Maximizing Position Data

This chapter provides an overview of maximizing your position data, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Maximize Position Data

The information you use to maintain and track positions can help in organizational planning, budgeting, recruitment, and career planning. With the Manage Positions business process, you can choose to manage budget information at various levels within a department. You can set up reporting relationships to create an organizational hierarchy. You can enter data on proposed, approved, or frozen positions. You can enter requested and approved budget amounts, and even enter year-to-date adjustments to approved budgets. To help in organizational planning, you can view reporting relationships among positions. And finally, to help plan your organization's future, you can see position, incumbent, and budgeting data from the past and present.

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements

Actual Head Count

Displays the actual number of employees assigned to this position.

Job Code

Displays the job code associated with the position and a short description of the job code.


Displays the location this position is associated with as of the effective date.

Max Head Count (maximum head count)

Displays the maximum head count defined for this position.


Displays the position number and title of the position.

Rate Code Group

Displays a rate code group for this rate code.

Reports To

Displays the number and title of the position this position reports to as of that effective date.

Default Without Override

Indicates that the system directly set the compensation rate on the rate code.

Calculated By

Indicates whether the compensation rate for this rate code is directly set on the rate code or is system-generated using a rate matrix. A value of None indicates the rate is directly set on the rate code. A value of Rate Matrix indicates that the compensation rate is system-generated by a matrix.

The Matrix Definition page, located on the Setup HRMS, Common Definitions, Configurable Matrices, Define Matrices component, displays the name of the matrix, if applicable.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Departmental Budgets

When you structure the system by position, you can create budgets that include partial year estimates for positions, such as mid-year retirements, and you can accurately track budgeted and approved head counts and salaries within departments. Your budgets can be for any time period that you designate, such as fiscal years or calendar years, or quarters.

You set up budgets on a department-by-department basis. You don't have to create budgets for every department in your organization. Select the departments for which you find the budgeting feature the most effective.

You can establish budgets at several levels: by department, job code, or position. Examples in this section show budgeting at the position level, because it provides the most detail and takes full advantage of the budgeting pages. However, you can use this page for budgeting by job code or by department.

To create a departmental budget by position, you must set the budget level to Position Number in the Department Table.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Departmental Budgets

Page Name

Definition Name



Update Dept Budget Data


Organizational Development, Position Management, Maintain Positions/Budgets, Update Dept Budget Data, Update Dept Budget Data

Establish department, job code, or position budgets.

Position Budget Detail


Click the Department Position Details link on the Update Dept Budget Data page.

View details about the department.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Department, Job Code, or Position Budgets

Access the Update Dept Budget Data page (Organizational Development, Position Management, Maintain Positions/Budgets, Update Dept Budget Data, Update Dept Budget Data).

Department Position Details

Click this link to access the Department Position Details page, which displays information about the department.

Budget Periods

Budget End Date

Enter the date the budget ends.

Budget Level

Displays the budget level that you specified on the Department Table.

Total Budget FTE (total budget of full time equivalents)

Displays the total number of FTE budgeted for all positions in this department.

Budget Salaries

Displays the total budget salaries for all positions in this department.

Click to calculate and display budget figures in alternate currencies.

Budget Data

Budget Status

Select the budget status.

Values include:

Approved: The system copies the Requested figures to the Approved field and this becomes available for data entry so that you can enter the actual amounts, if different.

Frozen: Only the Requested field remains available for you to enter data.

Proposed: This is the default value. Selecting this causes the Approved and YTD Adjustments fields to be unavailable for entry.

Date Last Change

Every time you modify information in this page, the system updates this field with the system date.


Enter the requested Head Count, FTE, Amount, Currency code, and Date for the budget. If you select Approved in the Budget Status field, these fields are unavailable for entry.

Note. Select a currency code if you're using a currency for this departmental budget that's different from the base currency specified in the Installation Table.


Enter the approved Head Count, FTE, Amount, Currency code, and approval Date, if different from the values that appear by default from the Requested line.

YTD Adjustments (year-to-date adjustments)

Enter any adjustments made to the Head Count, FTE, Amount, Currency code, and approval Date values after the budget was approved.

Current Budget

The system calculates the Head Count, FTE, and Amount totals using the values in the Approved field, plus or minus the adjustments entered in the YTD Adjustments.

Note. After you've entered and saved a departmental budget, the system displays the total salaries and total budgeted FTEs. The total salary amounts appear in the currency specified in the Primary Permission List Preferences Table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Details About a Budget of a Department

Access the Position Budget Detail page (click the Department Position Details link on the Update Dept Budget Data page).

Total Position Count

Displays the total number of approved budgeted positions.

Approved Head Count

Displays the total maximum headcount of all the approved, budgeted positions.

Total Incumbent Count

Displays the number of employees currently holding positions in this department.

Total Actual FTE

Displays the FTE total of this department.

Total Annual Salaries

Displays the sum of all annualized salaries in this department converted to the user's preferred currency as defined on the Primary Permission List Preferences page.

See Also

Setting Up and Installing PeopleSoft HCM

Defining Fiscal Year Budgets

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Budget Summary Information

When you're planning next year's budget, you can retrieve information from previous planning sessions. However, you may want a more condensed view of the information than what you can get from the individual pages. You need summaries of what is happening (or has happened) with positions or departmental budgets. Human Resources offers you some quick ways to review this data. You can access pages containing prior and current budget data to help prepare for the next round of budgeting.

When you maintain a departmental budget at the position level, use the Position Budget Status summary to see any differences between budgeted and actual figures for departments. If there is more than one incumbent, you can scroll through their compensation-related data. The summary displays all the figures while the budget period is still open.

When you budget for a department at the department or job code level, you see only actual figures displayed on the page.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Budget Summary Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Budget Status


Organizational Development, Position Management, Review Position/Budget Info, Budget Status, Budget Status

View a summary of budgeted and actual figures for departments.

Salary Components


Click the Components link on the Budget Status page.

Review detailed salary information about the position incumbents at the position entry date and the position end dates.

Rate Code


Click the Details link on the Controls tab of the Salary Components page.

Display component rate code information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Summary of Budgeted and Actual Figures for Departments

Access the Budget Status page (Organizational Development, Position Management, Review Position/Budget Info, Budget Status, Budget Status).

Current Budget

Total Budget FTE

Displays the total budgeted FTE for this position. This information is specified on the Position Data - Specific Data page.

Total Budget Amount

Displays the total salary amount for the incumbents assigned to this position.

Current Budget Head Count

Displays the current budgeted head count for this position. Head count budgets are defined on the Update Dept Budget Data page.

Current Budget FTE

Displays the current budgeted FTEs for this position. FTE budgets are defined on the Update Dept Budget Data page.

Current Budget Amount

Displays the current budgeted salary amount for incumbents assigned to this position.

Head Count Variance

Displays the difference between the Actual Head Count and the Current Budget Head Count values.

FTE Variance

Displays the difference between the Total Budget FTE and the Current Budget FTE values.

Amount Variance

Displays the difference between the Total Budget Amount and the Current Budget Amount values.

Note. Salaries appear in the currency that you designated when creating the budget. If the currency differs from the base currency specified in the Installation Table, a converted amount appears at the top of the screen. If the actual figures are over budget, the variances are positive numbers. If the actual figures are under budget, they appear as negative amounts. And if the actual and budget amounts match, no figure appears in the variance fields.

Current Incumbents

This group box contains information on the current incumbent, or incumbents. If more than one incumbent is assigned to this position (when the position has job-sharing), you can scroll through the data. Incumbent data is stored on the Job Data component.


Click to view the Salary Components page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Detailed Salary Information

Access the Salary Components page (click the Components link on the Budget Status page).

Note. Select the tabs to view additional information.

Common Page Information

Compensation Rate

Displays the position incumbent's compensation rate.

Compensation Frequency

Displays the position incumbent's compensation frequency.

Amounts Tab

Select the Amounts tab.

Rate Code

Displays a rate code. Rate codes are IDs for pay components. The system displays any compensation information associated with this rate code in the compensation grid.

Seq (sequence)

Displays a number indicating multiple use of the same rate code if it is used more than once.

Comp Rate (compensation rate) and Currency

Displays the position incumbent's annual compensation rate and type of currency.


Displays the frequency over which the payee is paid the compensation rate.


Displays the salary points associated with this rate code, if any.


If the rate type for this rate code is Percent, the system displays the percent to be applied to the job compensation rate or to a rate code group if you're using rate code groups.

Controls Tab

Select the Controls tab.

Manually Updated

Indicates that the rate for this rate code was manually updated on the Job compensation record.


This link shows the rate code definition.

Changes Tab

Select the Changes tab.

Change Amount

Displays the overall change amount in this pay component rate.

Change Points

Displays the overall change amount (in points) for this pay component. This field is visible only if Salary Points is selected on the Installation Table page.

Change Percent

Displays the overall change amount for this pay component. This field isn't applicable to rate codes that have a rate code type of Percent or Points.

Conversion Tab

Select the Conversion tab.

Converted Comp Rate (converted compensation rate)

Displays the converted compensation rate for this pay component. The system converts all base pay components to the currency and compensation frequency that you specify.

Apply FTE (apply full time equivalents)

The value associated with the rate code is multiplied by the FTE factor for annualization and deannualization. FTE is the percent of full time the employee should normally work in the corresponding job. This field isn't applicable for rate codes of type Percent.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDisplaying Comp Rate Code Information

Access the Rate Code page (click the Details link on the Controls tab of the Salary Components page).

Base Pay

Indicates if this compensation rate code is included in the job compensation rate calculation.

Use Highest Rate

Indicates if payroll should use the highest rate of pay for this compensation rate code.

Rate Code Type

Displays one of the following compensation rate types:

Flat Amount: Identifies a flat (or fixed) amount.

Hourly Rate + Flat Amount: Identifies a flat amount additionally paid per hour. This type can't be a base pay component.

Hourly Rate: Identifies an hourly rate of pay.

Percent: Identifies a percentage assignment for this rate code.

Points: Identifies salary points paid for a job. The point's monetary value is set up on the Company Table.

Rate Code Class

Displays the rate code class associated with this compensation rate code.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing and Reporting on Vacant Budgeted Position Information

This information about vacant budgeted positions can help you plan recruitment activities and costs. This section discusses how to view department vacant position information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run Reports on Vacant Budgeted Positions

Page Name

Definition Name



Vacant Budgeted Positions


Organizational Development, Position Management, Review Position/Budget Info, Vacant Budgeted Positions

View position information about the positions currently vacant in a department and the attendant position information.

Vacant Position - Run Control


Organizational Development, Position Management, Position Reports, Vacant Position, Run Control

Run the Vacant Position report (POS007) that lists all currently vacant, budgeted positions in your organization. (Crystal)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Department Vacant Position Information

Access the Vacant Budgeted Positions page (Organizational Development, Position Management, Review Position/Budget Info, Vacant Budgeted Positions).

Note. Select the tabs to view additional information.

Common Page Information

Total Vacant Positions

Displays the total number of vacancies in the department.

Position Information Tab

Position Status (position status)

Displays the status (for example Approved or Frozen) of any vacant, budgeted position.

Full/Part Time (full-time or part-time)

Displays if the vacant position is Full-Time or Part-Time.

Regular/Temporary (regular or temporary)

Displays if the vacant position is Regular or Temporary.

Job Information Tab

This tab displays job code, position, job function, salary administration plan, and salary grade.

Work Location Tab

This tab displays the position code as well as descriptions of work locations.

See Also

Manage Positions Reports

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Position Summary Information

When reviewing your organizational structure, you can retrieve information from prior planning sessions. But if you want a more high-level view of the information than what you can get from the individual pages you need summaries of what is happening (or has happened) with positions and incumbents.

Human Resources provides some quick ways to review this data. Manage Positions provides display-only pages and reports of current and historical position data.

Use the Position Summary component to get an overview of a position's current and historical data. You can see a list of all actions, such as department moves or title changes, which have occurred.

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Element Used in This Section

Show Components

Select to have the report display compensation component information for each incumbent.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View and Run Reports of Position Summary Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Position Summary


Organizational Development, Position Management, Review Position/Budget Info, Position Summary, Position Summary

View general current and historical information about a position.

Position History


Organizational Development, Position Management, Review Position/Budget Info, Position History, Position History

View information on incumbents currently and previously assigned to a position.

Position History - Current Position Data


Click the Current Position Data link on the Position History page.

View current position details.

Position History - Salary Components


Click the Components link on the Position History page.

View detailed salary information about the position incumbents at the position entry date or the position end dates.

Position Status or Active Position History


Organizational Development, Position Management, Position Reports, Position Status, Position Status

Organizational Development, Position Management, Position Reports, Active Position History, Active Position History

Use this page to run these reports:

  • Position Status report (POS001). This report inventories the types of positions in your organization, and lists all filled and vacant positions.

  • Active Position History report (POS004). This report lists all current and historical data related to a position, for all active positions in the organization.

Active/Inactive Positions


Organizational Development, Position Management, Position Reports, Active/Inactive Positions, Active/Inactive Positions

Run the Active/Inactive Positions report (POS002). This report lists the current position-related data for active positions, inactive positions, or both, depending on which report you select to run. (Crystal)

Active/Inactive Positions USF


Organizational Development, Position Management, Position Reports, Active/Inactive Positions USF, Active/Inactive Positions USF

Run the Active/Inactive Positions USF report (FGHR025). This report lists the current position-related data for active positions, inactive positions, or both, depending on which report you select to run. (Crystal)

Incumbent History


Organizational Development, Position Management, Position Reports, Incumbent History, Incumbent History

Run the Incumbent History report (POS003). This report lists, by position, all current and former incumbents in the organization, beginning with the current incumbent for each position and going back in time. Prints entry and exit dates for each incumbent, and starting and ending salaries. (SQR)

Incumbent History USF or Active Position History USF


Organizational Development, Position Management, Position Reports, Incumbent History USF, Incumbent History USF

Organizational Development, Position Management, Position Reports, Active Position History USF, Active Position History USF

Use this page to run these reports:

  • Incumbent History USF report (FGHR026). This report lists, by position, all current and former incumbents in the organization, beginning with the current incumbent for each position and going back in time. Prints entry and exit dates for each incumbent, and starting and ending salaries.

  • Active Position History USF report (FGHR027). This report lists all current and historical data related to a position, for all active positions in the organization.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing General Current and Historical Information About a Position

Access the Position Summary page (Organizational Development, Position Management, Review Position/Budget Info, Position Summary, Position Summary).

Note. Multiple views of this page are available by selecting the tabs in the scroll area.

General Tab

Action Reason

Displays the action and reason for changes to the position as of that effective date.

Status Date

Displays the date the position first had that status. For example, if a position has a status of Active at its most recent position change, effective 01/04/1998 and the position's status was last changed to Active 01/01/2005, the status date for the position change effective 01/04/1998 is 01/01/2005.


Indicates if the position is budgeted (Y ) fpr Yes or (N for No).

Work Location Tab

Reports To

Displays the number and title of the position this position reports to as of that effective date.

Job Code

Displays the job code this position is assigned to as of that effective date.

Payroll Information Tab

Reg/Temp (regular or temporary)

Displays if the position is regular or temporary as of the effective date.

Full/Part (full-time or part-time)

Displays if the position is Full-Time or Part-Time as of the effective date.

Standard Hours

Displays the position's standard hours as of the effective date.

Work Period

Displays the position's standard work period as of the effective date. The standard work period is the time period in which employees must complete the standard hours. Valid values are stored on the Frequency Table.


Displays the shift information as of the effective date, if applicable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Position History

Access the Position History page (Organizational Development, Position Management, Review Position/Budget Info, Position History, Position History).

Displays incumbent salary information, which you can use for budgeting and to anticipate the approximate salary a new incumbent will receive. By examining the exit reasons, you can find ways to reduce incumbent turnover in a position.

Current Position Data

Click to access the Current Position Data page.

Position Entry Date andPosition End Date

Displays the date the employee was assigned to the position and exited the position.

Compensation Rate

Displays the compensation amount, currency, and frequency associated with the position at the incumbent's position entry and end dates.


Click to access the Salary Components page. You can view the salary components information associated with the position at the incumbent's position begin and end dates. Click the Components link that is didplayed in either the Position Entry Date or Position End Date rows.

Sal Plan (salary plan), Grade, and Step

Displays the salary plan, salary grade, and salary step at the incumbent's position entry and end dates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Current Position Information

Access the Position History - Current Position Data page (click the Current Position Data link on the Position History page).

Salary Plan

Displays the position's salary plan.

Current Head Count

Displays the current headcount assigned to this position.

Headcount Status

Displays the headcount status for this position.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Salary Components Information

The Salary Components page that you access from the Position History page is identical to the Salary Components page that you access from the Budget Status page.

See Also

Reviewing Detailed Salary Information

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Your Organizational Structure

With the Manage Positions business process, you can create reporting relationships among positions, showing how they look in hierarchical form. Use this information, either through a report or online, for organizational planning.

Human Resources provides two ways to view positions in hierarchical form:

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Position Hierarchies

You can establish hierarchical information for your entire organization in the Position Data pages by establishing reporting relationships among positions. Assign positions to one another directly, indirectly, or both, where applicable.

Here's how to set up position hierarchies:

  1. Open the Position Data - Description page (Organizational Development, Position Management, Maintain Positions/Budgets, Add/Update Position Info).

  2. Establish direct and or indirect (dotted-line) reporting relationships.

    1. To establish direct reporting relationships, enter the supervisor's position number in the Reports To field on the Position Data, Description page for each position that you create.

    2. To establish indirect reporting relationships, select a position number in the Dot-Line field on the Position Data - Description page.

  3. Save your changes.

Once you enter all the reporting relationships among positions, run the Build Position Structure SQR (POS006A), which links the positions in the system and creates an organizational hierarchy.

Establishing Direct Reporting Relationships

This data links positions to one another, and establishes reporting relationships among positions. Viewing position hierarchies are especially useful for budgeting and organizational planning.

Note. When Position Management is set to Partial in the Installation Table and the Reports to Position and the Supervisor ID fields contain values in Position Data, both fields appear in Job Data until you enter a value in one or the other.

Currently, if you save a position without selecting a position number in the Reports To Posn field, the system issues a warning message. You don't have to enter a position number after you acknowledge the message. But if you want to require this field for all positions, change the warning message to an error message. The system won't allow you to save the data without an entry in this field.

Establishing Indirect Reporting Relationships

You can enter this data for employees who officially report to one position, while on a functional basis they also work for another position.

For example, Joe Conrad, a computer technician, officially reports to the Plant Manager in Milwaukee, but functionally he works for the Computer Services Manager in the head office. Enter the Computer Services Manager position number in the Dot-Line field to reflect this situation.

Establishing Reporting Hierarchies by Creating a Top Position

To establish reporting hierarchies, you must create a top position that reports to itself.

To establish a top position:

  1. Add the top position.

  2. Save the top position.

  3. Reopen the top position and enter the top position number in the Reports To field on the Position Data - Description page.

  4. Save the top position again.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Position Hierarchies in PeopleSoft Tree Manager

If you want to represent a portion of your organizational structure graphically, create position hierarchies in PeopleSoft Tree Manager. It enables you to view all the positions in hierarchical order at the levels that you designate, such as the top five levels of management. This is useful for what-if scenarios in organizational planning. For planning at the department level, create a position tree with only the positions in a particular department.

Note. Review the PeopleSoft Tree Manager documentation for a full, detailed discussion about PeopleSoft Tree Manager before you attempt to modify or create Position Trees.

This section discusses using PeopleSoft Tree Manager to define and maintain Position Trees in Human Resources but is not an exhaustive discussion about the use of PeopleSoft Tree Manager.

Within PeopleSoft Tree Manager you can also view incumbent and position data in the context of the department or other part of the organization you're viewing. To do so, click a position number to display the Position Data pages.

Note. PeopleSoft recommends that you use the Tree Manager for position trees only if your company is small or, if your organization is large, you plan to only represent a few levels of management. You can also create separate position trees that incorporate small portions of your organization. Otherwise, generate the report, POS006, to manage and view your reporting hierarchies.

Building Position Trees

How to create a new position tree is described in the PeopleSoft Tree Manager documentation. Enter the following data in the Tree Definition and Properties page to create a position tree:



Tree Name

Enter a name to help you identify this tree.

Structure ID

Select Position. PeopleSoft delivers the system with this Structure ID set up.


Enter a description of the tree.

Effective Date

Enter the date the tree becomes effective.


Select the status of the tree.


Select the category of the tree.

Use of Levels

Select Strictly Enforced if your levels consist of only one type of entity. For example, only Regions report to the Company level, and only Divisions report to Regions.

Select Loosely Enforced if the entities combine different types of entities. For example, both Regions and Divisions report to the Company level.

Select Not Used if your security structure is very flat and you don't need to set up groupings of units in levels.

All Detail Values in this Tree

Leave this blank.

Allow Duplicate Detail Values

Leave this blank.

Inserting Nodes

Once you've created the basic tree structure, add the nodes. In a position tree, each node represents a position, defined on the Position Data table. The first node is known as the root node, and is the highest level in the hierarchy or reporting structure.

See Also

PeopleTools 8.52: Tree Manager PeopleBook

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Organizational Structure Reports

Once you enter all the reporting relationships among positions, run the Build Position Structure SQR to link the positions in the system and create an organizational hierarchy. Run this utility at the following times:

You can generate a report listing the relationships in an indented organizational chart format, the Indented Position report.

This section discusses how to run the Organizational Structure Report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run the Organizational Structure Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Build Position Structure


Organizational Development, Position Management, Create Organization Structure, Build Position Structure, Build Position Structure

Run the Build Position Structure SQR (POS006A). This SQR links the positions in the system and creates the reporting hierarchy represented in the Indented Position Report.

Create Organizational Report


Organizational Development, Position Management, Create Organization Structure, Create Organizational Report, Create Organizational Report

Run the Organizational report (POS006) which provides a visual representation of reporting relationships among positions by level, if any, in the organization. (SQR)

Always run this after running Build Position Structure.

See Also

PeopleSoft HCM Reports: Selected Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Organizational Report

Access the Create Organizational Report page (Organizational Development, Position Management, Create Organization Structure, Create Organizational Report, Parameters).

Rpt Lvl (report level)

Enter the highest report level you want reported on. For example, if you have 10 report levels and you only want to report on the bottom 5, enter 5 in the Rpt Lvl field.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Manage Positions nVision Reports

Filled/Approved Positions By Department is an nVision report that supports the Manage Positions business process in your Human Resources system. Use this report to review and analyze the number of approved, filled, and budgeted positions in the Departments within a Business Unit.

Note. This report doesn't apply to PeopleSoft HRMS for Education and Government users.

Viewing Status Information for Approved Head Count in a Department

Cells in the Approved Head Count and Budgeted Positions columns on Sheet 1 of this report all go to this same page. Use this page to review and analyze detailed status information for individual Approved Head Count within a Department.

Viewing Status Information for Actual Headcount in a Department

Cells in the Actual Head Count column on Sheet 1 of this report all go to this same page. Use this page to review and analyze detailed status information for individual Actual Headcount within a Department.

See Also

PeopleTools 8.52: PS/nVision PeopleBook