(CAN) Working with the University and College Academic Staff System (UCASS) Survey Process

This chapter provides an overview of the Statistics Canada (StatsCan) Academic Teaching Surveys business process and discusses how to:

See Also

Track Faculty Events Reports

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the University and College Academic Staff System (UCASS) Survey Business Process

The Track Faculty Events business process provides the functionality to create the legislatively required Academic Teaching Survey reports by associating PeopleSoft HCM information with Statistics Canada codes. Before you create academic teaching surveys, you must set up some other HR tables that are described below.

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up PeopleSoft HCM Control Tables

Set up the following PeopleSoft HCM control tables with Statistics Canada fields listed after each table:

See Also

Setting Up and Installing PeopleSoft HCM

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Track Faculty Events Tables

Set up the following Track Faculty Events tables and Statistics Canada fields listed after each table:

See Also

Establishing Academic Ranks

Setting Up Administrative Posts

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the University and College Academic Staff System (UCASS) Survey Business Process

To set up the University and College Academic Staff System (UCASS) survey, use the Principal Subjects Taught CAN (HP_STATS_SUBJECTS), Faculty Code Stats CAN (HP_STATS_FACULTY), Non-Operational Fund Table CAN (HP_NON_OP_FUNDS) and Reporting Period Stats CAN (HP_REPORTING_PRD) components.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up the Canadian Teaching Surveys Business Process

Page Name

Definition Name



Principal Subjects Taught CAN


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Principal Subjects Taught CAN, Principal Subjects Taught CAN

Maintain Statistics Canada principal subjects taught codes and descriptions.

Faculty Code Stats CAN (faculty code Statistics Canada)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Faculty Code Stats CAN, Faculty Code Stats CAN

Store information regarding faculty codes. The Department Table references this table to associate a faculty with a department.

Non-Operational Fund Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Fringe Costs, Non-Operational Fund Table CAN, Non-Operational Fund Table

Identify non-operational funding sources. This table is for Ontario Universities only.

Reporting Period Stats CAN (reporting period Statistics Canada)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Reporting Period Stats CAN, Reporting Period Stats CAN

Create and maintain report period dates and parameters for the survey run controls. Update the reporting period each reporting year.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Principal Subjects Taught Codes

Access the Principal Subjects Taught CAN page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Principal Subjects Taught CAN, Principal Subjects Taught CAN).

Principal Subject Taught Code

Displays the Statistics Canada code for the principal subject taught. Use this code to identify the subjects taught by teaching members in the Canadian Academic Teaching Employment Table on the Employment Data - Employment Information page.

Note. PeopleSoft delivers the initial Statistics Canada Principal Subjects Taught codes. However, PeopleSoft does not maintain this information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Faculty Codes

Access the Faculty Code Stats CAN page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Faculty Code Stats CAN, Faculty Code Stats CAN).

Faculty Code

Displays the code for a faculty at your educational institution. Use this code to associate faculty with departments in the Department Table.

Medical/Dental Category

Select an option to associate the faculty code with a medical and dental category. The system uses the faculty code from the Department Table to determine which medical and dental category to include in the survey report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying Non-Operational Funding Sources

Access the Non-Operational Fund Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Fringe Costs, Non-Operational Fund Table CAN, Non-Operational Fund Table).

Non-Operation Fund Account

Enter an account code. The system uses the non-operational fund account and the account code on the Job Earnings Distribution page to calculate the salary source for each employee in the FT survey report (full-time survey report).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Reporting Period Dates and Parameters

Access the Reporting Period Stats CAN page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Reporting Period Stats CAN, Reporting Period Stats CAN).

For Full-Time Survey

Start Date and End Date

Enter the start date of the report period for the full-time survey.

The system calculates the end date to be one day less than a year from the start date.

HR Action/Categories

Sabbatical, Other Paid Leave, Workload Reduction, and Unpaid Leave

Select the HR categories that represent Sabbatical, Workload Reduction, Other Paid Leave, or Unpaid Leave. This determines how the system counts HR actions that fall into these categories when creating the survey.

FT Filename (full-time filename)

Enter the name of the FT survey report flat file. Do not include a file suffix.

For Part-Time Survey

Start Date and End Date

Enter the start date of the report period for the PT survey (part-time survey).

The system calculates the end date to be one day less than a year from the start date.

PT Filename (part-time filename)

Enter the name of the PT survey report flat file.

See Also

Entering Optional Employment-Related Data

Click to jump to parent topicLoading and Modifying Data in the FT Academic Teaching Member Table

This section provides an overview of the Load FT Teaching Member Data process and discuss how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Load FT Teaching Member Data Process

Before you create the FT survey report, populate the FT Academic Teaching Member Table using the Load FT Member Data process (HPH900CN.SQR). You can modify information in this table to control the results that you report to Statistics Canada.

For example, you can add and delete teaching member records, or you can modify records for more accuracy. However, you cannot delete a teaching member record if the employee has a matching record in the FT Academic Teaching Survey Table.

The Load FT Teaching Member Data process captures data for regular and temporary FT employees with a job record prior, or equal, to October 1 of the reporting year and a job record in the Statistics Canada Academic Employment Teaching Table. Employees without records in the FT Academic Teaching Member Table for the year being reported do not appear in the FT survey report.

If you rerun the Load FT Teaching Member Data process for a reporting year, you overwrite the records in the FT Academic Teaching Member Table, including records that you added, deleted, or modified manually.

Part-time employees do not have a corresponding table.

Important! The first time you use the University and College Academic Staff System (UCASS) survey business process, you must load your prior year's data into the system. The current year's report derives some information from the previous year's report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Load and Modify Data in the FT Academic Teaching Member Table

Page Name

Definition Name



Load FT Teaching Member Data (load full-time teaching member data)


Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Load Teaching Data CAN, Load FT Teaching Member Data, Load FT Teaching Member Data

Load teaching member data into the FT Academic Teaching Member Table.

Full-Time Member


Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Qualify Academic Teaching CAN, Full-Time Member, Full-Time Member

Modify teaching member records to control the survey results. When you insert a new row on this page, the default field values are from the previous reporting year (except for the Reporting Year field).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Teaching Member Data

Access the Load FT Teaching Member Data page (Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Load Teaching Data CAN, Load FT Teaching Member Data, Load FT Teaching Member Data).

Reporting Period

Displays the year of the data to load into the FT Academic Teaching Member Table.

Maintain reporting periods on the Report Period page.

Start Date and End Date

Displays the start and end dates of the employment year used to assess twelve months of employment and compensation amounts.

The system calculates the end date to be one day less than a year from the start date.

Maintain start dates on the Report Period page.

See Also

Entering Employee Job Location and Position Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Teaching Member Records

Access the Full-Time Member page (Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Qualify Academic Teaching CAN, Full-Time Member, Full-Time Member).

Note. Before using this page, set up the Load FT Teaching Member Data page.

Reporting Year

Displays the year of the data that appears in the survey. If you manually add a new teaching member record, you must enter the reporting year.

Reportable Employment Rcd Nbr (reportable employment record number)

Enter the number of the employment record for the primary FT job being reported. If you loaded the information for this teaching member using the Load FT Teaching Member Data page, this value comes from the Statistics Canada Academic Teaching Employment Table.

Canadian Resident Status

Select this check box if the employee had Canadian resident status at the time of job offer.

Visiting Faculty

Select this check box if the employee is a visiting faculty member.

Previous Employment Province

If the country of the employee's previous employment is Canada, select the province of previous employment.

Click to jump to parent topicLoading Data Into the Academic Teaching Survey Tables

This section 1 provides an overview of the Load Teaching Survey Data process, lists common elements, and discuss how to load FT survey data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Load Teaching Survey Data Process

To load data into the Academic Teaching Survey Tables, use one of the following pages in the Load Teaching Survey Data component:

You can load data for all eligible employees, or for individual employees. When you run the process for all employees, the process deletes all data from the Academic Teaching Survey Table for the reporting year and creates new survey data. When you run the process for an individual employee, the process overrides, creates, or deletes the survey for that specific employee.

The system writes process errors and missing data detected during the process to a temporary table. After the process creates all the survey records, it prints an Errors and Missing Data report.

Conditions for FT Survey Data

The Load Teaching Survey Data - FT Survey process creates a FT Academic Teaching Survey record for each employee who meets the following conditions:

Conditions for PT Survey Data

The Load Teaching Survey Data - PT Survey process creates a PT Academic Teaching Survey record for each employee who meets the following conditions:

Note. The part-time survey has not been required by Statistics Canada since 2004 however PeopleSoft retained the functionality. Recent change to data elements starting in academic year 2009/2010 were not applied to the part-time survey.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Reporting Period

Displays the year of the data to load into the FT or PT Academic Teaching Survey Tables.

Start Date and End Date

Displays the start and end dates of the employment year used to assess twelve months of employment and compensation amounts.

The system calculates the end date to be one day less than a year from the start date.

EmpID (employee identification)

Enter an employee ID to create an Academic Teaching Survey record for a specific employee.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Load Data Into the Academic Teaching Survey Tables

Page Name

Definition Name



FT Survey (full-time survey)


Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Load Teaching Data CAN, Load Teaching Survey Data, FT Survey

Load FT survey data for each FT employee who qualifies.

Before using this page, complete the Member Data Table for all FT teaching members in the survey.

PT Survey (part-time survey)


Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Load Teaching Data CAN, Load Teaching Survey Data, PT Survey

Load PT survey data for each PT employee who qualifies.

Before using this page, set up the Statistics Canada Academic Teaching Employment table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading FT Survey Data

Access the FT Survey page (Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Load Teaching Data CAN, Load Teaching Survey Data, FT Survey).

HR/Action Categories

Sabbatical, Workload Reduction, Unpaid Leave and Other Paid Leave

Displays the HR Action/Categories from the Reporting Period Stats CAN page.

Earnings Code

Displays the earnings code used to pay annual stipends, or other honoraria for administrative duties.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing and Modifying Survey Results

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Reporting Year

Maintain reporting periods on the Report Period page.

Level of Highest Degree

Displays the Statistics Canada degree level from the Professional Training page.

Maintain degree levels in the Degree Table.

Year of Highest Degree

Displays the year the employee received his or her highest degree from the Professional Training page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View and Modify Academic Teaching Survey Results

Page Name

Definition Name



FT Survey Part 1 (full-time survey part 1)


Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Qualify Academic Teaching CAN, Full-Time Surveys, FT Survey Part 1

View survey results for each FT employee.

Before using this page, set up the Load Teaching Survey Data - FT Survey page.

FT Survey Part 2 (full-time survey part 2)


Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Qualify Academic Teaching CAN, Full-Time Surveys, FT Survey Part 2

View survey results for each FT employee. You can also modify some survey information, but it is better to modify the fields at the source of the data and recreate the surveys.

PT Survey Part 1 (part-time survey part 1)


Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Qualify Academic Teaching CAN, Part-Time Surveys, PT Survey Part 1

View survey results for each PT employee.

Before using this page, set up the Load Teaching Survey Data - PT Survey page.

PT Survey Part 2 (part-time survey part 2)


Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Qualify Academic Teaching CAN, Part-Time Surveys, PT Survey Part 2

View and modify survey results for each PT employee.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing FT Survey Results (Part 1)

Access the FT Survey Part 1 page (Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Qualify Academic Teaching CAN, Full-Time Surveys, FT Survey Part 1).

Note. You can also use Profile Management to capture degree information for employees.

See PeopleSoft HR PeopleBook: Manage Profiles, Managing Profiles

FT Survey Information

Year of Appointment

Displays the first year the employee appeared in the survey report. If the employee was not reported for a year or more, this field displays the first year the employee resumed reporting.

Previous Employment Location

Displays the employee's previous employment location from the Full-Time Member page.

Reporting Institution

Displays the Statistics Canada reporting institution from the Company Table.

Previous Employment

Displays the employee's previous employment from the Full-Time Member page.

Stats-Can Dept Code (Statistics Canada department code)

Displays the Statistics Canada code associated with the department of the primary reported job from the Department Table.

Degree Earned

Year of First Degree

Displays the year the employee received his or her first degree from the Professional Training page.

Province of First Degree

Displays the province in which the employee received his or her first degree from the Professional Training page.

Province of Highest Degree

Displays the province in which the employee received his or her highest degree from the Professional Training page.

Stats-Can Citizenship Country Code (Statistics Canada citizenship country code)

Displays the Statistics Canada citizenship country code associated with the employee's country of citizenship from the Citizenship/Passport page.

Maintain country codes in the Country Table.

Immigrtn Status (immigration status)

Displays the employee's immigration status from the Membership Data page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing FT Survey Results (Part 2)

Access the FT Survey Part 2 page (Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Qualify Academic Teaching CAN, Full-Time Surveys, FT Survey Part 2).

Stats-Can Rank

Displays the Statistics Canada rank from the Academic Rank field in the Job Code table.

Stats-Can Responsibility

Displays the Statistics Canada responsibility from the duties in the Statistics Canada Academic Teaching Employment table.

Year of Appointment to Rank

Displays the first year the employee achieved the reported rank. If the employee was not reported for a year or more, this field displays the first year the employee resumed reporting.

Type of Appointment

Displays the type of appointment, based on information in the Visiting Faculty field on the Full-Time Member page and the Tenure Status field in the Tenure Data page.

Salary Earned

Actual Salary

Displays the actual salary, based on compensation and Job Earnings Distribution information from the reporting year.

The actual salary amount includes contracts, leaves, reduced workloads, and salaries for multiple jobs identified by the Collapse as FT check box in the Statistics Canada Academic Teaching Employment table. The salary does not include administrative stipends or salary increases effective after October 1 of the reporting year.

The system uses decimal months to calculate actual salary, which may result in skewed figures. You can modify this field.

Annual Salary

Displays the actual salary. If the employee has not had a reduced workload and has been working for the entire 12 months of the reporting year, the Annual Salary is the same as the actual salary. The salary does not include administrative stipends or salary increases effective after October 1 of the reporting year.

Salary Status

Displays the salary status from the Full-Time Member page.

Administrative Stipends

Displays the amount paid for stipends and honoraria for administrative duties for the reporting year, based on job earnings distribution records.

The system uses decimal months to calculate administrative stipends, which may result in skewed figures. You can modify this field.

Ontario Final Rate of Salary

Displays the final rate of salary for Ontario-based institutions, based on the annual salary and administrative stipends.

Ontario Salary Source

Displays the salary source for Ontario-based institutions, based on the job earnings distribution amounts distributed to non-operational funding accounts, excluding administrative stipend amounts.

Percentage of Load Reduction

Displays the percentage by which an employee's workload has been reduced, based on the Std Hrs (standard hours) in the Job Data and the Job Code components.

The system calculates this value as follows:

Months Not On Leave, Months On Sabbatical, Months On Other Paid Leave, and Months On Unpaid Leave

Displays the number of months the employee was on this type of leave during the reporting year, based on the Action/Reason field in the Job Data component and the HR Action/Categories on the Reporting Period Stats CAN page.

See Also

Entering Optional Employment-Related Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing PT Survey Results (Part 1)

Access the PT Survey Part 1 page (Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Qualify Academic Teaching CAN, Part-Time Surveys, PT Survey Part 1).

Bargaining Agent

This check box is selected if the employee is a bargaining agent.

Number of Appointments To Be Reported

Displays the total number of PT positions the employee held in the last year. The survey report includes details of only the five positions with longest duration.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing PT Survey Results (Part 2)

Access the PT Survey Part 2 page (Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Qualify Academic Teaching CAN, Part-Time Surveys, PT Survey Part 2).

Work Duration Start Date

If the job compensation frequency is contract, this field displays the contract effective date from the Contract Data page.

If the job is not contract, this field displays the hire date from the Job Data Table (or the rehire date if the same employment record is used for successive appointments).

End Date

If the job compensation frequency is contract, this field displays the contract end date from the Contract Data page.

If the job is not contract, this field displays the employment termination date or the appointment end date from the Job Data component.

Appointment Status

Displays the employee's appointment status from the Job Data component. Values include:

1: Full-time appointment working less than 12 months in the reporting period.

2: Part-time appointment.

3: Overload appointment of less than 12 months where the employee appeared in the FT survey report for the same reporting year as the PT survey report.

Type of Appointment

Displays the type of appointment, based on the tenure status on the Tenure Data page and the duties in the Statistics Canada Academic Teaching Employment table.

Principal Subject

Displays the principal subject taught by the employee from the Statistics Canada Academic Teaching Employment table. This is the Principal Subject taught as of the appointment end date.

Salary Paid

Displays the salary paid, based on the compensation and Job Earnings Distribution information from the reporting year. The salary paid amount includes contracts, leaves, and reduced workloads.

The system uses decimal months to calculate salary paid, which may result in skewed figures. You can modify this field.

Stats Can Teaching Load

Displays the employee's Statistics Canada teaching load from the Statistics Canada Academic Teaching Employment table.

Full-Time Teaching Equivalent

Displays the employee's FT teaching equivalent from the Statistics Canada Academic Teaching Employment table.

See Also

Entering Optional Employment-Related Data

Click to jump to parent topicCreating the Survey Report Flat Files

This section lists common elements and pages used to create the survey report flat files.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Reporting Period

Displays the year of the data to load into the FT or PT survey report flat files.

Maintain reporting periods on the Report Period page.

Start Date

Displays the start and end dates of the employment year used to assess twelve months of employment and compensation amounts.

The system calculates the end date to be one day less than a year from the start date.

Maintain start dates on the Report Period page.

Output File Name

Displays the name of the survey report flat file from the Report Period page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create the Survey Report Flat Files

Page Name

Definition Name



FT Report File (full-time report file)


Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Load Teaching Data CAN, Create Survey Stats CAN, FT Report File

Create the FT survey report flat file.

PT Report File (part-time report file)


Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Load Teaching Data CAN, Create Survey Stats CAN, PT Report File

Create the PT survey report flat file.

Click to jump to parent topicVerifying Survey Results with Statistics Canada

After you submit your FT and PT survey report flat files to Statistics Canada, you receive a summary report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Verify Survey Results

Page Name

Definition Name



FT Survey Stats CAN Rpt (full-time survey Statistics Canada report)


Workforce Development, Faculty Events, Load Teaching Data CAN, FT Survey Stats CAN Rpt, FT Survey Stats CAN Rpt

Use the FT Survey Stats CAN Rpt page to compare your results with Statistics Canada's summary.