjust any subsequent leaves.

Periods to Add

Select to add time to an effective date.

Note. This option might be unavailable for entry, depending on your selection in the Record Impacted field.


Enter the number of periods to add to the accrued service.

Unit of the Period

Select the unit for the periods that you are adding. For instance, if you select Days in this field and enter 2 in the Number field, the system adds two days to the effective date of the selected category.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining HR Status History Adjustments

Access the Service Adj Future page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Service Rules, Service Adj Future).

How you treat service for a particular HR status might depend on the employee's subsequent status. For example, employees on leave might accrue service only if they return to work later. On this page, you can adjust the current event based on a future event or adjust a future event based on a second future event.

Adding Time to the Effective Date of a Status Change

By adding a time period, you can delay an effective date based on other events that occur later within defined periods of time.

For example, you can adjust the effective date of a leave of absence by one month (that is, to grant one month of extra service) only if the employee returns within four months. To do this, select Add in the Service Adjustment Type field and RFL (return from leave) in the Service Adjustment Action Cd (service adjustment action code) field. In the Occurs Within fields, enter 4 in the AdjWin Num field and select Months in the Type field; enter 1 in theAdd field and select Months in the Type field.

Ignoring the Current Status Change

By selecting Ignore Cur (ignore current action and reason) in the Service Adjustment Type field, you can ignore the original human resource status change based on other events that occur later within defined periods of time.

When you select this adjustment, select the event in the Service Adjustment Action Cd field. In the Occurs Within fields, indicate how far into the future to look for this event.

For example, you can ignore a leave of absence if the employee returns within one month. To do this, select Ignore Cur in the Service Adjustment Type field and RFL in the Service Adjustment Action Cd field. In the Occurs Within fields, select 1 and Months.

This adjustment has the following effect:













Notice that this employee's 15-day leave is ignored. Because it was less than one month, the system doesn't consider it a break in service.

Using the inside scroll bar, you can enter as many service adjustments, as necessary, for each category.

Service Information

Service Adjustment Type

Select from the list of values. Options are:

  • Add

  • Ignore Cur (ignore current)

  • Ignore Fut (ignore future)

  • Insert

Some of the fields that appear below this field vary, depending on the value that you select here.

Service Adjustment Action Cd (service adjustment action code)

Enter the type of service adjustment action, such as HIRE (hire).

Adjust. Reason (adjustment reason)

Enter the reason for the adjustment, such as LTDP (long term disability with pay).

Occurs Within

The system displays this when you select Add, Ignore Cur, or Ignore Fut in the Service Adjustment Type field.

Does Not Occur Within

The system displays this when you select Insert in the Service Adjustment Type field.

AdjWin Num (adjustment window number)

Enter a number to use in conjunction with the Type field.


Select Days, Months, User Code,Weeks, or Years.


Enter a time period to add to the service adjustment. This field appears when you select Add in the Service Adjustment Type field.

Ignore Future

Select the type of service adjustment action that is to be ignored in the future. This field appears when you select Ignore Fut in the Service Adjustment Type field.

Adj Act 2 (adjustment action 2)

Select a service adjustment action that is define in the HR category. This field appears when you select Insert or Ignore Fut in the Service Adjustment Type field.


Select the reason code that is defined in the HR category. This field appears when you select Insert or Ignore Fut in the Service Adjustment Type field.


Select the type of service adjustment action that is to be inserted. This field appears when you select Insert in the Service Adjustment Type field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Final Adjustment to the Service Amount

Access the Service Final Handling page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Service Rules, Service Final Handling).

The adjustment or service limit on this page applies to the total service amount for the employee. For example, the maximum service cap for a service type is eight years. Once you enter 8 in the Maximum Service Amount field, the calculation process doesn't accrue more than eight years of service for the employee.

Final Result Conversion

Final Service Result Units

Select the calendar unit, such as Years, that is to be used in the final conversion. Y is the only value that is available for track flexible service and track faculty events.

Final Result Adjustment

Add Service Amount

Enter the amount, in years, that is to be added to the total accrued service.

Subtract Service Amount

Enter the amount, in years, that is to be subtracted from the total accrued service.

Final Service Limit

Minimum Service Amount

Enter the minimum amount of service that is required for credit for the selected category.

Maximum Service Amount

Enter the maximum amount of service that is permitted for the selected category.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Adjustments That Limit Accrual of Hours or Service Units

Access the Min/Max Service Rules page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Service Rules, Min/Max Service Rules).

These rules apply to an HR action and category that is based on a calendar period.

If there are additional categories, use the scroll arrow to display more categories and rules. To add a new row, click the Insert Row button on the Service Include Category page.


Displays the service category, such as CAT_HIRE (category hire), which is defined on the Service Include Category page.

See Defining the HR Service Categories.


Displays service category descriptions (such as Hire Categories), which are maintained on the Service Include Category page.

See Defining the HR Service Categories.


Select Minimum or Maximum to specify a minimum or maximum service limit for each category that is listed. Select None for no limit.


Enter the minimum or maximum amount of service for the selected category. This field is required if you selected Minimum or Maximum as a limit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Service Calculation Groups

Access the Calculation Group page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Calculation Group).

The calculation group provides a way to group employees who have the same calculation rules applied to their service accrual process. You can associate the calculation group with one or more service types.

By indicating that start-up credits apply to the calculation group, you tell the service accrual process to include the start-up credits that you entered on the employee's Service History page.

See Viewing Service History Information.

Service credit accrues against each service type. The service types are linked to a definition name that stipulates which service or calculation rules are applied during the service accrual process. Each service type has its own set of service or calculation rules based on how you set them up. The definition name provides a connection between the service rules (calendar, human resource categories, and date rounding options) and the service type.

The calculation group also identifies which employee types are eligible to accrue service credits in each service type. For example, a service type might have eligibility criteria stating that only full-time employees are qualified to accrue service credits. Another service type might include full-time and part-time employees. You define the employee eligibility criteria for each service type in a calculation group.

For an organization with multiple unions and bargaining units, where service calculation rules are governed by different regulations and collective agreements, you might define a calculation group based on union or bargaining units. The employees' flexible service dates would be managed by the union or bargaining unit (by setting up separate calculation groups).

The calculation groups that you define are associated with the employees in your organization who are eligible to accrue flexible service. The calculation group becomes part of the employee's employment record.

Service Calculation Group

Displays the name that you entered for this calculation group in the Add (if you are creating a new calculation group) or search page. A calculation group name can be up to six characters.

Function Indic. (function indicator)

Select the function, or process, for which this calculation group will be used. Values are Flex Srvc (flexible service) and Tenure.

Use Start-Up

Select this check box to include start-up credits to the employee's accrued service. Start-up credit is maintained on the Service Detail page for the employee. Leaving the check box deselected will exclude prior service credits in the calculations.

Service Type

Enter the service type to assign to this calculation group. To assign additional service types, press F7 or click the Insert Row button to add rows.

Service Type Active

Select to activate a service type for the current calculation group.

If you deselect the check box for a service type, that service type isn't included in the service accrual process.

Start Date

Enter a valid calendar date as the start date for this calculation group. The start date determines when the change is added to the system. Use a valid calendar date, not an alias, as the start date.

Stop Date

Enter a stop date in this field or select an alias in the Alias field. You must do one or the other.

Or Alias

If you did not enter a stop date in the Stop Date field, enter an alias in this field.

Or Alias is a critical field. Enter the alias, EVENT_DT (event date), which links to the job history in the calculation process. The EVENT_DT alias is maintained on the Database Alias page. In the case of a service calculation, the through date is used as the event date.

Definition Name

Once you enter a service type for this calculation group, you must indicate the service rules definition name that the service type will use. This is where your calendar links. The definition name (maintained on the Service Rules component) dictates the calendar that is used. The definition name provides the following information to the system:

  • Which calendar to use.

  • Which date rounding and proration methods to use.

  • What service categories (action and category code groupings) are eligible for inclusion in the service calculation process.

See Also

Setting Up a Database Alias

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Tenure Tracking

To set up tenure tracking, use the Academic Rank (EG_RANK_TBL) and the Experience/Credit Codes (EG_EXP_DEFINITION) components.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Tenure Tracking

Page Name

Definition Name



Academic Rank


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Academic Rank, Academic Rank

  • Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Define Faculty Events Data, Academic Rank, Academic Rank

Establish academic ranks, tenure tracking eligibility for those ranks, and probationary periods.

Before using this page, set up the Calculation Group page.

Experience/Credit Codes


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Experience/Credit Codes, Experience/Credit Codes

  • Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Define Faculty Events Data, Experience/Credit Codes, Experience/Credit Codes

Set up the experience and credit codes that employees can earn at other institutions and apply toward tenure at your organization.

Set up a credit code for start-up credit to bring forward any accrued service credit in your organization on the initial loading of tenure service data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Academic Ranks

Access the Academic Rank page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Academic Rank, Academic Rank).

Academic Rank Information

Rank-IPEDS (rank Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System-Full Staff Survey)

Select the rank for IPEDS reporting. Values are Assist Prf, Assoc Prf, Instructor, Lecturer, No Rank, or Professor.

Eligible for Tenure Tracking

Select if the academic rank is eligible for tenure tracking. This does not affect the tenure calculation process.

Tenure Tracking Eligibility

Service Calculation Group

Enter the calculation group for this academic rank. For example, enter FAC (faculty) to include the associate professor rank in the faculty calculation group.

Partial Credit Allowed

Select if some credit applies toward tenure service. This does not affect the tenure calculation process.

Probationary Period (# of yrs) (probationary period [number of years])

Enter the number of years this rank is in a probationary period. Employees can have multiple concurrent jobs, but they can accumulate probationary time toward tenure in only one academic rank at a time.

Carry Automatic Tenure

Select if tenure automatically applies to this rank. This does not affect the tenure calculation process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Experience and Credit Codes

Access the Experience/Credit Codes page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Experience/Credit Codes, Experience/Credit Codes).

The tenure service accrual and calculation process uses the experiences and credits set up on this page to determine an employee's total time toward tenure as of a specified date.

Add to Tenure Services

Select if the experience or credit code counts toward tenure service in your organization.

Click to jump to parent topicAssigning an Employee to Tenure

This section provides an overview of employee tenure and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Employee Tenure

Different job actions trigger tenure actions. For example, when you hire, promote, or transfer an employee, the change from one job action to a different one might continue to count for service, or it might start a break in the service.

When you assign an employee to tenure, the system adds a new tenure record and prior experience or credit records to the tenure tracking tables to initiate future processing and information lookups.

To calculate tenure service, establish which job histories that you want to process. To determine relevant jobs and what information becomes the default when you set up an employee's tenure data, indicate whether a job accrues tenure and full-time equivalent (FTE) for the tenure service accrual.

Departments Capable of Granting Tenure

On the Comm. Acctg. and EG (commitment accounting and education and government) page, select the Can Grant Tenure check box to indicate that the department can grant or award tenure. The system automatically activates the Grant Tenure field on the Tenure Data page for employees assigned to tenure granting departments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Assign an Employee to Tenure

Page Name

Definition Name



Tenure Data


Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Calculate Tenure, Create Tenure Data, Tenure Data

Maintain tenure tracking data for employees. Default information is automatically populated from the Job Data component.

Prior Experience/Credits


Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Calculate Tenure, Create Tenure Data, Prior Experience/Credits

Track an employee's service accrued from other institutions that counts toward your organization's tenure service clock. Maintain experience and credit types on the Experience/Credit Codes page.

Review Rank/Status History


Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Calculate Tenure, Review Rank/Status History, Review Rank/Status History

View changes made to academic rank and tenure status associated with a home department. The system automatically tracks changes. This page is display-only.

Review Related Jobs


Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Calculate Tenure, Review Related Jobs, Review Related Jobs

Review current jobs that count toward an employee's tenure. This page is display-only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating Tenure Accrual

To activate tenure tracking for an employee:

  1. Access the Job Data - Employment Information page.

  2. Select the Accrue Tenure Services check box.

  3. Enter a value in the FTE for Tenure Accrual field, such as 1.0.

Note. FTE cannot be greater than 1.0. On multiple jobs, the sum of the FTEs of all the jobs selected to accrue tenure cannot be greater than 1.0.

Important! Do not use the Calc Group (Flex Service) and FTE for Service Accruals fields unless you run flexible service calculations in addition to tenure. If you run only tenure calculations for the employee, leave these fields blank to avoid errors during the tenure calculation process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Tenure Data

Access the Tenure Data page (Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Calculate Tenure, Create Tenure Data, Tenure Data).

Tenure Status

Select the employee's current status: Non Tenure Not On Track, Non Tenure On Track, Not Applicable, Other, Tenure, Tenure Denied, or Tenure by de facto.

Note. The tenure accrual program processes employees with the Non Tenure On Track status only.

Home Rank

This value automatically populates from the Position Data component or the Job Code component. If you did not set up a home rank in these components, select it here (such as 001 (professor).

Track Start Date

Displays the date that the employee's tenure accrual begins. The default is the hired date from the employment record. Employees with the Non Tenure On Track tenure status must have a track start date.

The track start date must correspond to the begin date of the calendar associated with the calculation group to ensure that the tenure calculation process runs correctly. For example, if an employee's track start date is 09/01/2005, then the calendar begin date must be 09/01/2005. For this reason, you might define calendars only to accommodate track start dates.

Change Date and Change Reason

Display the date the rank or status change is effective and the reason for the change. The default date is the track start date. If the Change Reason field does not display a default, select one of the options in the Tenure Status field.

Original Track Date

Displays the date tenure tracking begins for the employee. The default is the track start date.

Tenure Home

Displays the department granting the employee's tenure. This value is automatically populated from the employee's current job record.

Grant Tenure

The system automatically activates this display-only field for employees assigned to tenure granting departments shown in the Tenure Home field. The Y (yes) or N (no) data indicates if the home department can grant tenure.

Service Calc. Group (service calculation group)

Select the group used to calculate tenure accrual.

Mandatory Review Dt (mandatory review date)

Enter the employee's mandatory review date.

Granted Date

Enter the date that tenure was granted.

Override Calculation

Select to not include this employee in the tenure calculation process.

Committed FTE (committed full-time equivalent)

Enter the percentage of time the employee is a committed FTE. This enables you to track the tenure FTE committed for budgetary reasons. The FTE for Tenure Accrual field on the Job Data - Employment Information page determines the proration for the accrual process.

Note. The tenure calculation process does not use other tenure departments' information.


Click to enter notes regarding the employee's tenure.

Probation (Number of Years)

Total Required

Displays the total number of probationary years required before granting tenured status. The system automatically populates this value from the Academic Rank table.

Time Accrued

Displays the number of accrued probationary years. The system populates this value on the Service History page.

Current As Of Date

Displays the end date of the last processed computational period.

Extended By

Enter the number of years by which the probationary period is extended for this employee, if appropriate.

Time To Accrue

Displays the remaining probationary years that the employee must accrue.

Terminal Year

Select when the employee is in the last year of probation.

For example, if the total of required probationary years is 8 and the time to accrue is 1, select this check box.

The Time Accrued and Time To Accrue fields display 0 years when you select this check box.

Other Tenure Departments List

Use this group box to maintain tenure-related information for an employee in departments other than the home department. This data does not come from the employee's job record and is not used in the tenure calculation process. It is strictly for informational purposes.


Enter other departments in which the employee is accruing tenure. For example, an employee might hold positions in two departments.


Enter the rank that the employee holds in that department. Maintain ranks in the Academic Rank table.

Tenure Status

Enter the employee's tenure status for the position.

Effective Date

Enter the date the tenure status is effective.

FTE (full-time equivalent)

Enter the percentage of time the employee is a committed FTE.

See Also

Enabling and Controlling Department Information for Specified Customers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Prior Experience and Credits

Access the Prior Experience/Credits page (Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Calculate Tenure, Create Tenure Data, Prior Experience/Credits).

Original Start Date

Displays the employee's hire date.

Highest Education Level

Displays the employee's highest level of education.

Summary Totals

Total Time Required

Displays the total number of service years required to receive tenure. This value is automatically populated from the Total Required field on the Tenure Data page.

Total Time Accrued

Displays the total number of service years accrued toward tenure. This value is automatically populated from the Time Accrued field on the Tenure Data page. The number changes if you make an online adjustment to the service history.


Displays the total number of years from prior employment that count toward tenure service (calculated to two decimal places).

Time To Accrue

Displays the number of years remaining to accrue tenure status. This value is automatically populated from the Time To Accrue field on the Tenure Data page. The number of years remaining to accrue tenure status changes if you make an online adjustment to the service history.

Prior Experience/Credit

Exp / Credit (experience/credit)

Select the employee's previous experience or credit type, such as PRSH (research).

From Date and To Date

Enter the beginning and ending dates of the experience or credit.

Credit Granted

Enter the amount of credit granted for the prior experience.

Add to Tenure

Select this check box to add these credits to tenure accrual.


Select the rank at which the credits were granted, such as 001 (professor).


Click to enter comments regarding prior experience.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Change History

Access the Review Rank/Status History page (Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Calculate Tenure, Review Rank/Status History, Review Rank/Status History).


Displays the employee's name and ID.

Tenure Home

Displays the code for the department in which the employee received, or will receive, tenure.

Tenure Status

Displays the employee's tenure status.

Calc Group (calculation group)

Displays the calculation group used to calculate this employee's tenure, such as FAC.

Track Start Dt (track start date)

Displays the date tenure tracking began for the employee.

Override Calc (override calculation)

This check box is selected only if the Override Calculation check box is selected on the Tenure Data page.

Tenure Granted Date

Displays the date tenure was granted if the employee received tenure status.

Home Department Rank/Status Change History

Academic Rank

Displays the employee's academic rank at the time of the rank or status change.

Tenure Status

Displays the employee's tenure status at the time of the rank or status change.

Action Date

Displays the date the rank or status change takes place.

Change Reason

Displays the reason for the rank or status change.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Related Jobs

Access the Review Related Jobs page (Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Calculate Tenure, Review Related Jobs, Review Related Jobs).


Displays the employee's name and ID.

Tenure Home

Displays the code for the department in which the employee received, or will receive, tenure.

Tenure Status

Displays the employee's tenure status.

Track Start Dt (track start date)

Displays the date tenure tracking began for the employee.

Calc Group (calculation group)

Displays the calculation group used to calculate this employee's tenure, such as FAC.

Override Calc (override calculation)

Displays a Y for yes only if the Override Calculation check box is selected on the Tenure Data page.

Tenure Granted Dt (tenure granted date)

Displays the date the employee received tenure status.

Jobs Counted for Tenure Accrual

Empl Rcd# (employee record number)

Maintain this number in the Job Data component.

FTE For Accrual

Displays the employee's FTE value, such as .80 for an employee working 80 percent of a normal full-time schedule. Maintain the FTE for accrual on the Job Data - Job Information page.

Job Code

Maintain job code IDs on the Job Code component.


Displays the employee's position number and a description of the position.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Tenure Calculation Process

This section provides an overview of the tenure calculation process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Tenure Calculation Process

Tenure calculation is a two-step process:

  1. Calculate tenure service in Normal Run mode for a specific time period, such as a semester or quarter.

    Calculate tenure service for a calculation group or an individual employee. View the results on the View Periodic Results page; these results are temporary until you run the calculation process in Update to History mode.

    Also view messages about the processing on the Message Log page. This enables you to ensure that tenure calculation processes are running correctly before you commit them to history by using Update to History mode.

  2. Use Update to History mode to make the results of the Normal Run mode permanent.

    Running the calculation process in Update to History mode updates the tenure service totals on the employee tenure data record and adds new service details to the employee service history. View the results on the Tenure Data - Service History page.

Note. If you calculate tenure for an individual employee, run the calculation process in Normal Run mode for that employee only; then, use Update to History mode for all the employees within a tenure calculation group at the same time.

Run the tenure calculation process periodically (for example, at the end of the academic year to calculate accrued tenure for employees). You can run this process as often as necessary.

How the System Calculates Tenure Service

To calculate tenure service, the system:

How the System Updates Tenure and Service History

To update tenure service and service history, the system:

See Also

Setting Up Service Parameters

Setting Up Service Accrual Control Tables

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run the Tenure Calculation Process

Page Name

Definition Name



Perform Tenure Calculations


Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Calculate Tenure, Perform Tenure Calculations, Perform Tenure Calculations

Calculate tenure. Run tenure calculation processes and update tenure service history. Before using this page, set up the Calculation Group page.

Message Log

Review Processing Messages


  • Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, Message Log, Message Log

  • Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Calculate Tenure, Review Processing Messages, Review Processing Messages

View dated and timed information about calculation processes. Track errors in processes and searches for error messages associated with a particular run.

View Periodic Results

Review Tenure Run Results


  • Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, View Periodic Results, View Periodic Results

  • Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Calculate Tenure, Review Tenure Run Results, Review Tenure Run Results

View the results of the tenure calculation process, such as the employee's tenure status, what was processed, and whether the run was successful or not.

This information is temporary and changes when you run the calculation process in Update to History mode.

Review Tenure Calc Summary

(review tenure calculation summary)


Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Calculate Tenure, Review Tenure Calc Summary, Review Tenure Calc Summary

View the tenure calculation summary for the calculation process run in Normal Run or Delete_Rebuild History mode. When you run the calculation process in Update to History mode, you can no longer view this page.

Service History


Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Calculate Tenure, Create Tenure Data, Service History

View the service history for employees and enter service adjustments and codes. Maintain adjustment action and reason codes on the HR Action/Category page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Tenure

Access the Perform Tenure Calculations page (Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Calculate Tenure, Perform Tenure Calculations, Perform Tenure Calculations).

From Date and To Date

Enter the time period for the calculation process in these fields. These dates must exactly match a computational period of the calendar used by the calculation group that you are processing. The from date must match a period begin date in the calendar, and the to date must match a period end date.

For example, you might want to calculate tenure for an academic year that consists of two computational periods: 01/01/05 to 06/31/05, and 07/01/05 to 12/31/05. Therefore, enter 01/01/05 as the from date and 12/31/05 as the to date. The process creates a service history for each computational period.

Calc Group (calculation group)

Select the calculation group, such as FAC (faculty) for which you want to run tenure service totals. The calculation group processes all employees within that group for the specified dates unless you specify an individual employee ID.

When you process an individual, you must select a calculation group.

EmplID (employee ID)

Select the employee ID only to process tenure for an individual employee; otherwise, leave this field blank.

Periodic Processing Mode - EG

Select from the available options in which you want to run the tenure calculation process. The system automatically selects one of the related check boxes to reflect your selection. Values include:

Delete & Rebuild History: Select to regenerate tenure service for an individual employee (or all employees) within a tenure calculation group. None of the adjustments that you entered on the Tenure Data - Service History page re-accrue. You must re-enter the adjustments. All start-up credits are recalculated.

When you select this option, the system selects the Delete & Reload History check box.

Warning! Running the calculation in this mode removes all service history for the tenure calculation group or employee.

Normal Run: Select to calculate tenure and create temporary tenure accrual records, which you view on the Review Tenure Calc Summary page. The system purges the calculation when you run the process in Update to History.

When you select this option, the system selects the Delete old Calc Results (delete old calculation results) check box.

Update to History: Select to update the Tenure Data - Service History page. The results from using normal run become the input data for this value. When you select this value, the system selects the Commit to History check box.

You must use the same run control ID that you used in normal run, and the run control ID must be the same as the computational period. If you have a temporary file (from using normal run) for an employee, and use the same run control ID but change the end date, the system updates the contents of the temporary file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Message Log

Access the Message Log page (Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, Message Log, Message Log).

Search Criteria

Select All, Instance, Job ID, or Both as the focus of the inquiry. The related fields become available based on the option that you select.

Process Instance and To Instance

If you select Instance or Both as the search criteria, enter the process instance number. The To Instance field automatically displays the same number. To include more than one calculation process instance, enter the number of the last instance or process for which you want information in the To Instance field.

Job ID

If you select Job ID as the search criteria, this field becomes available. Enter the background process name.

Show Program Names

Select to display names of the specific programs that generate the error messages.


Click to display the error messages.

Date Time

Displays the date and time the program ran.


Displays the program message in the text box if you selected the Show Program Names check box.

Click the More button to display detailed information about an error message.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Periodic Process Results

Access the View Periodic Results page (Workforce Administration, Flexible Service EG, View Periodic Results, View Periodic Results).

Run Date

Displays the date that the calculation process ran.

Process Instance

Displays the calculation process instance number.

Run Status

Displays basic information about the calculation process, including whether the system encountered problems.

To Date

Displays the end date of the period covered in this calculation process.

Periodic Cycle

Displays the periodic cycle for this run control ID.

Process Mode

Displays the period processing mode from the Perform Tenure Calculations page (for track faculty events) or the Service Calc page (for track flexible service).

Service Calculation Group

Displays the calculation group included in this calculation process run.


Displays the employee's ID number if you are running the calculation process for an individual employee.

Calculate All Groups

Displays N (no).

Delete & Reload History, Delete old Calc Results, and Commit to History

Displays Y (yes) or N (no), depending on the period processing mode that you selected.

Service Type

Displays the service type included in the calculation process.

Employees Processed

Displays the number of employees processed during this calculation.

Employees with Errors

Displays the number of employee records the system designated as erroneous during the calculation process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Tenure Calculation Summary

Access the Review Tenure Calc Summary page (Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Calculate Tenure, Review Tenure Calc Summary, Review Tenure Calc Summary).

From Date and To Date

Displays the dates between which the tenure calculation process ran.

Begin/End Date

Displays the beginning and ending dates for this calculation process.

Service Amt without Breaks (service amount without breaks)

Displays the amount of service without breaks that counts toward tenure.

Service Amt with Breaks (service amount with breaks)

Displays the amount of service with breaks that counts toward tenure.

Accrued Service

Displays the total amount of accrued service time.

Accum Breaks (accumulated breaks)

Displays the total amount of accumulated breaks in service.

Note. If the employee has existing service history, the total service amount comes forward in an entry with an action of BFW. Begin and end dates for the entry show the date prior to the from date of the period specified on the Perform Tenure Calculations page.


Displays the job action code that contributed to the service accrual for the calendar period.


Displays the amount of breaks in service.


Displays the ID of the employee whose service information was processed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Service History

Access the Service History page (Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Calculate Tenure, Create Tenure Data, Service History).

Total Time Required

Displays the total number of service years required from the Tenure Data page.

Total Time Accrued

Displays the number of years accrued toward tenure.


Displays tenure credits for prior experience from the Prior Experience/Credits page.

Time to Accrue

Displays the remaining number of years before tenure is granted.

Begin Date and End Date

Displays the beginning and ending dates of the tenure in this calculation process. You cannot change these dates if the service history for the period already exists.

Service w/o Breaks (service without breaks)

Displays the percent of FTE accrued without service breaks.

Total Service Accrued

Displays the total percentage of services accrued. This field increases incrementally when you run the calculation process.

Accum Breaks (accumulated breaks)

Displays the accumulated service breaks.


Displays the rank for the calculation group.

Calc Group (calculation group)

Displays the calculation group, such as FAC.

Gen/Adj (generated or adjustment)

If the calculation process creates the line, this field displays G (generated). If it is entered online, it displays A (adjustment).


Displays the job action, such as LOA (leave of absence), occurring within the requested period.

Reason Code

Displays the reason code associated with the action that makes it count toward accrued tenure.

Adjustment Reason

Select the reason tenure is added to the total tenure accrued. Use this field to adjust tenure accrual history records. You can add a new row or adjust an existing row. You can also modify a record generated by the system. However, running a calculation process in Delete_Rebuild History mode purges the record.


Click this button to display notes regarding the employee's tenure history.