(USF) Performing Regulatory Processing and Reporting

This chapter provides an overview of regulatory requirements for U.S. federal agencies and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Regulatory Requirements for U.S. Federal Agencies

The PeopleSoft system provides these U.S. federal agency regulatory reports and submissions:

See Also

(USA) Meeting Regulatory Requirements for the United States

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Control Tables for Regulatory Reports

To set up the control tables to meet U.S. federal regulatory requirements, use the CPDF Fields USF (GVT_CPDF_FIELDS) and Regulatory Edits USF (GVT_CPDF_EDIT) components.

Set up information in the following tables to meet U.S. federal regulatory requirements.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Control Tables for Regulatory Reports

Page Name

Definition Name





Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Monitoring, Regulatory Requirements, CPDF Fields USF, CPDF Fields USF

Verify or add fields for CPDF processing. Complete the CPDF Fields USF page for every data element required in your agency's CPDF submissions.

Prefixes and Fields


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Monitoring, Regulatory Requirements, Regulatory Edits USF, Prefixes and Fields

Specify the CPDF edit prefix, category and ID, and fields used in the edit. The three-digit edit prefix identifies the data element subject to the edit.



Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Monitoring, Regulatory Requirements, Regulatory Edits USF, Edits

Specify the edit content.

OPM CPDF Maint Details Page (Office of Personnel Management CPDF Maintenance Details)


Click the OPM Update Maintenance Details link on the Edits page.

Use to track Office of Personnel Management (OPM) update maintenance details and history.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Regulatory Fields

Access the CPDF Fields USF page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Monitoring, Regulatory Requirements, CPDF Fields USF, CPDF Fields USF).

Field Number

Each CPDF field is assigned a field number. The OPM specifies most of the field numbers, however, there are occasions where formatting information is included in the table for fields not specified by the OPM. These special fields are assigned decreasing numbers starting with 999 (for example., 999, 998, 997, and so forth) while the OPM-specified fields are assigned increasing numbers starting with 1.

Field Name

Enter the field name that corresponds to the field number as it is referenced in the CPDF programs.

Field Type

Define the field type. Values are Char (character), Date, and Number. This field is for informational purposes only at this time.

Field Length

Enter the length of the field as it needs to be reported the OPM. The system uses this field to verify the length of the formatted data before writing to the Dynamics and Status working tables.

Status Start Position

This field is reserved for future use.

Dynamic Start Position

This field is reserved for future use.

Default Field Value (File)

Enter the value that you want this field to contain in the case of NULL data during flat file generation.

Default Field Value (Table)

Enter the value that you want this field to contain in the case of NULL data during Dynamics and Status working table creation.

Pad Field

Enter the type of field padding. Options are Left, Right, or No Padding. If you select Left or Right, provide a pad character.

Pad Character

If a field is to be padded, enter the character used for padding. For example, you might use 0 to left pad a numeric field.

Truncate Field?

Specify whether a field should be truncated by selecting Yes or No. Data will be truncated if the content exceeds the field length.

Edit Mask

Provide an edit mask for field formatting the CPDF tables. CPDF programs support all the standard edit masks available in Structured Query Reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Regulatory Edit Prefixes and Fields

Access the Prefixes and Fields page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Monitoring, Regulatory Requirements, Regulatory Edits USF, Prefixes and Fields).

Edit Category

Enter a two-digit edit category to identify the data element edit. This number corresponds to the OPM designated value.

Edit ID

Select Status, Dynamic, Status and Dynamic, or Pine.The edit ID identifies the file to which this edit applies. The edit ID identifies the regulatory reporting source to which this edit applies (for example., OPM or NFC). These edits, including those with the status of PINE, will be run against on-line PAR (personnel action request) data when the Validate Edits process is initiated on the Data Control (GVT_JOB0) page.

Enter additional combinations of edit category and edit ID for this edit prefix by using the arrows in the Edit Information group box to scroll among combinations.

See Creating a New Employment Instance.

Field Number

Enter the number of the corresponding field affected by this edit.

When you move out of the field, the system populates the Field Length field and Default Field Value field with the values that you entered in the CPDF Fields page. Enter additional fields for this edit by using the arrows in the Error Default Overrides group box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Edit Content

Access the Edits page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Monitoring, Regulatory Requirements, Regulatory Edits USF, Edits).

Note. Not all page elements are visible on this page. See additional elements by scrolling horizontally.

The Edit Prefix, Description, Edit Category, and Edit ID appear by default from the Prefixes & Fields page. Use the arrows in the Edit Information group box to view edits with the same prefix.

Sub-edit Number

Enter a sub-edit number. Most edits have one sub-edit number: 1. For complicated edits with multiple or nested If/Then statements, insert rows with higher sub-edit numbers. Keep the same effective date for multiple sub-edits.

Create an edit by concatenating If and Then statements. Scroll among If and Then statements using the arrows in the Status group box. Compose the body of the If/Then statement in the CPDF Relational Edit grid area.


Add data rows and use the middle scroll arrow, the Effective Date field, and the Status field to maintain edit history data for information that changes over time. For example, to inactivate the edit based on OPM updates, insert an effective-dated row with a status of Inactive.

Error Message Definition

Click this link to create or customize an error message for this edit.

Comparison Value Legend

Click this link to view the legend of special characters used in the Compare Value fields.

CPDF Relational Edit

If/Then Code and Seq Nbr (sequence number)

Select either If or Then, and assign a sequence number for each separate condition to be edited. The If statements have sequence numbers 1, 2, and 3,; the reciprocal Then statements have sequence numbers 1 and 2. The pieces are connected by or.. For this example, the equation reads "If 1 or 2 or 3, then 1 or 2."

Left Field Number

Select a field number for comparison from the list of valid values. You enter field numbers in the CPDF Fields page.

Comparison Code

Select from the list of translate values: Between, Equal to, Greater Than or Equal To, Greater Than, Less Than or Equal To, Less Than, or Not Equal.

Compared To, Compare Value 1, Compare Value 2, and Right Field Number

Select what the left field number is compared to: Field, Table, or Value. Depending on what you select, the system makes either the Right Field Number or Compare Value 1 and Compare Value 2 fields available for you to enter the appropriate values. Values may be alphanumeric.

To indicate an unspecified numeric value, enter #. You only need to enter a value in the Compare Value 2 field if the comparison code is Between.

For example, consider CPDF Edit 700.12.3. If pay plan is VN, then step or rate must be between 0 and 28 or asterisks.

This table shows how to set up Edit 560.02.2. If Nature of Action Code is 741, then Prior Pay Rate Determinant must be A, B, E, F, M, U, V, or asterisks.

If/Then Code

Seq Nbr

Left Field Number

Comparison Code

Compared to

Compare Value 1

Compare Value 2



56 Nature of Action Code

Equal to






71 Prior Pay Rate Determinant







71 Prior Pay Rate Determinant







71 Prior Pay Rate Determinant

Equal to






71 Prior Pay Rate Determinant







71 Prior Pay Rate Determinant

Equal to




Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Edit Details

Access the OPM CPDF Maint Details page (click the OPM Update Maintenance Details link on the Edits page).

Update/Change Number

Indicates the changes received from the CPDF Edit Manual Updates. For example, if you want to change 8 to CPDF Edit Manual Update 13, then enter it as 13.08.

PeopleSoft Edit Location

Specify where this edit is enforced. Options are:

  • COBOL: the edit is enforced in the COBOL program.

  • Dynamic: the edit is enforced in the Dynamics SQR.

  • PeopleCode: the edit is enforced by PeopleCode.

  • Prompt Tbl(Prompt Table): the edit is enforced by a prompt table.

  • Shared Pgm (Shared Program): the edit is enforced by the FGHR019S.SQR program.

  • Status: the edit is enforced in the Status SQR.

  • Table Edit: the edit is enforced on this page.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing CPDF Files

This section provides an overview of CPDF reporting requirements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding CPDF Reporting Requirements

Most agencies in the executive branch of the U.S. federal government—and selected agencies in the legislative branch—participate in the CPDF. CPDF edits provide the OPM with the means to standardize federal government personnel data, monitor quality of data provided by federal government agencies, and produce a series of government-wide reports.

Because you must comply with government requirements when filing CPDF reports, PeopleSoft HR Management contains reports with appropriate information in the standard federal reporting format.

The edit submissions are:

When executing the CPDF error processing, the system uses the CPDF edit processing rules as mandated by the OPM. Then, in the CPDF edit processing, it identifies the fields and records that don't meet the OPM's quality standards.

Note. For administering CPDF edits, understanding how they apply to your agency, and running the related reports, this discussion assumes that you are familiar with the Federal Workforce Reporting Systems Operating Manual and have a working knowledge of the CPDF edits and processes.

See Also

Creating a New Employment Instance

U.S. Federal Government, Federal Workforce Reporting Systems Operating Manual

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process CPDF Files

Page Name

Definition Name



Edit Validation


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Processing USF, Edit Validation, Edit Validation

Generate a table of the CPDF edit errors found in the CPDF Status and Dynamic tables.

Error Report


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Processing USF, Error Report, Error Report

Run the Error report (FGHR019B). This report lists the CPDF errors identified by the CPDF Validation process.

Dynamic Table


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Processing USF, Dynamic Table, Dynamic Table

Generate the Dynamics working table containing employee information. This is eventually used to create the Dynamics submission flat file.

Dynamic/Status File


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Processing USF, Dynamic/Status File, Dynamic/Status File

Generate the Dynamic file, Status file, or both, or the Status file for submission to the OPM.

Organizational Component File


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Processing USF, Organizational Component File, Organizational Component File

Report on codes, titles, and hierarchical relationships for organizations within an agency as of the end of the reporting period.

Status Table


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Processing USF, Status Table, Status Table

Generate the Status working table containing employee information. This is eventually used to create the Status submission flat file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Additional CPDF Reporting Controls

Before you begin to run the CPDF reporting process, you will need to ensure that certain codes are correctly defined so that they are included with your submissions. This table describes the data and where you enter it in the system.



Indicate if earnings are reported to the CPDF.

Earnings Table 1

Indicate the CPDF earnings type to identify retention allowance, supervisory differential, or staffing differential code types.

Earnings Table 1

Indicate whether the subagency should report its employees to the CPDF.

Sub-Agency Table

Indicate whether or not the personnel action should be reported to the CPDF.

Nature of Action (NOA) Code Table

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProducing the CPDF Files

To produce the CPDF files:

  1. Generate the CPDF Dynamics table (monthly) or generate the CPDF Status table (quarterly).

  2. Perform CPDF edit validation processing.

  3. Produce the CPDF Error report.

    Review and clean up the data errors identified in the error report. Repeat the processes in steps 1 through 3 until the data satisfactorily meets your organizational reporting standards.

  4. Generate the CPDF Dynamics/Status flat file.

  5. Generate the CPDF Organizational Component Translation submission.

Note. Processing CPDF edits deletes existing data in the CPDF Error table before adding new records. If you need to save existing CPDF Error table data, back up the table before running this process.

See Also

(USF) Meet Regulatory Requirements Reports for the US Federal Government

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing the CPDF Edits

Access the Edit Validation page (Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Processing USF, Edit Validation, Edit Validation).

Validate CPDF Data

Select Validate CPDF Status Data or Validate CPDF Dynamic Data to create the respective files.


Click this button to process CPDF edits.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating the CPDF Edit Errors Report

Access the Error Report page (Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Processing USF, Error Report, Error Report).

Note. After running the Edit Errors process, the working file contents can be viewed online using the Query Manager.

See Viewing CPDF Processing Results Using the Query Manager.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing the Dynamics Table

Access the Dynamic Table page (Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Processing USF, Dynamic Table, Dynamic Table).

Generating the CPDF Dynamics table enables you to run the CPDF Edits process against the table and generate the CPDF Dynamics submission. You must generate the CPDF Dynamics table in order to continue processing the CPDF Dynamics edits.

Note. The process deletes any existing data in the CPDF Dynamics table before adding any new records. To save existing CPDF Dynamics table data, you must back up the table before running this process.

After running the Edit Errors process, the working file contents can be viewed online using the Query Manager.

See Viewing CPDF Processing Results Using the Query Manager.

As Of Date

Select to define the transactions selected by the CPDF Dynamics Table process. The process selects all transactions with an effective date two years before and six months after the as of date.

Start Date

Enter the starting date when the program should select personnel actions that were last worked on or modified. This field is based on the tracking date from the personnel action.

End Date

Enter the ending date when the program should select personnel actions that were last worked on or modified. This field is based on the tracking date from the personnel action.

Work-in-Progress Status

Select any work-in-progress status for reporting on the CPDF Dynamics table. For a CPDF submission, select PRO (Processed by HR.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing the Status Table

Access the Status Table page (Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Processing USF, Status Table, Status Table).

You must first generate the Status Table in order to perform the CPDF status edits processing. Generation of the CPDF Status table enables you to run the CPDF edits process against the table and create the CPDF status submission.

Note. This process deletes existing data in the CPDF Status table before adding new records. If the organization needs to retain and save existing CPDF Status table data, you must back up the table before running this process.

After running the Edit Errors process, the working file contents can be viewed online using the Query Manager.

See Viewing CPDF Processing Results Using the Query Manager.

As Of Date

Select to restrict your selection to those employees active on that date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating the Dynamic/Status Flat File Submissions

Access the Dynamic/Status File page (Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Processing USF, Dynamic/Status File, Dynamic/Status File).

The CPDF Dynamics/Status File Generation process builds the CPDF status and dynamic submissions. The process generates these flat files from the CPDF Status table and CPDF Dynamics table, respectively. If the process finds that field defaults are necessary, it uses the CPDF field default table to supply the values.

You must have already entered agency parameters before using this page.

CPDF Dynamic File and CPDF Status File

Select one or both of these fields to generate the correct submission file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating CPDF Edits

When you receive CPDF Edit Manual Updates from the OPM, you must maintain the edits in your system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing the CPDF Organizational Component Translations File Submission

Access the Organizational Component File page (Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Processing USF, Organizational Component File, Organizational Component File ).

The CPDF OCT consists of codes, titles, and hierarchical relationships for organizations within an agency as of the end of the reporting period. The OCT is reported twice a year, in March and September, and must match the organizational component codes used in the employee records in status submissions for the agency.

You must have already set up agency and language parameters before using this page.

As Of Date

Select so that the file contains organizational components that are effective for a given date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing CPDF Processing Results Using the Query Manager

The PeopleSoft system provides three query definitions designed to display online results of certain CPDF processes. The following predefined queries can be access through the Query Manager:

Query Name




Federal CPDF Dynamics

Use to view the content of the Dynamics process run.


Federal CPDF Error List

Use to view error results after running the CPDF edit validation process.


Federal CPDF Status Table

Use to view results after running the CPDF Status program.

See Also

PeopleTools 8.52: Query PeopleBook

Click to jump to parent topicSubmitting Parent Locator Information

Government agencies are required by law to send a biweekly and quarterly file containing data on new hires to the Federal Parent Locator Service, a part of the Social Security Administration. The Federal Parent Locator Service uses the data to track and enforce child support payments.

To submit parent locator information:

  1. Create an interface file using the New Hire Reporting run control page.

  2. Send the file to the Social Security Administration.

    You will receive the file back from the Social Security Administration.

  3. Process the file received from the Social Security Administration using the New Hire Error Reporting run control page.

    The report created by this process lists errors that were sent previously so that they can be corrected for the next time you send the file.

At any point in the process, you can use the New Hire Reporting Stats page to view statistics about the new hire data exports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View New Hire Data Export Statistics

Page Name

Definition Name



Review New Hire Stats USF


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Review New Hire Stats USF, Review New Hire Stats USF

Display statistical information about new hire data exports generated by the New Hire Reporting report.

See Also

Setting Up Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) Reporting

Meet Regulatory Requirements Reports

Click to jump to parent topicRunning EEO Reports

This section discusses how to run the EEO reports that are for U.S. federal government users only.

See Also

Setting Up EEO Reporting Requirements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run EEO Reports

Page Name

Definition Name





Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, EEO Reports, EEO Groups by PATCOB/POI USF, EEO Groups by PATCOB/POI USF

Run the EEO Groups by PATCOB/POI USF report (FGHR012A), which details the distribution of EEO groups and comparison by PATCOB and POI.

EEO Grps by PATCOB/SubAgcy USF


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, EEO Reports, EEO Grps by PATCOB/SubAgcy USF, EEO Grps by PATCOB/SubAgcy USF

Run the EEO Grps by PATCOB/SubAgcy USF report (FGHR012B) to see the distribution of EEO groups and comparison by PATCOB and sub-agency.

EEO Groups by Series/POI USF


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, EEO Reports, EEO Groups by Series/POI USF, EEO Groups by Series/POI USF

Run the EEO Groups by Series/POI report (FGHR014A). This report details the distribution of EEO groups and comparison by occupation and POI.

EEO Grps by Series/SubAgcy USF


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, EEO Reports, EEO Grps by Series/SubAgcy USF, EEO Grps by Series/SubAgcy USF

Run the EEO Grps by Series/SubAgcy USF report (FGHR014B), which details the distribution of EEO groups and comparison by series and sub-agency.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning VETS Reports

This section discusses how to run the VETS reports that are for U.S. federal government users only.

See Also

Meeting VETS-100 Reporting Requirements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run VETS Reports

Page Name

Definition Name





Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, VETS-100 Reports, VETS-100 by POI USF, VETS-100 by POI USF

Run the VETS-100 by POI report (FGHR013B), which generates a veterans employment report by POI.

VETS-100 by Sub Agency USF


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, VETS-100 Reports, VETS-100 by SubAgency USF

Run the VETS-100 by SubAgency USF report (FGHR013A), which generates a veterans employment report by sub-agency.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Monthly Report of Federal Civilian Employment (SF113-A) and Full-time Equivalent/Work-Year Civilian Employment (SF113-G) Reports

This section discusses how to run the SF113–G report.

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Page Name

Definition Name





Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Reports, SF113-A USF, SF113-A USF

Run the SF113-A USF report (FGSF113A), which generates a monthly report of federal civilian employment.



Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Reports, SF113-G USF, SF113-G USF

Run the SF113-G USF (FGSF113G), which generates a monthly report of full-time equivalent and work-year civilian employment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the SF113-G USF

Access the SF113-G USF page (Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Reports, SF113-G USF, SF113-G USF).

SF-113G Authorized Ceiling

If you enter a value here, it is included in the Ceiling column of the report. This field is optional but recommended if you want to report an employee on the SF-113G report.

See Also

(USF) Meet Regulatory Requirements Reports for the US Federal Government